

Title: Queer As Folk Season 6 Episode 613
Rating: NC-17

Toronto International Airport
Ground Transportation

Melanie stood in line at the taxi stand. Despite the fact that it was early August there was a chill in the air and she shivered as she waited for her cab. The last week in Pittsburgh had been exhausting, but it felt so damned good to get back to really practicing law.

When she’d first arrived in Pittsburgh Ted had already spent the night in jail. Blake, Emmett and Brian were all waiting for her when she got to the station.

“You guys have been here all night?”

“We wanted to be here when he got arraigned, but they’ve pushed it back three times.” Blake explained.

They all looked haggard and there was really nothing they could do for Ted so Melanie suggested, “Why don’t you three go have breakfast and I’ll try to get some answers for you by the time you get back.”

Brian nodded, “Here are Kinnetik’s licenses and contracts in case you need them.” He handed the files to Melanie before leading the guys out the door.  

Melanie went over to the precinct captain’s desk, “I’m Theodore Schmidt’s attorney. I’d like to see him.”  She handed the police officer her credentials. Luckily they hadn’t expired.

“They’re taking him across the street now. You can talk to him in the holding cell. We’re pretty backed up. It’ll be at least another hour before his docket number comes up.”

Melanie walked across the street to the county court house. She had to go through three security checks and a twenty-five minute wait. She used the time to call the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board and the District Attorney’s office to see what she could find out.

When she was finally led down to the holding cell Ted ran up to the bars, “Melanie. God, I’m glad you’re here. I was afraid you wouldn’t make it in time and I’d be stuck with some pimply faced public defender.”

Melanie gave Ted a reassuring smile, “I’m going to do my best to take care of everything, but I’ve got a couple of questions.”

Ted was clearly in an agitated state, but he did his best to control himself, “Sure, sure sure…what do you need to know?”

“Tell me about the security at Babylon. Do you just have a bouncer who check’s IDs?”

“No, when we reopened I had a metal detector installed and we have a magnetic card reader that checks to make sure the driver’s licenses are authentic. Brian also did away with the membership cards because they were so easy to fake. We make people bring photo ID and their social security cards on their first visit and we verify that they’re over twenty one on the Social Security Administration website right at the door. No one gets in unless they’re at least twenty-one.”

“Brian is following age restrictions? That’s a new one.”

“I think he figured if he kept the teenagers out it wouldn’t be so noticeable that he’s in his mid-thirties.”

Melanie shook her head and smirked, “Well it looks like Brian’s vanity may have saved your ass. The cops didn’t find anyone under-age on the premises and they couldn’t get a single witness to verify that any lewd acts may have been performed.”

Ted had been damn lucky. As Melanie’s cab turned into the entrance of her neighborhood she thought about how surprised she’d been by Brian’s reaction to the whole ordeal. She remembered standing in his office as she tried to give Brian an update of the situation.

He practically barked an order at her, “I don’t need to know the details, just make this go away for Ted.”

Melanie sighed and held up a copy of the liquor license amendment, “That’s what I’m trying to do. Will you just tell me who this Gordon person is?”

“He’s our corporate counsel. He’s been on staff for about six months. Why?”

Melanie dropped the document on Brian’s desk, “Well your counselor neglected to notify the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board of Ted’s conviction. Amendments are approved automatically, but they do any necessary verifications on the back end. That’s how they found out about Ted’s record. If Gordon had included it in his initial submission the amendment would have been denied and none of this mess would have ever happened.”

Brian sat quietly for a moment then stood up, “Are you telling me this was a fuck-up on our end?”

Melanie nodded, “It looks that way.”

At this news Brian picked up his coffee mug and threw it across the room. It hit the glass door which immediately spidered with cracks, “God Damn it!”

Melanie jumped at Brian’s out burst, “Jesus Brian, you don’t need to wreck your office. Just fire Gordon.”

Brian’s chest was heaving. He took a few deep breaths as he calmed himself, “You can be sure as shit I’m going to do that. But first tell me what I need to do to make sure Ted doesn’t go to prison.”

“Relax Brian, the DA doesn’t have anything on Ted that’ll stick, he won’t have to serve any more jail time. As soon as they get the new terms of his probation worked out, they’ll let him out. The reason I came here today was to talk to you about Babylon. There is no way the PLCB is going to reissue you a liquor license the way things are. You’re going to have to either drop Ted as your business partner or sell Babylon.”

“Fuck Babylon. Just get Ted out. I need him.”

Melanie could barely believe this was the same Brian she’d always loved to hate. He truly had grown a heart, Melanie thought to herself as she got out of the cab and paid the driver. If Brian could learn to genuinely care for his fellow man, then she supposed anything was possible.

Debbie, Carl and Emmett's House
Emmett’s Room

Emmett slid the packing tape over his box of CD’s as Drew tried to untangle himself from a pink feather boa he'd managed to get wrapped around his arm, "Uh Em? Can you give me a hand here? I'm having a little trouble getting this folded."

Emmett looked up to find Drew virtually being attacked by pink feathers. He tried to contain his laughter as he said, "Well that answers my question about whether or not you could have a successful career as drag queen."

"Hey, if Joe Namath can wear pantyhose then so can I," Drew teased.

Emmett untangled Drew from the boa, "Why don't we stick with letting me be the fem in this relationship."

Drew wrapped his arms around Emmett's waist, "You do look pretty hot when you put on that eye make up with the glitter stuff in it."

"You think so?" Emmett asked as he kissed Drew's neck, "Then maybe I'll wear some to our going away party this weekend." Emmett felt Drew tense at his words so he pulled back and asked, "Baby, what is it?"

Drew looked down and shrugged, "I feel like a jerk for taking you away from all your friends."

Emmett lifted Drew's face by gently nudging his chin, "Honey, it's the 21st century. We've got cell phones, email, web-cams. You're not taking me away from anyone."

Drew gave Emmett a weak smile, "There's also your party planning business. I know how hard you've worked to build it."

"I'm sure Pittsburgh society will get along just fine without me. Besides, when we get to Seattle I'll be working to make a good home for us. Unless of course I decide to just relax and be a gentleman of leisure," Emmett replied with a devilish grin.

"You can do whatever you want, Emmett. I just want you to be happy."

Ted & Blakes Condo

Ted fluffed his pillow and turned on his side in an effort to get comfortable. Blake was sleeping soundly, but Ted couldn't keep his mind from racing. Weeks ago, when the police officer put the hand cuffs on Ted, he really believed that all the work he'd done in the past few years to get his life back on track had been all for nothing. It was supposed to have been a night of celebration for Michael and Ben, but instead it had turned into one of the most embarrassing experiences of Ted's life. The worst part was the look on Blake's face when he saw the cops put Ted in the back of the police car. The very last thing Blake deserved was to have to watch his convict lover being carted off to jail.

It was now past midnight and as Ted lay in bed, he grew more and more restless. Finally, he decided to get up and go for a drive. It wasn't long before he found himself on Liberty Avenue. Ted pulled into a parking space across from Babylon and got out of the car. The club was dark and empty. So naturally, Ted's accountant mind immediately started calculating the thousands of dollars they were loosing on every night the club was closed. He decided he needed a distraction so he began walking up the street in search of something that'd help give his head a rest.

Woody's was loud and crowded. Plus, they seemed to be having some sort of benefit and Ted didn’t feel like dealing with that. Boy Toy didn't appeal to him because he was likely to be old enough to be most of the other patrons’ father. Ted hadn't been to the baths since he and Blake got together so that wasn't an option. And there was no way in hell he wanted to sit around with a bunch of stuck up assholes, so Pistol was out of the question. As he past by the Diner Ted noticed that Debbie was working the night shift and he really wasn't in the mood to for one of her cheeky pep talks. So, he kept walking till he found himself at the front entrance of Meat Hook.

