终于看到happy ending了,头昏眼花也是值得的,补午觉去了。


终于等到了614、等到了Happy Ending,谢谢Jill把原文给我们贴出来,还请LZ大人完成论文之后继续给我们译文。


不知咋 D,突然觉得B说“ILU”竟然给偶怪怪D感觉~~~
em08 莫非我欠扁。。。。。


看的一知半解的喵``````好痛苦的说~~~~~em09 em09 em09


板凳是我的 em50 虽然没分加em40






Title: Queer as Folk Season 6
Rating: NC-17
A/N: Despite canon, the State of Pennsylvania's laws regarding gay parental rights are among the best in the US. (go to www.hrc.org for details) However, or the purpose of S6 I'm sticking with the whole Cowlip Prop 14 scenario. Also, New York is heavily Democratic however, Bayside is one of the more conservative communities.

Debbie and Carl’s House

In honor of Emmett and Drew’s move out west Debbie decorated the entire living room and kitchen with Seattle Sabers memorabilia. Instead of serving her normal Italian fare she prepared several football party favorites including chips and dip, spicy hot wings, pigs in a blanket and Carl cooked hamburgers on his brand new barbeque grill.

The night was winding down. And as Emmett looked around the room he asked, “Michael?”

“Yeah, Em?”

“Am I imagining things or did our little motley crew actually manage to get through an entire party without anyone breaking up, getting punched, or dropping some kind of earth shattering bomb-shell?”

Michael thought for a second, “You know, I think we did.”

Emmett clapped his hands together, “Well then, it’s official. My work is done here. And just think, if Godiva’s apartment hadn’t caught on fire all those years ago, who knows where we’d all be today.”

Michael grinned, “I know. If you told me back then that you’d be living with your openly gay, pro football player, boyfriend I would have thought that Anita had slipped you something she cooked up in a bath tub.”

“And if someone said that Brian Kinney would give up his title as the hottest stud on Liberty Avenue to become a happily married man I’d have thought they’d gone completely round the bend.”

Michael sighed, “Tell me about it.”

Emmett gave Michael a sympathetic look, “Are you doing okay with Brian moving to New York?”

Michael shrugged, “He’s been trying to get out of Pittsburgh for years. I’ve always known it was a matter of time. And Justin,” Michael looked over to see Justin helping Debbie clean up the kitchen, “Well, he’s good for Brian. As long as they’re together I know I don’t need to worry about him.”

“Sunshine!” Debbie swatted Justin on the behind with a dish towel, “What do I have to do to get you to quit busing?”

“Okay, okay! Old habits die hard I guess.”

“Well it’s good to know some things don’t change.” Debbie sighed.

“You’re gonna miss Em, huh?”

“Just as much as I miss you. But it’s like I tell all you boys. You gotta follow your dream.”

Justin nodded toward the fire place where Drew standing, “Emmett definitely got his dream. He finally found his prince charming.”

“Fairy tales do come true I suppose,” Debbie popped her chewing gum, “Course it’s easier when you actually are a fairy. Ha!”

“Ah ha!” Justin sarcastically echoed.

Ted straightened one of figurines on the Debbie’s over crowded fireplace mantle, “I just want say Drew, that I’m glad you could give Emmett what I couldn’t. He really does deserve the best.”

Drew gave Ted’s shoulder a light squeeze, “I know. That’s why he has you for a best friend.”

In the back yard, Brian lit his cigarette as Carl pointed out the features of his latest purchase, “It’s got a double stainless steel fabricated hood, porcelain cast iron grates and forty-five thousand BTUs.”

“Hmm. I had no idea they made designer grills,” replied with a genuine sense of interest.

“Oh sure,” Carl replied, “And this Char Broil here is the Prada of barbeques.”

Brian smiled, “Prada?”

“Hey, you live with Emmett. You pick up a few things.”  

“Then it’s a good thing he’s moving,” Brian raised an eyebrow, “Debbie would be pissed as hell if you started liking dick. Straight men only make it to the diner about once a decade.”

Carl started coughing as Justin opened the back door, “Hey, they’re getting ready to leave.”

They all walked back in the house as Debbie was squeezing the breath out of Emmett, “Yes, Debbie I promise to call you during the Doris Day marathon and we’ll watch over the phone together.”

“You better! Carl just doesn’t understand classic cinema.”

In an effort to help Emmett escape Debbie’s grasp Justin said, “You have a safe flight. I know those red-eyes aren’t fun.”

When Debbie finally released Emmett he hugged Justin, “Sweetie, you just went and grew up right in front of our eyes. And you managed to tame the wild beast too. You’re not only artist, you’re a magician.”

Justin laughed, “I think tame is a bit of a stretch, but I don’t have to do a pole dance to get him to notice me anymore.”

Brian walked up and added, “But, I still expect you to dress up like a hot little cowboy for me every once in a while.”

Justin playfully jabbed Brian in the ribs. As he rubbed his side Brian said to Emmett, “Seattle, huh?”

“That’s right, Puget Sound awaits.” Emmett melodically answered.

Brian handed Emmett a slip of paper, “Here. 1520 Summit Avenue. It’s the address for one of the hottest bath houses on the West Coast.”

Emmett’s sighed, “Brian. I don’t know what to say. This is just…just the most inappropriate going away gift you could give me.”

Brian raised an eyebrow, “No, it’s not the most inappropriate.”

Michael gave Brian a look of mock concern, “Should you really be hitting on Emmett with your husband standing right there?”

