

[s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]


B不相信家庭,忘了第几集他说他那个酗酒性冷淡的妈,和那个不负责任的爸爸,所以这才是他不敢去承诺一份感情,不敢去组建一个家庭的原因!!他对FAMILY这个词本身就存在质疑,尤其是看到MEL LIZ也没有好下场,他总觉得所有的那些都是BuLLSHIT。


再補一段我翻的507 BJ分手那段的翻譯,翻的普通,大家多包涵

: J: I made some decisions

: B: (unpurses his lips) `bout what

: J: My life

: B: Ah!
  B: 什麼

: J: What I want
  J: 我要的是什麼

: B: (he approaches J and is right next to him) I thought you had that
: all worked out. You're going to live of your conSID-er-able
: Hollywood wealth and try your hand at being an artist. (flicker of a
: smile. He's trying to make a joke. He knows something is coming)

: J: (very serious now and a tad irritated) Why are you making fun of
: me?

: B: (a bit taken aback) I'M not making fun.
  B: 我沒有

: (Justin looks at him with a slight raising of eyebrows. The message
: is: "then what DO you mean?")

: B: You're making me f**king nervous as hell (and his nervousness is
: evident in his voice and face) (a loud out-take of breath is heard
: from Justin) Just tell me what you want, what you decided..and we can
: go to bed..and f**k.
: J: (slight laugh and smile and shaking of his head). You already know
: what I want. I already told you.

: B: (His facial expression: `so THIS is what it's all about'. He
: starts to turn away. Then he laughs) That's right. A husband (lapses
: into Brianesque sarcastic tone) A family. A home (he draws this word
: out: Whooome). EV-er-ything that makes life worth living.

: J (not loud, but forceful) Would you F**King cut it out? (quietly)
: Just *stop* it. (When he says "stop" you can hear what sounds like
: him slapping the counter with the palm of his hand)

: B is surprised by the strength of Justin's words and tone. He says
: nothing.

: J (sighs) And I KNOW you can't give me those things

: B: "Not can't. `Can't' denotes that I'm incapable. It's that I won't.

: J:I accept that. I suppose that is one of the the reasons I've always
: loved you.

: Brian (turns away) Oh. The un-tame-able beast.

: J: (very reasonably, resolutely and calmly) But to be a couple both
: people need to want the same things. Move in the same direction. But
: if they can't... or ..won't (a bit of emotion creeps into his voice
: for a second ) they really have no other place to go.

: B: (Stares at him a minute. Blinks) Probably not.

: J: Then why are we still doing this if we know it's never going to
: work?

: Closeup on Brian. He says nothing for about 5 seconds then for softly
: says:
: B: Damned if I know

: J stares at him for another few seconds then turns and walks out of
: the frame. Cut to Brian who takes a drink of water. He watches J as
: he walks over toward the bedroom and picks up his leather jacket
: which is on the step or riser leading to the bed. He puts it on, then
: reaches behind the partition and pulls out his big duffel bag which
: is packed and hoists it over his shoulder..Then he picks up his back
: back and heads towards the door

  Close-up on Brian who now understands Justin is leaving.
  Brian了解到Justin打算要離開了(天啊天啊 你就這樣讓他走 沒骨氣的男人>_<)

: Full-length long shot of the two of them standing in the middle of
: the room with the door behind them

: Justin drops the bags. Brian looks down at them for a few seconds
: Justin then reaches up with one hand and places it on B's shoulder
: and then puts his hand on Brian's neck and pulls himself toward
: Brian, standing on his toes slightly. He then puts his other arm
: around Brian and pulls him into a hug.
: Brian stands there with both arms awkwardly at his side and then
: embraces Justin
: They hug tenderly
: Individual over-the-shoulder shots of both their faces nuzzling on
: each other's necks.

B先是站在那里 他的手无措的放在两边,后来他回抱了 J

: B: Where will you go?

: J: I'll think of something

: They release each other and J moves to the door
: Close up of Brian. He is clenching his jaw. Sadness but also
: reflection, contemplation in his eyes. He is thinking, taking it all
: in
: He turns toward the door.

他们松开彼此,J向门走去 。B抽紧了下颌,他的眼睛里是痛苦深思的表情,他在思考发生的这一切,他向门那边走。

: B: Let me know.

: J is in the door way and he stares at Brian sadly and pulls the door
: shut

J站在门边 他痛苦的注视了B一会 拉上门




: Ben: You mean Michael?

: Brian: (puts his hands up in front of his face and clenches his
: fingers in a claw-like manner) Who the F**K else would I be referring
: to?

: Ben: He's aSLEEP!

: Brian: (VERY serious now and in Ben's face. Combination shout and
: growl) ROUSE HIM! Wake Him Up!! (looks toward the stairs) MICHAEL!
: Get your ass down?br>



: Brian: Well, Mikey. ConGRATulations.