Ted had only really dabbled in the leather community, but he knew enough to be certain that whatever was going on in that club tonight would be enough to put his worries on hold. As Ted pulled out his wallet and handed the bouncer the cover charge he said, "Hey Dungeon Master Don. What are they scene-ing tonight?"

"We had a collaring ceremony earlier tonight so we had to make room for the guests, but we do have a St. Andrew's Cross up and a wickedly sadistic Daddy who'll whip your ass so hard you wont be able to sit for a month."

"Sounds hot." Ted replied in his best Brian affectation.

When he started to walk in the door DM Don placed his hand on Ted's shoulder and held out a black leather vest, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Thanks," Ted slid on the vest as he replied, "I'll be sure to return it when I leave."

As Ted walked in the club it became obvious that there weren’t many people there who were only casually into leather. Usually, Meat Hook was filled with guys who enjoyed a little light bondage and the occasional spanking. But tonight’s crowd was the real deal. They were 24/7 dominate/submissive lifestylers. There were several leather-clad Doms leading their nearly naked slaves around on leashes. Ted tried to keep his composure as he sat at the bar and ordered a cranberry juice. Just as he was about to take a sip when a hot, very young twink wearing only a leather G-string was cuffed to two large boards shaped like an X.

At first the sight of the twink getting flogged on his bare ass titillated Ted, but after a few minutes his worries crept back up on him and all he could think about was how upset Brian must be that they were going to have to sell Babylon. After everything Brian had done for him, this mess was how Ted was repaying him. He stood up from the bar and began to head toward the exit when a large bear wearing only tight leather pants and a pair of combat boots came up to Ted, “Leaving so soon?”

Ted looked up at the man who was towering over him, “Uh yeah, I’m not feeling very good and it’s getting late.”

“Oh well, in that case maybe all you need is a little pick me up.”

Ted furrowed his brow and tentatively asked, “A pick me up?”

The man stepped closer to Ted and discreetly showed him the small bag of meth he was holding in his hand, “It’s good shit. It’ll make all those bad feelings disappear.”

Ted shook his head, “I don’t think so. Thanks anyway.”

The man took hold of Ted’s shoulder and leaned down to whisper in his ear, “Ask yourself, when’s the last time you’ve felt beautiful.”

Brian’s Loft

Justin was happily lingering somewhere between asleep and awake as he gently ground his erection against Brian’s. He’d surprised Brian that evening by showing up in Pittsburgh a day early for Emmett’s party. Brian kissed the top of Justin’s head before sliding his hand down Justin’s back and into his crack. He was still slick with lube from earlier that night so Brian’s fingers slid easily into Justin’s hole. The feel of it made Justin moan and it wasn’t long before he was fucking himself on Brian’s fingers.

The morning sun was just coming through the window and Brian’s breath hitched at the sight of the soft light on Justin’s blond hair. He rolled Justin onto his back and took hold of his thighs to spread his legs. Justin bent his knees and planted his feet on the mattress, but when Brian reached for the condom Justin said, “Wait.”

Brian raised an eyebrow in reply.

“Brian, I want to watch you touch yourself. “

Brian curled his lips into a wry smile, “Did all those months of fucking over the web-cams give you a voyeurism kink?”

“Maybe.” Justin drawled.

“You want to see me stroke my cock?” Brian asked as he let his hands linger in front of his crotch.

“Yes,” Justin breathlessly replied, “Jerk yourself off then shoot your come all over me.”

When Brian began pumping his dick into his fist Justin reached into the nightstand drawer for his dildo. He sucked it for a couple minutes then let the head roll over his lips, before reaching down between his legs sliding it into himself.

“That’s right,” Brian grunted, “Shove it in your ass.”

The lusty, dirtiness of Brian’s words made Justin whimper. He drew the dildo deeply in and out of himself and focused his gaze on Brian’s now hard, dark purple cock.

Justin drew his thighs up against his abdomen so Brian could have a clear view of his ass, “Come for me, Brian. Come on my ass. Do it.”

That’s all it took and almost immediately Brian was shooting on to Justin. The sight of it made Justin come too. He pulled out the dildo and started rolling it in Brian’s come, “God, Brian. I want it so bad. I want to feel your hot wet come inside me.”

But when he started to move the soaked dildo back towards his hole Brian reached down and grabbed Justin’s wrist. “What kind of game do you think you’re playing?”

Justin leaned forward and propped himself up on his elbows, “I’m not playing. You’re telling me you never think about it?”

Brian shook his head and in a cold tone he replied, “I’ll tell you what I think about if you quit being a pussy and admit that you’re not really talking about fucking without condoms.”

“Huh?” Justin innocently asked.

Brian got up and stood at the foot of the bed, “You know damn well that doing it raw would mean  we’d have to stop fucking other guys.”

Justin moved forward and knelt at the edge of the bed. He placed his hand on Brian’s shoulder, “I would never ask you to do anything you’re not ready for; I promised you that a long time ago. It doesn’t mean we can’t at least discuss how we both feel about it.”

“You know how I feel about it,” Brian replied through gritted teeth as he walked toward the bathroom and shut the door.

Jennifer’s Car

“Now I know you two said you wanted to stick to looking at residential properties for the group home, but I want you to bear with me and see the place I found. I really think you’ll love it.” Jennifer said as she pulled up the curved driveway of The Apple Tree Inn.

Michael looked out the side rear window of the vehicle, “It’s a hotel.”

“Technically, it’s a Bed & Breakfast,” Jennifer corrected, “And the owners just retired and moved to Boca Raton so they’ve priced it to sell. It’s a steal, really.” As Jennifer Ben and Michael got out of the car and walked up to the entryway she continued, “I did some checking and since it’s zoned as commercial space and since you’re a non-profit business you’ll have a full tax abatement.”

“How far are we from Carnegie Mellon?” Ben asked as he followed Jennifer into the B&B.

“Within walking distance, and Michael it’s just about a five minute bike ride to The Red Cape. Oh and Shadyside High School right down the street and it’s ranked among the best in the state. So your boys will get a top notch education.”

They walked through the house, and Ben and Michael were both impressed by the five bedrooms, living room, dining room and eat-in kitchen. But they were really taken with the back yard, “Look Ben, it’s a vegetable garden.” Michael excitedly pointed out.

“I know, we could grow our own organic foods. This really is a great place, are there going to be any problems with the neighbors objecting to the group home?”

Jennifer smiled, “I’ve already checked. There is no formal Home Owners Association in the neighborhood and this entire area has mixed zoning so you shouldn’t have any problems at all.”

Ben and Michael looked at each other, “What do you think, Michael?”

Michael smiled, “I love it, what about you?”

Ben put his arm around Michael’s shoulder and turned to Jennifer, “We’ll take it.”

Michael and Ben’s House
Later that afternoon…

Jennifer dropped Michael and Ben off at home and waved to them as she pulled out of the driveway. When they walked in the house Michael said, “I’ll call Sister Carmen and let her know we found a place. I’m sure she’ll be as thrilled as we are.”

Ben took Michael’s hand, “Before you do, there’s something I want to show you.”

Michael gave Ben a seductive look and made an attempt at imitating a 1940’s movie starlet, “Why Professor Bruckner, are you making a pass at me?”

Ben laughed and picked up a box that was sitting on the bookshelf, “Let’s hold that thought. First, we should open this package.”

“What is it?”

“Open it and find out,” Ben smiled.

Michael took the package and sat on the couch. When he read the return address label he said, “Green Point Press, what did they send you?”

Ben could barely contain himself, “Open it, you’ll see!”