Brian ignored Michael and stoically said, “I’ll see ya’ Honeycutt,” before heading back outside with Justin to have another cigarette.

“So, “Emmett began, “I guess this is it.”

Michael started to tear up, “Yep. This is it.”

Emmett handed Michael a handkerchief and said, “Oh don’t cry, Michael, you don’t want to be all red and splotchy with your boys moving in tomorrow.”

As Michael hugged Emmett, Ted and Drew walked up, “Emmett, we need to get going if we’re going to make it to the airport on time.”  

Emmett nodded as Ted said, “You keep that flame burning bright Emmett.”

Emmett wrapped his arms around Ted, “And you take the ad world by storm. Oh Teddy, I think I’m going to miss you most of all.”

The Hunter Novotny-Bruckner Home for Boys

Ben stood with Michael in the front yard as Sister Carmen’s van pulled into the driveway.

”Okay boys, we’re here,” she said as she turned off the engine.

As the boys got out the vehicle, Michael immediately noticed that they’d put on some weight since he’d last seen them at Hunter’s funeral. He took a deep breath, “Hi guys. We’re glad you’re finally here.”

“Uh, thanks I guess.” A sandy haired boy replied. Then he asked, “It’s Michael right?”

“Yeah,” Michael replied, “And this is Ben, Ben this is Collin.”

Collin slung his back pack over his shoulder and gave Ben a little wave, “Hi.”

Michael smiled as he walked over to the other two boys. One was a tall red head, and the other was a Hispanic boy about Michael’s height, “You’re Toby and you’re Louis, right?”

They both nodded and Louis looked back at Sister Carmen, “So we live here now?”

“As long as you keep your noses and asses out of trouble you do.” She warned in a motherly tone that was eerily reminiscent of Debbie’s. She handed Ben a large pharmacy bag. “I had their prescriptions filled over at the clinic. And they each have digital watches with timers to remind them when they need a dose. And here’s the doctor’s number if you’ve got anymore questions.”

Ben took the card and slipped it in his pocket, “Thanks for everything Sister. We couldn’t have done this without you.” Then Ben asked the boys, “So guys, you ready to take a look inside?”

Collin looked over at the two other boys who shrugged, “Yeah.”

The boys said their goodbyes to Sister Carmen then followed Ben and Michael up on to the porch. When they reached the front door, Louis noticed the small placard above the door bell. The obvious tension in the air seemed to dissipate as Louis said with a smile, “The Hunter Novotny-Bruckner Home for Boys. He would’ve liked that.”

“Yeah,” Collin added with enthusiasm, “He always wanted to be famous.”

Michael swallowed hard. In that moment he felt like Hunter was with him, welcoming his friends to their new home, “Come on, let’s show you guys around.”

Michael and Ben led the boys on a tour of the house and showed them each of their rooms then went over the house rules.  After everyone got settled in they all sat down to dinner.

Ben took a bite of the lemon-baked chicken then said, “We got the results of your placement tests today and you’re all going to get to start school as Juniors.”

Toby took a couple large gulps of his milk and asked, “So, we’ll get to graduate on time then?”

“I don’t see why not.” Michael answered as he spooned some more spinach onto his plate.

“And with the kind of scores each of you got,” Ben added, “You’re going to have your pick of colleges to go to.”

“College?” Collin asked incredulously, “How are we supposed to come up with that kind of money?”

Michael looked at Ben then answered, “We have some friends who own an Ad Agency. They set up a memorial scholarship fund in Hunter’s name.”

Debbie and Carl’s House

Debbie stood at the foot of the stairs and yelled, “Carl, get your ass in gear or you’re gonna miss it!”

Carl made his way down the stairs,” I don’t know why you’re rushing me. I know full well you’ve got the VCR set to record it.”

Carl smiled at Debbie and kissed her on the cheek then they both took a seat on the couch. When the news cast came on Debbie slapped Carl on the knee. ”Oh! Here it is.”

On the television, A young African-American reporter stood next to Carl out in front of the group home, “Life just got a little easier for a few of Pittsburgh’s homeless youth. Today, Ben Bruckner and Michael Novotny-Bruckner opened a group home in the name of their late son, Hunter. I’m here with Carl Horvath, spokesman for the Hunter Novotny-Bruckner Home for Boys. Mr. Horvath-“

“Look at you!” Debbie explained, “You look just like Claude Rains.”

“Shhh. You’ll miss my part.”

Debbie turned up the volume in time to here Carl respond to the reporter. ”Because Ben and my son, Michael believe in the importance giving everyone a second chance.”

When the interview was finished Carl turned to Debbie, “So what’d you think? I make a pretty good official spokesman wouldn’t you say?”

Debbie sniffled in reply.

“Deb? What it is it?”

She shook her head, “When Michael was a boy, we barely had two pennies to rub together, but I tried my hardest to make sure he always had everything he needed.”

Carl wrapped an arm over Deb’s shoulder as he wiped a tear from her cheek,” I know you’re a fantastic mother. All your boys are lucky to have you.”

“No. That’s just it. We’re lucky to have you, Carl. You’re the one thing I could never really give him. You’re a father to him.”


Brian packed up his wet bar as Ted helped out by wrapping up his picture frames and putting them in a card board box, "I sent the staff your schedule so they'd know when you'd be in town each month."

"What, no surprise inspections?" Brian asked.

"I thought we agreed on taking a kinder, gentler approach to managing?"

