[百科] QAF主要演员相关资料

Gale Harold (Brian) 资料+访谈(shaoqinsh提供)
' i; h, y* B2 ^4 J$ YGale Harold (演员) ( U+ K/ l$ s0 T
Profile Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站$ T5 J# i' f4 s9 D/ P
Full name: Gale M. Harold III 3 Q, C& _- K- V
Born: July 10, 1969 Decatur, Georgia, USA.
; {! A( \' Q1 ^) K; H- o, H同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Parents: mother = real estate agent father = engineer Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站& M; m, L4 c8 j" y- Z
# Q, R7 }/ r/ H9 d, x# C双亲: 母亲,地产代理商。 父亲,工程师。 9 L% s: N5 E- @: H
Siblings : 1 older sister 1 younger brother - {& A9 ~6 d2 K! E* F+ p+ `
亲属关系: 有一个姐姐和一个弟弟。 0 I6 n0 N9 k/ X! `. c5 Q
Spouse : none 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志- {) @( J# w0 D& X) i4 M
Children : none
( q9 z4 d; }& \6 Q7 @, fEducation: Studied Romance Literature at American University in Washington D.C. Studied Fine Arts at the San Francisco Art Institute Completed the Actor’s Conservatory Program while at A Noise Within Theatre Company, Los Angeles ( g( o8 z0 u* {( V' Y
教育情况:在华盛顿的美国大学学习浪漫文学。在洛杉矶的A Noise Within Theatre Company期间完成了旧金山艺术学院表演艺术的学习。 + ^; Y8 M7 t# U& w' Q
Scholarships : won a soccer scholarship to American University 0 Z" ?% \9 D0 C0 L
奖学金:荣获了美国大学的足球奖学金。 qafone.cc: S* J) N) t( Z$ E5 P. Q
Sports: Soccer Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 a# f& ~; V; w9 G. G! o1 L
体育运动: 足球
0 b3 }7 ?$ I7 Z" K" ]' C3 U- cTattoos: On the inside of his right middle finger, the word RESIST. Gale does not discuss the tattoo.
6 |/ \3 v! X' c, f2 [; E3 b) n纹身:在右手的中指内侧刻有“RESIST ”(抵抗)。GALE不愿谈论他的纹身。 & a! a% ^" d2 p6 o- j5 y
Previous jobs: Waiter, Painter, Construction Worker, Carpenter, Motorcycle Mechanic 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* W1 z4 L6 F2 C: Y- Z; |
工作经历:侍者、画家、建筑工人、木匠、摩托车机械师。 Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. [& W7 _# V; R* b: J
Friend: who suggested he go into acting Susan Landau Finch (producer, writer, daughter of Martin Landau)
/ ~1 Q+ \! B7 Y( P- S  }. _交友:Susan Landau Finch(制片人、作家、马丁·兰道的女儿)是她建议GALE踏入演艺圈。
. `% i+ t+ A& c同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Biography (from showtime)
( b3 `( i* p+ k' d( eGale Harold was born and raised in Southwest Atlanta, Georgia. In his youth, his parents were church people. Luckily, the influences of Jack London, Gandalf, and David Bowie alerted him to the bizarre inaccuracies of a Southern Pentecostal upbringing.   v1 J- B( C" \7 t2 r! _
GALE HAROL生长在左治亚州西南亚特兰大。他幼年的时候,父母都是重视的教徒。幸运的是在捷克伦敦、Gandalf、以及David Bowie的熏陶下,阻止了他受到因在南部成长而受到的五旬节的怪异谬误的影响。
4 A# O7 u) V$ Z" JAfter most of his childhood friends disappeared in the "white flight" exodus of the late 70’s, he spent his high school years drifting amongst various socioeconomic harbors finding protection in the veneer of non committal collusion.
4 {( N; E" H/ g  eqafone.cc在他的儿时玩伴因“WHITE FIGHT”(90 年代初期的“白人大迁徙”或称“白人逃亡”)而在70年代后期大批的相继离去后,没有加入到任何的组织的他花了整个的高中时期漂浮在各色的社会经济理论中寻求庇护。
* J7 r- H4 E$ a, W3 X: G0 f5 Y: l8 AHe acquired a diploma and under a soccer scholarship to begin a Liberal Arts Degree in romance Literature at American University in Washington, D.C. But "creative differences" with his coach resulted in his departure after one half a year. He left the Capital to study Fine Arts at the San Francisco Art Institute. He squandered his academic scholarship however, and was eventually forced to make other plans.