Michael opened the box, sifted through the packing foam, and found a hardcover book, “A Boy’s Life, by Ben Bruckner.”

“It’s the novel I wrote after we lost Hunter.”

Michael was stunned, “I didn’t even know you submitted it.”

“I wanted to wait and see what kind of response I got before I said anything. I sent it to Green Point first and they absolutely loved it.”

Michael rose and hugged Ben, “This is fantastic! When’s it going to be in stores?”

“At the beginning of next year and they’re really going to get behind it. They’ve got a huge marketing campaign planned.”

Michael pressed his lips to Ben’s, “I always knew you could do it. I am so proud of you.”

Ben wrapped his arms around Michael, “And with Rage going international I suppose this means we’re both successful writers now.”


Brian surveyed the huge mess of papers that covered his desk. Now that Cynthia was working out of the New York office full-time he was really beginning to realize how much he truly relied on her. He’d had no idea that he wasn’t organized, but it turned out that Cynthia had been the one who always made sure all of Brian’s contracts and client files were in the proper place. Now that he thought about it, he couldn’t remember the last time he got something out of the filing cabinet or put something away himself. He considered calling in Carol, the new administrative assistant, to get things in order, but every time he talked to her she looked like she would start crying at any minute. When he complained about her to Cynthia she responded by informing Brian that he needed to work on his “people skills.”

Brian stood behind his desk trying to decide what to tend to first when Ted walked in, “You’re late.”

Ted furrowed his brow, “I called in and said I’d be in at ten, didn’t you get the message?”

Brian waved his hand over his desk, “I could have, but at this rate I’ll probably find it sometime next century.”

“Well, I’ve got the Obdural ROIs ready for the conference call with Pfister. Do you want to check them over first?”

Brian was still surveying his desk, “No. I’m sure you did fine with it, but it’s a good thing you’re not meeting with them in person. You look like shit.”

“I had a late night.” Ted quietly responded.

“Hmm. Are you going to be up for the call this afternoon?” Brian asked as he sat down and started typing something on his PC.

“Of course, I’m fine. I just had trouble going to sleep. I haven’t checked my calendar yet this morning. What do we have on the schedule?”

“I need to run an errand. Come with me.” Brian slid on his jacket and Ted followed him out the door.

Once they were in Brian’s corvette, he and Ted discussed a few of the campaigns that were in process as well as different logistical aspects of Ted’s new responsibilities. When Brian remembered he hadn’t told Ted about the early morning meeting he’d had he said, “Oh, I found a buyer for Babylon.”

“You did? Who?” Just the thought of Brian having to sell Babylon made Ted’s headache come back.


“Todd? Todd who?”

Brian grimaced, “You know, Todd. Everyone knows Todd.”

“Wait, you don’t mean backroom bottom boy Todd?”

“That’s the one,” Brian replied as he turned onto Sixth Street.

Ted was astonished, “How, on Earth, could he afford to by a club?”

“He just turned twenty-five and finally got his hands on his trust fund. Apparently he comes from old Pennsylvania Railroad money.”

“Huh, I guess you never know when you’re fucking a millionaire.”

“Unless you’re Emmett.” Brian replied.
Ted gave a weak chuckle then in a serious, contrite tone he said, “Brian, I just want to let you know that I hate that you have to sell the club because of me.”

Brian pulled over to the curb and put the car in park. “It was time to sell it. I can’t live in Never Never Land forever.”

Ted looked out the window and saw the sign that read Reconciliation Presbyterian Church. “What are we doing here?”

Brian checked his hair in the rearview mirror, “It said online that they have one of those Twelve Step Pity Parties starting in about five minutes.”

“You mean an AA meeting?”

Brian looked at Ted as if he’d just asked the most ridiculous question he’d ever heard, “Am I not speaking English?.”

“But I thought you said you wanted me to come with you on your errand?”

“This is my errand. Now go in there, reconnect with your higher power and be back at the office by lunchtime.”

“But I usually go to my meetings after work.”

“You’re telling me you don’t need one now?” Brian asked. He tone wasn’t harsh, just direct.

Ted was touched, “How did you know?”

Brian slowly blinked his eyes, “We’re partners. We should know what each other needs without having to ask.”

Liberty Diner

The lunch rush was finally coming to an end and Debbie sat down in one of the booths to rest her feet. Kiki was sick so Debbie had ended up working a double. She’d been at the diner since eleven o’clock the night before. To make matters worse the latest bus boy had quit so Debbie still had to clear all the tables.

“Hey Deb,” Justin said as he walked through the front door.

“Sunshine! What are you doing in town?”

“I’m here to see Emmett off,” Justin said as he looked around the diner, “It looks like you could use a hand here.”

When Justin started picking up dishes Deb scolded, “Hey, a big shot New York artist like you has no business busing tables.”

“After all the laundry you’ve done and meals you’ve cooked for me I think it’s more than fair that I pick up a few plates.” Justin took the dishes behind the counter and put them in the sink.

As he started clearing the tables near the back of the restaurant Debbie stood up and put her hand on her hip, “What gives?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m a mother, I know when something is bothering one of my boys.”

Justin sighed, but he didn’t say anything.

“Spill it, kid.”

Reluctantly Justin gave in, “Oh, I said something stupid and Brian got all pissed. He left for work without even saying good-bye to me.”

“So, Brian gets pissy all the time. Go talk to him.”

“Yeah, I really think talking to me is the last thing he wants to do right now.” Justin rubbed his forehead, “I don’t know what I was thinking. Pushing him the way I did after he’s been so great with our marriage and everything.”

Debbie didn’t need to know the details of the argument to give her advice, “Justin, you gotta understand, Brian’s in uncharted territory here. He may be an expert at plenty of things but he’s got no fuckin’ clue how to be a good husband.”

“That’s just it. He is being a good husband, a great one. I’m the one who fucked up.”

“So, you’ll be the one to fix it. I know things went sour with your folks near the end but I’m sure they never behaved the way Brian’s parents did the entire time he was growing up. He’s got absolutely no frame of reference for what it takes to make a marriage work.“ Debbie walked up to Justin and patted him on the cheek, “Teaching him that is gonna be up to you, Sunshine.”

Reception Area

Justin walked in the building to find a young, slightly plump brunette woman sitting at Cynthia’s old desk, “Uh, Hi. Is Brian available? I’m his-“

Carol smiled and interrupted, “You’re Justin. I recognize you from the photo he keeps on his desk. It must be an old picture though. You look so young in it.”

Justin blushed. He knew that the picture was only about a year old. He’d sent it to Brian as a joke shortly after he left for New York. Justin was truly touched when he found out that Brian actually brought the framed photo to the office and placed it prominently on his desk next to a photo of Gus, “I look a lot younger in pictures, I guess.”

“I’ll tell him you’re here,” Carol said as she picked up the phone.

“Actually, I’d prefer to just go on in if you don’t mind.”

Carol didn’t appear to like the idea so Justin gave her a cheeky grin and said, “You know, as a surprise?”

Now Carol was the one who was blushing as she nodded and waved Justin toward Brian’s office.

When Justin walked around the glass partition he saw Brian sitting at his desk, “Hey.” Justin tentatively began.

Brian looked up, “Hey.” His expression was somewhat blank so Justin couldn’t get a good read on Brian’s mood.

Justin held up a paper sack, “I stopped by the diner on the way here. Debbie made me bring you lunch.”

“Oh?” Brian replied as he stood and walked from behind the desk.

Justin handed Brian the bag, “Yeah um, it’s turkey and lettuce on wheat with no mayo. And a lemon bar.”

Brian walked over to his sofa and sat down. He opened the bag, unwrapped the sandwich and held up half, “You want some?”

