









我去找字典,然后开始看 ……




happy ending 不远拉em23 em23 ,大家都在幸福的大道上走着,J滴事业也要开始真正腾飞的样子,太好了em19 ..........







Trenton, New Jersey
Pfister Corporate Headquarters

Brian and Ted spent the most of the morning being led through Pfister’s enormous Corporate Headquarters by the Director of Vendor Relations, Stacey Matthews. She was slim, blond and had a captivating smile. Her college co-ed appearance belied the fact that she had a strong head for business and she’d impressed Brian by being able to articulately address all of his questions during the tour. Pfister was Brian’s first global account and he’d never even interned at a corporation of this size before. Seeing the inner workings of a Fortune 1000 company first hand excited him and he made sure to keep his eyes and ears open for any ideas that could help Kinnetik’s growth.

When they reached the line for one of the many coffee bars that were peppered through out the office campus Brian said, “So Stacey, tell me more about your supplier diversity program.”

She smiled and bobbed her head slightly before answering, “Well Brian, as a company owner yourself, I’m sure you know that one of any organization’s biggest challenges is recruiting and retaining the top talent.”

Brian nodded and Stacey continued, “In research it’s particularly difficult. Most of our scientists come from an academic setting and many of them aren’t easily influenced by compensation packages alone. They’re looking for a work environment that is a second home, or in the case of some, a first home. It’s extremely important for our employees to understand that Pfister believes in treating everyone with fairness, dignity and respect. We try to express those beliefs by being particular about the companies we choose to work with.

It didn’t take Ted long to realize why Brian was asking about this. He usually could give a crap about the touchy feely stuff like fairness, dignity and respect, but if there was a business case for it, then that was a different story entirely. “So by entering into preferred vendor agreements with say a woman-owned business you’re showing your female employees that Pfister cares about them?”

“Exactly!” Stacey replied.

Brian was certain the last thing this woman needed was another cup of coffee as she ordered her double half-caf latte with no whip. After they’d each been served, He asked his next question, though he’d already done enough research to know the answer, “So, are all minority groups currently represented on your preferred vendor list?”

“Oh, we’re working on it. Currently, we have exclusivity agreements with a woman-owned business, veteran owned, also Latino, African-American and last month we signed a contract with an office supplies company which is owned by a Pacific-Islander.

Brian exchanged a quick glance with Ted indicating for him to ask, "You wouldn't happen to have a gay owned business on your preferred vendor list, would you?"

“Actually, that's one of my team's action items for this fiscal year. It's difficult though, since gays and lesbians aren't a federally protected class the sexual orientation of business owners isn't normally listed on official documents. The only way to know is to ask and my staff is still wary of doing that. You know, with sexual orientation still being such a hot button issue for most people."

Brian nodded slowly, "I see."

Stacey tilted her head to the side and gave Brian a little once over, "Say Brian, if you don't mind my asking, do you happen to be gay?"

Trenton, New Jersey
Parking Lot of Pfister Corporate Headquarters
Later that day...

As Brian started the engine of the rental car Ted sat next to him while completely dumfounded, "Did that really just happen?"

Brian glanced over at Ted, "Apparently, getting to suck cock isn’t only benefit of being a fag."

Ted shook his head in disbelief, "You just procured all of Pfister's advertising business, not just for their prescription drugs, but their OTC medications, even their veterinary medicines."

Brian pulled out of the parking lot, "I was there, Theodore."

"It's, it's, it's. Astonishing! Unbelievable!"

"It's also a shit load of work," Brian's lips curled into a smile, "Not to mention an indescribable amount of money."

Ted's accountant mind immediately went into planning mode, "We're going to need at least a dozen new media planners, and the art department is going to have to be completely revamped, we're also going to need to hire more people for operations and admin. And with this kind of expansion, we're absolutely going to need more space."

"Actually, I already have a place in mind. But, don't worry about it now. We'll discuss it when I get back to Pittsburgh in the morning."

"You're not flying back with me, today?"

"No. I need to make another stop."

Ted’s smile turned into a smirk, "Oh say…About sixty miles south? Somewhere in New York's East Village?"

Brian just raised an eyebrow.

"Tell Justin I said hello."  

The Red Cape

Michael sat on his bean bag in the back of the store and listened as Justin explained the new terms Sandra had negotiated for them.

"If we're willing to give up 1 1/2% of our in royalties and merchandising revenue then they'll do a re-publishing of our first issue to establish Rage's canon under the MAX imprint and we'll get to maintain story approval for any of their publications," Justin explained.

"And we each still get the initial 100 thousand dollar payment?"

"Yes, but only 2% percent residuals instead of 3 1/2%. It sounds fair to me considering we essentially get to keep creative control."

Michael thought about it then said, "So all that's left is signing the contract then?"

Justin's voice became low and he took on a serious tone, "Yeah, But Michael there's something I want to tell you first."

Michael could tell Justin had something important on his mind, "Sure Justin, what is it?"

"Even though we're not doing the comic together anymore, it doesn't change how important you are to me. Not just because you're Brian's best friend, but because all the things you've done for me over the years."

Michael smiled, "Yeah well, it wasn't easy considering what a brat you were in your younger days."

Justin laughed, "I guess it's a good thing your mother whipped me into shape and taught me how to respect my elders."

"Something, for which, I'm sure Brian is eternally grateful."