Brian put the last of his liquor bottles into the box, "You take the fun out of everything, Theodore."

Ted made a face at Brian before looking around the office, "Well, I think that's the last of it. Do you want us to ship these with the rest of your things?"

Brian shook his head, "No. I'll take these boxes with me. The office is all yours Ted. Just don't spill anything on my couch, or else-"

"You'll hang me on the rafters by my toenails. I know."

Brian let out a short, quick laugh, "I'm glad we have an understanding. There's one more thing before I go."

"Yeah boss?"

"Partner, remember?" Brian corrected.

"Right, right. What is it, partner?"

"Since you'll be the point person for most of our clients, we can't have you telling them you're the company accountant. So, I had Cynthia order these."

Brian handed Ted a box of business cards. Ted pulled one out and read it, "Theodore Schmidt, President, Kinnetik Inc. I don't know what to say Brian."

"Don't let it go to your head. I'm still the Chief Executive Officer and the majority share holder. You take care of the clients and I'll go make the big boys on Madison Avenue wish they were playing in our sand-box."

Ted held out his hand to Brian. "I have every confidence that you'll make them green with envy."  

Brian shook Ted's hand and replied with a dirty smirk, "It's the other thing I’m the best at."

New York
East Village
St. Marks Comics

Justin stood outside of the comic book store with his cell phone to his ear, "It's the third store I've been to, Michael, and Rage is sold out all over town. The guy over at Cosmic Comics said they had a line waiting for the store to open this morning and all the copies were gone in under an hour. Oh and you should see the window display they have up at Midtown Comics it's indescribable!"

"It's the same here," Michael excitedly replied, "I called Copasetic Comics over on Asbury Place and they said that they've already got a backorder list a mile long!"

Justin sighed with relief, "I'm so glad we held on to creative control. Even if we're not directly involved with every issue, Rage is still our vision."

"Yeah,” Michael agreed, “And if it keeps selling at this rate, Max Comics is going to have to hire a whole team of writers and artists just to keep up with the demand for new issues."

Justin switched the phone to his other ear, "I bet Brett and those suits out in Hollywood are kicking themselves for shutting down the film, especially after how this year's Academy Awards turned out."

Michael laughed, "That's right. If America is ready for a gay cowboy love story, they're definitely ready for a gay super-hero movie."

Brian’s Loft

Jennifer set a small stack of papers on the bar, “Everything is finalized. Kinnetik, Inc now officially owns the loft. It was a brilliant idea on Ted’s part. Now you can deduct the mortgage as a corporate housing expense. So, all you have left to do is sign these last few documents and Britin’s sale will be final too. It is a gorgeous house but I never took you to be the country manor type.”

Brian thumbed through the document till he got to the last page. When he finished signing and initialing the document he said, “I’m going to be the homeless type soon if I don’t get your son away from the hotel’s twenty-four hour room service. He spends just about as much on food as I do on shoes.”  

“Then I’m sure you can imagine how drastically my grocery bill decreased back when he first moved in here,” Jennifer replied as she looked around the room.

Brian had decided to keep the place furnished as it was for whenever he and Justin were in town. Though he’d never admit to being sentimental, the loft held as many memories for him as it did for Justin. Besides, this way he could purchase all new pieces when they finally found a place to live in New York.  

As Brian filled two glasses, he saw the look on Jennifer’s face. It was the same expression Justin got whenever he wanted to say something, but he was debating whether or not he should. ”What?” Brian asked.

“I was just thinking about the first time I came here.”

Brian handed her the glass, “Ah the happy days of yesteryear. Why do you want to drudge all that up?”

As Brian took a drink of his scotch Jennifer replied, “I used to lie in bed at night, sick with worry that I’d done the wrong thing by asking you to take him.”

Brian stretched his neck, “It was definitely a gamble.”

Jennifer walked up to Brian and brushed the stray hairs off his forehead, “But it turned out to be a great bet. You’re a good man, Brian. And I know you and Justin are going to have a wonderful life together.”

Brian couldn’t bring himself to say anything. He just gently pulled Jennifer to him hugged her.

New York
Club Wilde

Justin stood next to Brian at the reception desk and filled out his registration form, “Brian, why am I not surprised that you’d want to get a sex club membership before you got your New York drivers license?”

Brian handed the form over to the attendant and replied, “Because you know how much more preferable being in a room filled with hot guys fucking is to standing in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles.” Brian slung his arm over Justin’s shoulder and led him to the main room. “Besides, this is not just a sex club. It’s the sex club. You’re not going to find any hairy, old trolls here, though if you keep your eyes open, you may spot an oh-so-hetero celebrity or two.”

Almost immediately after Brian made the comment, a dark-haired man with brilliant, blue eyes gave Justin a toothy grin that rivaled his own.

Justin whispered to Brian, “Is that who I think it is?”

“I suppose he didn’t get enough action up on Bareback Mountain. He’s cruising you hard. If you want him, we can put off our big night for a few months.” Brian offered.

Justin shook his head as he followed Brian down the hall, “I’ve had my fill of movie stars and I’m just fine with our new look-but-don’t-touch policy.”

Brian kissed Justin’s temple in reply as they walked through a draped play room entrance to find a full size subway car, complete with sliding doors, flickering fluorescent lights and some sort of hydraulic system that made the car shake and rock as if it were really moving down a track. “This looks hot. It reminds me of that scene from Risky Business.”

“Is that the movie where Tom Cruise danced around his house in his underwear?”

