do something good, do something great.


回复 31# 的帖子



我没看过聚餐片段,是说和BEN 不和? 他这次不是正说和BEN还有联系吗? 我更糊涂了。


谢谢小S ! 幸亏你出手,要不我错过了多震撼的消息!  实在没想到! 不过你推测得很有道理,因为他似乎说没了这2个人,QAF 就没法继续,要不,得想法子绕开这2人,变成另一个戏。由于这内情太使我惊讶,要不是你点明一下,我还真是纳闷。



[ 本帖最后由 mulanll 于 2008-10-27 16:53 编辑 ]
do something good, do something great.


原帖由 ziggy19 于 2008-10-27 12:14 发表


如果我身为主演,我评论两句,例如“这谁折腾这么久,编剧你怎么还叫他fuck around啊?和他这四季性格上的改变不太合吧?”这种意见不是很正常么。


楼上的看官,那么HAL指的是谁呢? 我好奇。




[ 本帖最后由 mulanll 于 2008-10-27 16:49 编辑 ]
do something good, do something great.


No way will there ever be a Queer as Folk movie.

Really? Why not?
Because a couple of the cast members I know for sure wouldn’t do it and I’m certain that the executive producers Ron and Dan wouldn’t want to work with them either.

[ 本帖最后由 elingelingeling 于 2008-10-27 16:38 编辑 ]


回复 7# 的帖子





原帖由 crazycat 于 2008-10-27 10:13 发表



【岛国系列】没有快播照样嗨  打开【69AVi点com】  ←_←点击进入
【欧美系列】没有快播照样嗨  打开【69AVi点com】  ←_←点击进入












:s29 没想到Hal 是这个样子的,,,










Anonymous said...
I liked Michael in QAF but feel indifferent toward Hal Sparks until now. I appreciated his involvement and liked his acting in QAf (except when he interpreted Michael as a whining 10 years old sometimes). But this interview really turned me off.

QAF ending was perfect. I wouldn't want to have a movie at all to have a close ending. If Hal and the producers Ron and Dan think there is a movie, so be it. To think there is a movie without Gale and Randy? It must be out of their minds. Ron and Dan "won't work with them?" Great, that’s why there is no movie. Really, Hal, Ron, and Dan, there is no need to be so bitter about Gale's or Randy's reluctance to continue to work on QAF. I support their decisions 100%. And I’m sure they are grateful for ever being in such a great show.

In many interviews Peter Paige talked about his input in some of his lines and the love storyline around Ted and Emmett. Sharon Gless did the same (e.g. the line "I’m too heavy" in 303). So what’s wrong with this particular actor coming to say 'well I don’t think my character would do that'? Just because Hal didn’t like to have input, it doesn't mean anyone else didn’t. To single this out and complain about some pushback really says about Hal's character.

Because Hal’s tendency to badmouth, I never took Chris Potter’s somewhat homophobic comments on a couple of occasions too seriously. I only felt sorry that he had to work with Hal. It had to be difficult for him to work with Hal, especially on those intimate scenes.

October 22, 2008 1:41 AM  

Anonymous said...
It is only fair to point out that a huge proportion of the fandom didn't think Brian and Justin would have done 80% of the things they did in Seasons 4 and 5 either. We strongly believe the writer/producers were contemptuous of us as well as the actors, and many of us return the sentiment.

At the time it seemed fairly clear from his offscreen remarks that Randy Harrison was not happy, but I'm unaware of Gale Harold ever saying anything negative publicly, and he behaved with remarkable professionalism trying to make Brian believable when the writers had clearly come to despise the character.

Many fans refuse even to acknowledge those seasons as part of "canon" because they are so full of continuity errors, discrepancies with the characterisation in earlier seasons and situations and lines that were widely interpreted as slights on the actors' personal lives. As soon as the show finished and Gale and Randy were off the air, more than half the fandom evaporated. There was no longer anything to talk about.

If the show does have a longlasting social effect, it will be despite all the grandstanding Issues crap in the last three seasons, and because of the extraordinary glamour Harold and Harrison brought to their portrait of gay male love. Their Season 1 'dance at the prom' is a case in point: the onlookers, like the viewers, all hostile at the start, are cooing at the end.