"Don't let him hear you say that. Seriously though, even in the very beginning when Brian didn't want anything to do with me, and my mere existence annoyed the shit out of you, you still looked out for me. If you hadn't, who knows what could've happened."

"Well you can return the favor by promising to always look out for Brian. He needs you more than I think he'll ever be willing to admit."

Pappagano’s Restaurant

Emmett took a sip of his wine as he waited for Ted to respond to his news.


Emmett nodded, “Yes. Drew and I are going to make an announcement to everyone before they send out the press releases, but I wanted you to be the first to know.”

“And you’re okay with it? Moving across country, I mean?”

“It’s a great opportunity for Drew, he’ll get to finish out his career there. And the owners promised him that he has the complete support of the team. They just want Drew to come and help them win games. They don’t care about his personal life. It’s not everyday that an expansion team can sign a Super-Bowl winning quarterback.”

Ted reached across the table and took Emmett’s hand in his, “But what about you, Em? Are you going to be happy?”

“I am happy,” Emmett replied despite the fact he was tearing up,” I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time.”

“Then I’m happy for you,” Ted fought to hold back his emotions, “But, I expect a regular report from you on what like is life out on the Pacific Northwest.”

Emmett gave a little salute,” Yes sir! And you and Blake are welcome to come visit anytime. We can go whale watching, and have dinner at the top of the Space Needle, and I hear Seattle has a fabulous gay district.”

“I’m told it rivals Liberty Avenue.  I just hope you don’t have so much fun out here that you forget about all of us here in the Pitts.”

Emmett covered his hand with his mouth as he started to cry, “I could never forget about you. You’re my best friend, you’re my Teddy.”

Ted waved Emmett to him as he tried to keep from crying, himself, “Come here.”

The stood and hugged each other as if they were the only ones in the restaurant.

New York
The Historic Dakota Apartment Building
Home of Sandra McGill

Justin had grown up amongst the country club set, but he had never been surrounded by this kind of wealth. Sandra’s Upper West Side apartment had been in her family for three generations. It was decorated with fine antiques and original works by Matisse, Goya, and she even had copper plated etchings that her father had received as a gift from Picasso himself. Her family made their fortune in the import/export business and she’d spent her entire life surrounded by high end, luxury items. Becoming an artist’s representative was a natural choice when she decided she didn’t have an interest in being a lady of leisure. Her apartment building, The Dakota, was a work of art in itself. Justin had passed by it before when he went on the New York gay historic-site walking tour Emmett prepared for him as a going away gift. Among the numerous other celebrities, the fabulous Judy Garland once owned an apartment in this very building.

Tonight’s cocktail party was being thrown in Justin’s honor. Sandra had invited several of her personal friends who were discerning and very competitive art collectors. And in what Justin considered an enormous stroke of luck, Brian showed up at EVACO just as he was about to head up town. Justin was thrilled to see Brian, it was the first suprise visit he'd made, but Brian shrugged off the signficance by simply explaining, "I was in the neighborhood."

“Justin, with minimalism being so en vogue these days, what made you gravitate towards abstract expressionism?” A short plump, woman with a thick German accent asked. Brian noticed that she seemed genuinely interested in what Justin had to say and he was content to quietly stand by Justin’s side as he talked with her and a few of the other guests about his early influences, his current work and how he was considering exploring sculpting. Justin appeared relaxed and happy. He was talking about his work. It wasn’t at all like the trite small talk he’d had to make at his opening months before. When Justin finished his wine Brian took his glass and went to get him a refill. When he drove down to the city his plan had been to pick up Justin and spend the night at The Plaza fucking. But just as Brian pulled up to the front of the Co-Op Justin was walking out the front door wearing a suit, the suit Brian bought for their wedding. Brian surprised himself by not minding that he was going to have to tag along at Justin’s work function. He was glad to do it actually. He supposed it be the sort of thing they’d do for each other if they lived together. And that thought made him realize it was something he wanted, something he really wanted.

As the server filled Brian’s glass Sandra walked up, “You know, Justin came to the City at the perfect time. The market for emerging artists is hotter than it’s been in decades.”

Brian took a drink of the wine, “He made the right decision to come when he did.”

Sandra smiled, “Most of the people here tonight have been on a waiting list for Justin’s new work. Owning the next Picasso before it’s a Picasso is what it’s all about these days. It’s like the futures market of the art world.”

“So everyone wants to be Gertrude Stein?” Brian asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Bravissimo! Well said, Brian,” Sandra took notice of Brian’s perfectly tailored suit, and beautifully crafted shoes,” You appear to be a man of discerning taste. Do you collect?”

Brian shrugged, “Aside from some of Justin’s work, I own a LuKacs.”

“Impressive. His pieces are hard to come by in the US. Is it something from his Military Series?”

Brian shook his head, “No. his Eternal Teahouse Series.”

Sandra tossed her hair and laughed, “One of the mural sized nudes? If you’re ever interested in selling, I know some people who’d love to get their hands on a LuKacs.”

“Thanks, but I almost lost it once,” Brian took a quick look in Justin’s direction, he was still in engrossed in conversation, “I don’t intend to let go of it again.”