“Christ, you’re telling me you haven’t seen it?” Brian complained.

“Uh Brian, I was like, one year old when it came out.”

Brian gave Justin a little shove toward the subway car. “Just get in their and get your pants off,” Brian replied in disgust.

The car was filled with men in various stages of undress. Some were holding on to metal poles to brace themselves as they were fucked while others sat on plastic seats and received blow jobs.  

Brian and Justin stepped onto the car and walked toward the back so they could get a full view. Brian sat down on the bench, pulled Justin down onto his lap and started licking the back of his neck. Justin was facing outward. He unzipped his jeans and pulled them down to his thighs as Brian released his own cock from his pants. After he rolled on a condom and slid his lubed fingers beneath Justin to ready him, Brian snaked his arm around Justin and guided him down on to his cock.

The natural rocking of the car helped Justin find his own pace as he began to ride Brian. The sights and sounds around him heightened his senses as he worked himself up and down on Brian’s dick. Brian let Justin take full control over their fuck, though he did run his arms up underneath the front of Justin’s shirt to caress his chest and increasingly well defined abs. With the exception of his baby-face there was nothing about Justin that was boyish anymore. As Brian felt Justin’s ass tighten around his cock he remembered Justin’s sinewy high-school aged frame. Now at age twenty-two, Justin’s body was strong and completely masculine.  He had matured physically as much as Brian had matured emotionally.

Justin leaned against Brian’s chest and reached back to tug on his hips. Brian knew what Justin was asking for so he began bucking himself up into Justin as he rested his head back on Brian’s shoulder.

Brian looked down the car and noticed that all eyes were on them. New York was a veritable ocean compared to the small pond that Pittsburgh was, but that had no bearing on their ability to turn heads.

The Hunter Novotny-Bruckner Home for Boys

Ben stood underneath the basketball hoop and passed the ball to Collin, “Why don’t you show Michael how it’s done?”

Collin caught the ball and started dribbling. ”See Mike, you just use one hand, like this. Then just toss it up into the basket.” The ball flew up and swished easily through the net. Though he’d never been on any sports teams before, Collin was a natural athlete. “It’s easy, you give it a try.”   He let it bounce and then caught the ball before tossing it over to Michael.

The ball hit Michael square in the chest. And as he struggled to keep hold of it he winked at Ben and said, “I’ll try, although there used to be a time when Ben here thought my double-dribbling was an endearing quality.”

Ben laughed, “It wasn’t your dribbling that I was attracted to, it was your singing voice, remember?”

Michael bent over the ball slapping it repeatedly to the ground. ”Yeah, well karaoke doesn’t require nearly as much hand-eye coordination,” Michael replied as the ball started to get away from him.

“Move with the ball, Mike.” Collin instructed.  

“There you go. You’re getting it!” Ben encouraged.

Toby and Louis sat on the lawn and ogled the inaugural issue of Rage. They whispered to each other and smiled as they pointed out various parts of Rage and JT’s anatomy. “You really wrote this, Michael?” Louis asked.

Michael was relieved to get a break from his lesson. He awkwardly tossed the ball back to Collin and went to sit next to the other two boys. ”Yeah my friend Justin and I did, but be careful with that. It’s an original issue. Not one of the Max reprints. It could very well be worth thousands of dollars some day.”

“I’ll bet. I’m sure there are tons of pervy queers who love this sort of stuff.” Toby replied. He was a quiet kid, but when he did talk he usually tended to make the sort of sarcastic comments that Michael was sure Brian would appreciate.

Louis took the comic from Toby and asked, “And the guy you based Rage on is really as gorgeous in real life as he is in these drawings?”

“Well,” Michael replied, “The artist did take some liberties, but yeah.”

“What, you mean you don’t really look this hot in tights?”

“Very funny, Toby” Michael playfully scolded, “With remarks like that maybe Ben and me should rethink taking all of you on that trip to New York next month.”

New York
Central Park

Brian handed the remote control to Gus then set the model sail boat in the pond, “Pull the lever back towards you to make the boat sail forward.”  

Gus followed his father’s instructions. “Like this, Daddy?”  

“That’s right Sonny Boy. You’re doing it. Just make sure you don’t hit any of the other boats.”  

“Okay.” Gus replied. He furrowed his brow with concentration as he directed his new toy out into the center of the pond.  

Brian patted him on the head before heading to a nearby park bench where Lindsay was sitting. JR was sound asleep in her stroller. When Brian walked up, he noticed that one of JR’s shoes had fallen off so he knelt down and carefully slid it on her foot.

Lindsay was touched by Brian’s gentleness. There was something peaceful about him that she’d never seen before, as if some fight he’d been having deep within himself for years had finally come to an end. When he sat down next to her she asked, “Did you have to get him the most expensive boat they had?”

“You and Mel can teach Gus all about frugality if you want. I intend to teach him to have an appreciation for the finer things in life.”

Lindsay shook her head in reply while Brian lit a cigarette, “So are you having any luck finding a teaching position?”

“I’ve got an interview at the Institute of Fine Arts down at NYU. Dean Ketelsen from OCAD actually arranged it for me.”

Brian passed her the cigarette. She looked up to make sure Gus wasn’t watching before putting it to her lips.

“Hmm. It’s strange don’t you think?”

“What’s that,” Lindsay asked.

“That the Dean would turn you down for a permanent position at his school, but he’s all up for helping you find a job down here?”

Lindsay shrugged though she’d known Brian long enough to have a sneaking suspicion that he knew more than he was letting on, “A professional courtesy I suppose.”

