150# cora

亲爱的,现在怎么那么多好消息,最近是gale fan的节日盛宴呀



大叔是出了名的爱讲YOU KNOW,N年前的一个采访视频就发现了呵呵


是不是年轻的不可思议呢,就象这位fan说的insanely gorgeous,


Right at 7:30 (when they said they would open the doors to the play), I scurried over next door and checked in (there are no physical tickets, you just show your online print out). I waited for a bit in the lobby (try and stand very close to the inner door so that you can get a good seat...it's free for all seating). When they opened the doors, I grabbed the two front and center seats, which was so fortuitous. Gale was literally 1 or 2 feet away from me multiple times during the performance. A few times, he would enter or exit through the front door during a scene, so he would walk right past me. I loved it! The theater was tiny and intimate, and the stairs were quite rickety lol. It was comfy though, and I was really able to relax despite being so anxious initially!

Gale comes out about 3 minutes into the play, in grey/straight leg pants, a red button up, and the snakeskin jacket. He looks tall, lean, and his hair looks amazing  As I mentioned in my other post, I really enjoyed the entire play. Gale was mesmerizing, he really embodied the character, and he pulled off the accent so well. I found myself focusing mostly on him (obviously lol), but the other actors were all great as well. I enjoyed his guitar playing along with his singing, and I also enjoyed his being shirtless for a portion of the play…haha. I especially liked the second act. I am no theater reviewer, and unfortunately I don’t get to see many plays, but overall I really liked what I saw! I was swept up in the drama, and the little quiet moments were great too (the quiet conversations were awesome because I could just listen to him talk).

Onto my favorite part…So after the play ended, I exited into the lobby and ate some of the food they had out. I talked to some of the other audience members as well as some of the cast. I was surprised by how friendly and grateful everyone was! Being LA and all, I was expecting something different. But seriously, everyone was so kind and talkative. After about 15 minutes, I noticed some people going into the hallway to the left of the doorway to the actual theater (this leads to the bathroom, for reference to those visiting the theater in the future). I followed them into the hall, and there I saw Gale standing against the wall, in all his glory (haha, I was in major fangirl mode). He was being congratulated by what I presumed to be friends and family (one of them being Yara-she looked so cute, and had brought him flowers). He looked so happy, kind of glowing. I didn’t want to interrupt so I just stood there for a bit. Then, two other fans came up behind me and said they too would like a picture. Finally, Gale started to move our way and those two asked for a pic. I took it of them with Gale, and then it seemed like Gale was going to move away so I quickly asked if I could have one too. He said yes! My mom introduced herself (and me as I was quite the basket case at this point and could not find my words lol). She told Gale that we had driven from Arizona to see him, as I am quite the fan of his. I think he said thank you and asked her something. I can’t quite remember as I was kind of in a daze. Then, I finally snapped back into reality and told him how much I had enjoyed the play, and how great his accent was. He said thanks. Then, we posed for a picture. Except the camera wasn’t working for some reason, the flash wasn’t going off and they came out blurry. My mom tried a couple more times, to no avail. So Gale said “here, let me try, I can take it”. My mom handed him the camera and he held it out in front of the two of us and snapped a pic. That one was still blurry, and I finally realized it was on the wrong setting. I was changing the setting, and I guess my hand was shaking, and he said “you’re shaking, and you’re making me shake too”. Haha, that was so sweet, I think he could tell how nervous I was (as much as I tried to play it cool). So finally, we got a good picture! He had to go then, talk to other people, but first I asked for a hug. Mmm that was nice. And my mom asked for a hug too which was random haha, but he gave her one. He seriously could not have been kinder or more patient. After going outside to call my friends and gush, we went back into the lobby (I just couldn’t leave, knowing he was in there! Haha). My mom and I were talking to some of the other actors. Everyone was so nice, and said they were happy I’d gotten my chance to meet him. One actress said that Gale was a real sweetheart. One actor, who played the sheriff in the play, really took the time to talk to us-so nice. While we were talking I happened to mention that I kind of wanted one more picture with Gale because I didn’t look good in the first one (and this would be my profile pic on facebook so it had to be good, I know…I’m greedy!). Andy, the actor, said that should be no problem. So we went over to Gale and he asked for me if I could get one more. Gale kindly obliged, and I tried to explain to him why, he joked about not needing the whole story. Anyways, the result was this, and I’m sooo glad I got the second picture because he looks insanely gorgeous in it…

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(I’ll add the other pictures later, including the messed up ones/the one he took)

After we took this picture, we were on our way, and as we were walking away he said “Have a safe trip back to AZ” [he said the letters, not the word], and gave a peace sign. Ahhh, it was adorable, and I was surprised he remembered from when my mom had told him where we’d come from.
So, that’s all I think. If I remember anything else I’ll be sure to post it. Sorry this is so long, I’m trying to preserve my own memories! This was one amazing night in my book Thanks again for all the kindness on this board, I’d never have known of the play if it wasn’t for you guys! And for everyone that’s going to see it in upcoming days, have an incredible time!

One more note: I was thinking that Gale’s change of heart as to taking photos may be due to his accident? Just a thought! It could have changed his outlook on any number of things. Overall, he seemed very appreciative and gracious to the fans who came to see him. He’s very approachable so don’t be afraid to go up to him and let him know you like his work, and even ask for a picture or such. I’m sure that as long as someone isn’t overly intense, he will oblige.