New York
The Plaza Hotel

Brian opened a bottle of water as he sat down at the desk chair next to the bed. Justin was sound asleep. His arms were tucked under the pillow as he laid naked on his stomach. Brian couldn’t remember ever seeing Justin sleep so peacefully. Even after he stopped having the nightmares he still tended to talk in his sleep and he never kept still in bed.

They’d already fucked three times that night, but Brian was still horny. It was in that moment that Brian realized, he hadn’t had, or even been blown by, anyone except Justin for months. This thought caused a quick surge of panic to course through Brian, but just as quickly as it began, it stopped and it occurred to him that he didn’t care. None of the tricks he’d ever had could compare to Justin and even though he couldn’t quite believe it was possible, for the first time in Brian’s life the thought of being with one person, just one person, didn’t terrify him.

Justin turned on his side and he stretched a little as he opened his eyes, “You couldn’t sleep?”

Brian tilted his head to the side, “I’m not tired.” The sleepy smile on Justin’s face was almost too much for him. When Justin lifted the covers Brian rose and joined him in bed. Justin nuzzled against Brian’s shoulder and started kissing his neck.

Justin was close to purring when he asked, “Brian?”


A devilish grin appeared on Justin’s face, “Do you like to rim?”

Brian stifled a short laugh as he wrapped his arms around Justin, “Yeah. I love it.” He said enthusiastically.

Justin made a sorry attempt at raising an eye brow, “Then go to it.”

Liberty Diner

“Ma! Ma!” Michael called out as he rushed through the door.

Debbie set down her tray and hurried over to him, “Christ, what is it, they can hear you on the other side of the river.”

“It’s a done deal. MAX Comics wired the money this morning. Now everything’s set, Ben and I can get started on really making the group home happen.”

“Oh Baby! That’s terrific news. You and Ben are doing a wonderful thing. I mean it.” She kissed Michael on the cheek and wrapped her arms around him.

“Thanks Ma. It means a lot to hear you say it.”

He tried to step away from her hug but Debbie held on tighter to him and whispered, "You’ve got to do something about Carl,” She whispered into Michael’s ear, “For the past week all he’s done is sit at the counter and watch me work. It’s really starting to freak me, the fuck, out.”  

Michael managed to pry Debbie’s arms off of him and he glanced over at Carl who, like Debbie had said, just sat there on the stool at the far end of the counter and looked in her direction. When their eyes met Michael gave Carl and awkward little wave.

“I thought it would get better after we got back from vacation, but he still hasn’t found anything to keep him occupied now that he’s retired. Please Michael, don’t you have some projects or something around your house you can ask him to do for you? Anything? If I don’t get him out of my fucking hair, I’m gonna lose it!”

“You know Ma, there actually is something Carl could help me with.”


Lindsay and Melanie’s Home

Lindsay cradled the phone to her ear as she wrapped the tea bag string around the spoon, “But Brian, why on earth wouldn’t you want to tell Justin that you’re being monogamous?”

“Because not coming across anyone who’s fuck-worthy is far from being monogamous. Christ, I hate that fucking word. Monogamy,” Brian scoffed, “It sounds entirely too much like menectomy, as in, did you hear? I’ve had my men removed.”

“Brian, you’re being ridiculous.”

Brian considered pointing out that he’d had his share of “etcomys” but he decided against it,

”I have no intention of suggesting to Justin that he stop fucking whoever he wants just because I find the thought of bringing home another mediocre trick to fuck to be completely tedious.”

“You have to know that all Justin has ever wanted is you.”

“Yeah and he decided that when he was seventeen fucking years old, don’t you think he’s at least entitled to a basis of comparison?”

Lindsay nearly choked on her tea, “Uh Brian, I’m pretty sure you’ve both have plenty of opportunities to compare whatever it is you think you need to.”

“He’s twenty two. I’ve got twelve years of fucking on him. He’s too young to even consider settling down.” Brian pinched the bridge of his nose and wondered how this conversation even started.

“As young as you started, I think it’s more like fifteen years. “

“Fine. Fifteen years, all the more reason.”

“Brian.” Lindsay chided in her motherly tone.

“Tell me this, would you still want to be with the person you wanted to spend your life with when were twenty-two?”

Lindsay took a sip of her tea then reminded Brian, “When I was twenty two, I wanted you.”

“My point, exactly.”

Lindsay shook her head, “All right, all right, I just think you should consider the fact that the only time you two have had problems is when he wanted to settle down and you didn’t.”

“I know Justin has this white picket fence fantasy, but you, of all people, should know that for better or worse is a lot easier said than done.”

Lindsay felt a twinge of guilt as the thought of Sam flashed through her mind, “I’m not saying it’s easy, Brian, but you two are a couple. You’re partners. Don’t you think this is the type of decision you should make together?”  

Brian was done talking and by the silence on the end of the line Lindsay could tell, “I know you love him and I think it’s wonderful that you’ve realized it yourself,” she heard Brian make a small snort, “But, part of being in an adult relationship, is letting the person you love, love you back.”

Lindsay’s words stung so Brian batted them away, “I didn’t realize they ran Dear Abby in Canada.”

Lindsay sighed, “Despite what you might think, you do deserve to be loved.”

Carter’s Bridal

The sales woman zipped of the back of Jennifer’s gown.  She looked at herself in the mirror for a moment then turned and asked, “Well, what do you think?”

Debbie put her hands up to her cheeks, “You look like a fucking angel, doesn’t she Emmett?”