Justin could tell this was a peace offering so he sat down next Brian and took the sandwich, “Thanks.”

They sat together in silence as they each took a few bites. Finally Justin said, “About this morning-“

Brian smiled, “We had our first marital spat. It was bound to happen sooner or later.”

Justin was relieved that Brian wasn’t still mad. “I guess we both knew married life wouldn’t be all rainbows and fairy tales.”

Brian planted his tongue in his cheek, “It’s a good thing too.”

Justin shook his head, “Why’s that?”

“Well, if we never had a disagreement, there’d be no reason for make up sex. And you’re so hot when I fuck you after we argue.”

“Ah I see. I suppose it’s good that you can see the positive side of things.”

Brian wrapped his fingers behind Justin’s neck and pulled him close for a kiss. As far as he was concerned the matter was over, but when Brian looked into Justin’s eyes he could tell Justin still wanted to talk about it. Brian knew he’d acted like a shit and at the very least he owed it to Justin to acknowledge that. He let a couple seconds pass before saying, “I was closed off, and non-communicative.”

“And I sprang the whole no condoms thing on you without any fair warning,” Justin rested his hand on Brian’s thigh, “But wanting you to be monogamous was the last thing on my mind, really. I only brought up the idea of doing it raw for two reasons.”

Brian tilted his head to the side, “And what would they be?”

“Well, first there’s the obvious. You know, not wanting there to be anything between us physically or emotionally.”

Brian nodded, “And the second reason?”

“It’s stupid now that I think about it.”

“It wasn’t stupid to you this morning. Tell me.”

Justin shifted on the couch so he could face Brian directly, “Since the moment I met you, it’s been all about my experiencing something for the very first time. I just thought, if we did it without a condom, we could share a first time together.”  

Brian ran his hand over his mouth before replying, “At the risk of loosing the last vestiges of my manhood and sounding like a complete and total woman I’ll say this…every day I spend with you is a first time for me.”

“Really? What do you mean?”

Brian sighed, “From the minute I wake up each morning I’m overcome by how much I love you. That kind of thing sure as shit didn’t happen to me before you came along.”

Justin gave Brian a sympathetic smile, “I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that.”

Brian reached around Justin and pulled him onto his lap, “That’s the other thing. The fact that I want to say it, that I want to tell you I love you. I suppose you know as well as anyone what a fucking miracle that is.”

Justin draped his arms over Brian’s shoulders, “There’s something else I think I need to tell you.”

Brian could see the look of apprehension on Justin’s face so he urged him on, “Go ahead, tell me.”

“I wasn’t going to mention it, but now it kind of feels like I’m keeping something from you so I guess you should know. I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

Brian felt a rush of nervousness and his stomach tightened, “You didn’t mean for what to happen?”

Justin bit his lip before replying, “There hasn’t been anyone else in a while. In a long while, actually.”

Brian was suddenly relieved though he tried not to show it. “You’re not tricking?”

“Not for like, ten months. It just got, I don’t know, boring I guess,” Justin playfully poked Brian’s chest, “It’s your fault. Nobody can fuck like you. You’ve set the bar too damn high for it to be good with anyone else.”

Brian laughed, “I think I taught you too well. It turns out you’ve set the bar pretty high yourself.”

Justin was shocked, “Wait, you mean-“

“Not since before your show. Christ, it’s been months I suppose.”

A huge smile crossed Justin’s face, “So we’ve both spoiled each other?”

Brian gave a dramatic sigh, “It looks that way.”

Ted and Blake’s Condo

“Hey. You’re home early.”

Ted put his briefcase in the closet, “I only had one conference call this afternoon so I figured I’d call it a day and get some rest before Emmett and Drew’s party tonight.”

Blake got up from the couch and put his arms around Ted, “You’re not feeling well?”

Although going to the AA meeting this morning had helped, Ted knew he needed to come clean with Blake too. “I went out last night.”

“Wait, when? We went to bed before ten.”

“I couldn’t sleep so I went for a drive. I ended up at a bar…and someone offered me crystal.”

Blake swallowed hard and used his training to calmly ask, “Did you slip?”

“I let him give me some. I brought it home and flushed it down the toilet.” Ted shook his head and his eyes welled with tears, “I wanted to use it so bad, Blake. I don’t even have words to describe how hard it was to get rid of it. I ended up just sitting on the bathroom floor the rest of the night till I had to go to work.”

“So you faced it. And you made the healthy choice. That’s all you can ask yourself to do.”

“Why though? I’ve been in hell these last few weeks and then I almost did the one thing that could really make me lose it all.”

Blake hugged Ted then let go of him and said, “Because you’re an addict, Ted. That’s the reality. We just have to deal with each moment as it comes.”

“I know I know. Take it-“

“One day at a time,” Blake and Ted finished in unison.

“There’s something else to remember, Ted.”


“I’m in this for the long haul, through think or thin. You’re never going to lose me.”

Melanie and Lindsay’s House

“Something smells delicious,” Melanie said as she walked in through the kitchen door with Gus and JR in tow.  

“It’s grilled salmon, rice pilaf and Caesar salad.” Lindsay answered as she squeezed some lemon juice over the fish.

Melanie walked up behind Lindsay and wrapped her arms around her waist, “Sounds great. I’ll go get the kids washed up.”

As soon as Melanie left the room Lindsay pulled the offer letter from the college out of her pocket. When the Dean had first told Lindsay she got the professorship she was thrilled, but almost immediately she was overcome by a sense of guilt. She could teach anywhere and it wasn’t like New York didn’t have a number of outstanding art departments at the various colleges throughout the city. But Melanie really had no career to speak of in Canada and so much of Melanie’s own self worth was wrapped up in the work she did.

Then there was Gus. There was no part of Lindsay that felt right about keeping Gus so far away from Brian, especially now that they had bonded and had finally started building a real relationship.  She also had to admit to herself how much she missed Brian. If Melanie took the job in Manhattan it would mean Lindsay would have Brian back in her life too. In that moment, she decided what she had to do. She went over to the waste basket, tore up the offer letter and threw it in the trash.

Melanie and the kids were all seated at the table when Lindsay walked into the dining room carrying the serving platter. She had set out candles and fresh flowers and she even got out the good china for herself and Melanie to use.

“You really went all out, Lindz. Everything looks wonderful.”

Lindsay set down the food and started filling their plates, “That’s because we’re celebrating.”

Melanie smiled, “What’s the occasion?”

Lindsay stopped and took a deep breath, “We’re moving to New York.”

Melanie was ecstatic. This meant she could quit her tedious clerking job and get back to really practicing law. But, she also knew what moving to New York meant for Lindsay so she covered by saying, “Oh hon, you didn’t get the professorship? I’m so sorry.”

Lindsay shrugged, “It wasn’t in the cards. But this dinner is about you. When we’re finished you need to call Judge Harper and tell him you’re taking the job at Lambda Legal. You’ve kept him waiting for an answer to his offer long enough.”









不错,翻译得挺有原著的味道,gan ba de ku ta sai de si.




大家都很幸福em23 ........偶也看滴很幸福em23 ..........
突然em08 .........可怜滴Ted又麻烦鸟em20 .........





原帖由 jill_liu 于 2007-4-16 22:12 发表


em08 加油啊......希望在前方...




原帖由 cora 于 2007-4-16 20:46 发表
em08 沙发一下



em08 沙发一下


Title: Queer As Folk Season 6 Episode 612
Rating: NC-17
Beta:  amcnh
A/N: Hi everyone! So the season is wrapping up I am not sure if there are two full episodes left. I'll know for sure as I get into 613. The next episode might be the season finale. Writing this has been an amazing experience and even with my boughts of writers block you've stuck with me! Thank you so much!