October 22, 2008 5:36 AM  


Anonymous said...
I'm not going to address the obvious negativity in Mr.Sparks' remarks because he's made his personal opinions known, over the years, about certain cast members on QAF.

However, as a director, I would prefer to instruct an actor with opinions about his storyline and character, one who is questioning, one who pushes, because then I know they're engaged, they're invested in their character and serious about their craft as well.
The last thing I want is a mindless automaton blindly following orders, saying and doing exactly what he's told. That's not acting. Anyone can do that.
Oh, and one last thing, Mr. Sparks:
Always remember, you never know if the people you meet on the way up are the same people you'll meet on the way down. Life has a funny way of payback and karma really is a bitch!

October 22, 2008 6:13 AM  


Anonymous said...
I wonder if Mr Sparks realized exactly how whiney and juvenile he sounded in this interview. It had all the hallmarks of a Jnr High spat in Study Hall "But Sirrrr, it was THOSE two boys who were causing all the trouble..."

I'm not sure what he considers to be "trouble finding acting work" by the gay actors from QAF. Peter Paige has been both acting and directing since he finished QAF, and Randy Harrison has done almost non-stop theater work, and is currently involved in own directorial debut. Hal on the other hand, has had some less-than-stellar gigs.....

It's interesting to compare these vitriolic and sad little comments with the classy statement made recently by Scott Lowell on his website, following Gale Harold's motorcycle accident. It's easy to see who is the better human being.

And I don't think Hal need worry too much working with the "un-named" actors - it's a fairly safe bet that the feeling is mutual. Hmmm, let's see, Gale is on the successful Desperate Housewives. Hal is....what IS Hal doing??

October 22, 2008 6:57 AM  


Barbara said...
It's well known going by nasty comments made by Hal in the past that he trashes Gale every chance he gets. Jealously perhaps.

The timing of this article is outrageous. Gale had a serious motorcycle accident last Wednesday and is in the ICU of a Los Angeles hospital. and for the poster to put this interview up at this time is obscene.

I wonder if Ron and Dan know that this is being said about them. I think that they would not be pleased at being misquoted as Hal has done.

October 22, 2008 8:40 AM  


Anonymous said...
Honestly... I don´t understand what´s so bad with saying "my character wouldn´t do that" and try to change lines and actions, because I think, that an actor knows his charakter the best, because he has to concentrate on this one person, not like the autors. They have to try to get into the fictional heads of more people.
It´s only natural that you make mistakes then. If Hal would have done something like that I might not have despised Michael in S5 so much. (God, I really wanted to hit him more than just once.)
My point is: Hal´s critisism of Gale´s and Randy´s behavior is totally uncalled for!
I would love to see S5 in a pure "Gale and Randy would have done it like this"-version. (And S4for that matter.) I bet it would have been a lot better where it comes to B/J-storyline.

October 22, 2008 2:13 PM  


Anonymous said...
If this isn’t childish, pathetic and jealous, I don’t know what is! These are just about the lamest words he has uttered out of his mouth ever. Just how low can a man get!? Well, you showed us, Hal, just how low. It has been 3 years, since the show went off air, and yet here Hall is, still bitching, moaning and holding a grudge against the two people who made the show as successful as it is still today. But I’m guessing someone has too much time on his hands.

True actors give their input in the character development, which these two actors he refers to did amazingly. Hal probably had some say in Michael’s character too, since he came out just as fucking whiny and immature as Hal himself is.

I’m sure these two actors weren’t always angels on the set, but that was a workplace, just like any other, and it’s only normal for people not to enjoy their job 24/7. And I’m sure not everyone got along well on that set, but none of the other actors on that show have ever said anything bad about the other cast members, which just shows how much classier they are as human beings than Hal.
What Hal showed us here, is obvious jealousy. I say move on already! If his aim is to turn fans against these two actors, he isn’t having any luck, but instead he has made even more enemies.

October 23, 2008 3:13 AM

[ 本帖最后由 sherrysi 于 2008-10-27 10:30 编辑 ]







Jennifer Elster繼03年後再度和Gale合作,
Fay Ann Lee在Gale的車禍前不久才和他見面,
還有Scott Lowell在最近和Gale影迷間的互動,





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