Emmett went up to the dress and inspected the beadwork along the hem where they’d had the dress taken up.” They did an excellent job,” he took hold of Jennifer’s hands and gave them a little squeeze, “You are an absolute vision.”

Jennifer blushed and turned to look at herself in the mirror again. The eggshell colored dress was intricately beaded. The sleeves were off the shoulder and the delicate, form-fitting cut perfectly accentuated Jennifer’s curves. “It really is a beautiful dress.” Debbie stepped up behind Jennifer as Emmett’s phone rang, “And you’re a beautiful lady,“ Debbie sweetly replied, “You’d have to be to snag a hot number like that Tucker. Christ, he can fill a pair of jeans.”

“What?” Emmett shrieked into the phone, “That’s completely unacceptable! specifically requested the Emerald room, because the Ruby room will not suit our needs. No, we aren’t interested in reserving another date, the wedding is in three days and I have the bride standing here right next to me in her gown…well I should certainly hope you’ll be sending the deposit back. And you can tell the Events Director that I will not be recommending your venue to any of my future clients.”

Jennifer stepped down off the fitting pedestal and tried to calmly ask, “What happened to our reservation at the club?”

“Oakmont Country Club was supposed to host a celebrity golf tournament this weekend, but a water main burst and flooded their course. So, all those weird men with their ugly shoes and crazy pants are bringing all their clubs and balls over to your club.  Oh, oh! and they’re using the Emerald Ball Room as the press area.”

Jennifer did her best to remain calm as she asked, “How are we supposed to find another place in less than seventy two hours?”

Emmett took a deep breath, “Don’t you worry about it, that’s what you hired me for. Your only job is to stay as beautiful as you are at this very moment. I have tons of contacts in town it’s not a problem.”

Jennifer smiled, “Okay, well I’m going to go get changed. Thank you Emmett, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”   

When she walked out of the room Emmett looked at Debbie, “We’re completely screwed.”

Loading Docks

Carl and Michael walked along the damp alleyway between two abandoned warehouses. There were a couple dock workers sitting on an ice chest smoking cigarettes who nodded at Carl as they walked by. Michael was nervous. This is exactly the sort of place his mother had always told him to avoid. “Are you sure this lady can help us?”

“Sister Carmen knows more about the streets than anyone I’ve ever met. She’s single handedly been able to do more for the homeless in Pittsburgh than any committee or initiative the city has come up with.”

Michael took a large side step to avoid an oily puddle of muck, “Why aren’t we meeting her at a church?”

“Because the church doesn’t take to kindly to her handing out condoms and clean needles. She and the Diocese parted ways a few years ago. Now, she only has the man upstairs to report to.”

“Not the priests and bishops who only believe in the rhythm method?”

“Exactly,” Carl said as he opened a dirty metal door. They stepped into a poorly lit room that had a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. There were a few cots and sleepy bags lined up against a wall along with a deep freeze and a mini fridge. In the corner of the room there was an ancient looking desk and a few dented file cabinets. “Sister? Sister it’s Carl Horvath? Are you here?”

After a few seconds a short, forty-something, Latina woman wearing an oversized denim shirt, jeans, and a pair of work boots came from around a corner and stepped into the light, “Carl! Oh it’s so good to see you!”

She held out her arms and Carl stepped into her embrace, “Sister, this is my son Michael. The one I told you about.”

Sister Carmen put her hands on her hips and inspected Michael, “So, you’re the one opening a home for some of my lost boys?”

“Uh yeah, “He looked up at Carl who nodded, “My husband and I are. We can only take in three boys to start, but if things go well then maybe we’ll have room for more someday.”

She pointed her finger at Michael, “It’s the Lord’s work you’re doing. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Now, let’s see what I can do to help you get started.”

She walked over to one of the file cabinets, unlocked it, and pulled out a few manila folders, “Carl told me the profile you’re looking for, boys, 15-17 years old, HIV Positive is okay, but no IV drug users, and those who've exhibited a desire to finish school…”

Michael nodded. He and Ben had decided that they didn’t have the background to take care of addicts and they wanted to help boys who had an interest in helping themselves. They figured helping them get a high school diploma was the right place to start.

Carmen handed the files to Michael, “These boys here have the best chance of making it off the street. They all come from the system and they’ve had their share of hard knocks, but they don’t have records. And they’re just about as smart as they come.”

Michael flipped through a one of the folders and saw a drawing of a boy that was detailed enough to be an artist’s rendering, “Did you draw this?”

“Yes, most of my kids are skittish about having their picture taken, but they’ll let me sketch them. It helps, when one goes missing, God forbid.” She explained as she crossed herself.

Michael opened the next folder and when he looked at the sketch he immediately recognized the boy. He felt a lump in his throat when he said, “Hey Carl,“ Carl leaned over so he could see, “This is one of the boys…one of Hunter’s friends, from the funeral.”

New York

Justin set out his new Kolinsky Sable flat brushes on the work table as he went over the plans for the weekend with his mother on the phone, “Well, my flight gets in at 5:40. I was going to take a cab to the loft, but if you want me to wait at the airport for Cousin Joanne’s flight to arrive I can make sure she and the kids get checked into the hotel.”

“That would be a huge help, honey. I just can’t believe this is happening. Emmett had every detail set and now everything is up in the air. Why did that Pro-Am have to be at the club this weekend?”