“Could be, though after the way he raved about you when I talked to him on the phone, I’m still surprised you didn’t get the job in Toronto. Especially since he said calling me for a reference was just a formality.” Brian raised his eyebrow at Lindsay, silently daring her to come clean.

“Fine, you got me, don’t tell Mel though. She wouldn’t understand.”

Brian rested an arm behind Lindsay on the back of the bench, “She wouldn’t understand that you gave up your dream job so she could have hers?”

Lindsay placed her hand on Brian’s cheek and looked into his eyes, “I didn’t give it up for her, but you already know that, don’t you?”

Brian looked over at Gus who was still focused intently on piloting the boat, “It’s not going to be like before. I want to be a real father, not some drop-in dad.”

Lindsay was thrilled, “As soon as Melanie and I close on the house in Bayside we can make up a schedule if you want?”

Brian’s expression soured, “Wait, you’re buying a house in Queens?”

“Manhattan real estate is a little out of our price range, Brian.”

“Christ, with New York traffic it’ll take me just about as long to get out there as it did to get from Pittsburgh to Toronto.” Brian scoffed as he tried to keep his temper at bay.

“Brian, you’re being ridiculous. It’s like a thirty minute subway ride.”

“What about me says that I would ever use public transportation?”

Now Lindsay was starting to get irritated, “I would think you’d lower yourself to travel among the peons to come see your son.”

“Oh like living in Queens is even a good idea? I suppose the Bayside Public Library keeps its copies of Heather Has Two Mommies right next to the George W Bush biographies.”

New York
Lambda Legal

Melanie pushed the elevator for the fifteenth floor of the Wall Street high rise. She’d waited her entire adult life to have the opportunity to work on the types of ground-breaking cases that attorneys from Lambda Legal oversaw on a daily basis. As the Legal Director of Lambda Legal’s National Headquarters she’d have her pick of cases and she’d even have a hand in helping draft important legislation that would extend the civil rights of the GLBT community.

When the elevator doors opened she stepped out and said, “Judge Harper, I mean Tim, I’m so excited to finally be here.”

“And we’re excited to have you,” Tim Harper replied, “Let’s leave your things with the receptionist and I’ll show you around.”

Melanie handed her purse and briefcase to a young transgender man behind the reception desk then followed Tim down the hall. He showed her the library, introduced her to several of the associates who’d report to her and finally he took her to her corner office. The view would have been amazing had it not been for the, still eerie, absence of the World Trade Center. When Tim noticed that Melanie was staring down at Ground Zero he said, “It’s not easy to look at, I know. We’ve got the blinds on order.”

Melanie turned around and shook her head, “That’s okay, it’ll just remind me not to take life for granted.”

“It’s a good attitude to have. The work here isn’t easy. Sometimes our test cases feel like exercises in futility, but the truth is every step we make, is a step forward.

As Melanie sat down behind her new desk she said, “We still have a long road ahead of us though. What are some of our open cases?”

“Well, we’re helping advocates out in California try to get same-sex marriage legalized, and we have a few different cases dealing with fertility clinics refusing to work with gay couples. And then there’s the big fish.”

Melanie’s eye’s brightened, “Really?”

Tim nodded, “We’re representing twelve US Servicemen who are challenging the Department of Defense’s ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy’.”

“So it’s a federal case?” Melanie could barely contain herself. A case of this magnitude could only mean one thing.
Tim confirmed Melanie’s thought when he answered. “Yes, and the way it’s going, this one could make makes it’s way to the Supreme Court before it’s all said and done.”

New York
Caryle Hotel

Brian sat with Justin in the elegant bar at the Carlyle Hotel. He’d spent the majority of the afternoon at his new attorney’s office discussing some changes he wanted to make.

“So what do you think?” Brian asked. He wanted to make sure he had Justin’s support before he talked to Lindsay and Melanie.

Justin scratched the back of his head and replied, “Uh...I think Melanie’s going to be pissed.”

“Why, I’m not asking for anything that’s not rightfully mine. Anyway, Gus is my son. I would have never had to give up my rights if we’d lived in New York to begin with. The custody laws here aren’t fucked up like they are in Pennsylvania,” Brian took Justin’s hand in his. The expression on his face was deadly serious, “And it’s not just for me. You have just as much right to be a parent to Gus as Melanie does.”

Justin hadn’t expected this at all, Brian’s sudden desire to get his parental rights back had come completely out of the blue. “Look you know how much I love Gus, but I really think this should just be between the three of you. I don’t want to get in the middle of it.”

“You just don’t want Melanie to be mad at you. How come you’re scared of her and not scared of me?” Brian playfully questioned in an effort to lighten Justin’s mood.

“Because I’ve seen her when she’s pissed off; there’s no appeasing her. With you, all I have to do is drop to my knees and I’ve got you wrapped around my little finger,” Justin coyly teased.

Brian pulled his lips in between his teeth then said, “That may be true. But, it’s also true that you’ve been in Gus’ life since the day he was born. And as you always like to remind me, you were the one who named him.”

Drew and Emmett’s Lake House

Drew pulled the sliding glass door closed as he joined Emmett out on the deck. He had lined the railing with flower boxes and was in the process of packing the soil around the rainbow assortment of pansies he’d planted.

Drew handed Emmett a bottle of Raspberry Pool Boy, “It looks like you’ve been busy.”