; D" j4 x6 z6 \( m8 f  C/ k他曾经获得了证书和美式足球的奖学金在华盛顿的美国大学开始了有关烂漫文学自由艺术学位的学习。但是鉴于和他的倒是意见不统一,造成了他在一年半后离开了学校。他离开首都继续在旧金山艺术学院学习艺术。因此他也就不得不废掉了奖学金,这也最终促使他不得不重新作出计划。
6 e6 i, M$ B" v- m' cQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站A gnawing obsession with Italian motorcycles led to several years of restoring and pants-set mechanics with Moto Guzzi motor bikes. In 1997 on the brink of financial exile from San Francisco he was urged by his compatriot Suzy Landau, producer for Francis Ford Coppola (Dracula & Tucker) to take his act to the stage.
1 b5 R. P2 H& C# s& ~" n4 n) J& H跟随一位意大利的摩托车机械师Moto Guzzi学习技艺。在1997年,在旧金山由于经济危机,不得不在“Francis Ford Coppola (Dracula & Tucker)“的制作人Suzy Landau地敦促下,步入了演艺界。
9 @" V) D$ A/ _$ Q% P0 ?' S: i4 ^After being introduced to the luminous actor and director Joan E. Scheckel, he re-located to Los Angeles, beginning an intensive three-year period of dramatic study and exploration. This led to his theatrical debut as Bunny in Gillian Plowman’s Me and My Friend at the Los Angeles Theatre Center. He also made his feature debut as Booker in Paul Scheuring’s 36K. He was subsequently accepted to and completed the Actor’s Conservatory Program with A Noise Within classical theatre company. There he appeared in productions of The Misanthrope and Cymbeline.
' U: r+ i' t% I9 c: I( }. a; F  |& dqafone.cc在被引荐给才华横溢的演员及导演Joan E. Scheckel后,他移居到了洛杉矶,开始了为期三年的有关戏剧的学习和探索。这造就了他在Misanthrope and CymbelineGillian Plowman’s Me and My Friend里作为Bunny在洛杉矶戏剧中心的戏剧性的初次登场。他还在Paul Scheuring’s 36K中演出了票记员。他后来还被A Noise Within classical theatre公司看中来为完成演员养成计划。在那其间他还在The Misanthrope and Cymbeline中有过演出。
0 Q/ O9 j( M& f9 A$ z9 P同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志He is currently starring as Brian Kinney in Showtime’s version of the UK television smash hit Queer As Folk.
! }# t4 |8 u/ ?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站他近来已BRIAN KINNEY的形象在SHOWTIME版的UK电视剧QUEER AS FOLK中出现。 qafone.cc$ ~4 D, y4 a6 t9 q( G: b0 G! Z
Trivia 琐事
2 m4 m1 O6 Z% H9 I% K( W% o5 s+ ?Worked as a carpenter before "Queer As Folk" ( Z) m. r# V3 b/ d$ |, I2 \
在做“QUEER AS FOLK ”前正从事木匠的工作。 ' X* |7 j* m, c
Avid reader of The Nation magazine
& G: ~& Q' T( ?/ o1 L国家杂志的忠实读者。
9 b7 _. `! }  \0 m4 Y& C7 W# Y' EQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Calls the city of Toronto his home
7 n% l: w$ c; X6 D; jqafone.cc将多伦多称为自己的家乡 qafone.cc, W" U' B- s/ c! ~0 I
Began acting at the age of 28 9 C/ o# ?' I9 n; G3 b
4 B5 B! ?& l9 b$ u1 w- m+ mqafone.ccHas an older sister and a younger brother
& m$ i& A3 b7 E4 G; B" t  q# P有一个姐姐和一个弟弟 / {8 X) i6 D4 k+ @) l8 j
Attended South West Dekalb High School
! _- L& r5 G% j+ t  k# z曾在西南Dekalb高中就读。
* G7 r! p/ X4 S2 YPast influences were Jack London, Gandalf & David Bowie
0 x  `4 i7 t8 b9 }. d3 z) }) H曾经受到过Jack London, Gandalf & David Bowie的影响。 Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 Y. D4 Q1 }; e( s" M
. W# Q& d1 W& S% T; c. @0 F2 uFathers and Sons (2003)........Elliott Parker ; k' W+ S5 c, M. H4 i1 P% O
Director: Jarrod Rappaport