“Treesdale is huge, they didn’t have any other spaces for the ceremony and reception?” Justin asked as he began prepping his canvas.

“Emmett said none of the other available spaces are suitable. Besides, even if we did have it at the club it’d be a media circus. All Tuck and I wanted was a nice, simple affair with no fuss.”

Justin could hear the stress in his mother’s voice and he wanted to help. She deserved to have a perfect day especially after the year she’d had. “Mom, if you want, you can have the wedding out at Britin. I’m sure Emmett could do wonders with the place.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, but Emmett will need to wait till I get to town so I can give him my key. Brian said he’s going to be in meetings all day and he won’t be reachable till late tonight.”

Jennifer was utterly relieved, “Oh honey, thank you. I didn’t know how we were going to find a place at the last minute during the middle of the wedding season.”

“It’s no problem. I glad the place is getting put to use. I hate that it’s just sitting out there empty.”

Jennifer knew Britin was where Justin accepted Brian’s proposal. She could only imagine what the house meant to him, “Justin, you’re sure it won’t be…I don’t know, uncomfortable, for you to have my wedding there, in your home?

Justin smiled to himself, “As long as you don’t consummate your marriage there it won’t bother me at all.”

Vangard Agency

Brian stepped off the elevator with Ted and Cynthia at his side. They were followed by Kinnetik's Human Resources Manager, Brian's attorney, two maintenance men and three security guards.

The startled front receptionist stood up behind her desk, "Excuse me, do you have an appointment?"

Brian paid no regard to the woman as he instructed his team. "Let's start with getting that sign down. I've always hated the name Vangard." The two maintenance men went to work as Brian continued, "Cynthia, you and Phil have your lists?"

Cynthia and the HR Manager each held up folders as she responded," We've got the offer letters and the pink slips right here."

"Go ahead and get started."

Cynthia indicated to the HR manager to follow her then she smiled at Brian from ear to ear, "God, I'm gonna love this."

Brian bit back a smile, but then quickly put his down-to-business scowl back on, "Ted?"

Ted stepped up next to Brian, "Right here boss."

Take one of the guards with you down to records and make sure nobody shreds anything while we're getting this done."

"Consider it done," Ted gave a little salute and hurried down the hall.

Brian pointed to the two other guards, "You two. Stay by the elevator and make sure no one leaves with anything except their coffee mugs and pictures of their kids." The large, overbearing men both nodded and took their positions.

When Brian finally acknowledged the presence of the receptionist she had turned a ghostly shade of white. Brian stepped forward and rested his hand on her desk, "I'm your new boss. I need you to get Gardner on the phone and tell him that Brian Kinney is waiting for him in the conference room."

Vangard Agency
Conference Room

Gardner looked through the documents in front of him and asked with a defiant tone, "What, the hell, is this?"

“This," Brian began with a smile that indicated he was thoroughly enjoying himself, "is what they call a hostile take over, it’s the sort of thing that happens to companies that over extend themselves and pander to clients who don’t know shit about the services they’re paying for.”

“Brian, let’s be reasonable, I’m sure we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement.” Gardner stood up, crossed the room, and sat on the edge of the conference table right next to Brian’s chair, “Think about it, with your creative talent, and newly developed business acumen and my extensive list of industry contacts, Vangard and Kinnetik could join forces to become an advertising powerhouse.”

Brian leaned back in his chair and made it appear as if he was giving Gardner’s suggestion some serious thought, “It’s an interesting suggestion, there’s only one small, problem with it,” Brian turned to his attorney, “why don’t you explain it to him?”

The attorney pushed his eye glasses up the bridge of his nose, "Mr. Vance, Mr. Kinney here has relieved you of the debt you owe to your investors and Kinnetik Inc. now holds majority interest in the Vangard Agency."

Brian gave Gardner a look of mock sympathy, “So you see Vance, since I own Vangard that means I already own your extensive list of industry contacts. I really don’t see what further use you’d be to me.”

Gardner stood and threw the papers across the room, "You think you can come in here and buy my company out from under me, Kinney?"

Brian rose and looked Gardner square in the eye, "I don't think I can, I did."

Gardner turned beet red, "You're a scheming, conniving, faggot!"

Brian leaned forward in a deliberate attempt to invade Gardner’s space, "And you're fired. Now get, the fuck, out of my building."

Later that night...

Ted sat with Brian on his couch as he smoked a cigarette, "I don't believe I've ever had that much fun with my clothes on," Brian mused.

Ted chuckled, "It was quite a day, Bri. One thing's for sure, working for you is never dull."

Brian pushed himself up off the couch and crossed the room to his desk, "Speaking of work, I had Gordon draw these up. I want you to take a look at them before I sign."

Brian perched himself on the edge of his desk and held a contract out to Ted. He rose and started looking through it, with a tone of surprise he asked, "You're taking on a partner?"



Brian tilted his head to the side, "Keep reading."

Ted scanned the document when he got to the explanatory paragraph he started to read aloud, "forty percent of Kinnetik Inc.'s assets, properties, and holdings shall hence forth fall under the ownership of Theodore Schmidt." Ted was shocked. He couldn't believe what he'd just read.

"Well," Brian prodded, "Aren't you going to say something?"

Ted shook his head, "I don't think there are words in the English language to describe what I'm feeling right now. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that you, of all people, would want me, of all people, to be your partner."