New York
Greenwich Village
Pearl Oyster Bar

Justin stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Daphne in the overcrowded bar as he sipped on a frosted mug of beer, "So, Brian's commuting while he and Ted are getting their new employees from Vangard transitioned."

Daphne worked a peanut from its shell, "He's flying back and forth between here and Pittsburgh?"

"Yeah, Friday through Monday we stay together at the Carlyle Hotel and he works out of the Manhattan office and Tuesday through Thursday he works out of the Pittsburgh office."

Daphne cooed, "Awww he's doing all that just to be with you."

"And to become an advertising mogul. We're both gonna be in Pittsburgh this weekend though, Mom's coming back from her honeymoon and I wanted to wait and tell her about Brian and me in person." Justin added.

Daphne gave Justin a little nudge with her elbow, "I'll bet she'll be as mad at you as I was for getting married on the sly like that. I would have paid a million bucks to hear Brian say all those romantic things to you."

"He was romantic, but he was still Brian, you know?"

Daphne gave Justin a knowing look, "No talk of gardening or cuddling?"

"No, thank God. It was more like he just put all of himself out there for me," Justin thought back to the night for a moment. He remembered the completely sincere look in Brian's eyes and he could hear the honest, yet vulnerable tone of Brian's voice, "I can't even begin to describe how overwhelming it was to see him be so raw with his emotions."

A mischievous grin crossed Daphne's face, "Speaking of raw, does it feel totally amazing to have nothing between you when he's fucking you, now?"

Justin furrowed his brow, "Just because we're married doesn't mean we're not using condoms anymore."

"Why not? You're both negative and it's not like he can get you pregnant." Daphne questioned with a smirk.

"This is Brian we're talking about, he goes through his tricks as fast as he goes through his non-fat soy lattes."  

“So,” Daphne scoffed, He married you but he reserved the right to fuck around?"

Justin shrugged, "We never talked about that, I just assumed we'd keep doing whatever or whoever we wanted to do."

"Wait, so you're still fucking other guys too?"

Justin laughed, "It's been almost a year since I've been with anyone besides Brian, not that I'd ever tell him that."

As the waitress walked up and set down their order of oysters on the half shell Daphne said, "I'll never understand you two."

Justin shook his head, "The only thing to understand is that these oysters are the only thing I'll be having raw, at least for the foreseeable future."

Michael and Ben's House

As Ben climbed the ladder so he could start painting the trim over the garage, Carl and Michael worked on painting the shutters, “That’s looking really good, Michael.”

“Thanks Carl, I used to help Ma with freshen up the trim when I was a teenager. It’s a heck of a lot easier than the dry walling you showed me how to do when we finished the basement.”

“Oh you did a great job with that too. You’re a natural at making home improvements.”

“I think it’s more the fact that I got hooked on watching the Home and Garden Channel when I was staying at Mel and Lindsay’s.”

Carl dipped his paint brush in the pan, “What ever it is, you’d make a damn fine handy man.”

Michael smiled to himself. He always new he was missing out on so many things by not having a father. When he was a kid, he imagined that the great part about having a dad would be going on fishing trips or building tree houses or any of the other things he saw the boys on his street doing with their fathers. It didn’t matter, though, that he and Carl never did these things. Michael finally knew what it was really like to have a dad, and he couldn’t be more grateful.  

Just as Michael was putting the finishing touches on the shutter he heard Monty call out from the sidewalk. “You’re place is looking wonderful!”

Michael set his brush in the pan and walked over to Eli and Monty who were taking their daughter for a walk in her stroller. “Hey thanks, Wait till you see the basement. It turned out great.”

Eli nodded, “I’m sure you’ll have buyers beating down your door in no time. We’re going to miss having you and Ben as neighbors though.”

Michael shook his head, “We’re not putting the place on the market, we’re just trying to make sure everything is perfect for when we open the group home.”

“Oh you’re not going intending to house those homeless boys here, are you?” Monty asked incredulously.

Michael furrowed his brow, “Well of course. The boys are with Sister Carmen now, but as soon as we finish with the renovations she’s bringing them here to live with us.”

“When you told us about your little project we naturally assumed that you’d be moving someplace more suitable.”

Ben had over heard the exchange and as he walked up he asked, “What place could be more suitable than our home?”

“Yeah,” Michael added, “The whole point of a group home is providing normal, stable, family setting so the boys can get their lives back on track.”

Eli gave Monty a look, “What you’re doing for these boys is commendable. But I’m sorry Michael, there is absolutely no way the Home Owners Association is going to allow to open your little half way house in our neighborhood. We simply cannot let it happen.”

Kinnetik HQ

Brian passed through the sea of cubicles he’d acquired to accommodate his new team of former Vangard Ad Execs. Kinnetik didn’t offer the flashy offices they were accustomed to, however Brian appeased his new staff by saying, “I can spend money on increased overhead or on your signing bonuses, it’s your choice.” After putting it so plainly he didn’t receive any complaints about the open air work spaces.

Brian spent most of his days while at headquarters helping Ted get ramped up on his significant number of new duties. They worked together to put a three month plan in place were Brian would completely transition out of the daily operations of Kinnetik so he could focus on business development, building the Kinnetik brand on Madison Avenue, and most importantly increasing the cache of the agency in preparation for servicing a global market.

So far the Pennsylvania/New York commute was going well. And as Brian finished up the last of his emails for the day, he let his thoughts drift back over the past few weeks. Everyone's reactions to his marriage were pretty much as Brian had expected. Upon hearing the news Debbie replied, "It's about fucking time." Emmett found it necessary to hug Brian while Ted had the good sense just to say, "Way to go, Bri."

Michael took the news surprisingly well, though as one would guess, he was taken aback by Brian's announcement that he'd be moving to New York.

They were standing in Michael's living room when he said, "You used to say never run after them."

Brian fumbled with his lighter, "I used to say a lot of things."

Michael crossed his arms, "So you're leaving? Just like that?"

"I want him, Michael." Brian answered louder than he intended.

Michael sighed, "I get that."

Brian gave up on lighting the cigarette and shoved the Zippo back into his pocket, "No you don't. I wake up sick to my stomach every morning he's not there, I check my email fifty times day like some teenaged twat just to see if he's sent a message. Christ, I can't even enjoy a decent fuck without wishing I was with him instead. So there, are you happy? I've turned into a big fat lesbian!"

Michael gave Brian one of his signature puppy-dog looks as he walked up to Brian and placed his hand gently on his shoulder, "You may have turned into a lesbian, but you are definitely not fat."

Brian stifled a laugh before kissing Michael and saying, "Asshole."

Brian’s thoughts drifted from Michael when his desk photo of Gus caught his eye. It had been almost a year since he and the girls had moved to Canada and Brian couldn’t believe how much Gus had grown in such a short time. When Gus left, Brian really still thought of him as a baby, but over the last several months Gus had matured into a remarkably intelligent, sensitive little boy.  

It was the morning after his unconventional wedding when Brian had been summoned to Michael and Ben's house by a nearly frantic Lindsay.

"Where is he?" Brian asked as soon as Ben opened the door.  

Ben stepped aside to let Brian in, "In the guest bathroom. We've been trying to get him out for over an hour."

Brian followed Ben down the hall where he found Michael, Melanie and Lindsay all standing by the bathroom door.

"What the matter with him?" Brian asked in an effort to get a handle on the situation.

"He won't say," Lindsay began with a worried tone, "But Michael says they keep the cleaning supplies in there."

Brian's head was pounding. He and Justin had just barely fallen asleep when Lindsay had called saying Gus had locked himself in the bathroom and they couldn't get him out. "I would think you'd have taught him to have the good sense to get a drink from the faucet rather than a bottle of Drano if he's thirsty."  