: ~* i, }) i& FWriter: Jarrod Rappaport
6 o  ?9 _/ }4 g& Z9 x( i3 _Release Date: TBA 6 O, ^7 @1 T, \+ L& X7 m) @  ^
RHINOCEROS EYES (2002).....Detective Phil Barbara qafone.cc9 M  f1 ?: ]4 \# s& v2 s& ~5 a0 O1 a
Director: Aaron Woodley ' m1 u4 F* h- Z. M3 }
Writer: Aaron Woodley
( ~4 j0 x1 j1 y0 J( Vqafone.ccRelease Date: World Premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival, 2003 7 Z) X0 X2 G- [3 V1 M% U
click for interview with Producer Eva Kolodner and Gale at the 2002 Toronto Film Festival (WMV zipped) Added an interview with Aaron Woodley, and a clip of the film 06/09/03. 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) e4 V7 `$ S- M) n' m# e  P
Particles of Truth (2002)..........Morrison Wiley
1 ^, R4 s5 N7 G; k; Q, M4 P: aDirector: Jennifer Elster 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志% ^6 A$ n! k( [+ ]- t+ u8 u
Writer: Jennifer Elster 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志3 v( A" L' D4 t4 \0 K! T
Release Date: May 2003 TriBeCa Film Festival , M" {# Y1 m4 `3 D0 `4 [
click for movie trailer at particlesoftruth.com
. J) C, U9 k% RWAKE (2001) ......................"Kyle"
: @+ W# g- ?5 E& D, PDirector: Roy Finch - T. ?+ R! x2 o' N! l! J
Writer: Roy Finch - o$ G8 I( A5 h8 U6 p" N. h
Release Date: 05/10/02 Hollywood Film Festival
3 z2 Q! D2 e6 A( W同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Opening in NYC and Los Angeles May 28th, 2004. Click here for press release. ( }2 g  U6 C. q: x% r) O5 L
click for movie clip : s5 I" l7 T; o/ J# L
36K (2000)........................................"Booker"
# D9 Y+ c9 n: t/ A( {& P1 xDirector: Paul T. Scheuring
! y1 e) d, W7 e2 C" PWriter: Paul T. Scheuring/Ray Hale qafone.cc$ W, h2 D4 e- J# c. j, l
Release Date: 2001
8 V# E1 Q) m0 @* hclick for clip
' `: |" J) c5 k) uqafone.ccTelevision电视剧。 5 A8 i; ^- W6 q0 q8 c8 g
Street Time (September/October 2003).......Geoff Beddoes , p# g4 F: V; W$ E
Episodes: Gone - Airdate September 24, 2003; Smack - Airdate October 1st, 2003
  l* s$ @1 V' v* J' }qafone.ccShowtime Network
& ^9 ]6 q9 D: i$ d+ U7 cLaw & Order: SVU (May 2003)..........Dr. Lang
% f' v$ }6 A$ a: h  `Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Episode: Perfect; Airdate May 9, 2003
7 B! |$ K, d5 K/ `' P0 Z9 K# K同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志NBC
% I9 J- k5 x6 P& x同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志click for promo clip
0 `/ T1 S# q/ KQueer As Folk (2000 - ) ......................"Brian Kinney"
: S) f6 W- r; u0 P4 T, v3 P# B同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Showtime Network qafone.cc0 M) X/ L3 [2 m/ G: ^
Cowlip Productions 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志$ I# r! U. n# D" L/ t; n2 [8 x7 x
Theater戏剧 7 J6 u" X) Q/ l9 C* G& M

" P2 y. c# w+ Y- x: eUncle Bob (2001) ................................"Josh"
4 @+ J9 n3 C: aqafone.ccDirector: Courtney Moorehead 3 i) K6 ]. ~6 W0 b/ h
Playwright: Austin Pendleton
: y( A8 r: \- {0 SClick for photos " W' ~% M$ S. @5 T3 ~- ?