: Michael: For WHAT?

: Brian: You WON!

: Brian: (following with the same drunken smile on his face) To the
: spoiler... goes the victory.

: Michael: I DON'T know what you're talking about.

: Brian: Of COURSE you don't. No one plays dewy-eyed innocent like
: you. (leaning into Michael's face and forming a sneer with each word)
: Although at 35 you're getting a bit long in the tooth for short pants.

: Michael: (sneering back) Speaking about outgrowing your act, nothing
: is more pathetic, to use one of your favorite words, than an over-the-
: hill club boy (turns and walks away)

: Brian: YOU infected him.

: Michael stops and turns to look at Brian. Confused.

: Brian: (furious) You and your petty bourgeois, mediocre, conformist,
: assimilationist, life! (pause. They look at each other) Thanks to you
: he has visions (sneeringly, mocking) Babies! Weddings! White picket
: fences dancing (he points his forefinger to the side of his head) in
: his blond little head.

: Michael: and you think *I* put them there.

: Brian: (waving his left hand in the air) Before you and your husband
: tied the noose around your neck, he was (raging now) PERFECTLY HAPPY!
: And now...he's a defector...just like the rest of y..

: Michael (his turn to get into Brian's face and shout) He was NEVER
: perfectly happy!

: Brian stares a minute then walks around Michael and into the foyer.
: Michael follows him, talking

: Michael: Waiting for years for you to say, `I love you. You're the
: only one one I want'.

: Brian: That's... NOT...who... I am

: Michael: (loudly, gesturing back at Brian with both hands) Don't we
: ALL know!

: Brian: (turns away. Line delivered in a slight sing-song manner) and
: now...he's HERE..in YOUR... house.
      (ps.天啊 Justin在這裡啊 他全都聽到了啊 我要瘋了瘋了)

: Michael: (follows) It's not a house, it's a home

: Brian (angry again. Turns to confront him) It's a FARCE. (practically
: screams) It's a FREAK SHOW!

: Michael: (looking up at Brian defiantly) Call it what you want. I
: really don't care. But he didn't leave because I inFECTed him.
: (Michael is shown in close-up over Brian's right shoulder) He left
: because of YOU.

: Cut to Brian's face. He is silent, but he has a slight mocking smile
: forming on his face.
: Cut back to Michael

: Michael: Who WOULDN'T?
         (p.s 這句話意思很深,其他Michael也是因為Brian而離開,

: Cut back to Brian. Silent. Not smiling anymore. In fact he is
: stunned. He just stares. His mouth is slightly open and he remains
: silent. Is he shocked by what Michael said it or that is it MICHAEL
: who said it?


Close up of Michael's face
: Close up of Brian's face
: They stare at each other
: Brian turns and walks away


: Brian walks toward the camera which is shooting up from floor level .
: Michael is by the stairs in the background. Brian walks directly into
: the camera and out of the frame leaving Michael standing in the
: background
: Quick cut to the top of the stairs. Standing at the railing is a
: sober-faced, sad Justin. He stands there for a couple beats , turns
: and walks out of the frame





下面是引用cookiesumin于2005-05-26 19:18发表的:
志不同道不合,不相为谋。J分了就不会拖泥带水,干嘛要追,又不是琼瑶小说。他在308说他知道B能给他什么所以回到B身边(B也说了他能给只是不想给),507J说既然他的愿望遥不可及,两人又何必继续耗下去,清清楚楚,干脆利落。B也没有错,That's who he is, judge yourself.CL更没错,他们又没拿着刀逼我们看,错的是观众,接受不了不看不就没事了。什么天不天理,现实就是残酷的,说US版不够真实,给点真实又哭天喊地,CL真是吃力不讨好呀。
大人的话我看到倒数第二句都在脸红接受中。有些道理明白不一定做的到,每个人看电视剧关注的东西不一样 获得的感情也不一样 事到如今 我已经不可能客观 公平 冷静的看待BJ之间的感情发展 看到他们分开我的心会很痛 所以忍不住发泄了一下。但是我又可以理解BJ的想法 所以很多时候只能怪到编剧头上了 我承认自己忽略了看贴人的心情 丧失了对CL的理解和尊重 我马上就把自己误导性的话语删掉 抱歉造成大家的不快。