Emmett turned and wrapped an arm around Drew’s waist as he admired his handiwork, “I felt like adding a little color out here even if it is a little late in the season to garden. Do you like them?”

Drew took a swig of his of his beer then said with a smile, “It’s as colorful out here as you are.”

Emmett kissed Drew in response. And after he rinsed off his hands in the wash basin he said, “Why don’t you stretch out on the deck chair and I’ll give you a nice long shoulder rub.”

“Ah, that’d be great. But you’re sure you’re not too tired after all your gardening?” Drew asked as he sat down.

“I’m never too tired to pamper my man.” Emmett replied as he stood behind the chair and started working his thumbs and fingers deep into Drew’s shoulders and neck.

Emmett continued the massage till Drew finished his beer and asked, “You mind getting me another cold one, Babe?”

“Coming right up!” Emmett happily replied. When he walked into the kitchen he found a large garment box sitting on the counter. Emmett called out, “Drew, what’s in this box?”

Drew smiled to himself then called back into the house, “Why don’t you bring it out here and open it so you can find out!”

Emmett excitedly skipped back out on the deck and hopped onto Drew’s lap with the box, “Oh my gosh, I forgot your beer.”

Drew laughed, “That’s okay. Just open your present.”

Emmett slid off the ribbon and opened the lid to find a silvery, leather jacket. Emmett held it up and asked in an astonished tone, “Is this a vintage Versace?”

“Not just any vintage Versace. Read the card that came with it.”

Emmett pulled the little card out of the bottom of the box and read aloud, “From the estate of the late Lana Turner.”

Emmett made a squeal that sounded somewhat like, “Thank you,” as he threw his arms around Drew’s neck.

“Easy there, Emmett or I’m going to end up on the injured list.”

Emmett stood up and put on the perfectly fitting jacket. He held out his arms and spun around as he asked, “How do I look?”

Drew smiled. He loved seeing Emmett so obviously happy, “Like a movie star, naturally. Look in the pocket, there’s something else.”

Emmett pulled out an antique cigarette case, “Is this Lana’s too?”

Drew nodded. ”Yeah and it’s inscribed by the guy who gave it to her.”

Emmett opened the case and read, “To LT All my love, Ty.”

“The dealer said an actor she dated gave it to her. His name was Tyrone something.”

Emmett put his hand on his hip, “Uh, hello, that would be Mr. Tyrone Power. They only had one of the most notorious love affairs in the history of Hollywood.”

Drew stood up and took Emmett in his arms, “Well since you’ve worked so hard to learn all the finer points of football, I’m going to do my best to learn all I can about classic Hollywood divas, deal?”

Emmett rested his head on Drew’s shoulder, “I have no idea what I did to deserve a man as wonderful as you.”

Drew rubbed Emmett’s back and replied, “I wonder the same thing about myself.”

New York
Manhattan Extended Stay Lodge

Brian pulled the covers up over Gus as he settled into bed. The boy was exhausted. They’d all spent the entire afternoon at Coney Island Amusement Park. Gus’ favorite ride had been the Ferris wheel. They must have ridden it five times before they left for day.

They’d come back to the hotel that Lambda Legal had put Mel and Lindsay up in while they were looking for a place to live. The place was nice enough. It had two bedrooms, a living area and a kitchenette, though it was nowhere Brian would want to stay. “Did you have fun today, son?”

“Uh huh,” Gus sleepily replied, “Daddy?”


“Am I going to get to see you every day now?”

“I’m working on it.” Brian replied. He kissed Gus on the forehead, “Go to sleep now.”

Gus rolled onto his side and yawned, “‘Night Daddy.”

“Good Night, Gus.”

Brian turned off the light, shut the door, and walked back into the living room.

Melanie was sitting on the couch reading over the papers he’d given her before he went to tuck Gus in. When she saw Brian she looked up from the documents and incredulously asked, “What’s this supposed to be?”

“It’s exactly what it looks like. I want my parental rights back.”

Lindsay was shocked, “Brian, what are talking about? We settled all this years ago.”

Justin took a deep breath, “That was when we were in Pittsburgh. The laws there are different. They allow second parent adoptions in New York so there’s no reason Brian and Melanie can’t both have rights.”

“And Justin.” Brian added.

“We didn’t have Gus so you and Justin could play house,” Melanie barked, “He’s our son! Lindsay’s and mine.”

Lindsay rubbed her forehead and tried to get a handle on what was happening, “Let’s just calm down and discuss this like adults. What, exactly are you asking for, Brian?”

“I want Justin and I to both have legal guardianship just like you both have.”

“You’re not asking for physical custody and formalized visitation?”

Brian shook his head.

Lindsay turned to Mel, “If we’re not giving anything up. It wouldn’t be a bad idea. If Gus were to get sick or hurt when he’s visiting Brian and Justin in Manhattan it’d be a lot easier on all of us if they were legal guardians too. It can be difficult to get into the city sometimes.”

“Good point, but you won’t need to worry about that.” Brian replied.

“We found an amazing rent controlled brownstone that even has a small back yard, right in West Chelsea.” Justin explained.

Melanie rolled her eyes, “Do you know how hard it is to get in to a rent controlled apartment in New York?”

Brian shrugged, “It’s not that hard when you know the owners.”

“Who owns it?” Lindsay asked in a hopeful tone. She loved West Chelsea. Not only was it a predominately gay neighborhood, it also had several renowned art galleries, adorable shops and an increasing number of families with young children.

Brian put his arm around Justin, “We do, as well as the brownstone next door. If Bruce and Demi could do it so can we.”