"Dreams are overrated. The fact is, till you came on board I was barely able to get Kinnetik off the ground. It's not a gift. You've earned it. Besides, I need someone to take care of things around here since I'll be working out of the New York office." Brian explained matter-of-factly.

"New York? Does Justin know?"

"No. And if you breathe a word of it –“

“I know, I know they’ll have to drag my bloated corpse out of the bottom of the Allegheny" Ted looked back down at the contract, "Wow, 40-60 partners. I can't believe it."

Brian pointed to one of the paragraphs at the bottom of the page, "Actually, if you keep reading you'll see that our shares are 40-55 percent."

"Where's the other five percent going?"

Just as Brian was about to answer, Cynthia walked into the room. She grabbed Brian by his tie, pulled him to her and kissed him hard on the mouth. She definitely took Brian by surprised, but he figured what-the-hell. So, he wrapped his arms around her and passionately returned the kiss as he dipped her nearly to the floor. When he pulled her back upright and released her, Cynthia's knees buckled. Brian caught her as she breathlessly said, "I've been wanting to do that for almost a decade."

Ted stood there speechless as Brian laughed, "So I take it, that's a yes to my offer letter?"

"Five percent of the business and an apartment? There's no way I'd turn that down. Although, I hope you intend on including a clothing allowance, if I'm going to be a Manhattan business woman I'm going to need an entirely new wardrobe."

Interstate 79 South
Rest Stop

Gus busied himself by running around the row of picnic tables as Melanie opened the ice chest and started getting lunch ready. Lindsay wearily reappeared from the rest room with Jenny Rebecca.

"Did she go?"

"No," Lindsay sighed," I even threatened to put her training pants back on but she wouldn't even try.

"Potty yucky!" JR complained. Lindsay handed JR to Melanie and she took over the sandwich making. Just as she was setting lunch out on the table Gus ran up to her, "Mommy, I gotta make."

"Okay, let's go Gus."

When they started walking towards the Women's restroom Gus stopped and crossed his arms. "I don't want to go in the girls’ room."

Lindsay held out her hand to him, "Come on Gus, you know I can't go in the boys’ room."

"I'm a big boy. I can go by myself. I don't need help."

"We already talked about this, it's not safe for you to go into a public bathroom by yourself. Now let's go make a quick tinkle and then we can have our picnic lunch."  

Gus stomped his foot, "No! I'm not girl and I'm not going in the girls’ room!"

Lindsay could feel a headache coming on, "Then you're going to have to hold it till we get to your Uncle Michael's house."

Gus sucked in his top lip and started to pout before announcing, "If Daddy was here, he could take me to the boys’ room!"  

Since Brian's visit a few weeks before Gus had begun using the 'if Daddy was here' argument on a regular basis to get what he wanted. Lindsay's motherly powers were useless against it. "Fine, fine.” She took Gus with one hand and obstructed her own view with the other as she rushed into the men's room, past the urinals and scooted Gus into the stall. It didn't have a door so she stood facing him.

"Turn around Mommy. I can do it by myself."

Lindsay turned around to give her five year old his privacy, just as a man walked up to one of the urinals. "I'm sorry," she said, "We'll just be a minute."

The man gave her a sympathetic smile as he waited for them to finish, "It's no problem, I'm a single parent too. When I took my daughter to the mall last weekend I had to use my necktie to blindfold her before I brought her into the mens’ room."

Lindsay gave a half-hearted laugh choosing not to clarify her own family situation.

"I'm done Mommy."

"OK Gus, now let's wash your hands and we'll go eat." They finished up in the restroom and walked back out to the picnic table to find JR sitting on her blanket screaming while Melanie threw the luggage out of the back of the SUV.

"What happened?"

"She wet her pants and I can't find her baby bag." Melanie groaned.

"It's in the front seat. Remember, we put it up there so it'd be easy to find?" Lindsay covered he mouth trying to hide her grin.

Melanie shook her head and laughed despite herself, "Remind me why taking a road trip was such a good idea?"

Lindsay was just about to respond when the lid of Gus's cup came off and he spilled orange juice all over himself, "I will, if you can remind me why getting out of bed this morning was a good idea."   

Upstairs Guest room

Emmett had truly out done himself. In just a day he and Darren had transformed an empty manor into a dream wedding location. The main den at the front of the house was set up for the ceremony and the pool had been transformed into a wonderland for the reception. Through some of his hospitality industry contacts Emmett procured a plexi-glass dance floor that fit perfectly over the swimming pool. Dozens of tea-light candles floated on the water giving the entire area a magical feel. Unbeknownst to Jennifer, Justin used some of his Rage money to pad her wedding budget so Emmett used top-of-the-line place settings and floral arrangements.  

Since the vast majority of the house was still unfurnished, Emmett not only rented tables and chairs for the ceremony and reception but he also supplied a few of the rooms with mirrors, vanities and other necessary furnishing for the bridal party to get ready, though Brian and Justin chose to get dressed in their room.

Brian grimaced at his reflection in the mirror as he tugged on the sleeves of his ill fitting, rented tuxedo. "Remind me again why I can’t wear my Armani?"