Gale and co-star George Morfogen on "Jersey’s Talking" Part 1 (WMV zipped) . V4 {- l0 B2 k  t+ \1 D. z; U/ u
Jersey’s Talking Part 2 (WMV zipped) qafone.cc3 n. W0 a# ~  i! J" D3 ^
The Misanthrope ; }, T4 I3 x3 _- L
Director: Sabin Epstein - A Noise Within qafone.cc1 m4 s+ D1 j' ]; y
Playwright: Molière
5 H) ^4 ?; A7 F$ c% P" \9 OCymbeline
( j2 M* s+ f1 Z" XDirector: Art Menke - A Noise Within
: k  a3 Y9 ~: e9 n2 {$ }0 l" SPlaywright: William Shakespeare
" b! g8 Q/ o7 R" J  X; w# H同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志以上资料主要来源于:
. L1 g1 O  {: M& a- A4 _4 B' ]8 IQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站http://www.imdb.com/ 3 f* U8 M% A+ i# ~
http://www.sho.com/queer/ qafone.cc& [" u9 `2 g* q$ k+ v. b
http://www.showcase.ca/queerasfolk/ 0 n* {% V# _( {$ z. ]. G7 @
http://brian-kinney.net/ qafone.cc2 h/ L& G' @# b* C1 w5 A
http://www3.telus.net/~heatherj/ 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志5 u4 C) V9 Y% F/ w
/ E& T# ]/ b5 _( x5 KOnewing提供的Gale 访谈同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志- n1 O' V3 I1 f* }
The Life Of Brian——Gale Harold访谈
* ~1 V6 }  }+ p  Q) _" Nqafone.cc第一次试着翻译了一些,希望没有太多误解~
8 J5 J: w' [: Y5 Q  a. J+ I3 wqafone.cc欢迎大家指正阿!qafone.cc. w0 d' m$ Q/ R. T7 W+ z
The Life Of Brian
$ }" b. m. s, l0 wqafone.ccDNA, December, 2004
' X) c7 F1 s4 D3 [( C( dqafone.ccby Matthew Myers, Y1 D) C# e8 F# V
35岁的Gale Harold正在享受他职业生涯中的休闲时光。他在QAF中饰演了一个充满反叛精神,性感的Brian Kinney。在Matthew Myers为DNA对他所作的访问中,发现了一个一个诙谐、幽默、迷人的,不同于Brian Kinney的他。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志; W( D' S% y3 `5 Q" l
DNA:在QAF之外,你还有什么gay朋友吗?: ^3 H0 E$ A4 o5 h8 U* n
Gale Harold:我确实有一些,(笑)你能相信吗?  E: `$ ~  q1 {) s
) ?- O/ y7 [/ K- T6 P) p9 b8 _qafone.ccGale Harold:一些人比较认同,我认为,比较喜欢吧。很多人保留了他们的意见,其中的一些估计认为他很傻(hooey)。qafone.cc; `/ x% g2 b2 }  c' Q) y/ y8 {
! \9 K  T: H+ k5 ~Gale Harold:不,它更像一种类似于在乡里发现或者产生的词!一种美国50年代的说法。它并不是指愚蠢,“胡说”更加接近。qafone.cc# }$ I' X, g6 h  l2 @" Y
  S( a5 S" G  C' C同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Gale Harold:先开始的确有。一些人出现在我的脑里,但是他们并不完全符合Brian这个形象,所以我没有用他们。我并没有很多时间花在塑造这个角色上,但是实际情况还好,因为最后我以一个正常的人性方式来演Brian,而不是专门以一个gay的方式。
( F- m3 U7 \0 Z7 [. [0 {$ R同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志DNA:你认为你身上有Brian的性格吗?
