399# pan
我也打不开这个图册 应该要用代理才能上吧


看不到图TT 还不允许随意转载过来 泪

如果我见到Gale 绝对没胆量说you look hot






fan report mba5

"I talked with a friend, she lives in Boston now and she's the one who actually introduced me to QAF and Gale, I told her about the play, she was actually very enthusiastic and said she might go if her husband will agree, well he did and they went.

They went to the last week play, they met Gale after.
She told me she was very nervous and petrified, and acted all teenager and stupid.

He came right after and wanted to put his guitar in the case, she came to him and asked for a picture, he agreed, she said he looked hot, but she felt like he was in a hurry or just kind of impatient or just wanted the all fan thingy to be finished.

She told him she came from Israel, he was not impressed and said, ok
Then she told him about her friend (me) how big fan I am, and he said, oh yea and then they took pictures and she asked him to signed a program for me.
He did, but spelled it wrong, so he took another program and signed again properly.

He coughed a lot and apologized not wanting to infect anyone, so she told him that ok, we will tell everyone we got it from you, he smiled, and moved on to other fans.

She felt really bad that she couldn't really say anything smart, just mumbled some words, instead of going into small conversation.

She summaries it as greatest unforgettable evening, Gale was very nice but seemed to be tired or sick and maybe a little impatient.

Anyway you can look at the pics, but please don't share or publish them with no permission (those are not my pics):

http://picasaweb.google.com/mich ... sRgCN69_ITBo5fW9gE#





能夠摟腰,撫胸+kiss...{:3_232:}真是F*** lucky....




390# pan




本帖最后由 pan 于 2010-2-20 15:00 编辑


fan report
by IMDb user danivl1-1
I went to see the play for the third time yesterday with my friend from South Carolina. Pretty good turn out. I enjoyed myself as much as the previous times. Afterwards there were perhaps 10 people waiting in the theater as the actors came out. It really wasn't that long before Gale appeared. People approached him but he was not swarmed by them. I saw people speaking to Denise and Claudia, too. I said a brief hello to Claudia because she was talking with others. She was still as sweet as before and she remembered me.

I waited patiently for my chance to speak to Gale. He took a few photos with others. And some people just wanted their programs signed. Everyone was respectful. Gale seemed as relaxed as possible and didn't appear in a hurry. Although I am sure the sooner he was done the better he would feel. Finally, my opportunity came. All of a sudden there was no one on their way to speak to him. So my friend and I went. He was very kind. I won't say he remembered me from before, but when I said this was my third time he said: "Three times. Wow! Thank you." My friend is the one that asked for the picture. He said: "Sure". A nice woman that came up took the picture of the three of us. I have cut my friend and I out. But here is Gale in Valentine Red!


  • cora



I am sure he knows women are attracted to him but I really think he doesnÕt understand why.
哈哈 这句说得好可爱~~~


another fan report:
from IMDb user "susieitalia88"

"This is a long post, but I wanted to share my experience in LA this past weekend.

I was totally late getting to LA from Philadelphia, I was supposed to arrive at 10:30 am but my plane broke down, they had to replace the whole brake system so we did not land until 3 pm. Luggage took 45 minutes to get and rent-a-car took 1 hour and 15 minutes...they had 26 windows with only 4 open with about 70 people in line for cars...I got to my hotel at 5:45. I had to meet LynnMLIS and Lemonbars at 6:30...total nightmare...but I made it just in time to see Gale walk past me and go into the theatre. That alone made all the bad things go away.

Anyway, I was seated in the first row on the left side of the stage. When I tell you are close, it is like having actors in your living room. I thought all of the actors were very good. Claudia seemed to rush thru her lines; you had to listen carefully because she just spoke so fast, if she had just slowed down she would have been better. I thought Denise did really well, she didnÕt have an Italian accent but she had an ok southern accent. I liked her a lot. I think she was really good. Gale comes in about 10 minutes into the play and he looked really good. I thought his accent was really good also. This part was perfect for him. Words were difficult for his character but what is so great about Gale is that he is so expressive and emotions show on his face, in his eyes and in his body language. There were times during his dialog that you just canÕt help staring at him just watching how he can strut around looking so sexy but yet look so uncomfortable in his skin. That I think is why he always impressed me about him.

