为什么GLAAD不喜欢queer as folk

GLAAD stands for The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (gay & lesbian 反诽同盟)
The GLAAD Media Awards honor gay/lesbian achievements in various fields of media work. Besides film and television also achievements in theatre, music, print media and advertising are recognized.

GLAAD Media Awards  
Year  Result    Award   Category/Recipient(s)
2006  Nominated GLAAD Media Award Outstanding Drama Series
2005  Nominated GLAAD Media Award Outstanding Drama Series
2004  Nominated GLAAD Media Award Outstanding Drama Series
2003  Nominated GLAAD Media Award Outstanding Drama Series
2002  Nominated GLAAD Media Award Outstanding Drama Series

GLAAD算是一个相当权威的对同性恋媒体工作者的奖项,比较主流,连Desperate Housewives的演员都当过颁奖嘉宾。很多国外的FANS对于GLAAD对QAF的轻视都很气愤。


A couple of things you need to know about GLAAD. First of all, they're whores for corporate donations, and that will always influence their actions. Second of all, the org is dominated by lesbians, and not fun ones. They never really cottoned to Queer as Folk, as their lesbian director admitted in an interview. Some gays and lesbians basically belong to the Junior Anti-Sex League, and there's not a damned thing anybody can do about it. They've abandoned liberation politics in favor of assimilationism, and you'd better get with the program, marry, adopt crack babies, dress conservatively, and if possible say "God" a lot. When QAF was on, they gave their Outstanding Drama award to Six Feet Under -- and even to "Playmakers" on ESPN, with its one little gay subplot (the "co-worker coming out" plot we've all seen for decades; the first one I saw was on Medical Center). Playmakers, which the NFL hated, was pulled after that season and never seen again. Then there's the scandal of their "Favorite Out Image" award, to be chosen by online voting. The winner and runner up for the favorite gay characters in movies or on TV were (1.) Justin Taylor and (2.) Brian Kinney. That's not who they gave the award to, however. I archived the following:

Presumably to one of the less angry emailers to GLAAD, this has been sent, with the instruction to post it online and generally pass the word. This is a new tack for GLAAD in the dissemination of its publicity, since its website, glaad.org, contains links to press releases going back several years. In this case, however, a formal press release was apparently thought undesirable.

Thank you for your recent e-mail concerning GLAAD's Favorite Out Image of 2003 award.

For several months, visitors to glaad.org were asked to cast their vote for their favorite "out" celebrity or character in film or television. The response was phenomenal and tens of thousands of votes were cast. Justin Taylor from Queer as Folk received the most votes, with Brian Kinney coming in second.

How odd! Only a couple of days ago, we were told that Eden Reigel of All My Children was voted the winner by participants in the online poll:

With the help of founding sponsor ABSOLUT VODKA, GLAAD promoted an online polling campaign in which fans voted for their favorite gay character or openly gay personality from the world of entertainment. The winner -- Bianca from "All My Children" -- was selected from voters in over 20 countries. Actress Eden Reigel, who plays Bianca Montgomery, accepted the award.

The impression is not merely that Ms. Reigel “won” but that she won through an international outpouring of support (I’m happy that GLAAD has so much international support, and I hope they raise a lot of money in Ecuador for their media outreach program in Zanzibar).

When voting ended, GLAAD notified Showtime Networks of the honor, and requested that Randy Harrison or Gale Harrold be available to receive the award at our Los Angeles ceremony.

Was Gale to have accepted for Randy, who won, or did they just not care which one they gave it to? Another example of their careful regard for the actual voting.

Because they were unavailable, GLAAD moved the presentation of the award to our New York ceremony, in order to have an additional few weeks to schedule their on-stage acceptance.

Wasn’t that nice! Especially since very little courtesy had been extended to Showtime, Queer as Folk, or the Queer as Folk actors going in. Here’s what their press release said when the poll was announced:

Among those listed on the Favorite Out Image ballot are openly gay celebrities such as the Fab Five from "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy," Ellen DeGeneres, Melissa Etheridge and Isaac Mizrahi, as well as LGBT characters from film and television such as Will Truman and Jack McFarland from "Will & Grace," Bianca Montgomery from "All My Children," and Keith Charles and David Fisher from "Six Feet Under." Voters will also have the opportunity to write-in their favorite celebrity or character from the last year.