"Will you just do something?" Melanie asked in an exasperated tone, "He won't even talk to us."

Brian sighed, "Fine. I could use a cup of coffee."

"I'll get it." Michael said before heading to the kitchen.

Brian leaned his shoulder against the door and gently knocked, "Gus, it's your dad."

"Daddy?" Gus's voice was small and Brian could tell he'd been crying.

"Yeah. Now why don't you open the door for your old man so we can talk?"

Gus was suddenly defiant, "I'm not coming out and you can't make me!"

Michael handed Brian a cup off coffee he blew on it then took a sip, "I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to. How about you let me in and we'll talk together in there?"

"If I open the door you'll just grab me and pull me out."

Brian bit back a laugh before whispering to Lindsay, "He's a smart little fucker, isn't he?"

Melanie and Lindsay wearily nodded in unison.

"How about this, you unlock the door then get in the bathtub so I can't reach you. I'll count to five and then come in."

Gus paused for a moment then asked, "You promise you won't grab me?"

"I promise."

Brian heard the door unlock and so he started counting. Right as he got to 'five' he turned back to Mel and Lindz with a smug look on his face, "And you've been trying to get him to open the door for over an hour?"

Melanie, who was just about at her wits end, started to lunge at Brian, but Lindsay held her back and whispered in Mel's ear, "Let him take care of it, he's going to have to learn to do more than read bed time stories eventually."

Brian walked in the bathroom to find Gus standing in the tub, when he saw his father he pulled the shower curtain closed.

Brian tried to ignore the fact that his knee popped as he sat down on the floor next to the tub, "You want to tell me why you've been camping out in Uncle Michael's bathroom all morning?"

Gus sniffed a little, "Mommy, said it's time to go back to Canada but I want to stay in Pissburgh."

Despite Brian's agreeing that leaving the letter T out of the word Pittsburgh was descriptively accurate he corrected his son nonetheless, "It's Pittsburgh, Gus, with a T sound then an S sound."

"That's what I said, Pissburgh, and I'm not leaving."

In a cajoling tone that Brian usually reserved for Michael when he was in a mood Brian answered, "Your moms and sister will be awfully lonely without you."

Gus pulled open the curtain and furrowed his brow, "Nuh uh. Mommy and Mama live together. But, you live all by yourself that's why I wanna stay with you."

Brian looked into the worried, pleading eyes of his son. He knew he'd done nothing to deserve such compassion and love. But in that moment, Brian resolved to earn it and be worthy of receiving the look Gus was giving him. He set down his cup of coffee and said, "Gus, come sit on my lap."

Without hesitating, Gus stepped out of the tub and into Brian's arms. "I want to show you something," Brian held out his left hand in and pointed to the wedding band he was wearing, "Do you know what this is?"

Gus touched the shiny platinum, "It's a ring like the ones Mommy and Mama wear."

"That's right, and do you know who gave this to me?"

Gus's eyes lit up as he turned in Brian's arms and excitedly asked, "Justin?"

Brian nodded, "I gave him one too. And I'm going to go live with him in New York."

Gus tilted his head to the side, "So he can take care of you?"

Brian slowly blinked his eyes and made the necessary clarification, "So we can take care of each other."

"That means you and Justin have the special grown-up love that makes you want to live in the same house, right?"

Brian nodded, "So, you don't need to worry about my being lonely. Just focus on being the man of the house up in Canada. Your Mommy and Mama need you."

"Okay," Gus was quiet for a moment before continuing, "I'm glad you're going to live with Justin, you don't make your grumpy face whenever he's around."

Gus's words resonated with Brian. As he packed up his attaché case, and drove back to the loft, Brian thought about why things had worked out. When he proposed this time, it wasn't about proving to Justin how much he loved him, it wasn't about trying to make him happy. Brian did it because he wanted to marry Justin. And just as he had resolved to be worthy of his son's love, Brian made himself a promise that he would work his damnedest to be worthy of having Justin as his husband.   

Debbie, Carl and Emmett’s House

Debbie grabbed Emmett before he had a chance to set down his suit cases. "Emmett! Come sit down. You've got to tell me everything about Seattle."

Though Drew had left to train with the Sabers nearly six weeks ago this had been the first weekend Emmett didn't have an event on his calendar. At the begging and pleading of Darren, Emmett had agreed to stay in Pittsburgh till the end of wedding season so they wouldn't have a hoard of angry brides coming after them.

Emmett nestled on the couch and tucked one leg underneath himself so he and Deb could share some delicious girl talk, "Oh Debbie, it was absolutely divine! We went on a ferry boat ride, and we had dinner at the top of the Space Needle. Oh and I went with him on a photo op to Pike Place Fish Market so he could have a game of catch with one of the hot young fish mongers."

Deb shook her head in confusion, "He played catch with a fish?"

"No, no, he played catch using a fish, a Salmon to be exact. At Pike Place they don't hand you your order they throw it you over the counter. It's a Seattle thing." Emmett rose and got his messenger bag, "Here's the article. I couldn't believe it when the Sabers PR person asked me to get in the photo with Drew."

Debbie looked at the newspaper photo of Drew and Emmett standing together holding an eleven pound King Salmon. The caption stated, Seattle's landmark Pike Place Fish Market welcomes new Sabers star Quarterback Drew Boyd and his partner Emmett Honeycutt

"Look at you, Em. You and Drew look so handsome together."

Emmett leaned over to look at the picture, "We do make an adorable couple, don't we? Oh and everyone has been so nice to Drew. He's getting along great with his new coach and Mrs. Hughes, the coach's wife, even took me a little shopping spree while Drew was at practice Saturday morning. I got this for you." Emmett pulled out at T-Shirt from his bag.

Debbie held it up and read it, "Someone in Seattle thinks I'm Fabulous. Oh honey, I love it" She hugged Emmett, “I'm glad to hear Drew's new team isn't giving him any trouble just because he happens to like a little man sex."

Emmett patted Debbie on the knee "Trust me, he likes more than just a little sex.”

“I know, we have thin walls, remember?”

Emmett smirked, “Well, apparently, the owner of the Sabers was a big proponent of getting Washington State's new gay civil rights law passed so the team knows better than to give Drew a hard time. Drew says his getting hired was at least partly political, but as long as he has a safe place to play and a team that's behind him he's happy."

Debbie gave Emmett's chin a little pinch, "And I'm happy for both of you. But you two better get your butts back to Pittsburgh during the off season if you know what's good for you."   

“Son-of-a-bitch!” Michael yelled as he pounded through the front door.

Emmett jumped with a start as Debbie asked, “Jesus Michael, what’s got your panties in a twist?”

“Eli and Monty, the illustrious co-presidents of our Home Owners Association said we can’t open the group home in our neighborhood!”

Emmett turned on the couch to face Michael, “I thought you checked your bylaws before you got everything else started?”

Michael crossed his arms as he slumped in the chair, “We did, it only said that point-of-sale businesses were disallowed. It didn’t have anything about home based businesses or not-profit endeavors. “

Debbie put her hand on her hip, “Then fuck Eli and Monty. They can’t do anything.”

“Yes they can, they have complete authority to disallow anything that they consider to be a blight on the community. And they actually said to our faces that three teenaged boys could hurt property values and could put the whole neighborhood at risk.” Michael fumed.

“How, the fuck can three boys put an entire neighborhood at risk?”

“Oh didn’t you know Ma?” Michael affected Eli’s pompous tone, ”Those who’ve been victimized are far more likely to become victimizers themselves.”

Emmett stood up, “Well you know what I always say, Fuck em all! You’ll find somewhere else to open the home.”

