

It was all fabulous and I am so very grateful I had the chance to do this.

So, I read through my f-list posts regarding OD last night and can’t say I really have all that much to add regarding the play itself. I saw it on Saturday evening and it was just spectacular! The theater is so small…not a bad seat in the house. That said, we managed to get front row seats…such a surreal experience to have the actors/actresses pass within inches of us as they performed. They all did a wonderful job and the play was truly enjoyable. It lasted until around 11 PM with the two 10/15-minute intermissions, and it felt like it was over before I even had time to realize it had begun. And I would be lying if I said I wasn’t having trouble focusing on the other actors/actresses with Gale standing so OMFG close to us lol. And singing. And playing the guitar. And wearing a white wife-beater. And shirtless. And then having his shirt ripped open. *faints* He did that lip thing once and I thought I might have a complete fangirl meltdown right there in the theater *face palm*. [info]melzy08 was there with us and we swapped fangirl looks frequently throughout the play . And I think I nearly kicked her foot off when the lip thing happened lol. At one point he was standing a foot or so away from her chair and it was all we could do to force ourselves to continue watching the play rather than him (it was a part where he was to ‘fade’ into the background). Fade. Bwaaahaaaaahaaaa. Whatever.

Ok, other experiences. We did go to the theater on opening night (1/15) and were able to go and mingle with the audience/cast when it was done. We were almost ready to leave as we had decided Gale must have exited stage left (aka stealthily out the back door). [info]buzziecat was talking with Francesca Casale about her parts when I randomly glanced down a hallway on my left and about fainted when I saw…Gale, talking with a group of people which included Yara. He was kind of hidden behind a curtain, but it was unmistakably teh man \o/! I tapped [info]buzziecat on the arm, rudely interrupting her conversation *blushes*, but well, you understand. Right? A GH sighting can cause loss of logical behavior lol. And somewhere in my sudden inability-to-function-normally, he appeared in the hallway right by us, talking to everyone. I was totally overwhelmed lol, and sorta stepped back a little so I could watch without being completely obvious. And as everyone is reporting, I seriously couldn’t believe I was looking at a 40-year-old man. Early 30’s perhaps. But soooooo not 40. And again, I don’t really have much to add here that hasn’t already been said. He was charming, friendly, witty, laughing at and making jokes, and just generally enjoying himself. [info]buzziecat talked with him a bit and then said she was with a friend at which time she pointed to me. I leaned forward and he leaned forward and we both said hi. And try as I might , I couldn’t utter any other words. I wasn’t aware I had a shy bone in my body, but apparently, I have several when it comes to GH lol. Not only can he burn a woman down, he can also render her speechless. We stayed there for a while, but then he got bombarded with autograph requests etc. and we decided to take off knowing we’d be back the next night.

After seeing the play Saturday night, we waited around in the very small lobby for the cast members to come out. They eventually started trickling out to say hello, as did Gale. He was met by what appeared to be some friends and talked with them for a while. I felt very uncomfortable waiting as it seemed like everyone remaining knew the cast/crew somehow. So, we went outside and waited there. When he came out, he talked with us a bit, took pictures and gave us each an autograph. Again, he was so nice, funny, gracious and accommodating. He even drew an arrow to his picture on the playbill he signed so I knew which one was him. I LOLed about that, as did he .

I am still floating around, unable to believe I actually saw him doing what he does so very well…act. He was truly amazing!


  • cora


Gale 最近春风得意啊
再甩一张 fans拍的照片





哇噢~~短夹克+红衬衫+Gale=超有型!! XDD
cora 发表于 2010-1-19 10:20

偶也馬上換上超有型頭像.{:3_246:} {:3_239:}


照片看到了 味道很浓{:3_276:}




Gale 咋就不到中国活动活动??:s37









Another review

Another Review ... s-slow-descend.html

'Orpheus' Slow Descent

by Jessica Donath

Val Xavier (Gale Harold, "Queer as Folk"), a restless 30-year-old determined to leave his partying and womanizing past behind, arrives in a small Southern town in the late 40s, early 50s. He looks for work at a general store owned by Lady Torrance (Denise Crosby, "Star Trek: the Next Generation").