“And it’s just a few blocks from the City & Country School on West 13th Street,” Justin added, “Gus and JR would love it there.”

“Mel, that’s one of the top, private day schools in the country. I read an article about it in Gay Parenting Magazine just the other day.”

Melanie sighed. Living in Chelsea would make her commute to work a hell of a lot easier. And if they all lived on the same street she figured she’d never have to worry about Brian seeking physical custody of Gus. Plus, as much as she hated to admit it, she knew how important Brian was to her son.

Lindsay did her best to tread lightly as she asked, “What do you say, Mel?”

Melanie could list hundreds of reasons why taking Brian up on his offer would only lead to trouble, but that was the Brian she used to know. It wasn't the Brian who stood by Michael when Hunter was dying. It wasn't the Brian who declared his love and committment to Justin in a court of law, and it wasn't the Brian who'd saved Ted.

Maybe, Melanie thought, this was the Brian that Lindsay had always known and adored. So, depsite her better judgement, Melanie took a deep breathe and said, “I suppose this makes us all one big, happy family.”


“That’s right, Mr. Brown. I was able to procure two full pages of ad space in the dead center of Sports Illustrated, and they’re knocking twenty percent off their regular rate.”  

“Call me Leo. And you did a terrific job. I look forward to working with you again when we release our Spring line.”

“It was my pleasure, Mr. Brown, uh I mean Leo. I’ll email the contract to you right now.”

“Excellent. And tell Brian hello for me.”

“Will do, Leo. I’ll talk to you later.” Ted hung up the phone and forwarded the contract to Brown Athletics.

“Boss?” Carol called through the speaker phone.

“Yes Carol?”

“Blake is here to see you. Should I send him in?”

“Yeah, yeah. Send him in.”

“Right away, Boss.”

When Blake walked around the glass partition he had a huge grin on his face.

Ted laughed. ”What are you smiling about?”

“I’ve never heard anyone call you ‘Boss’ before. It suits you.”

Ted got up and walked over to Blake, “You think so?”

Blake pressed his lips to Ted’s and replied, “Absolutely.”

New York
West Chelsea
Brian and Justin’s Brownstone

Justin rested on his side in their new bed on their first night at the brownstone. Any soreness that he might have felt from spending the day moving in and rearranging the furniture until Brian was satisfied was gone. He was too excited. Tonight, Justin would know what it would be like to have Brian, only Brian, inside him.

Brian lay behind Justin and rested his hand on his hip as he entered him. Justin could feel an immediate difference as soon as Brian slid in his dick, “It’s so hot. Did you know it’d be this hot?”

Brian drew his hips back and pushed deep into Justin’s hole, “That’s part of it. All you feel is my cock. There’s no latex in the way.” Brian pumped a couple more times. “Now relax, I want you to always remember that no matter what, I’ll always be there.”

Justin moaned and turned his head to kiss Brian. They tongued each others mouths as Brian continued to slowly fuck Justin. When they finished Brian rolled onto his back and Justin slung an arm and leg over him. After he started sucking on Brian’s earlobe Brian said, “If I wasn’t one-hundred percent certain that your little move was just a cheap ploy to get inside my ass, I’d think you were trying to cuddle with me.”

“Perish the thought.” Justin replied with mock horror before beginning to lick and nip at Brian’s neck.

“Fine, fine,” Brian sighed dramatically, “My ass is all yours, Sunshine.”

Justin immediately sat up on his knees. When they’d agreed to stop using condoms he had wondered how long it’d take before Brian would let him top. He was ecstatic. He’d hoped Brian would agree to it on their first night doing it raw, but he figured his chances were slim to none.

Brian didn’t move so Justin asked, “Aren’t you going to roll over?”

Brian shook his head, “I want to see your face when you come inside me.”

Brian’s words made Justin dizzy with desire. And when he saw Brian spread his legs and draw his knees up to give better access to his hole, it was all Justin could do to keep from fainting.

He positioned himself in front of Brian and lubed his dick. Brian winced as Justin pushed into him, but he opened his eyes when Justin leaned forward to kiss him. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and sucked his lips in between his own. They kissed for a while taking turns fucking each other’s mouths with their tongues. Then they stopped and simply looked into each other’s eyes.

When Brian felt his orgasm approach, he took a deep breath and said, “I love you Justin,” right as he came. Justin thrust into Brian a couple more times before coming, “I love you too Brian.”

New York
West Chelsea
Brian and Justin’s Brownstone

Gus stood at the living room window in his Superman costume and cheered, “They’re here, they’re here,” as he saw his Pittsburgh relatives arrive. Debbie and Carl were the first in the house after Justin opened the door.

“Nice new digs, Sunshine. I see you added an artist’s touch to Brian’s taste.”

Justin looked around the front room at the new furniture they’d purchased. Debbie was right. While the décor was obviously modern, Justin had convinced Brian to forego a monochromatic pallet and add some color to the place.

Brian came into the living room just as Jennifer and her family walked in. He shook Tucker’s hand, gave Jennifer a hug, and leaned down to give his sister-in-law a kiss on the cheek, “Hello, Molly, you’re looking lovely as ever.”

She immediately blushed, but did her best to remain composed, “Daphne says you like to give lots of compliments. Is she here?”

“She’s out back, helping get set up for Gus’ birthday party.” Justin replied as Michael, Ben and the boys got out of their taxi and headed up the sidewalk.