Michael sighed, “You don’t get it, Ben and I barely have any equity in the house. Even if we sell the place we’d have to use too much of our capital on a down payment for anyplace else. ”  

Debbie stood up next to Emmett, “Then we’ll help you. We’ll get PFLAG together, and the GLC and we’ll raise the funds for you and Ben.”

“You’d really do that?” Michael asked.

Debbie walked up to her son and gently patted him on the cheek, “Hunter wouldn’t stand for anything less.”

Lindsay and Melanie’s House

Lindsay sat in the kitchen preparing her notes for tomorrow’s Women’s Art History lecture. She had several texts open as well as a number of high quality prints strewn across the table. She held up a print of a dark haired Victorian mother bathing her young daughter in a small wash basin. Melanie walked up behind Lindsay and rested her hands on her shoulders, “Is that a Degas?”

Lindsay smiled, “Good guess, the artist studied under Degas. It’s Mary Cassatt.”

Melanie sat in the chair next to Lindsay, “The name is familiar, but I don’t remember an artist named Cassatt.”

“You probably recognize her from her women’s rights work.”

Melanie nodded, “That’s right, my tenth grade State History is coming back to me. Mary Cassatt was Allegheny County’s favorite Suffragette.”

Lindsay pulled her hair back into a ponytail, “That wasn’t till she was in her eighties, in her younger days she studied under the masters, much to the dismay of her family. You know, she grew up in a house in the same neighborhood I grew up in?”

“So she was a spoiled little rich girl too?” Melanie teased.

“Only until decided she decided to seek out her own path in life, not even her success in the Paris Salon’s impressed her family though. In their minds, an unmarried woman had no business leaving her parents.”

Melanie caressed Lindsay’s cheek, “Women have come a long way.”

“But we still have a long way ahead of us too,” Lindsay added, “I love that you have such a passion for fighting for people, Mel.”

“It’s you and JR and Gus that I want to fight for. I want to help make a world where nobody disapproves of someone else following their dreams. And if Canada is where we decide to stay, I’ll just start at the beginning. After all, if Mary Cassatt could fight for civil rights in her eighties then so can I.”

Lindsay grimaced, “You’d really have to start at the beginning?”

Melanie shrugged, “The cases I’ve won in the US don’t really have any clout here. As it is, I’ll be clerking another year. After that it could take another ten years before I make partner. That’s when you get your pick of the really juicy cases. It’ll be worth it though if the college offers you that tenured track position.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Melanie figured Lindsay was worrying that she wouldn’t get the teaching job, “Hey Lindz, it’ll all work out. And if your job doesn’t come through and we do end up moving to New York I’m sure you won’t think it’s so bad now that Brian’s living there.”

Lindsay nodded, with a lump in her throat she said, “That would be great for Gus.”

Melanie smiled, “Oh, you won’t believe what asked me when I was tucking him in tonight.”


“He wanted to know if Justin is his Daddy now too.”

Brian’s Loft

Justin slid the loft door open as quietly as he could. He knew that Brian enjoyed sleeping in on Saturdays and he didn’t want to wake him. He stood in the entry way and toed off his shoes then let the rest of his clothes drop in a path from the door to the bed. Justin could tell by the gentle rattle of Brian’s snore that he was still sound asleep so he carefully lifted the duvet at the foot of the bed, crawled under the covers and up the length of Brian’s body.

He nuzzled against Brian’s crotch, taking in the scent of him before slowly licking along the underside of Brian’s cock. It was already semi hard and with in seconds Brian was fully erect. Justin began gently sucking the tip before taking hold of the shaft and working Brian’s dick deep into his mouth. It wasn’t until Justin started to swallow around Brian’s cock that he began to stir. Brian pulled the covers back and watched Justin suck him then he reached down to lace his fingers through Justin’s hair in an effort to urge him on.

Brian moaned when Justin slicked his hand with spit and began massaging his balls.  When Justin stopped and looked up, Brian licked his lips and in a throaty, morning voice he said, “Come up here.” Justin let Brian’s cock slip from between his lips. He inched his way up Brian’s side, planting kisses on his chest along the way. Justin needed to feel Brian inside him. So he teased Brian’s lips with his tongue before rolling over on his stomach.

The sight of Justin’s bare ass made Brian’s cock leak and he hurried to put on the condom so he could feel Justin’s tight hole pulsate around him. Once inside, he thrust himself deep into Justin. He pace was quick and deliberate and as he rolled his hips to draw his cock back and forth along Justin’s prostate he could feel the beads of sweat fall from his forehead onto Justin’s back. It wasn’t long before Justin was shuddering beneath him. And after Brian came himself, he rolled on to his side and smiled, “You can wake me up like that everyday for the rest of our lives if you’d like.”

Justinpatted Brian’s shoulder, “Daily wake-up blow jobs? I think that can be arranged, assuming of course you continue to ram my ass that way every morning.”

Brian smirked, “And people say having to compromise is the downside of marriage.”

Justin nuzzled into Brian and started kissing his neck, “What do they know?”

Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, “They certainly don’t know how to fuck like we do.”

Justin leaned back so he could look into Brian’s eyes, “We are pretty incredible together.”

Brian blinked slowly as he nodded in agreement, “Considering I taught you everything you know I’d expect nothing less,” Brian reached for his cigarette, “Christ, I should have charged you for the lessons.”

Justin shook his head, “I’m a natural and you know it, from the very beginning you could never get enough of me, “ Justin sat up and started to get out of bed, “But speaking of lessons, I do have something for you.”

Justin padded over to the jeans that were lying in the middle of the loft. He dug something out of his pocket and then came back to the bedroom and handed Brian an envelope.

Brian took the envelope, “Do I want to even know what this is?”

“Just open it.”

Inside the envelope Brian found a personal check made out to him. He looked up at Justin, “Did I win a bet?”

“No, it’s the loan you gave me for school, plus interest, just like we agreed.”

Brian looked down at the check. He sure as hell didn’t need the money, not with the windfall Kinnetik had received in the last few months. Still, he knew what how important being independent was to Justin, even if they were married now. So he looked at Justin and simply said, “Thank you.”

Justin kissed Brian then smiled, “I thought you were going to give me a hard time about taking the money.”

Brian shook his head, “I knew you were good for it. I wouldn’t have leant it to you otherwise.”

After they showered, fucked again and ate breakfast Brian and Justin enjoyed a lazy weekend afternoon together. Brian sat on the couch and looked over the financial section of the paper as Justin stretched his legs over Brian’s lap and thumbed through a magazine, “Daphne’s right.”

“Dare I ask about what?”

Justin held up the People Magazine and said, “You do look like Ashton Kutcher.”

Brian grabbed the magazine and looked down at the photo of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher standing with her ex-husband Bruce Willis and their three daughters, “I do not look like Ashton Kutcher, he may look a little like me though. What are you reading this trash for anyway?”

Justin took back the magazine, “It’s a special issue on alternative families. This is an article about how after Bruce and Demi divorced they bought houses next door to each other so they could each keep full custody and raise the kids together. Bruce say’s it was a little awkward at times, but it was worth it so they could both see their daughters everyday.”

“Instead of talking about the inner workings of celebrity living arrangements why don’t you get online and start looking for a place for us to live in New York. I’m getting sick of that hotel.”

Justin sat up and straddled Brian’s lap, “Before I do, there’s been something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.”

“I’m all ears.”

“It’s about Britin.”

Brian nodded, “You want to keep it.”

“It really is the house of my dreams, it’s everything I’ve every imagined.”

Brian smiled, “I know. I do listen to your prattle on occasion.”

“But, it’s not what I’ve imagined for us. That house, despite what it’ll always mean to me, just isn’t you. I want to find a place that fits both of us. I want to find a home our dreams, not just mine.”