It took Tennessee Williams more than 17 years to complete the play "Orpheus Descending," and it is more dramatic and complex than the tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydice on which it is based. Watching the entire three hours made me, at times, wish I was on vacation in sunny Greece and not in Theatre/Theater on Pico.  

The first act moves quickly, spiked with funny bits such as Carol Cutrere's (model-turned-actress Claudia Mason) attempt to talk Val in to going jukin' with her. "Jukin' is when you drink and drive, then drink and dance, then just drink and then only drive."

Unfortunately, the following two acts don't live up to the high expectations raised by the first. The dialogue grows increasingly long, predictable and monothematic. Crosby, whose character is of Italian descent, fails to capture Lady's explosive passion. While Lady Torrance is supposed to be older than Val, Crosby's version looks too old and tired.

Even when she discovers the terrible truth of her sick tyrant of a husband, who bought her after her father's tragic death, she remains strangely content and meticulously plans the opening of the confectionery adjacent to her store where she resuscitated the world of her childhood.

Contrary to Crosby's pale performance, Harold manages to make plausible his character's problems and twisted past. His best friend and life companion is a guitar marked up with musicians' signatures. Whenever he is in trouble, has to make decisions, or seeks to comfort himself or others, he breaks out into the wonderfully melancholic "holy grass."

Fortunately, Harold, who grew up in the South, is not the only one in this Lou Pepe-directed production who understands his job. The two dialect coaches, John Sperry and Joy Ellison, deserve credit for leaving me guessing what the hell was going on on stage for the first five minutes of the play. All actors, with the exception of Crosby, nailed the warm, southern sing-song.

Kelly Ebsary and Sheila Shaw as Dolly Hamma and Beulah Binnings take on the duties of a Greek chorus, providing moral judgement. Guided by the suppressed desires and hypocritical values of the segregated South of the 40s and 50s, they turn on everyone who tries to break free from oppressive social restrictions, like Val and Carol, who fight for their own personal freedom, social justice or equality.  Val is chased out of the county the same way African Americans normally are, while Carol tries to rescue Val from becoming one of the small-towners.

If Pepe had been able to make the second and third acts as fast-paced and engaging as the first one, three hours would not have seemed so long. In its current form, though, this "Orpheus Descending" is not the introduction that'll make Tennessee Williams enthusiasts out of theatergoers.


哇噢~~短夹克+红衬衫+Gale=超有型!! XDD

"oh it's a long trip, was it worth it?"

他总是这样问粉丝,上次SLS有位粉丝说我从澳大利亚来呢,他也说“oh I hope I worth the trip”哈哈好傻吖,大家都真心去捧场支持他的

这个帖子真的要转向讨论Yara吗(again o_0) 完全同意这位粉丝说的,Yara带花去看了演出,真是一个超级sweet的人 :)




怎么会是big green eyes呢


he looked at me with his gorgeous green eyes

I was totally mesmerized by his big green eyes

这位粉丝是不是太激动了。。。我记得Gale的眼睛是hazel的呀,当然hazel有可能是偏红(reddish-brown) 或者偏绿(greenish-brown)


本帖最后由 beven 于 2010-1-19 08:56 编辑


I recognized Yara Martinez

so I told her it was nice of her to come support his boyfriend( ……,!!) Yara laughed and said something like: oh no no, we're just friends