4 L% Y+ }3 Z- A, x同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Gale Harold:我能够从他身上看到一些相同文化背景的东西。比如,美国是世界上最强大的国家,我们都有这种感觉。在这里,人们告诉你的和实际正在发生的事,基本一致,这样就造成了人们对于政治的冷漠。人们以一种自毁式的生活方式使自己感到自己的存在。那就是Brian的本质。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站1 b0 {' U' I  W- |5 q: H
DNA:自从开始播出QAF后,你觉得自己是否对gay群体这样一个课题有了更加深刻的认识? ) j* d4 E! N- }2 G% V( ~
Gale Harold:我不把这个电视剧当作一个“课题”来看。这些故事来自编剧Russell T Davies,我觉得他们对此有一个更深刻的看法。对我来说,更重要的事是演员的体验而不是“课题”。但是我感觉自己看问题更深刻了。
/ T2 H6 I" \$ S) |$ G( nDNA:作为一个straight演员,那些sex场面会不会是一个很奇怪的体验?尤其是第一场里的rimming。 0 p5 {- x0 g# b
Gale Harold:在高中我读了大量William Burroughs(William Burroughs,六十年代美国跨掉派的教父、大毒虫,也是裸体午餐的作者)的作品,所以那时候就知道这是什么啦!但是同时,只是知道并不意味着完全理解。无论是rimming……哦!管它是什么!我是说,演员如果不能对我们自己所作的事有个大体概念的话,更谈不上什么'gay' or 'straight'了吧?!简单的说,不,那只是在演戏。% M7 o7 ?# c9 t, @+ t( w+ U
4 f. o2 ]* o& B; a同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Gale Harold:有一些人第一次见到rimming的场面,甚至是这个词,如果他们不知道rimming是什么的话,他们根本就不会明白what the f**k was going on。对一个没有经历过这样暴露的sex行为的straight来说,可能根本就不知道发生了什么事。但是他们知道:这两个人是在演一场sex的戏。
6 U7 ?  ^, z+ i3 u: a, \& o+ L% [所以,说到sex的戏,作为一个演员,你只需要将你的精力和注意力放到任何发生的事情里。人们就会明白你在演什么,不管是什么程度上的。
+ o# u$ ?  `" [$ t! t& nDNA:所以你不认为这是一个障碍?
5 U6 F1 c* ]1 {# L6 r" _Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Gale Harold:你是指作为一个straight演员却要演gay的sex戏?不,我不认为是障碍。实际上是挑战,那就是一个演员要做的。你接触某个人的皮肤,你必须完全忘掉自己的生活体验。很可能,最重要的是学习GAY的生活行为,应该是我在这部电视剧里最大得一个学习过程。就像渗透作用一样,因为无意中我在用Brian的皮肤体验事情呢。
( Y- U% j5 [6 L7 v同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志DNA:如果作为一个听众,你会暗示剧情怎么发展?
$ V( ~) k3 P8 y) Zqafone.ccGale Harold:我知道剧情这个问题将被保守派慎重考虑,那些政权所有者和一些有特定信仰的人。我也知道正是这些人将把握剧情发展的命门,并且对其施加阻力。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站- M! a4 u: K' g8 ?- Z4 h
9 ]. y2 ]& T$ s. x# }同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志我不知道这个节目的将来会怎样——人们是会接受它?或者是有人来电要求拍摄更多的剧集,我不知道这个节目的播出是否会引起社会对同性恋的共识,以至于整个节目本身会被人们所喜爱。大多数的制作人员认为播出一不这样的电视剧的时机已经成熟,人们已经有了足够的心理承受力,另外本身同性恋得社区里,这个节目还有一个优势,那就是很多人看过原版的这个节目。% K- [$ D) @1 }) M
DNA:你遇到过Aidan Gillen吗,那个在英国版本里面演Brian的人? qafone.cc0 T1 k& r1 x2 T4 m
Gale Harold:没有,虽然在不久前见过他。我没看见她,但是我的朋友在他正要离开时看到他了。我们觉得这很奇怪,我们在同一时间在同一地点。我觉得他很不错,希望有机会可以见到他。
3 ]6 f4 ^7 ~" |1 P9 [3 r同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志DNA:真实生活中有人误认为你是gay吗? Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站0 E: ^/ o9 P- u# c6 `  {0 g+ G# r  C
Gale Harold:有时会发生这类事情。曾经有女人把我和他们身边的男人拖在一起,然后一些人就朝我尖叫,他们甚至都不确定我是否是gay,但是他们就是尖叫。然后就有真的gay走过来对我说:“你实在太不像gay了,这真愚蠢!”或者“我简直不能相信竟然有人希望你是gay”。& u, g! [- _& M