  • cora




要是有视频就好了 好想看看GALE演话剧啊


差点忘了传一楼的照片...已经打包了一楼所有的照片,可以在1楼的附件里下载啦 :)











虽然是小剧场,观众不是很多,谢幕也不见狂热的Gale热。但听他的音频,感觉他的情绪很好,大声说笑,而且最后一句Thank you声调上扬,很调皮的样子。


148# 贵之水



多姿多彩的HAY生涯啊 呵呵


159# dormouse
小剧场真的好棒!! 连Gale手指上的纹身也能看到
不知道有没有像SLS那样 演员离场的时候有给粉丝签名之类?
cora 发表于 2010-1-17 13:00

觉得看小剧票价好值,而且还能看到shirtless Gale~~~



159# dormouse
小剧场真的好棒!! 连Gale手指上的纹身也能看到
不知道有没有像SLS那样 演员离场的时候有给粉丝签名之类?


本帖最后由 dormouse 于 2010-1-17 12:41 编辑


by LemonBars 2 hours ago (Sat Jan 16 2010 17:35:33) on IMDB

Gale did come out last but directly after the two female leads. A lot of applause for the whole cast, slightly more for all the leads. No ovation, single group bow then they all turned and went backstage. I didn't sense any real "gale fever" in the applause-no whoops or hollers, no leaping to feet clapping.


I had the impression there were a number of "gale fans" but there also seemed to be people there for each cast member. Family, friends, etc. It was opening night after all. A number of seats had been set aside for press--and in a small theatre, that was a good part of that crowd. The row behind me were there "for Denise", yeah, I was eavesdropping, so sue me. I think the future weekends will be more of people there to see a play.


There is no real curtain, not even a raised stage area. The audience is seated on the edge of the set, the actors come out to within a couple feet of you (if you're front row!) during the performance.



  • cora


粉丝报道 by danivl1-1 3 hours ago (Sat Jan 16 2010 16:25:03) on IMDB

He was amazing with his concentration and never seemed really nervous to me. Several times he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand or forearm. I don't know if that was a little of Gale's nervousness or something he did for the character. When the play opens, it is a few minutes before Val appears. Once he did, all my attention zoomed to him. It was hard to pay attention to anything or anyone else. He had a very commanding presence. Even for people in the audience that may not have known him, I can't imagine they coould take their eyes off of him.


I was amazed at how slim and beautiful he is. The wifebeater scene was definitely one of my favorites because we got to see the famous arms. Even though his whole frame is much thinner in person than on film, he still looked toned and strong. There are a few scenes that are quite physical and Gale was required to do a series of fancy moves. I don't want to give anything away for those that are still going to see it, but he is as elegant as Fred Astaire. His limbs are fascinating to watch in motion.

他那么苗条,那么帅,真让我吃惊。白色紧身背心绝对是我的最爱,因为我们能看到他著名的手臂。尽管他本人看起来整体比屏幕上要瘦,他看起来还是很结实很有型。有几个场景还挺需要体力的,Gale要做一些很夸张的动作。我不想剧透,不过他就跟Fred Astaire一样优雅。他的四肢和动作非常搭配。

His singing and playing the guitar was a big treat. It started off, as he sat on a box right in front of me - so close that the tattoo could not be ignored- with him strumming a few chords and singing a little off key like one would do when composing. Throughout the play he sang a little more until he finally had it the way he wanted and sang all of the words very sweetly.



156# dormouse
两个半小时......还可以看到Gale穿wifebeater  帅呆了{:3_271:}


本帖最后由 dormouse 于 2010-1-17 12:19 编辑

粉丝报道 by LemonBars 4 hours ago (Sat Jan 16 2010 15:00:59) on IMDB

The snakeskin jacket was close fitting and short, I'd agree with the description posted earlier--like a bomber jacket. It did give the appearance of snakeskin, don't know what the real fabric was. It figured prominently in the first and third acts. Act 2 was more a suit jacket, dress shirt and tie--with various pieces being removed and redonned throughout. The red shirt and the wifebeater were my favorites amongst the wardrobe changes.

There were 3 acts with 2 ten minute intermissions. With an 8 p.m. start, we left the theatre just before 11, so it was probably 2 1/2 hours.






152# dormouse
夹克+红衬衫,wow{:3_158:}  这是Xavier还是Gale的穿着咧? 看来是Xavier?
cora 发表于 2010-1-17 11:31



152# dormouse
夹克+红衬衫,wow{:3_158:}  这是Xavier还是Gale的穿着咧? 看来是Xavier?


本帖最后由 dormouse 于 2010-1-17 12:19 编辑

  粉丝报道 by danivl1-1  Sat Jan 16 2010 13:18:12 from IMDB

I didn't notice the jacket at first because I was, indeed, too busy focusing on the occupant. It was clearly tailor made for him because it fit his slim frame like a glove. It wasn't anything wild or outlandish. Just a short cropped jacket along the lines of a Bomber jacket. The fantstic red shirt kind of grabbed the spotlight. But it wouldn't have mattered what he had on, he was simply amazing looking. I loved, loved his hair cut and the color was beautiful! I couldn't get over that I was seeing him in the flesh. His near flawless skin nearly glowed. And his hair was like a halo. I was mesmerized by his perfect features. The mouth, his gorgeous nose, even his ears. He takes your breath away anyway you look at him, but he is absolutely stunning in profile.:)



  • cora




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