Justin, wearing an identical tuxedo, walked up behind him and stood on his tip-toes so he could rest his chin on Brian's shoulder. Their eyes met in the mirror, "Because it’d be gauche for an usher to show up the groom. Besides, wearing this rented monkey suit is the only thing that could possibly prevent everyone from looking at you instead of Mom and Tucker.”

“Hmpf. I must have been high when I agreed to this.”

Justin smiled, “No. You’re just an unbelievably generous person who’d do anything for his friends and family.”

Brian let out a dramatic sigh, "How I long for the days when everyone thought I was a selfish, narcissistic, asshole. So much for secret identities," Brian turned and took Justin in his arms, "Promise me one thing."


"That you will never, under any circumstances, even under the penalty of certain death...refer to me as 'nice.'"

Justin smiled, but then fixed a serious gaze as he said, "Brian Kinney? Nice? I'm pretty certain that's one of the signs of the apocalypse. But come to think of it, maybe it's not because you're so unbelievably generous that you're wearing this sorry rented tux. It could be that other thing."

Brian furrowed his brow and jutted his chin out, "What other thing?"

"That you've had a huge boner for my mother for years." Justin managed to explain through his laughter.

Brian smirked and in soft, but seductive tone he replied, "It can't be helped. Blonds have always been my biggest weakness."

Bride's Dressing Room

Molly took the wrapping off her very first make up kit and inspected the various colors of lip gloss and blush. Earlier, she had expressed her disappointment when Jennifer told her she would have to wait another year before she could start wearing any eye shadow by going into a full-on, pre-teen pout mode. But, Jennifer quickly put an end to it by suggesting that perhaps she was too young for any make up at all.

When Jennifer, Molly and Debbie were all just about just about ready, there was a knock at the door.

Justin opened the door just a crack, "Is everyone decent in there?"

"Come on in Justin, is it time?" Jennifer asked as she felt a little surge nerves wash over her.

Justin walked in, "Yeah, Emmett said they're ready for us."

When Jennifer turned from the mirror Justin smiled, "Oh Mom, you look amazing."

Jennifer just blushed in response. Debbie motioned to Molly, "Come on honey, let's give your brother a minute with your mom."

When Justin and Jennifer were alone in the room he awkwardly began, "Mom, I want to apologize to you for being so, childish about you and Tucker. You deserve to be happy and he's a good man."

Jennifer smiled, "He is. I've been thinking a lot lately about what it is about him and -"

"Please mom. No sex stuff."

Jennifer rolled her eyes and put her hand on her hip," I wasn't going to say anything about that. I still believe there are some limitations to what parents and children should share with each other. What I realized is, it's not just that I love Tucker, it's that I love who I am when I'm him. Does that make any sense?"

In that moment Justin felt an unspoken connection with his mother because he knew exactly what she was trying to say, "You feel alive. And you feel like there's nothing you can't accomplish as long as you have him by your side."

Jennifer nodded as tears started to well in her eyes.

Justin hugged her, "Mom, don't cry. Emmett will be furious with me if I got things off schedule because you had to redo your makeup."

Down Stairs

Brian finished performing the last of his usher's duties as he led Tucker's great-aunt to her seat. She was the only female relative on Tucker's side of the aisle. Apparently, most of the women in his family didn't tend to live very long. Tucker's father, uncle and a few cousins were in attendance in addition to what Brian assumed were several of Tucker's teacher friends. Tucker stood at the front of the room with the best man, his identical twin brother Tag.

The left side of the aisle was filled with several PFLAG parents as well as a number of Jennifer's out of town relatives. And of course, the whole gang was there. After Justin walked Jennifer down the aisle Brian took his seat next to him and Justin held his hand throughout the ceremony. The wedding was simple, but beautiful. And Brian couldn’t keep himself from looking at Justin as Jennifer and Tucker exchanged their vows.

Later at the reception, Brian sat with Gus to share a piece of cake. "Gus, don't you want some?" Brian asked when he saw that Gus was paying more attention to the people on the dance floor than to the sugary dessert in front of him.

"He must have a rule about carbs too." Justin's comment earned smirk from Brian as Gus whispered something in his father's ear.

Brian gave his son a serious look, "Well Gus, if you want to, just ask her."

"What do I say, Daddy?" Brian whispered the answer to Gus's question back to him then the boy got down off his father's lap and started walking toward Jennifer.

"What did you tell him to go do?" Lindsay asked with a clear sense of dread.

Brian smiled, "Just watch."

Jennifer was standing at the edge of the pool-top dance floor talking to her cousin when Gus walked up to her. He looked back to Brian for reassurance who gave him a little nod so Gus tugged on the side of Jennifer's dress. "Hi Gus, are you having a good time?"

Mel, Lindsay, Brian and Justin were all sitting within earshot so they could easily hear Gus respond with a frighteningly, Kinneyesque tone, "Uh. Huh. You're hot. You wanna dance?"

Jennifer appeared genuinely charmed when she replied, "I'd love to," and led her little admirer out onto the dance floor.

Lindsay burst out laughing but, Melanie shook her head, "I cannot believe you told our son to say that."

Justin laughed, "Hey it could've been worse. You should hear what Brian says when he wants to dance with someone."

Brian ignored everyone's comments. He just shot back the last of his scotch before standing and grabbing Justin by the lapel, "Come on. We're dancing."

As Justin rose he looked over his shoulder at Melanie and Lindsay, "See, he doesn't even bother asking. And that's the G rated version of what he usually says."