It was one of the few times that Justin had surprised Brian. There was no point in saying anything. He just pressed his lips to Justin as a simple show of thanks.
Ted and Blake’s Loft

Blake placed orange halves into the juicer while Ted used a linen napkin to rub the already spotless silverware clean, “Current events are safe subjects, steering clear of the obvious exceptions, politics and religion. And she likes to talk about her vegetable garden so be sure and ask about her cucumbers oh and she collects those creepy little German figurines, what are they called?”


Ted pointed to Blake, “Yes, Hummels so if you can work those into the conversation that should keep her going for a few minutes at least.”

Blake walk from behind the kitchen bar and rubbed Ted’s shoulders, “You’re acting like you’ve never introduced your mother to one of your boyfriends before.”

Ted turned to face Blake, “I haven’t.”

“Then why now?”

“I want her to –“ Ted was interrupted by a knock at the door, “There she is,” Ted smoothed Blake’s collar before opening the door. “Mother, it’s good to see you.”

Mrs. Schmidt walked in the condo and surveyed the room, “I like the changes you’ve made with the place. It’s more homey.”

"They’re Blake’s touches. Mom, this is my partner, Blake Wyzecki.”  

Mrs. Schmidt made as small nod and put out her hand, “It’s good to finally meet you, Blake.”

Blake shook Ted’s mom’s hand, “It’s good to meet you too.”

Mrs. Schmidt smiled, “Is that French toast I smell?”

“Along with turkey bacon, sliced melon and freshly squeezed orange juice.” Ted proudly announced.

“Just like I used to make for you when you were a boy.”

Blake and Mrs. Schmidt sat at the table as Ted prepared everyone’s plate. The three enjoyed pleasant conversation during brunch. There were no awkward pauses. Blake and Mrs. Schmidt got along quite well and for the first time since Ted could remember he actually felt relaxed while being in the same the same room with his mother.

When it was time for her to go she said, “Blake, you take care of my boy.”

Blake hugged her and said, “I will Mrs. Schmidt.”

“And Ted?”

“Yes Mother?”

“I can’t tell you how relieved I am to see you so happy after everything you’ve been through.”

Ted smiled and looked at Blake as he repeated his AA mantra, “I’m taking it one day at a time.”

“I’ve just been so worried about you. After that run in you had with the law and your drug problem. I didn’t know how to help. I guess all you needed was a nice man, like Blake here, to love you.”

“Knowing I have people like you and Blake behind me definitely makes things easier. And the way things have been going, this is turning out to be one terrific year for me, “Ted chuckled and tapped on the table, “Knock on wood.”

Gay and Lesbian Center

In less than four days Emmett and Debbie had put together an amazing fundraiser for Michael and Ben’s group home. In an effort to spend as little as possible they decided to go with a simple spaghetti dinner with entertainment provided by the fabulous Shanda Leer. Debbie had strong armed most of her customers into showing up and, of course, all of PFLAG was there. Brian and Justin sat at a table with Jennifer and Tucker.

She took notes as her sons explained what they were looking for in the perfect home, “I’ll send your preferences over to the Manhattan office and I’ll make sure they assign their best agent to you. Now, let me make sure I’ve got everything. You want something modern yet with a touch of old world charm. An urban setting with a neighborhood feel, a place that’s gay friendly, but also kid friendly. Is there anything else?” Jennifer sighed.

Brian and Justin looked at each other then Brian said, “Someplace close to the bars.”

“But also close a park and a grocer.”

“Well Boys, if there’s a place like this on Earth, I’m sure it’s in New York. Just don’t expect your agent to knock any percentage points off his commission.”  

At the other end of the room Ben walked up to Debbie who was slicing a tray of brownies, “Deb. Thank you. I can’t believe what you and Emmett pulled of in just a few days.”

“This community takes care of each other,” She held up the knife and pointed, “And I have half a mind to go to Eli and Monty’s house and remind those little weasels of that.”

“Uh, let’s stick to more productive endeavors like passing out dessert.”

Deb wiped her hands on her apron, “You’re right, you’re right. But let me ask you how are the donations coming?”
Except for a sizeable contribution for Brian most of the donations were modest at best. Ben didn’t want Debbie to think her efforts weren’t paying off so he gave her an encouraging smile and said “Slow but sure, we should have enough to at least come up with a plan B. I haven’t seen Emmett, I wanted to be sure and thank him too.”

“He said he had a quick errand to run, oh look he’s coming in now. And Drew is with him!”

Debbie set down the brownies and ran over and hugged Drew, “Baby welcome home! We’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you all too, when Emmett told me about what happened with Michael and Ben’s group home I wanted to come and help out.”

“I’ll go get them for you!” Debbie scurried away and grabbed Michael who was in the middle of a conversation with Ted. Then she waved over Ben.

Ben walked up and shook Drew’s hand, “You came all this way to help us, thank you.”

“What you guys are doing is awesome. But, I’m also came here for Emmett.”

Michael grinned, “Well sure. The long distance romance thing can’t be very fun.”

Drew shook his head, “No, I mean Emmett here told me that he used to have a dream of opening a youth home himself, but his plans fell through. And since I’ve decided that I’m going to do everything possible to make sure all of Emmett’s dreams come true I figured I could start by giving you guys this.”

He handed Michael a check, “Oh my god. With this kind of money we could buy a palace!”

Debbie grabbed the check, “Holy Shit! Drew! I’ve never seen so many fucking zeros before.”

Ben looked over and saw the dollar amount, “Drew, thank you but this is way too much. We couldn’t possibly accept this.”

He tried to hand to check back, but Drew stopped him, “Take it for the boys. Everybody deserves a second chance. ”

Later that night…

After the spaghetti dinner Brian suggested everyone go over to Babylon and work off the carbs on the dance floor. The place was packed with hot guys, most of whom were eyeing Brian and Justin. One particular, milky-skinned blond kept giving Brian a slow over, but Brian hadn’t taken the bait. Seeing this, Justin said, “He’s been cruising you all night.”

Brian smirked. “Who hasn’t?”

“I can go get him for you, we can take him back to the loft if you want.”

Brian shook his head and tightened his grasp on Justin, “I don’t need a cheap imitation when I’ve got the real thing right here.”

Justin started to kiss Brian when the music stopped and all the house lights came on, “What the fuck!” Brian shouted.
A team of uniformed men walked in the club. One held out a badge and announced. “This establishment is being shut down by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board. Are the owners, of the holding company Kinnetik Incorporated Brian Kinney and Theodore Schmidt here?”

Ted ran up, “Right here, right here. I’m sure there’s some kind of mix up here. All of our paper work is in order and we have a very strict policy against allowing minors into the establishment.”

Brian walked up. He was angry, but he managed to calmly ask, “I’m Brian Kinney. What’s the problem?”
“Did you recently transfer partial ownership of all your holdings over to Mr. Schmidt, here?”

“Yes, and I had my attorney update all the necessary documents. So, why are you here?”

A detective walked up to Ted, “The terms of your probation and plea agreement after your 2003 arrest clearly stated that you may never pursue any adult business endeavors again.

Brian scoffed, “This is a night club, not an adult business.”

The detective stepped over to face Brian, “Really, so if I were to take a look in that back room over there, I wouldn’t find any adult activities going on?”

When Brian didn’t say anything the detective said, “Mr. Schmidt, you’re under arrest for violation of your probation. Please put your hands behind your back.”






em19 em19 em19





等待楼主啊~~~em49 em49






原帖由 jill_liu 于 2007-4-14 01:07 发表

支持支持!em03 em05  忙完记得回来更新哈~em23






总觉得SEASON 5结束的太过仓促....这样一来,更期待FANS FICTION有个HAPPY ENDING了~~~










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