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  WANK的定义:Self-aggrandizing posturing. Fannish absurdities. Circular ego-stroking. Endless flamewars. Pseudointellectual definitions.

Fandom Wank中的WANKER在干什么:Fandom brings the wank, we bring the funny.




The Puppetry Was Relentless ( napoleon) wrote in  fandom_wank,
@ 2005-07-26 07:08:00

Current mood:       wanky, duh
Current music:       Jacknife Lee - Want

Doing what CowLip wants, doing what they want us to do ... [QaF wank].

Picked this up off a mouse in wank report and decided to post it, as there hasn't been a QaF wank in awhile. It's like Harry Potter shipwank, only all gay, all the time.

Warning for spoilers, in case you're one of the five people who hasn't seen the screeners, downloaded the episodes, or had the random crazyguy on the street shout out the ending to you. Because, seriously, even the homeless know what happens to Brian and Justin now.

babyse is a QaF fan who had the (mis)fortune of doing some business with one of the show's creators, Dan Lipman. At the end of the transaction, she asked him, as many of us will no doubt ask the divine creator upon reaching the afterlife, "Dude, WTF?" Dan responded, and as the author of the post asked viewers not to copy it, you're going to have to click the link. Yes, I know, it's horrible.

babyse strikes a note with bitter shippers everywhere when she says It’s upsetting to think that after 5 years that we’ve all had invested in this story, that this is the attitude of Dan and Ron. Basically – we don’t care about the fans, it’s our story, so Nah Nah Nah. If this sounds familiar, it's probably because it's the same thing the failed H/Hr shippers have been saying for the past few weeks, though, admittedly, babyse is politer. And there are fewer death threats.

And now, the comments!

charleyryan has a strangely prophetic and frankly hilarious icon, and also gives the QaF fandom its new motto: Mocking the show with icons has became more fun than watching the show. It starts to heat up when polykleitos dares not to be all that upset with the ending. sassym fires back, annoyed at being called a shipper and then provides some details of her life for reasons I can't quite understand, but that's okay, because other peoples' blind indignation is funny. She also claims to feel "betrayed and abused" by the series. westlego calls polykleitos a "marysunshine" and claims that the Marys are outnumbered by the sassys of the world. Watch DVD sales plummet! (Hey, isn't that the same threat the H/Hrs just made...?) westleyo keeps digging that grave, claiming that CowLip hate fans of the show and are just fucking with the fans. sunsanderavish points out that -- shock! -- it's not all about you, honey, and what you want. There's a comparison to George Bush by burnitbackwards regarding the "you're with us or against us" tone of the post. susanderavish scores another point with me when she points out that Randy Harrison is a real dick in interviews, so where's the contempt for him? (If you haven't seen Harrison's classic interview in The Advocate here, go now.)

Other bits include a discussion of artistic vision, charmingly bitter comparison of GWTW's ending to QaF's (spoiled only by the "die Michael" part at the beginning), and another reading of the GWTW/QaF comparison (Ashley!Brian). Then the mood gets spoiled with some Brian/Michael shipper bashing. There's a defence of CowLip, and then, later, an accusation that CowLip broke up Brian and Justin just to give the audience the middle finger. sassym and her eighteen year old son return to tell us that she's been gaybashed by two men who don't like woman. (I don't know what part of that sentence to correct first.) killerspork33 tells all the BlowJob shippers to grow up. And it just keeps going all through the comments.

The whole series nods off in two weeks, so enjoy the wank while it lasts.
Time To Say Goodbye.

什么啊?  没看懂






忘了解释:H/Hr指的是HP Fandom里面的 Harry Potter/Hermione Granger,HP6——HBP出了之后Harry/Hermione与Harry/Ginny两个shipper的Fans就开始了无休止的战争,虽然也司空见惯了吧,JKR也是一个辛苦的女人,只不过她钱赚的更多,名气大得可怕。
Time To Say Goodbye.


老实说,这个“好事之徒”的水平实在低得很,他/她甚至对QAF fandom完全不熟悉,彻底曲解了susanderavish等人的意思。

太无趣了。且不说这事值得不值得弄上fandom wank,至少要把来龙去脉搞清楚吧。
Gale Morgan Harold III之后,世上再无男人,再无神。


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