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哎 我是多么的期待额。。







我看到他就想哭  我太喜欢他了


看过一个中国fan的后记啊  近距离接触 嗷嗷
cherryprada 发表于 2010-2-25 22:03



看过一个中国fan的后记啊  近距离接触 嗷嗷











by LynnMLIS
I went to Orpheus Descending the last two weekends. Here are some observations and experiences others may not have covered (note: links to pictures are below):

As Valentine Xavier, Gale caught my heart and didnÕt let it go. Through each of GaleÕs performances, I could see the innocent young boy from the bayou, the jaded weary musician and the young man determined to live a different life. His intensity and concentration were remarkable. I loved GaleÕs singing. I did not want him to stop. He has a smoky, smooth, sexy resonance to his voice.

Friday 12th : When I told Gale how much I loved the play, I also admitted that this was the first live production of a Tennessee WilliamsÕ play that I had seen. He said, ÒReally?Ó (probably amazed, due to my advanced years LOL). I said that I thought the words were beautiful.

Saturday 13th: On both Saturday and Sunday, prior to the performance SusieItalia, Kathy (from Australia) and I talked with Peter and Mary Lou Pepe, the directorÕs proud parents, visiting from the East Coast to see the play. They were delightful to visit with, and fascinated with GaleÕs fans. After the performance, I gave Gale a book, the first edition of Orpheus Descending, published in 1958. I collect antiquarian childrenÕs books and was really lucky to locate this reasonably priced first edition in great condition! The bookÕs original price on the paper dust jacket was $3.99! Gale held it in his hands, carefully opening it up and mentioning the name of the publisher, indicating he was familiar with the book. He gave me a very sweet thank you and put his hand around my shoulder while Sue took our picture.

Sunday 14th: The cast seemed especially good for this performance. Someone said that the Sunday audiences are the best, because if the audience is in a theater on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in LA, then you know the audience really wants to be there! At one of the intermissions, I had a chance to talk with Yara Martinez. She was speaking Spanish to several fans visiting from Spain. She is a lovely young woman, friendly, and was a little embarrassed when the young women from Spain asked her for her autograph. I told her that I enjoyed her performance in Vanished and was sad that the role last season didnÕt work out for her. She said that it is pilot season now and she is hoping to get something. I wished her good luck. I said goodbye to SusieItalia, who helped make the weekend a lot of fun and to my other new international friends. I had to leave early to catch my plane, but before I did I took a few photographs outside of the theater, as I had an idea.

Friday, 19th
After the show on Friday, I gave Gale a memory book (scrapbook) of the production I had made for him. I covered a 3-ring binder with some 50Õs style fabric and included the reviews, some pictures, several drama journal articles analyzing OD, and some IMDb posts reviewing the play (with the posters permissions (thank you), of course). I also included a pen and ink drawing that I had done of Theater/Theater at night. I asked Gale if he thought the each of cast members would like a copy. He said yes he thought they would, thanked me and gave me a really nice hug! He pointed out the guitar picks that I had used on the divider tabs and front page.

Saturday, 20th I must say that the entire cast was really excellent that evening. For me in particular, Francesca Casale was wonderful. Her portrayal of Vee, a sweet religious child-like woman, dominated by her bullying Sheriff husband, was so spot on! I especially liked her and Gale together. She also had two other roles in the playÑ the stern Nurse Porter and the very funny Woman who made the telephone call to the pharmacy! She told me after the play that she wouldnÕt do it again, some of the transitions between characters were very quick and difficult. Geoffrey Wade was excellent as Jabe TorranceÑabsolutely chilling, frightening. He also played David Cutrere. After the play that night, I talked to each member of the cast and crew thanking them for their work on the play and giving them each a copy of the drawing in a brown envelope. They were all very appreciative. I got enthusiastic hugs from everyone, especially Claudia Mason and Denise Crosby. Claudia said that print was especially meaningful to her, and that she planned to frame it. After the performance, I was impressed with a lively discussion Gale had with a couple from the audience about the back rub/spinal adjustment that Val gives to Lady in the second act. Gale explained in great detail exactly why Val caressed LadyÕs neck as he did.

Sunday 21st While waiting in the lobby, LemonBars and I started talking with three women from Spain. Two of them had met the other at the play. They live in different areas of Spain. We had a lively conversation, which included not only the subject of Gale, but also the Internet, and health care reform. They were so excited to learn that they were actually talking to LemonBars from the IMBd board! When we entered the theater we all headed toward the front row to the left. We let them have our seats, which were more toward the center left. As we were waiting for the performance to begin, I gave each one of them a pen and ink drawing of the Theater. In the audience on Sunday was Ames Ingham, a friend and former cast mate of GaleÕs in the 1998 production of The Indian Queen at the Long Beach Opera. Gale and Ames played the Tourist Man and Tourist Woman in theÓLowrider Spanglish operaÓ. As mentioned by others, at the end of the final performance, the cast received an especially enthusiastic response from the audience, Gale had a big smile on his face. He seemed happy and relieved. They took extra bows. Claudia stepped out of the line and asked the director Lou Pepe, to come down from the audience, which he did and he took a bow with the cast. Before leaving the stage, Gale gave Lou a big hug.