其次我想说US版真不真实我是不知道 毕竟我身边没有可以参照的例子 但是 如果说这幕就是所谓的真实 恕我不能认同 这里我不是指J没有追出去或是怎的(我只是想他怎么可以忍心看B那样离开 不是说他真会追出去)而是说CL处心积虑的给5季增加BJ情感卖点的方法:首先是M建立新家对J造成的影响 生活观念的分歧导致矛盾不可调和化 然后一个梅毒变成导火索 他们分开了 。看到这里我尚且能够理解。我所不能理解的是如果CL传达给我们的是BJ追求生活的不一样 那这个裂痕显然不是一场爆炸后的一次真情表白能解决的问题。我不相信B在三集的时间里能颠覆掉他30几年建立的人生观和价值取向,那这样的复合有什么样的意义。我不是觉得B不会为了J而改变 而是觉得如今BJ的感情发展即使看到他们复合都有点胆战心惊。难道是CL也无法解决这样的问题 所以把J拍到纽约去了?我觉得他们分明有为了拉拢女性观众而故意折腾这两个的嫌疑。




Brian: Of COURSE you don't. No one plays dewy-eyed innocent like
you. (leaning into Michael's face and forming a sneer with each word)
Although at 35 you're getting a bit long in the tooth for short pants.

Michael: (sneering back) Speaking about outgrowing your act, nothing
is more pathetic, to use one of your favorite words, than an over-the-
hill club boy (turns and walks away)


志不同道不合,不相为谋。J分了就不会拖泥带水,干嘛要追,又不是琼瑶小说。他在308说他知道B能给他什么所以回到B身边(B也说了他能给只是不想给),507J说既然他的愿望遥不可及,两人又何必继续耗下去,清清楚楚,干脆利落。B也没有错,That's who he is, judge yourself.CL更没错,他们又没拿着刀逼我们看,错的是观众,接受不了不看不就没事了。什么天不天理,现实就是残酷的,说US版不够真实,给点真实又哭天喊地,CL真是吃力不讨好呀。


终于就着词霸看完了。。 [s:188]
互相折磨得两人。你们不痛我们都心痛了。。 [s:203]  [s:203]





值得一看。。 [s:183]  [s:183]  [s:183]







Re:Re:507BJ分手场景(from yahoo group)

下面是引用shelly116于2005-05-26 10:45发表的Re:507BJ分手场景(from yahoo group):


i agree with u!!!!




[s:203]  [s:203]  [s:203]


Re:507BJ分手场景(from yahoo group)




PS:and now...he's HERE..in YOUR... house.
不明白~~ [s:202]
I would give him anything...do anything and be anything...to make him happy! 大叔你要说到做到哦~!!


Re:507BJ分手场景(重点更新在第二页 悲痛慎入)(from yahoo group)

这里是BM fight scene in 507,来源相同。让我震惊的BM分开很大程度上竟然是因为BJ的问题,所以这段虽说是BM说话,却是BJ问题,关注的亲看下去,但是事先说明 B的痛苦超过了我的想象 我觉得这段比直接分手那段更刺伤我的心,请自备手帕

原文地址http://groups.yahoo.com/group/QA ... ilers/message/62577

Brian and Michael fight scene 507

This one is amazing scene folks. I have to tell you, Gale is
magnificent in portraying Brian's anger, but Hal does a good job too.
I'm sure there will be some !@#$ Novotny rants from some quarters
after you read this, but I'm telling you, Mikey was not off-base here.

It occurs in the same ep. as the B/J breakup...sometime afterwards,
but I do not know how close afterwards.

The scene:

The Bruckner-Novotny's.

A shot of the dark living room, seen from the side of the staircase

There is a loud insistant banging at the front door.

Lights come on and we hear Ben's voice

Ben: "Alright! I'm co-oming!匫kay. O-Okay"

Ben comes down the stairs and heads to the front door

Ben: (almost to himself as he reached the entryway)"Stop already?"

He pulls the door open revealing an agitated and apparently drunk
Brian, one arm is folded across his chest, his other is bent with his
elbow resting on the other arm. A cigarette in his hand, held near
his mouth

Ben: Brian?

Brian: (slightly slurring his words, weaving a bit) EX-ce-lent ,
perfessor. You have recognized the subject and iDIN -tified him. (a
little Georgia accent creeping in?)

Ben: We've gone to bed.

Brian: Right, I forgot The STEPFORD husbands (yells this in the
direction of the general neighborhood) TURN IN EARLY!

Ben: (grabs for Brian's arm to pull him inside): Get in here, you'll
wake the whole neighborhood

Brian gives him a "that's the whole idea" look. Puffs on the
cigarette, then throws it down on the porch and stomps it with his
foot, then walks past Ben into the house. Ben looks down a sec,
probably at the mashed cigarette on his nice clean porch.

Brian has stormed, or rather lurched into the middle of the living
room. Fire in his eyes and an evil Brianesque grin on his face

Brian: I want to see your wife. Where IS the little woman? Or little

Ben: You mean Michael?

Brian: (puts his hands up in front of his face and clenches his
fingers in a claw-like manner) Who the F**K else would I be referring

Ben: He's aSLEEP!