哈哈~Just friend



by galemydream from IMDB

I SAW Gale Harold friday night!!! I came from Spain so since English it's not my first language unfortunately I didn't understand everything he said in the play, but he was soft spoken, agile and lean like an angel! #^^# OMG he was totally beautiful: his athletic legs, his tonic forearms, his bright hair, he was so hot when he started singin and playin his guitar, I really wished I could be that guitar, LOL!! I waited for him after the play, he was surrounded by some guys and 2 women in the hall , I recognized Yara Martinez and since I'm a fan of her too and Gale was busy talking to some friends I decided to say hello to Yara first, she was wearing a flawless eyeliner and she was STUNNING! I noticed that Gale's voice was a little shaken and uncertain when he started to sing and I thought it was because of his nervousness, so I told her it was nice of her to come support his boyfriend (she even bought him a lovely flower bouquet, she's such a sweetheart!!) Yara laughed and said something like: oh no no, we're just friends. I felt so silly and I think I blushed then, I was like "I'm sorry, you would be a cute couple thou" lol! She only smiled, I told her I loved her character in Vanished and I really hoped that Graham Kelton would come back to his wife (I knew he still cared about her), we had a brief talk about her work projects (she had an offer she's still considering for a part on a TV show) but I noticed Gale was going away and I wanted an autograph SO BAD!! I didn't have a photocamera cause I knew he hated pics so I only stopped him to ask for an autograph, he was SO KIND!! I told him I came from Spain (maybe it's just an impression but it does seem to me that he started to speak slowly when I told him I didn't speak English very well, I appreciated it so much!!!=) and he said something like "oh it's a long trip, was it worth it?" and he looked at me with his gorgeous green eyes, he smiled and when his amazingly full cherry lips turned up I almost passed out! I told him he was great and I hoped to see him again in another play, he said something like "ok, thank you", I was totally mesmerized by his big green eyes and he smelled so good my heart skipped a beat, he signed my pic and I said "thanks so much, goodbye", he smiled and said "bye and thanks for coming". I still can feel his smell on my shirt (he touched my arm when he told me bye) he was so gorgeous and kind I couldn't believe my eyes!!


本帖最后由 dormouse 于 2010-1-19 00:38 编辑

另外一个review,来自 ... n_Greek_Tragedy.php

Warning: 这个review对Gale的performance评价比较negative,心理承受不强的同学建议无视哈

Orpheus Descending Theatre Review - Tennessee Williams takes on Greek Tragedy
By Keisha7

Somewhere in the forgotten South, back in the not so distant past, the locals of a small country town await the arrive of one of it’s most important citizens. Jabe Torrance (Geoffrey Wade) is returning home from the hospital after suffering from heart ills. His general dry goods store is the unlikely gathering place for busybodies Dolly Hamma (Kelly Ebsary) and Beulah Binnings (Sheila Shaw) to cluck about, gossiping. This is the same day that Vee Talbott (Francesca Casale), the sheriff’s wife brings guitar-toting stranger Val Xavier (Gale Harold) to the general store. She suggests that maybe he could find work with Lady Torrance since Jabe Torrance has taken ill.

The women are impressed by Val’s good-looks and snakeskin jacket, but it is Carol Cutrere (Claudia Mason), the town’s most outspoken outcast and exhibitionist who claims that she has met Val before. Val rebuffs her claims, insisting that he lives on the straight and narrow and has only come looking for work. Due to the confusion of the Torrances’ arrival home, Val does not get a chance to meet Lady Torrance (Denise Crosby) properly until later that night when he returns to the store for his guitar. It seems that being Italian has made Lady a bit of an outsider, despite how well she married. Drunk with insomnia and charmed by his little songs, Lady Torrance hires Val, a fellow outsider, to work in the store as a clerk.

As the townsfolk begin to talk suspiciously about their relationship, Lady Torrance works to rebuild a confectionary in the back of the store, and Val and Lady grow closer. Questions of impropriety begin to loom and racist manfolk of this small town sit in wait for mean-spirited Jabe to say the word – ready to teach them both a lesson.

Don’t Hate the Players, Hate the Play

My first review of the year is a tough one because I am essentially at odds with the source material. Tennessee Williams' bases his southern tale of Val and Lady on the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, a romantic tragedy of epic proportion. The maniacal laughter at the top of the show should have been my first clue that I would be watching a tragedy, but I pretty much hated this play because it has nothing to say to me as an audience member in a major city in the 21st century.

