[其他] 翻译维基百科全书中的“Brian Kinney”词条~~


Brian Kinney is a fictional character from the American Showtime television series Queer As Folk, a drama about the lives of a group of gay men and women living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[1] The character was portrayed by American actor Gale Harold during the show's five year run. Brian is based on the character Stuart Alan Jones of Russell T Davies' original British series of the same name.[2] Handsome and masculine, Brian is a successful advertising executive who owns a lavish Pittsburgh loft and leads a glamorous and self-indulgent lifestyle. He is portrayed as sexually promiscuous,[3] narcissistic,[4] arrogant,[5] amoral,[2] and emotionally absent,[2] and completely rejects heteronormative social mores, within which he includes love and relationships.[6] Despite these characteristics, Brian is worshipped by the gay men of the fictional Liberty Avenue and serves as the show's antihero.[4] Brian's romantic relationship with young artist Justin Taylor is central to the character's development throughout the series, as well as his relationship with best friend Michael Novotny.

Brian Kinney是来自于美国Showtime电视台的剧集Queer As Folk中的一个虚构人物,这部电视剧讲述了一群生活在宾州匹兹堡市的男女同志的故事。在这一剧集上演的五年中,Brian这一角色一直由美国男演员Gale Harold扮演。Brian这一角色是基于Russell T Davies原创的英文同名剧集中Stuart Alan Jones一角而创造的。Brian英俊而富有阳刚之气,他是一个成功的广告业高管,在匹兹堡拥有一间奢华的阁楼,追求一种充满刺激并且自我放纵的生活方式。他被刻画为一个滥交、自恋、傲慢、缺乏道德观念并且感情冷漠的人物,他完全拒绝接受异性恋式的规范的社会道德,包括爱情和伴侣关系。尽管具有以上特征,Brian仍然受到所虚构的自由大道上的男同志们的崇拜,在剧中充当着一个非传统意义上的英雄角色。Brian与年轻的艺术家Justin Taylor之间的爱情故事以及他与最好的朋友Michael Novotny之间的关系是整个剧情发展的核心。

Critical opinion on the character differs. He has been described as "the ultimate gay hero," but has also stirred up much controversy within the LGBT community due to what many gay viewers saw as perpetuation of "negative stereotypes about gay men." In November 2007, Brian was voted the 'Most Popular Gay Television Character' of all time by AfterEllen's sister site, AfterElton.[5][7]

这一角色可谓毁誉参半。他被称为“同志的终极英雄”,但同时也在同性恋、双性恋及跨性别群体中引起很大争议,因为这一角色被许多同志观众视为 “对男同志的负面刻板印象”的固化。2007年11月,Brian被AfterEllen的兄弟网站AfterElton评为“史上最受欢迎的同志电视角色”。


Brian, throughout the series, "redefines promiscuity" and can usually be found in the back room of the popular gay club Babylon. Brian's biggest fear is to lose his youth and beauty. His best friend, Michael, often tells him: "You will always be young, and you will always be beautiful. You're Brian Kinney, for fuck's sake!" Lindsay, a sister-like figure to Brian, sometimes fondly calls him 'Peter', in reference to Peter Pan, the boy who never grows old; He calls her 'Wendy' in return. Brian came from a broken home with an abusive alcoholic father and an overly-devout mother, and as a result he developed a cold personality, and he fears becoming "a shitty father" to his son. In one episode, Emmett Honeycutt's elderly boyfriend George Shickle describes Brian as "the love child of James Dean and Ayn Rand."
在整部剧集中,Brian“重新定义了滥交”,人们经常可以在最受欢迎的gay吧巴比伦的密室中找到他。Brian最大的恐惧就是失去他的青春和美貌。他最好的朋友Michael常常告诉他“你会永远年轻,永远美丽。你他妈的是Brian Kinney!” Lindsay对于Brian来说是一个犹如姐妹的人物形象,有时她怜爱地称他为“Peter”,这一称呼来自于彼得潘,一个永不变老的男孩;他则称她为“Wendy”。Brian来自一个破碎的家庭,爸爸酗酒,妈妈是一个过于虔诚的教徒,因此他养成了一种冷酷的性格,并且害怕成为一个“糟糕的父亲”。有一集里,Emmett Honeycutt的年长男友George Shickle戏称他为“James Dean和Ayn Rand的私生子。”