Brian: (VERY serious now and in Ben's face. Combination shout and
growl) ROUSE HIM! Wake Him Up!! (looks toward the stairs) MICHAEL!
Get your ass down?br>
Ben tries to body block Brian, who moves around him

Ben: I think you better go, you better go

(he moves in front of Brian again)

Brian: (in an almost a kid-like neener-neener tone, accompanied by a
slight wagging of his head) I'm not going ANYwhere

Ben: Come on get out. I said get your ass out of my house. (Ben
shoves against Brian again and they back off and look as if they are
about to come to blows)

Michael's voice: It's OK Ben.

Michael comes down the stairs and walks around behind Ben to stand
looking up at Brian

Michael: (to Ben) I'll handle this. Go to bed

Ben; Ya sure?

Michael looks at him and nods. Ben goes up the stairs as Brian
smiles/leers at him. Michael turns to look at Brian with an "Explain
yourself!" expression

Brian sways back, smiles drunkenly and says

Brian: Well, Mikey. ConGRATulations.

Michael: For WHAT?

Brian: You WON!

Michael passes in front of him and goes into the dining room.

Brian: (following with the same drunken smile on his face) To the
spoiler... goes the victory.

Michael: I DON'T know what you're talking about.

Brian: Of COURSE you don't. No one plays dewy-eyed innocent like
you. (leaning into Michael's face and forming a sneer with each word)
Although at 35 you're getting a bit long in the tooth for short pants.

Michael: (sneering back) Speaking about outgrowing your act, nothing
is more pathetic, to use one of your favorite words, than an over-the-
hill club boy (turns and walks away)

Brian follows him chuckling in mocking tone. They walk into the
kitchen and Michael grabs the glass carafe from the coffee machine
and heads toward the sink. Brian leans into him again.

Brian: YOU infected him.

Michael stops and turns to look at Brian. Confused.

Brian: (furious) You and your petty bourgeois, mediocre, conformist,
assimilationist, life! (pause. They look at each other) Thanks to you
he has visions (sneeringly, mocking) Babies! Weddings! White picket
fences dancing (he points his forefinger to the side of his head) in
his blond little head.

Michael: and you think *I* put them there.

Brian: (waving his left hand in the air) Before you and your husband
tied the noose around your neck, he was (raging now) PERFECTLY HAPPY!
And now...he's a defector...just like the rest of y..

Michael (his turn to get into Brian's face and shout) He was NEVER
perfectly happy!

Brian stares a minute then walks around Michael and into the foyer.
Michael follows him, talking

Michael: Waiting for years for you to say, `I love you. You're the
only one one I want'.

Brian stops throws his hands up toward his face.. Then stops and
gestures with both hands to Michael.

Brian: That's... NOT...who... I am

Michael: (loudly, gesturing back at Brian with both hands) Don't we
ALL know!

Brian: (turns away. Line delivered in a slight sing-song manner) and
now...he's HERE..in YOUR... house.

Michael: (follows) It's not a house, it's a home

Brian (angry again. Turns to confront him) It's a FARCE. (practically
screams) It's a FREAK SHOW!

They are back where they started now with the side of the staircase
behind Michael.

Michael: (looking up at Brian defiantly) Call it what you want. I
really don't care. But he didn't leave because I inFECTed him.
(Michael is shown in close-up over Brian's right shoulder) He left
because of YOU.

Cut to Brian's face. He is silent, but he has a slight mocking smile
forming on his face.

Cut back to Michael

Michael: Who WOULDN'T?

Cut back to Brian. Silent. Not smiling anymore. In fact he is
stunned. He just stares. His mouth is slightly open and he remains
silent. Is he shocked by what Michael said it or that is it MICHAEL
who said it?

Close up of Michael's face

Close up of Brian's face

They stare at each other

Brian turns and walks away

Brian walks toward the camera which is shooting up from floor level .
Michael is by the stairs in the background. Brian walks directly into
the camera and out of the frame leaving Michael standing in the

Quick cut to the top of the stairs. Standing at the railing is a
sober-faced, sad Justin. He stands there for a couple beats , turns
and walks out of the frame

我没有想到B会把他的这一面给J看到。。。。。。。。我没什么别的想法,就是觉得 J怎么能忍住不追出去的,要是我肯定受不了了  [s:203]  [s:203]






下面是引用minicooper于2005-05-26 06:19发表的:
这段的出现是不是源于B要和那个自由大道新的野兽较量阿,然后小J不能接受b重新f**k around的生活,所以选择离开.......是这样的么




这段的出现是不是源于B要和那个自由大道新的野兽较量阿,然后小J不能接受b重新f**k around的生活,所以选择离开.......是这样的么


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現在最愛的是BJ future fic
dying in the sun~~~~~~




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