DNA:这会使你苦恼吗?考虑到你说你只是以一个常人来演,而不是gay。 * s1 ~3 k5 K7 t
Gale Harold:我只是将他作为一个真实的人啊。但是我想我还比较喜欢这种180度转弯的态度。有些人就是不相信我是straight啊。
3 B1 \. |+ p) Q0 h) _DNA:你也吸引了大量的女性观众,这看起来很奇怪吗?
: v1 C7 \5 P; @; y$ QGale Harold:我觉得这事应该经常发生在电视人身上吧,不管你是谁,或者饰演的什么角色。如果你演了电视就会和一些人发生共振,如果你是个在gay片里经常光着身子的男一号,那你一定会有一些女性观众缘了,对吗?(笑)这是个有借口的幻想——一个什么事都有可能发生的游戏!2 y* u+ l- J; L) j; k
+ C, k6 N" q( Q: E8 G2 k7 RGale Harold:哦,天呐!我想那会相当愚蠢吧——当了5年到10年的Brian,天知道他还会做什么?这是一个疯狂的问题,去问水晶球吧:)你会一直看10年吗?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志0 U- d: b$ `1 P0 u
DNA:有可能啊。我喜欢长剧。 Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 ~" }) P4 X/ }5 L
Gale Harold:(大笑)天!4 w, q6 g, h: `) F# Z4 i$ ]. D
  b. n* [. T* ~  D! wQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Gale Harold:我想这剧里有很多gay——他们只是不知道!
2 Y$ b* \$ }- K  v' W* VQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站DNA:Brian是一个复杂的对感情十分克制的角色,你认为他会慢慢转变吗?
/ P" t9 D5 F4 X& rGale Harold:我完全希望这样,这样我就可以去认真对待我的牙齿了。(不懂)电视剧,从我至今的体验来看,有点像独立电影的经历,在这个里面没有太多的资金,你只能尽量快地完成。对我来说,这充满挑战、激情,甚至恐惧。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8 W" W; _: e; Q
- B/ M8 q4 Q8 @1 y9 G3 \6 ?; O同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志DNA:你曾经想象你会做Vanity Fair(名利场?)的封面人物吗? Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. i; v* c& n; {. {
Gale Harold:将我的头放在Carson Kressley的裙摆下?(笑)不,我从来没有做过这种梦。1 l/ A, S, k% n$ V6 s9 m$ ~
/ d# Y- b4 J) D同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Gale Harold:我不知道你说的忙乱具体是指什么,但是,是的,一切都很好。7 X3 H' @$ `+ }2 w5 j
DNA:你是否在一部名叫Fathers And Sons的电影里扮演一个回来跟垂死的父亲要钱的铺张浪费的儿子? 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志/ u, O- s" p" K% K
Gale Harold:这是一次美好的经历。父亲病得要死了,我的角色回来了,开始面对种种隐藏在那所房子周围的秘密。
" [# {% }* G: m4 C; b! FDNA:我们会在澳大利亚看见你吗? 1 l0 J" F; \" P7 C1 }, ^
Gale Harold:我很希望去!我曾经在那里度过8天的假,去过Surfer's Paradise 和 The Gold Coast,但是没有欣赏完整个国家。很希望能看看西海岸和印度洋,特别是领略一下墨尔本风光。
# h3 A! v. ~* x4 K. U. aqafone.cc
' B! M: r2 }! @0 \; A1 `qafone.cc原文:2 ?7 o/ M8 h1 a+ a6 s) P& R1 k
The Life Of Brian - DNA, December, 2004qafone.cc1 n4 S! E0 R- D3 L" @( O. M
by Matthew Myers- Y3 p& C  n2 g  J- X% B
At 35, Gale Harold is enjoying the break-through role of his career. He plays Queer As Folk's rebellious, sexy Brian Kinney with a f**k-em-all attitude. Matthew Myers spoke to him for DNA and found him witty and charming in a most un-Brian-like way.  d, L5 `: L$ Q/ V. P* _" ?% E8 V
DNA: Outside Queer As Folk, do you have many gay friends?
) F( h+ o) v7 Z! C/ _9 R+ ZGale Harold: I do as a matter of fact. [Laughs]Can you believe it?
/ L& @) u: @' r2 kWhat do they think of your characterization of a gay man?
6 C- @4 x+ n7 f/ g+ o' V4 Z( aSome of them approve and, I think, enjoy it. A lot of them are diplomatically reserved and some of them think it's hooey.
: W) o5 ~2 z9 \Does hooey mean silly? 6 [7 J. h# S3 m9 K
No, it's more like something you find on the farm and walk away from! It's one of those old '50s American words. It's not just silly, it's got a whiff of "bullshit" about it. 1 k- H  C3 U' U7 ?. Q1 K# i! x5 V
When developing Brian's character, did you draw on any real-life people? Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站7 ^' O3 h/ @# H# I+ l/ C% G0 N
I did at first. I had some people in mind but they didn't really fit the over-all vision so I didn't use them. I didn't have a lot of time to spend on building the character and that was fine because in the end I just played him as Brian the human being, rather than Brian the gay man. . Z+ \4 @- ]' i9 E6 R
Are there aspects of Brian's personality that you share?
