加东时间晚上11点08分,showcase电视台播出的QAF最后一集落下帷幕,就此QAF时代在加拿大荧屏上正式结束五年的历程。no saying goodbye,no anymore shows,no weeping no embrace……
Justin说he should just pack his bags and grab the next Grey Hound.,而我的灰狗车票就躺在红色的钱包里,虽然明早要赶6点钟的BUS去downtown奔赴我的旅程,但仍然睡意全无,我不想就这样平静的跟queer as folk说再见。
Brian: When is your flight?
Justin: 10..
I think I've finally found a place to stay. Daphne has a friend in the East Village 。Finding a work space is gonna be difficult. Apparently everything costs a fortune.
Brian: Well, you'll manage. You always do.
Justin: I'll be back and you will come there. We are gonna see each other all the time.
Brian: You don't know that. Neither do I. Whether we see each other next weekend, or next month...(inhale)...never again. Doesn't matter. It's only time.
linz: you'll be alright?
Brian: without you crazy lesbians?
linz:I meant justin
Brian: he's a selfish prick.. ,thinks of only himself.
linz: you taught him well.
除此之外,513是我很喜欢的kelly执导的,这个追求完美的女人,让每个小细节,让这个结局尽量不留任何遗憾。我很喜欢TED在蜡烛生日蛋糕的熊熊火焰前说的话,“even if that special person never gets a long. I'll be just fine." 也许人生就是如此,当你每次祈祷,每次祈祷,祈祷一千次仍然迎接失望的时候,在放弃那一刻,反而梦想会主动来叩门。
Brian再次用popper来迷幻自己,在这个michael口中“no ending, is begging”的末尾,看着他独舞在一个人的舞台,闭着双眼,双手在空气中舞动,突然觉得很绝望,哀莫大于心死,我不知道他,那一刻,我真的很悲哀。
我突然想起brokeback mountain 里的那首歌 i don't want to say goodbye,死党说,bj只要心在一起,形式是不重要的,我同意。因为如果有下一季,justin一定会回到brian 身边,这是显而易见的,虽然对于结局有些遗憾,可是一想到这两个人彼此相爱,it doesn't matter,because love will string them together forever