Despite Brian's seemingly uncaring and amoral nature, he is shown as loving his friends and will often make great sacrifices for them, even though he won't admit it. He plans a wedding for Lindsay and Melanie after theirs falls apart, and gives up his parental rights to his young son Gus, so that Melanie and Lindsay will reunite in the first season. He pushes Michael away, so that he will go back to his boyfriend. He helps his young lover Justin recover after a bashing at his senior prom, which Brian attended to please Justin. He gives up his job and money to beat the anti-gay, candidate for mayor, Jim Stockwell, and is willing to give up his loft and nightclub to be with Justin in the final episodes.
尽管Brian看上去是一个冷漠而缺乏道德观念的人,但是他很爱他的朋友们,并且经常为他们做出巨大的牺牲,尽管他从不承认这些。在第一季里,他为濒临崩溃的Lindsay和Melanie筹备婚礼,并且放弃了对年幼儿子Gus的抚养权,以使Melanie和Lindsay得以重归于好。他与Michael保持距离,以使得Michael回到他男朋友身边。Brian为了取悦他的年轻恋人Justin而出席了Justin的毕业舞会,Justin不幸在舞会上遭受棒击,他帮助他走出阴影。他为了打击反同性恋的市长候选人Jim Stockwell而放弃他的工作和金钱,并且在最后一集中,他甘愿放弃他的阁楼和夜店生活而与Justin生活在一起。


In the pilot, Brian Kinney takes 17-year-old Justin Taylor home after spotting him on a street corner outside of the gay nightclub Babylon. He proceeds to take Justin home and take his virginity. In the same episode, his son, Gus, is born to a lesbian couple - Lindsey and Melanie. Because of the simultaneousness of these two pivotal events, Brian often associates Gus with Justin, referring to both as "sonny boy." During the first season, his relationship with Justin is unclear. Brian hates the idea of couples but breaks his own rules for Justin, unable to resist the pull he feels towards him. He takes care of him in different ways: letting him move into his loft after Justin's kicked out of his parents' home, going after him to NYC after he runs away, advising him on school situations -- thus over and over, disproving his own verbal declarations of not wanting him around through his actions.
After witnessing Justin's prom bashing, Brian is traumatized. No one - except Jennifer Taylor - knows that Brian stands secret vigil outside Justin's hospital room every night for weeks. Upon Justin's release from the hospital, Jennifer Taylor bars Brian from seeing Justin but later asks him to 'take' her son, because Brian is the only one he trusts. During the second season, Brian helps Justin recover, both physically and emotionally. Justin confronts Brian by asking if the reason he is still living with Brian is because he feels guilty. Brian says that guilt was the reason he took Justin in, but its not the reason he wants him to stay. To restrict Brian's promiscuity and protect himself, Justin sets some rules. Justin later breaks the rules with the more romantic Ethan, and Brian tells Justin to decide who he wants to be with. Brian is hurt when Justin leaves him to be with Ethan, but will not admit it. Despite his outwardly-detached nature, Brian's loneliness is evident in the beginning of the third season.
During the third season, Brian's success as an advertising executive comes into opposition with his beliefs when he is asked to head up a conservative, anti-gay mayoral candidate's campaign. Though he is initially instrumental in the candidate's rise, he eventually, with Justin, destabilizes the campaign, using his own money to pay for ads. Because of this, Brian loses his job. However, in the fourth season, he founds his own company, Kinnetik. He battles testicular cancer, especially tough because of his narcissism. After beating cancer and completing a bike ride from Toronto to Pittsburgh, Brian reevaluates his life, deciding to take a more active role in his son's life and asking Justin to move back in.
In the fifth season, Justin moves out, frustrated at Brian's inability to form a committed relationship. After a bomb goes off at Babylon, which Brian owns by this season, Brian admits his love for Justin and mends his relationship with his best friend, Michael. Brian proposes to Justin but later tells Justin that he should go to New York to pursue a promising art career. They spend one last night, knowing that even though they are separating, they still love each other. Brian shows Justin that he has kept the wedding rings as a symbol of hope that they will have the chance to be together again. The series ends with Michael and Brian dancing in the ruins of Babylon which transforms to show it restored as they dance with all their friends, except Justin.