Justin felt something ethereal about dancing with Brian above the candle lit swimming pool. That, in combination with the night-time summer breeze, the music, and being in the presence of everyone he loved, truly made the night magical.

Justin was lost in thought when Brian gave him a little squeeze and said, "You were right...when you said that we don't need rings or vows to prove that we love each other."

Justin nodded, "I know." He figured Brian was looking for an affirmation that they'd made the right choice in canceling their own wedding.

But Brian surprised him when he continued, "Although, It doesn't mean we can't have those things if we want them. It doesn't mean we shouldn't get married."

Justin stopped swaying to the music and looked into Brian's eyes, "It doesn't?"

"But we're not a couple of straight people. We're not your Mom and Tucker. We don't need the church or the county court house to tell us we're married. We're queers. We don't need a license. We're married when we say we are."

Justin's heart was pounding in his chest. This wasn't like before. Brian wasn't making this proposal in a desperate effort to win him back. "So, you're saying you really want to get married?"

Brian had never been more certain of anything, "Yes. But I want to make one thing clear. I have absolutely no interest in having a wife. So don't think that I want you packing my lunch, or darning my socks. We're partners. And I want you to be my husband."

Justin gave Brian a little, crooked smile, "Okay. But, there are some things I want too."

Brian raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

Justin's voice was strong and clear when he said, "I don't want a seating chart or golden gardenias, but I do want to know that when you need it, you'll let me help you. The same goes for me. I know we're both perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves, but I don't want to ever have a replay of the chicken soup argument. I just can't live like that."

Brian knew what Justin was telling him. For Justin, having a marriage meant Brian would have to tear down the last of his walls. It would be the most difficult thing he’d ever have to do in his life. But for Justin, he'd take a sledge hammer that part of himself that separated him from true happiness. So, Brian nodded in agreement to Justin's conditions.

Justin smiled, "There's one more thing. No matter where you are, no matter what you're doing, you’ll always come home so we can sit down at a table and have dinner least four nights a week."

Brian tilted his head as his lips curled into a smile, "Two nights," he countered.

The sunshine smile appeared on Justin's face when he replied, "Three."

Brian cupped his hand behind Justin's neck and sealed their pact with a kiss. Justin's lips were as soft as warm as they always were. And as he felt their tongues gently play with each other, Brian knew his life would never be the same. "So if we're going to make official, name the time and the place."

Justin took a deep breath as he thought for a moment. "I'm done waiting. Tonight, at the loft, just you and me."

Brian’s Loft

Justin sat on the edge of the bed and waited as Brian turned out the lights and set the alarm. The loft was dark with the exception of the soft white, glow that blanketed the bedroom. Justin willed the butterflies in his stomach away as Brian walked up the stairs carrying a small black velvet box.

He sat down next to Justin and whispered, “Hey.”

“Hey.” Justin smiled.

Brian brushed the back of his hand along Justin’s cheek. “You ready?”

Justin nodded, “Uh huh. I’ll go first.”

Brian bit in his lip and handed Justin the box.

“Brian, I can’t remember a time in my life when I’ve wanted anything more than I want you. You’re a strong, confident, amazingly brilliant man. But more than all of that, when we’re together I know that I can face anything. With you by my side, there’s nothing I can’t do. You taught me how to be the man I am today, “Justin opened the box, took out one of the rings and slipped it on Brian’s finger, “That’s why I choose you, to be my husband.”

Brian took a deep breath as he looked down at the ring on his left hand. He let the light shine on it for a second before saying, “Justin, I’ve never been one for making plans. You changed all that. When I close my eyes I see you, us…five, ten, twenty years from now. I don’t have any illusions about happily ever after, but because of you, I’ve learned to believe in love.” Brian took the other ring from the box and slipped it on Justin’s finger. He fought back the lump in his throat when he said, “That’s why I choose you, to be my husband.”

Brian cradled Justin’s face in his hands and whispered, “I want to make love to you.” He’d never said those words before. And later as he entered Justin, Brian realized that this was something new for him. He’d touched Justin like this a thousand times before, but he’d never let himself really be in the moment and savor all that Justin meant to him.

They moved together, keeping a slow easy rhythm. And as Justin looked into his husband’s eyes, he knew that for the very first time, Brian wasn’t holding anything back. He wasn’t going to some other place. He was completely with Justin, in him, loving him.

Their honeymoon lovemaking continued throughout the night, and when they were finally, happily sated Brian said, “We should get some sleep. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

Justin yawned, “We do?”

“Yeah, you’re helping me pack.” Brian said as he moved his arm so Justin could lie back against him.

Justin furrowed his brow, “Pack? For what?”

“Oh that’s right. I haven’t told you. I’m moving to New York.”


[ 本帖最后由 jill_liu 于 2007-4-13 20:15 编辑 ]






原帖由 sunshine_07 于 2007-4-12 21:27 发表

举双手双脚赞成em03 em03 em03

[ 本帖最后由 八天十夜 于 2007-4-13 08:19 编辑 ]


em08 真是一个不小的噩耗~~












em02 em02 em02


em49 不是说每周三填坑吗?巴巴地跑来


em49 大人.......大人偶学校破网看不到原文em49 .......大人快回来填坑,偶要下文偶要下文......


大人! 填坑啊~~~
em49 等的我眼泪汪汪滴……








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