I’m so happy that, although the only dramatic series about gay men slipped their minds, they managed to mention both the gay characters from Six Feet Under, and didn’t even forget Isaac Mizrahi (now that would have been a crime).

As the date for the ceremony approached, GLAAD was notified that neither would be available. GLAAD made every effort to accommodate the two actors.

Why, I wonder, was it necessary to change the venue to New York City, where Randy Harrison does live, but is not currently working, and where Gale Harold does not live at all, and where neither has regular work? Both actors are on hiatus from shooting in Toronto, and both have appeared at various Showtime-organized events throughout the country in recent weeks (none of which, by the way, seem to have conflicted with GLAAD’s ceremony). At the height of a very expensive promotional campaign for the show, apparently Showtime and the actors eschewed having the show’s horn blown by an independent organization on behalf of thousands of fans in a ceremony to be publicized at GLAAD’s own expense. On the other hand, the change in venue was an extremely fortunate coincidence for Ms. Reigel, whose show is filmed in New York City with no hiatus whatsoever, all year around. The surely accidental circumstance that this change accommodated her needs so well was no doubt appreciated by her and by ABC. Have you noticed, by the way, the neat way in which GLAAD has now contrived to blame Showtime, and the two actors who actually won, for the fact that they are empty-handed? Not only couldn’t they come, we are told, but they cancelled as the date approached!

Because the character with the most votes was unable to accept the award on stage, GLAAD selected the person with the next highest number of votes -- Eden Reigel (Bianca Montgomery) from ABC's All My Children -- and happily presented her with the Out Image award. One of the key goals in creating this award was to ask the actor or openly gay person who received it to speak to the impact that his or her work has had on the community. Ms. Reigel was exceptionally eloquent in her speech at the New York Media Awards, discussing Bianca's journey into the homes of millions of Americans.

Are you, like me, surprised that your vote for Randy or Gale or Isaac Mizrahi or whoever was now supposedly subject to the availability of the celebrity to attend a particular ceremony? This was ostensibly an award destined for somebody who has made their image available all year, to the extent that thousands of fans were sufficiently familiar with it to vote for him or her. “Speaking” through their work wasn’t enough for the nominees, they had to be available to give just one more impactful speech for an audience in just one venue in just one city. Is it not odd also that Ms. Reigel’s remarks, so “eloquent” according to GLAAD, have been posted by GLAAD nowhere? But then of course, neither has this email been put in the form of a press release, according to GLAAD’s usual practice, and released, either.

GLAAD did not overlook the votes cast for Queer as Folk's Justin Taylor and Brian Kinney, nor was the content of the show or performance of the two taken into consideration in this decision.

Not overlooked, simply disregarded (and never mentioned in any publicity). The tally has still not been released, please note. And it’s good that the content of the show or performance was not “taken into consideration” because it wasn’t GLAAD’s business – once the nominees were posted – to notice it or overlook it or take it into consideration at all. From that point, it became the business of the voters, and their business only. But GLAAD certainly chose not to take into consideration the fact that these two actors – only these two – collectively garnered a full 45 percent of the vote, to Bianca’s (Eden Reigel’s) 4 percent. Even if one believes that Reigel was a last minute substitution (and I hope I’ve made it clear that I do not), it’s an incredible slap to the winning network and winning actor and the thousands of people who voted for them that Eden Reigel got to grab an award and make an “eloquent” speech just because she has no other gig, and isn’t in the same demand.

Queer as Folk has presented important issues affecting the gay and lesbian community in a groundbreaking fashion, ........

Why is GLAAD just now noticing this, and why is it only noticing it in a private email that the recipient is urged to pass around? In the publicity for the award, in the photographic images on glaad.org, where are the pictures of these groundbreaking actors or the recognition of their groundbreaking show. It lost GLAAD’s Best Dramatic Series award in L.A. to Playmakers (did they make sure that somebody from Playmakers would be available and threaten to snatch the show’s award away if they were not?). Playmakers’ plot arc about a closeted pro football player was welcome and notable, but it was groundbreaking only for Playmakers, not for television. And Playmakers is a cable program offering plenty of sugar to its male audience to coat the bitter pill of one gay character.

.... and we look forward to the new season slated to begin this weekend.