Sexually irresistible, beautifully turned out, and highly successful, Brian has nonetheless been an extremely controversial character in the LGBT community. Some people feel that he represents the community poorly, embodying a promiscuity and an inability to grow up that are negative stereotypes among the larger community. This conflict is represented within the series as Brian's ongoing antagonism with Pittsburgh's Gay and Lesbian Center. Others regard Brian as the most moral character on the show, and one of the most morally uncompromising characters on television.

Heterosexual women and lesbians have often embraced the character more than gay men. Brian's admirers tend to see him as a larger than life icon. The scholar and critic Camille Paglia, reviewing the premiere episode on the website Salon.com, said she enjoyed the show "principally because of the glamorous performance by Gale Harold of cruel-as-ice Brian, who looks like Donatello's David all grown up."
异性恋的女性和女同志通常比男同志更乐于接受这一角色。Brian的仰慕者们通常将他视为一个英雄般的偶像。学者兼评论家Camille Paglia在Salon.com网站上浏览了第一集,她说她很享受这部剧集,“主要是因为Gale Harold出色的演绎出一个冷酷如冰的Brian,他看起来就像是大卫雕像的成人版。”

Brian has also been singled out for praise from a liberationist point of view by Paul Robinson, the Richard W. Lyman Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University. In his book "Queer Wars" (University of Chicago Press, 2005), Professor Robinson writes of the character at length, describing him as "someone who has completely liberated himself from the repressive conventions of heterosexuality and whose utter contempt for straight society makes him the ultimate gay hero."
斯坦福大学的人文学科教授Paul Robinson还从解放主义者的角度赞美Brian。在他的《同志战争》(芝加哥大学出版社,2005年)一书中,Robinson教授详细记述了这一角色,并称他“完全摆脱了异性恋的压抑的社会风俗,他对直人社会的全然蔑视使他成为同志的终极英雄。”

Readers of the internet site AfterElton.com voted Brian Kinney in 2007 "The Most Popular Gay Character of All Time."[8]
2007年,AfterElton.com网站的读者将Brian Kinney评为“史上最受欢迎的同志电视角色”。

In popular culture and other media

Brian's popularity was such that the famous "Brian bracelet" - a simple woven bracelet with cowrie shells which became identified with the character - emerged as a totem in the gay community. One of the contestants on the gay dating reality series Boy Meets Boy was seen wearing one.
Brian是如此的广受欢迎,以致于著名的“Brian手链”(一个用贝壳编织的简单手链,被视为Brian的标志)已经在同志群体中成为一种图腾。同志约会的真人秀节目《Boy Meets Boy》的参赛选手之一就戴着这样的手链。

虽然本人最爱的是Brian, 不过本来也想翻译一下其他角色的,结果发现对其他角色的介绍都很简单,只是在叙述剧情,于是略去不翻。






楼主那把RANDY HARRISON的也找出来翻译下啦


{:3_233:} 楼主是个可爱的孩子...爱生活,爱大叔!



謝謝翻譯~我很喜歡Peter & Wendy~






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{:3_293:}这个 是如果体现的 还真没怎么看出






啊真的好仔细啊0 0








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