503细节,12楼有更新 [涉及剧情慎入] from yahoo group

地址http://groups.yahoo.com/group/QA ... ilers/message/59226

Justin is in the foreground standing at a desk. His laptop is on the
desk and he is picking up and stacking what appears to be newly
printed glossy copies of his art work

Brian enters the loft in the background. He's in a suit and carrying
a briefcase. He places the briefcase on a chair and Justin turns
briefly to look at him then goes back to what he is doing.

Brian walks up behind him and wraps him in a bear hug, even grunting
a bit when he does it. He places one hand on Justin's chest and
Justin, still concentrating on his work takes that hand in his hand
and squeezes it.

Btian picks up one of the copies

B: Not bad.

J: (nonchalantly) It's brilliant.

B:(sitting on the corner of the desk, Amused.) An artist can never
have too high an opinion of himself.

J: They were going to be part of my my final school project.

B: It still could be.

J: (frowning slightly) It's too late.

B: (still sitting, unbuttoning his suit coat) After Hollywood it
would feel like too much of a prequel.

J: (closeup..still working)And NOT a very good one.... I'm gonna take
my time, look around...figure out what to do next.

B:(Closeup) I've got it. How about (Justin moves into the frame to
face him in profile) a full time career at one of Pittsburgh's top
advertising agencies.

Justin smiles and leans foreward. He places a hand on the side of
Brian's face and kisses him.

J: Thanks. But it's time I made my own way in the world.

He moves his hand down Brian's chest and picking up the artwork walks
around him and out of the frame.

Brian sits there fro a minute then gets up and moves toward the
bedroom, untying his tie:

Brian: (sighing) It's just as well, since I hear the guy who runs it
is about to lose his shirt.

He takes off his coat and throws it on the bed and moves toward the

J: He'll survive. Like he always does. Beautifully.

Brian is taking off his shirt and Justin comes into the bedroom and
stands behind him

J: Going somewhere?

B: To the soon to be former Babylon. Can't let the ship go down
without the captain.

J: This club Brett took me to in Hollywood sure knew how to work
it.They had the fags lined up around the block waiting to get (cute
thing here. Justin is picking up after Brian..putting his suit jacket
on a hanger and hanging it up)

B: It must have been a hell of a place.

J: It was no *different* than here. They just made everyone think it

Justin is off camera, except for his hand which is on Brian's
shoulder massaging it.

Brian stops and realizes what Justin just said.

He turns and a smiling Justin comes into view.

Brian pulls him close.

B: Sunshine..what did I ever do without you?

J(softly and cutely) You didn't

Justin's head slowly moves down Brian's chest and scene ends
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原帖由 模棱两可 于 2005-5-4 23:02 发表









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thank you!






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地址http://groups.yahoo.com/group/QA ... ilers/message/59260
We are inside Babylon prior to the opening of the doors - after Brian
has promoted the club (at Justin's suggestion) as something
different, exclusive and special- to steal the crowd away from the
new club Poppers.

The bartenders are setting up, the music is playing, semi-naked
dancers are warming up and Brian, Justin and Ted are standing at the

Ted proposes a toast:

T: TO Babylon. Still here and still queer. Although it would have
made a hell of a Starbucks.

Justin smiles (he's dressed in the hot white and blue leather

B: (to bartender) I'll have a tall vodka latte, please.

They clink their glasses and down their drinks

Brian turns around to look at the dancers.

Then he looks at J and T. They look at one another and smile.

Brian, who is at the far end of the bar in a dark leather jacket,
puts down his drink and walks behind Justin, touching him on his
shoulder as he passes him. Justin turns to follow him and they pass
Ted and Ted follows.

They proceed through the club in that order..Brian in the lead, then
Justin, then Ted ..striding purposefully to the entrance

B: (to security guard) Let them in

T: That is if there is anyone to LET in.

Cut to traveling camera shot moving quickly down the alley past a
long line ?3-4 deep stretching up to the entrance.

Camera stops at the entrance as B, J and T emerge. Brian smiles. J
and T's jaws drop then they smile.

T: Holy shit! Would you look at how long that line is?

J: It's long, but is it real?

B: As the immortal Jeff Stryker once said:`You bet your sweet ass it

As Brian is saying this we see him photographed over Justin's left
shoulder and Justin lifts his hand and does a little finger wiggly
wave and head nod...I assume to someone in line. When Brian delivers
the Jeff Stryker line the camera cuts to Justin who laughs and breaks
out into a delighted toothy grin.

Two young guys are admitted by the doorman and rush past B, J and T

1st twink: Do you believe we got in?

2nd twink: Who cares if it costs twice as much as Poppers

B and J go back into the club as Emmett emerges from the line.

T: HEY! You got in!

E: It wasn't easy. I had to bribe the doorman 20 bucks

Another young guy walks by and looks at Emmett

Young guy: Omygosh it's The Queer Guy. I saw you on TV. You're

E: Well it is easy when one has "the Eye"

Ted: Could *I* have a dance with The Queer Guy?

E: (taking Ted by the arm and leading him inside) You COULD use some
tips on shaking your tush

Camera lingers a couple seconds on the crowd and we hear the doorman
say. "you, not you, not you."

Inside 卼he dimly lit corridor to the new backroom. We see the backs
of two guys as they leave. One is pulling his shirt on as he turns
the corner to exit. Brian comes around the corner and immediately
behind him is Justin who has a hand on Brian's shoulder. Brian
reaches back and grabs Justin's free hand as he leads him into the
room. Justin has his leather jacket off and is in a tight fitting tee

B: (laughing) I guarantee you won't see anything like this at Pottery

(views of guys making out against the wall, on a platform, in slings)

J: (who appears to be a bit tipsy by now..because Randy is doing the
tipsy Justin line delivery, a bit halting, a bit slurred and cute as
hell) And I'll refraaane from mentioning..that...you won't SEE
bananas like THIS at Banana Republic.

Brian and he laugh and Brian pulls the slightly staggering Justin by
his hand and they embrace and smile as they look at each other.

Brian takes a snort of something, looks at J

B: So. You UP for a little celebrating?

J. grins and chuckles

They kiss, they hug, they kiss..shots of other guys making out
interspersed. Last shot B has his hand on the back of J's face and
they KISS.
super randy 饭 请缩小图片! http://pic.91.com/freeimg/web/freeimg/PostImg/10009/997/10009000016997.jpg


下面是引用lovehydeken于2005-05-05 00:12发表的:

[s:71]  [s:73]
super randy 饭 请缩小图片! http://pic.91.com/freeimg/web/freeimg/PostImg/10009/997/10009000016997.jpg



PS:thanks still LZ~~~
May happiness always be with Brian and Justin~~~








下面是引用模棱两可于2005-05-04 23:02发表的:



再多给几个这样的情节,偶真是不知道心脏能不能承受,偶有心脏病的。。唉。。。 [s:57]  [s:57]  [s:57]
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