
Musician 喜欢的音乐

"Harrison's partial to the White Stripes, Clinic, early Bowie, Lou Reed. "

White Stripe:这两年非常红的美国的摇滚乐队,他们的大碟大象在大陆其实挺红的,很多地方可以买


early Bowie: 早期的David Bowie



P J Havey: 来自英国的的摇滚女歌手

Amy Ray: 也是非常另类的一个摇滚女宝宝,歌词黑暗,真实而残酷

Suede: 他们是新英国摇滚和华丽摇滚的代表乐队,红到不行,还到北京开过演唱会, 某个网站上用过“病态的妖艳和嚣张的凄美”来形容他们的歌,实际上Suede的歌非常有同性恋的味道,而且超好听!!!!百度和一搜上面很容易找到他们的歌,推荐一定要听“Beautiful ones" 和" everything will flow" 好听到晕

Nina Simon: 和Billy Holidy齐名的爵士女歌手,被誉为20世界最伟大的爵士女歌手之一,和Billy Holidy比起来,Nina Simon的声音更加坚毅一点,听起来非常非常有安慰的效果,她和Suede在资料在google上面也是无数,有兴趣的人可以去找看看

some of the musicians Randy likes

Current Artists:
Fatboy Slim
Three Doors Down
Hootie & the Blowfish
Mick Harvey

In His Cd Player:
Amy Ray's new album "Stag"
Guided By Voices new album
Kid A.
P. J. Harvey "Rid Of Me"
Nina Simone

Classic rock:
The Beatles
The Rolling Stones
David Bowie
The Allman Brothers Band  


randy还是高材生呢!!((*^__^*) 嘻嘻……)

C:\Documents and Settings\pc\My Documents\My Pictures\Harrison3.jpg
University 大学:(CCM) - University of Cincinnati

College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) - University of Cincinnati

Where are you now  校友在哪里

Randy Harrison (‘00) recently appeared in the Broadway hit Wicked in the role of Boq. He also continues his role as Justin Taylor in the Showtime series Queer As Folk.


Featured Alumni 重要校友
University 大学:(CCM) - University of Cincinnati

College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) - University of Cincinnati

Where are you now  校友在哪里

Randy Harrison (‘00) recently appeared in the Broadway hit Wicked in the role of Boq. He also continues his role as Justin Taylor in the Showtime series Queer As Folk.



CCM alum Randy Harrison has been attracting attention for his ongoing appearance as Justin Taylor in the Showtime series Queer As Folk. Randy was born in New Hampshire and raised in Marietta, Georgia, where he started performing at a young age. At CCM he was seen in John LaChiusa’s Hello Again (Young Thing), Shopping and F***ing (Robbie), Stephen Schwartz’s Children of Eden (Abel), Rags and Babes in Arms. He has appeared as Billy Dean in Violet at the Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati, in 1776, Grease and Anything Goes at the St. Louis Muny and in West Side Story (Action), Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Benjamin) and Babes in Arms (Lee Calhoun) at the Forestburgh Playhouse. He has also been seen in productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Real Inspector Hound and A Cheever Evening.

Musical Theatre 专业:音乐表演系

Class of 2000



CCM alum Randy Harrison has been attracting attention for his ongoing appearance as Justin Taylor in the Showtime series Queer As Folk. Randy was born in New Hampshire and raised in Marietta, Georgia, where he started performing at a young age. At CCM he was seen in John LaChiusa’s Hello Again (Young Thing), Shopping and F***ing (Robbie), Stephen Schwartz’s Children of Eden (Abel), Rags and Babes in Arms. He has appeared as Billy Dean in Violet at the Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati, in 1776, Grease and Anything Goes at the St. Louis Muny and in West Side Story (Action), Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Benjamin) and Babes in Arms (Lee Calhoun) at the Forestburgh Playhouse. He has also been seen in productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Real Inspector Hound and A Cheever Evening.

Musical Theatre 专业:音乐表演系

Class of 2000



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