' P7 m4 x/ I7 C同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志I can relate to the cultural things. Like, the United States is the most powerful country in the world and we have all this ideology shoved down our throats. In America the difference between what people are telling you and what's really going on is quite transparent. It creates a political indifference in people. People become reliant on self-destructive behaviour as way of feeling alive. That's true of Brian. Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站3 v' b1 L" K& G, d! v& }3 m5 W
Since starting Queer As Folk have you gained a greater understanding of the issues facing the gay community?
. k  M# e, D( d$ Q& L! `8 p0 XI don't see the show as an "issues" show. These stories are adapted from ideas by Russell T Davies and I think they're more internalized and personal. It's more about the characters' experiences within the issues. I have come to deeper understanding of things, though. I think. 7 j2 z. v: L: B2 i* Y/ ]
As a straight actor, are the sex scenes a strange experience? Especially that first episode with the rimming.
+ t% G; u, c7 Q  X; GI read a lot of William Burroughs when I was in high school, so I had to figure out what that was a long time ago! But at the same time, just knowing what something is doesn't necessarily give you the scope to understand it completely. Whether it's rimming... or whatever! I mean, there wouldn't even be 'gay' or 'straight' if we didn't have the ability to conceptualize what we're doing. The short answer is no. I'm acting. I'm performing.
6 t) B4 G2 w! h8 M% P+ q7 _, XDo you think the sex scenes are as racy as they're sometimes regarded?
/ G4 K$ a% L1 V7 Y: U" hqafone.ccThere are people who could watch the rimming scene for the first time and, even hearing the dialogue, if they didn't know what rimming was they wouldn't know what the f**k was going on. For a straight person who'd never had any kind of exposure to that kind of sexual activity, they would not know what the hell was happening. But they would know that two people were performing a sexual act.
- c5 h1 {' N! C$ r/ @0 _6 {  \! \Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站So in terms of performing a sexual act, as an actor, you've just got to put your energy and your commitment into whatever is happening. People will understand that on whatever level they understand it and it will have meaning for them.
( n7 F5 W; I% w4 V0 x8 LSo it's not an obstacle?
! Z/ J: Q# b- b, d  ~3 o: `% kIn terms of being a straight actor doing gay sex scenes? No, I don't think it's an obstacle. Actually it's a challenge. That's what actors do. You get to walk in someone else's skin. You get to be completely outside of your own experience. Probably that, more than anything, else has been the largest kind of learning curve for me. It's like osmosis because unconsciously I'm leaning things just by being in Brian's skin. 3 ^/ L" v- S! z  S1 W
When you auditioned, did you have any inkling of where the show was going? + u: G; h  r$ \% l0 Y( ~
I knew it would be considered controversial by conservatives, the far political right and certain types of religious people. I knew that it was going to push buttons with those people and that they were going to have a reaction to it. qafone.cc* U/ G' ~8 c1 I, T2 _* A" d, B
Let's face it, homosexuality has been misrepresented in a religious and political sense in this country for a long time. This relates to your earlier question about what I share with Brian. I think we both see the hypocrisy of the church and the state being blended together when it suits someone's political purposes. It's not what this country's about at all. , J; R1 W  h. i) E3 D2 T6 }
I had no idea where the show would go -- whether it would be a sustainable program or whether there would be a call for more episodes. I had no idea whether or not there would be any kind of critical response to it that would be favourable enough to give it some credence. I think most of us were thinking that the timing was good and that people were ready for it. And within some levels of the gay community it had the advantage of the original show having been before it. Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站& N' t3 K  a+ K1 g' x. j
Have you met Aidan Gillen, who played the Brian character in the British series? 9 ^' \6 Z: E; R+ t  b& T4 `
I haven't, although I saw him in a restaurant once. I didn't actually see him, but my friends saw him as he was leaving. We all thought it was very weird that we were in the same place at the same time. I think he's great and I'd love to meet him. 6 e4 m, Z6 s' L* f& y1 \
Do people mistake you as being gay in real life?