The 3 women who want him are all so different and he interacts with them in 3 different ways. I really liked that about his character. When he was with Carol he acted like the cocky hustler he was, he didnÕt trust her motives and could see right thru her and always called her on it. Mrs. Talbot (who I thought was really good) he was very sweet to her. He seemed to be the only person who really listened to her rambles and I felt that he connected with her and that he understood her in ways no one else could. As far as Lady Torrance, I felt that he did love her, but not in a sexual way. She gave him an opportunity to leave his hustler life behind and he gave her an escape from her horrible husband and the memories of her past. But of course the only way he knew how to express love or closeness or any emotion was with his body. He could give that to her but yet he still longed for something else. Something none of the 3 could give him.

One of the best things of the show was his singing and guitar playing. I was so surprised by his soft voice. I was so lucky to be sitting 3 feet from him when he sang the first time...it totally mesmerized me. He is so truly talented and I was so happy that I could see him in this setting. I saw SLS in NY and he could only do so much with that character. This role was definitely more suited for him. Gale was truly wonderful as were the rest of the cast.

After the play we stayed in the theatre and waited. Denise was the first to come out and she was very nice. When I told her how much I enjoyed her performance she hugged me...It was so funny. I told her I came from Philly, she said that her husband was from Philly also and still has lots of family there.

Gale came out pretty quick and I did get a chance to talk to him. He was so nice and sweet and accommodating to all of the fans there. In the lobby before the show I had met Lou PepeÕs (director) parents who also came from PA. They were such nice people. We talked and laughed so much with them. They introduced me to Lou who then introduced me to Gale. I told him I enjoyed his singing and he asked if it was ok because he has a cold and could not hear himself in his right ear. LouÕs dad said to Gale Òthis young lady would like her photo with youÓ He said absolutely and he put his arm around me and then he started to cough so he move away apologizing then moved right back over to me and put his arm around me again. At one point we were all standing there talking and then Gale just reached over and put his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeezeÉOMGÉhe was so nice.

On Saturday night we stayed again, but I just asked Gale to sign my program and he did. I just stood there watching and socializing with everyone, all the other actors and Lou especially were really nice. Every time I saw Lou he would greet me by my name. What a regular guy he is, so friendly. He lived in Philly for a time and we talked all about that. But while I stood there all the people kept asking me if I would take their photo with Gale and if they could use my sharpieÉat the end Gale turned around and he was so cute as he handed me the sharpie back smiling. I must have taken 20 photos for people with him.

On Sunday we went again and Gale came out afterwards, so friendly again. I went up to him to say goodbye and that I had to go home and back to reality. All of a sudden I just seemed to turn to jelly. I could hardly get the words out of my mouth to say goodbye. I will remember his face at that time for the rest of my days. He had his hands crossed in front of him and he was staring into my eyes with such a beautiful smile that went all the way to his eyes. He thanked me for coming so far to see him. Then he reached over and gave me a huge hug. Again OMG!!!

He looks so amazing, healthy and young and happy. Very slim but his body is firm and he still looks better than anyone in a wifebeater and straight pants.

I have one more thing to say. Gale is so totally different than I thought he would be. He has lots of nervous energy, and when he speaks he moves his arms and body a lot. He looks like a young boy who seems totally out of his element and I really think he is clueless to how he affects people. I am sure he knows women are attracted to him but I really think he doesnÕt understand why. That is just my opinion. When I saw him in NY he was distant and you could tell he really didnÕt want to be bothered. This was a 100% transformation and I am so happy that I got the opportunity to see him and speak to him when he was like this.

I had the best weekend. I met great new people, LynnMLIS, Lemonbars (who I met last year in LA at FFG) cybers and lots of others from all over the globe. We had so much fun and I am still on cloud 9.

Thanks for letting me go on and on."







gale宝开始没怎么说you know.
you know口头禅突然狂轰烂炸好几个...几个字就一句you know....{:3_275:}



過年有GALE美人相伴 幸福喔{:3_272:}


















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