What a great experience these past two weekends have been! Seeing Gale perform and sing were absolutely thrilling. I admire Gale and everyone else involved with Orpheus Descending for their dedication and talent. Tennessee would be proud.


Gale's fantastic~
He's to die for.....


本帖最后由 cora 于 2010-2-24 11:00 编辑

<Orpheus Descending>已于2月21日谢幕。这次Gale的演出获得一片好评,撒花撒花{:3_227:}{:3_246:}{:3_250:}



Here is my report from the play a bit different from what the others said.
I had to be in Seattle for work and decided to go through Los Angeles from Toronto. I spent the night and day with two friends from high school. We reunited after 18 years !!! It was great to listen to their stories. I had ticket for Saturday night 13th of Feb. for both myself and my other lovely friend who lives in LA, but unfortunately she had to spend time with her mother-in-law at the hospital and couldn’t make it. I arrived a bit earlier and tried to take some picture from the set and around which I can share with you guys. For me, who has lived in Iran, Germany, Australia and Canada and travelled a lot, the theatre was a bit strange. It was very small and I’m not used to small theatre. Most of the early people were mainly women and in their 50s I would say. Most of the men who arrived were couples and some of them were talking professionally about the play. I sat on the 3rd row and feeling not comfortable to be that close to the set. Some
famous guys which I don’t really know their names showed up maybe 10 of them or more. From the way they dressed up you could guess they are doing something with movies. One of them was Oded Fehr and the rest just know their faces. They all sat on the balcony since they needed seats together.
Next to me was a lady who was joined by young lady later on. They were talking constantly about Gale and QAF. I assume they were fans !!!
A big African-American family showed up which later on I found out they are there for Claudia and Curtis.
The guy next to me (we talked later on during break) had very German accent but Spanish appearance that’s why I asked him where does he come from. He was Spanish-German grown up in Berlin. He said he’s working as a representative of Lou Pepe that’s why he’s there and he left in the middle of play. We talked about Germany and how much I miss it.
I’m researcher and not artist that’s why my evaluation from the play won’t be useful but in general I enjoyed it a lot. I think Denis and Gale did a great job and I liked Claudia’s role. The rest did a good job too but because they had very small part it was difficult to judge them. It was first time for me to be in small theatre it made it interesting though. Despite everyone else I didn’t look constantly at Gale. I followed the play very well and enjoyed it. Seeing Gale shirtless didn’t made me crazy, since I was into a play a lot. To be honest I guess most of the reports showed how people think of Gale as a sex object.
After play Gale came out later than the others I just remember he had gray shirt and hat on and nothing else. He looked quite scared which makes it sad but understandable. Looks like all of the women wanted piece of him. I was the first person on his way. By just looking at his face didn’t know what should I say. He looked like he wants to escape. I just said you don’t expect any photo tonight, do you? Of course he didn’t get my accent first and I repeated and he said Do I? I know it was very strange line to start but I just wanted to make him more comfortable. We took one photo together which one kind lady took it. It was my first time asking someone for photo. I always try just to be distant fan. We shaked hands and I said beautiful work, congratulations, he said thank you and I moved on quickly. I was waiting for some phone calls and at the same time got back to theatre once more and jumped in the middle of conversation of Lou, Dennis and couple
of others which they were from play but not actor or actress. I hugged Denis from back and said beautiful work, congratulations all. They all thanked me and we had a quick chat. I said I was just for one night in LA and made it but my friend couldn’t. Lou asked from where I come from. I said right now living in Canada. He said you flew here for a play? and I said to be honest not only that. I have to be in Seattle tomorrow and I just had a stop over in LA. One of the guy said you will be back and I said definitely not J They thanked me again and I went outside to find taxi and leave. Meanwhile the group of artists came out and left.
About Gale’s singing, it was good but I’m not sure he’s really guitar player. I could be wrong.
The other point for me is I guess most people are mixing Gale with Brian which I guess they are not similar at all. Somehow I think Brian made Gale a star but introduced him to the society as a sex object which is kinda sad. I hope he gets more opportunity to play both in theatre and movies and you guys get chance to see him too.
I attached the photo of the program, some photos of set and his picture with myself. I hope you guys enjoy them.
Cheers to all

补上图片: http://www.picturetrail.com/sfx/album/view/22998380


她们合影都能揽腰呢   我完全的羡慕嫉妒恨




399# pan



最后一场演完了, 他可以好好的休息休息了:s14




399# pan
我也打不开这个图册 应该要用代理才能上吧
cora 发表于 2010-2-21 16:28





挥泪 我要看图{:3_147:}




每次都在感叹他令人惊讶的美帅性感和魅力……他的身上仿佛有一种魔力,只要看一眼就再也无法把眼神从他身上移开,看到他世界就会变得明亮,心情就能变好。从QAF迷到BJ迷再到Brian kinney迷现在纯粹就是花痴Gale了,感谢各位达人辛苦搬来他的近照,很幸福最近能常在这里看到他的美颜,话说今天是他这次舞台剧的最后一天演出了吧,不知下次何时能看到他,希望他这次的精彩演出能给他带来蝴蝶效应,让全美人都欣赏、赏识Gale飓风,愿随着春天的脚步他能越来越年轻,越来越漂亮,事业如沐春风,蒸蒸日上!


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