“Uncle Michael!” Gus yelled as he ran outside with his arms outstretched in perfect super-hero flying form.

“Hey Gus,” Michael replied as the boy jumped up into his arms. “I see you opened your birthday present early.”

“Mama let me open one this morning when I woke up ‘cause yesterday I helped move our stuff in like a big boy.”

Michael carried Gus into the brownstone, “Then you really must be a man of steel.”

As Brian led everyone through the house to the yard he sighed, “Michael, must you encourage the boy?”

Out back, Melanie had spent the morning taking down the fence that separated their backyard from Brian’s and Justin’s. Not only did it give the kids more space to play, but it also would enable Gus to pass safely between his mothers’ and fathers’ houses when ever he wanted.

Justin and Daphne helped decorate the backyard with blue and red streamers and balloons to match the Superman theme of the party. To make things complete, Lindsay decorated the cake with a large yellow “S” inside an upside-down, yellow triangle.

Brian was in charge of lunch. As he used the tongs to turn over the burgers and hotdogs Carl said, “Hey you got a grill just like mine.”

“You said it was the Prada of barbeques. How could I resist?”

After everyone ate and Gus unwrapped an endless number of presents the gang settled into an easy afternoon together, laughing and talking.

Justin did silly sketches of everyone wearing various, outlandish super-hero uniforms. Gus busied himself with his favorite gift of the day; an easel, with real canvas and paints. Brian walked up and inspected his work, “Looks like you got your artistic talent from Mommy.”

Gus nodded and matter-of-factly replied, “Uh huh, and she says I get my good looks from you.”

Michael was pushing JR on the swing when Brian walked up and tugged on his sleeve, “Come inside with me for a minute.”

“Mel, can you take over here?” Michael asked.

Melanie got up from the picnic table, “Do I want to know what you two are up to?”

Brian gave her a devilish grin in reply as he turned and walked toward the house.

When they got inside Michael asked, “Was it getting too Stepfordy out there for you?”

Brian shook his head, “I just felt like a break, besides I want to show you something,” he replied as he headed upstairs. When they got to the attic Brian opened the window and started to climb out onto the roof.

“Brian, what the hell do you think you’re doing? You’re gonna break your neck.”

“Come on, Mikey,” Brian whined, “Don’t be such a kill joy.”

Michael sighed and climbed out the window. When he sat down on the roof next to Brian he asked, “Are you ever going to stop being a bad influence on me?”

Brian pulled a joint out of his pocket. “Nope.”  

“Lindsay’s going to kick your ass if she smells pot around the kids.”

Brian took a hit and held in the smoke, “Why do you think we’re up here?”

Michael took the joint from Brian and took a long drag “I was just thinking. The last time I was up on a roof with you was the night Gus was born.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll let him keep the role of Superman.”

“That’s a relief,” Michael smiled as he passed the joint back to Brian. “You know, this year, with everything that’s happened I realized something.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s all about family.”

Brian looked down and saw Justin playing tag with Molly and Gus, “I don’t know, you could be on to something.”

“You’ve certainly taken on the role of a full-time family man.”

“There are worse fates, I suppose.” Brian replied as he took another hit off the joint.

“So, no regrets?”

“Not a one,” Brian replied. And for the first time in his life, he actually meant it. “Oh I talked to the girls. I’m going to borrow the SUV when I drive back to Pittsburgh for business. They didn’t want me driving JR in the corvette.”  

“You’ll be coming to town twice a month?”

Brian nodded.

“Thank you.”

“It’s not a problem. I only agreed to it because she’s out of diapers. I don’t do diapers.”

“No. I mean thank you for everything, for always being there for me.”

”Don’t talk like that. You make it sound like this is the end of the ‘Brian and Mikey Show.’ Don’t you know?”

Michael furrowed his brow, “Know what?”

Brian pulled Michael to him and pressed their lips together. “It’s only the beginning.”

Fade to Black. Roll Credits.


I’ve been writing this nearly everyday for the last six months. I hope I was able to achieve my goal of giving our fandom the happy ending our beloved folks deserve!  I look forward to reading your comments.

[ 本帖最后由 jill_liu 于 2007-4-24 22:30 编辑 ]


真的是好棒的文章啊,仿佛又回到了那段每天都沉浸在QUEER AS FOLK世界里的生活~~~~~楼主辛苦啊,加油加油!!!!!!




em01 em19  em03




译者很强!!!!!!!!!em01 em01 em01


em19 S7 可以搞征文活动啊~


原帖由 jill_liu 于 2007-4-23 22:29 发表




原帖由 withwentsex 于 2007-4-23 20:04 发表
不够,不够,最好再来些生活锁事啊、小风波啊,something about BJ baby什么的。
原帖由 cora 于 2007-4-23 20:06 发表

22集然后再Happy Endingem27



原帖由 jill_liu 于 2007-4-22 23:22 发表

LJ那边好像今天就要出大结局了,哪有22集~ Happy Ending还不够啊em08

22集然后再Happy Endingem27


回复 #402 jill_liu 的帖子

不够,不够,最好再来些生活锁事啊、小风波啊,something about BJ baby什么的。




原帖由 cora 于 2007-4-22 22:53 发表

LJ那边好像今天就要出大结局了,哪有22集~ Happy Ending还不够啊em08


em23 Jill啊,写完论文后,帮第六季拍个22集。。。


原帖由 wlhy 于 2007-4-22 14:54 发表






em07 楼主,接着翻吧~~~






My poor English!


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