I was so ruffled by Orpheus Descending that I did something I have never done before: I looked up the answers. I wanted to know what I was supposed to get out of this story. Popular literary consensus states the major themes as loneliness, conformity and emotional repression. Yes, all that was in there, but where is the lesson? Without some comment on how to change these circumstances… it becomes understandable why this particular Tennessee Williams play is so rarely produced.

Because I hate to arbitrarily toss ice water on any artists’ efforts, I posed the same questions I ask myself for every show I see. Did I meet someone I’ve never met? Did I go somewhere I’ve never been? Did I learn anything? Was the show’s presentation a unique and transcendent experience? For me, the answer to the first three questions is no and the fourth gets a sorta.

I liked director Lou Pepe’s touches of Commedia dell'arte, employing the image of “putting on a character” literally, and the masks added to the level of creepy at some nice moments. I really liked guitarist Robert E. Beckwith’s evocative steel-string strumming throughout. Denise Crosby as Lady Torrance sails from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other with the greatest of easy. A solid cast of stock character actors include Geoffrey Wade as a sickly, yet especially wicked Jabe Torrance. Unfortuantely, for me, all these bits don't quite add up to a successful production.

wish I had better things to say about Gale Harold. I found his performance to be simply uninspired. His body language anticipates every coming line. Essentially, he does his best to keep up with Crosby, but he falls short of truly inhabiting his character. This is not to say that the character Val Xavier is without signifigant challenges. Val is the catalyst for the play, not the hero. He is a man who reacts far more than he acts. Val doesn’t want anything so I can’t actually root for him. He wants his guitar and his music, an activity that isolates him from others so he doesn’t quite fit the theme of loneliness. He’s a thief and yet he gives himself to Lady Torrance (release of her emotional repression), is he a crook or comforter? Finally, Harold’s singing and guitar playing are average at best, where character Val Xavier produces music that is supposed to be magical. This shortcoming I lay squarely at the feet of the director. If we are to believe the effect Val’s music has on Lady Torrance; his music should more than pass, his music has to be great.
Just one girl’s opinion.

Tennessee Williams’ Orpheus Descending runs now thru February 21, 2010 @

5041 W. Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019

Thursday, Friday & Saturday @ 8pm
Sunday @ 2pm

(800) 838-3006

Photos by Ginger Perkins


  • cora





Frantic Redhead Productions’ presentation of Tennessee Williams’ Orpheus Descending is a prime example of Los Angeles theater at its finest.  A big-name trio of leading players with serious theatrical credits and training, a gifted director with an inspired concept, and one of the finest design teams in town have combined forces to make one of Williams’ lesser known dramas not only a surefire hit but the first major artistic success of 2010 as well.

We know we’re in Tennessee Williams territory from the get-go, a pair of local biddies gossiping about the return home of cancer-ridden town bigwig Jabe Torrance from an futile hospital stay (shades of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof). Jabe’s younger wife Lady, well-known to have been “bought” by Jabe as an eighteen-year-old bride, is now approaching middle age, her heart dried up from years spent in a loveless marriage.  Free-spirited local beauty Carol Cutrere’s outlandish behavior has made her the town pariah.  Vee Talbott, the sheriff’s wife, paints visionary Bible-related canvases, and has a problem with occasional bouts of sudden blindness.

Into this smoldering, sweaty caldron of a Southern town arrives sexy snakeskin-clad drifter Val Xavier, guitar in hand and ready to set the ladies’ hearts (and Lady’s heart) aflame and, like Orpheus, attempt to rescue Lady from her Southern Hades.

Naturally, fireworks ensue, as well as hatred, jealousy, and a murder or two.  