Look forward to it why? Does GLAAD plan to become interested in QAF again, after a two year lapse into insulting and ignoring it, with the start of the fourth season? Or is this simply a little bribe to Showtime and the QAF fans to keep quiet? If so, it isn’t much of a bribe, since it’s only intended for that select group of people who haunt Yahoo clubs and fan sites connected with Showtime programming and the groundbreaking show that can never do anything right, even this year, as far as GLAAD is concerned. Have you noticed that they can’t even spell Gale Harold’s name?

Sent by way of Matt Lum, GLAAD Digital Content Manager. Please feel free to post this response and forward it along.

Hey, no problem.

Even when GLAAD bade farewell to QAF, they combineed it with a farewell to Six Feet Under, implying that both shows were of equal significance to the gay community. For reasons I won't go into here, I don't think Six Feet Under was any great gift to gays, but in any case, it would never have been greenlighted without QAF's success. It languished in development hell until QAF opened to great numbers and proved that gay content wasn't necessarily a turn-off to straight women. But Six Feet Under was very judgmental towards "promiscuous" gay men, and very invested in ordinary-looking gay guys getting together and acting married, so GLAAD was willing to approve.
关于GLAAD,你要知道,首先他们是靠一些企业捐款维持的奖项(原作者说他们是WHORE,真不客气),所以在他们决定谁得奖时总会受到金钱因素的影响;其次,这个组织是被拉拉资助的,而且都是些不知娱乐的拉拉。他们的拉拉导演在一次采访中也承认,他们从来没有真正欣赏QAF。在GLAAD中的一些GAY和LESBIAN是“青年反性行为团队”的成员,所以你根本没办法阻止他们对QAF的排斥。他们为了被主流接受(同化)放弃了他们的本身可以拥有的自由政策,他们觉得你最好结婚,领养孩子,穿着保守,而且尽可能多说“GOD”。当QAF上映后,他们却把杰出剧情奖给了“SIX FEET UNDER”,甚至还给了ESPN的“PLAYMAKERS”,而这部片子仅仅将GAY作为次要情节(这种情节屡见不鲜了,在“职员出柜”和“急救中心”里的老把戏)。PLAYMAKERS,由于在NFL(应该是电视台)不受欢迎,因此还被腰斩掉,再没拍摄新的季度。后来又出现关于“最喜爱的银幕形象”奖的丑闻,这个奖项是在网上被选出来的。网上支持率最高的最喜爱的电视剧中的GAY角色是1,JUSTIN TAYLOR;2,BRIAN KINNEY。但他们并没有把奖给他们,我整理了以下资料。
    (作者整理的资料我就不翻了,就是GLAAD网站对QAF FANS寄去表明愤慨的EMAIL的回复邮件,都是一些GLAAD的BULLSHIT,他们说什么GALE和RANDY不能去领奖,所以把奖给了排名第三的EDEN REIGEL,很多FANS对他们虚伪的说辞进行了反驳。)
   在为QAF的举行告别仪式的时候,GLAAD也把SIX FEET UNDER的告别式也并在一起举行,暗示两部戏对GAY COMMUNITY同等重要。我根本不这么认为,我不认为SIX FEET UNDER对GAY们有什么有利的影响,而且不管怎么说,都是QAF的成功给它开了绿灯。在QAF证明GAY题材的片子对直女不无吸引力之前,SIX FEET UNDER的收视一片惨淡。但是SFU的剧情表现出对于滥交的GAY很不耻,而对普通的GAY约会和结婚很感兴趣,这些都是GLAAD很称道的。

P S后来我看了一下有关SIX FEET UNDER的介绍,那个片子其实也很不错,只是很多QAF FANS认为情节没有QAF那样贴近GAY的生活,所以QAF更值得GLAAD奖。

[ 本帖最后由 vivi熊 于 2006-5-25 15:01 编辑 ]

fk the Glaad award...we still support qaf...there's always unfair in our life...






原帖由 苏伊塞特 于 2006-5-25 15:33 发表

我从来都坚信什么越难看就越能得奖- -








劇情給了 "SIX FEET UNDER" 真的是叫人很不能諒解


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Q 是无冕之王








QAF是我们心中的NO 1










不论是Brian&Justin还是Randy&Gale都不会give a shit的~^^








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