Helming this rare revival of Williams’ relatively obscure 1957 Broadway play is award-winning film director Lou Pepe, obviously relishing this opportunity to create something theatrical as opposed to cinematic. Rather than being hampered by the limitations of on-a-budget 99-seat theater, Pepe uses this challenge as a basis for inspiration.  He takes Williams’ stage direction that Orpheus Descending’s set should be “non-realistic” and extends it to the entire production, most notably its sound design. Nothing is prerecorded.  Everything from its musical underscoring to the sounds of thunder, a calliope, dogs barking, a car horn, etc., happens live, accomplished actor/guitarist Robert E. Beckwith strumming appropriately moody tunes throughout, while fellow cast members serve as offstage foley artists. This is the first time I can ever recall this being done, and the effect is not just unique but frequently quite breathtaking.

Pepe goes back to Orpheus Descending’s mythical roots to stage Val, Lady, and Carol’s story as an ancient Greek tragedy. Lights come up on ensemble members wearing stylized masks.  An African American “Conjure Man” takes their masks from them one by one, handing them in exchange items of clothing that transform them into the characters they will be portraying.

As for its cast, Orpheus Descending proves once again that for A-List talent, Los Angeles can’t be beat. Gale Harold’s lead performance as Val is likely to bring out Queer As Folk fans in droves wanting to see “Brian Kinney” up close and personal.  They will be treated to a masterful performance about as dissimilar to Brian as night is to day, except for the magnetic presence Harold brings to the role.  Star Trek: The Next Generation fans too will be coming from far and near to see “Tasha Yar” on stage in the person of Denise Crosby.  The Ovation Award-nominated actress does brilliant, deeply-felt work as the emotionally wounded Lady, brought back to life by the mysterious stranger she hires to work in the dry goods store owned by her aged, dying husband.  Covergirl-turned-actress Claudia Mason proves that beauty and acting chops can indeed go hand in hand with her moving portrayal of lost soul/misfit Carol, the favorite topic of conversation of small town gossips Dolly and Beulah.

Supporting actors are equally fine, most of them in multiple roles.  The ever splendid Francesca Casale creates two very different portraits, her imperious nurse a dramatic contrast to the spacey Christ-obsessed Vee. Andy Forrest is excellent as Sheriff Talbot, and the same can be said for both Beckwith and John Gleeson Connolly in a number of roles.  Standouts Kelly Ebsary and Sheila Shaw are a hoot as gossipy, judgmental Dolly and Beulah (though I must confess to not having realized that at times they were playing characters named Eva and Sister Temple).  There was no confusion whatsoever, though, between Geoffrey Wade’s evil, death-warmed-over Jabe and still-virile David Cutrere. Curtis C vanishes into the spooky voodoo skin of Uncle Pleasant, aka “Conjure Man.”

David Mauer’s scenic design suggests the play’s dry goods store & “confectionary” setting in a non-literal way that Williams himself would surely have approved. Brandon Baruch’s lighting has a heightened theatrical quality entirely suiting Williams’ text and Mauer’s set design concept.  Efrain Schunior’s sound design is, as previously mentioned, in a class by itself, and will be talked about almost as much as the production as a whole. Jane Anderson has costumed the cast to perfection, from Val’s snakeskin jacket to Carol’s beat generation black to Lady’s drab housedress and the slinky purple number she dons once her withered sexual flower has bloomed again.  

Orpheus Descending’s script may not be at the level of Williams’ top three (The Glass Menagerie, A Streetcar Named Desire, and Cat On A Hot Tin Roof), but even “second-rate” Williams is more interesting than “first rate” [insert name of playwright]. In the talented hands of its cast, director, and designers, Orpheus Descending is proof positive that the “waiver” theater, unique to our city, can achieve world-class levels of excellence.

Theatre/Theater, 5041 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles.  Through February 21.  Thursdays, Firdays, and Saturdays at 8:00. Sundays at 2:00. Reservations: 800 838-3006

--Steven Stanley
January 15, 2010


200# hpl


第二张是什么状况{:3_195:}  那帽子好搞笑~~~




连纹身都看得到 她是不是坐在舞台上来呀!真感谢这么好的fans和我们分享她的美好体验


还 要人活不嘛!!~`



200# hpl


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