( j' ~& e6 D6 p% Q3 nqafone.ccThat's happened a couple of times. I've had women try and hook me up with their guy friends and I've been cruised pretty heavily by people who I'm sure weren't speculating whether I was gay or not but were just cruising. Then there are the gay men who are just like, "You're so not gay, it's stupid" and "I can't believe anybody would think that you're gay!" 3 w+ y( v( G. e6 z! m" `) c
Does that annoy you, considering what you said about playing him as a human being rather than as a gay human being? 0 ~) l! d; a1 t- I5 e9 I, u. b
I just try to make him a real person. But I get like the full 180 degrees on that one. Some people don't believe I'm straight.
$ i- `0 P( f/ ]8 `8 W! Aqafone.ccYou've developed a large female fan base, too. Does that seem strange? * Y6 `6 g2 `: n  b# y  ]
I think that just happens with people who are on television, no matter who you are or what character you're playing. If you're on television you're going to resonate with people. If you're a top in a gay series and you're naked a lot you're definitely going to pick up some female fans, right? [Laughs], It's fantasy by subterfuge -- an anything-can-happen mind-game! qafone.cc: m9 l. j% l; N# k9 |; H# O
If Queer As Folk runs for ten years, can you see yourself in it for the long haul? 8 N  @2 o$ Z; x; E) e$ e  l' {
Oh God! I think that would be pretty silly -- to be Brian five or ten years from now. What could he possibly do? That's the crazy question, trying to read the crystal ball. Would you watch it in ten years?
# Q& y0 x9 {; _; H4 C# D& vQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Probably. I stuck with Dynasty.
' {4 Z3 Y# r% Rqafone.cc [Laughs] Oh my God!
4 ^4 }/ H/ i. \2 C* N5 r( qQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站That may have been because there was a gay character.
1 K4 i$ o; l% T8 u/ L8 g. H( k& P+ Iqafone.ccI think there were a lot of gay characters in that show -- they just didn't know it!
$ Y* Q# E* \6 }1 j, ]* X5 E, Hqafone.ccBrian is a complex character with a very restrained emotional side. Do you think that side is going to be revealed? & K( n  w4 g; e' |( l
I absolutely hope so. I hope that it happens in a way that I can really sink my teeth into. Television, in my experience so far, is like the independent film experiences I've had where you don't have a lot of money and you have to work really fast. For me, it would be challenging, exciting and even a little frightening to open him up. qafone.cc9 }4 v& [/ w& r2 c
Television is very episodic and things come and go like the weather. I hope that if we do get to open up Brian, it's done in way that's irrevocable, not just a glimpse. You get little glimpses of him every now and then, but he's never really put in a situation where he's forced to really open up. You know those moments when someone opens up to you in way that means you can never go back to how that relationship was before? ( \: T" T( ~  R6 L
Did you ever imagine you'd make the cover of Vanity Fair? qafone.cc( Q7 j) j1 ?6 v; e( P6 N
With my head in Carson Kressley's lap? [Laughs] No, I never dreamed I'd do that! qafone.cc4 [2 r3 v0 S- K: h- j3 ~
Are you now inundated with scripts and other film and TV offers?
2 @- @1 N' `# ]I don't know if inundated is the exact term I'd use... but, yeah, it's been good.
) u2 R, H; W$ v; w( E3 u3 W; N! b  Gqafone.ccYou're in a new film called Fathers And Sons in which you play the prodigal son who comes home to his dying father. ) W. s0 Z2 K/ B+ L
That was great experience. The father is very sick and about to die and my character goes back and deals with all the secrets that are lying around the house.
5 S' g3 F) B) \' s% t5 }Are we going to see you in Australia?
- J; ~+ F7 N0 T% u0 [& cI'd love to come! I was there once on holiday for about eight days. I was in Surfer's Paradise and The Gold Coast but I haven't seen the whole country. I'd like to see the west coast and the Indian Ocean, and I'd especially like to check out Melbourne. 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志7 |8 S! i# l$ t, F
6 j. M2 J1 d4 F7 b  l# m. Gblovej提供的Gale有趣访谈
+ H+ p  {6 C  c* n  {3 Agale的有趣访问
' r$ a! \; ]; z$ h. Lqafone.cc刚看到一个有趣的访问,这主持真会问!!!这里节下部分有趣的!同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志, L1 R+ O$ y6 J( B$ L
How DID Randy's butt taste, Gale? (randy的屁股的味道如何,gale?)
" ^! q6 @5 ?' P. c9 T& J9 d同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志GH: "Salty. He's a fairly hygenic person I would think. Not like saltines, more like a neck. A little cumin I guess." (咸的。我觉得它是个相当卫生的人。不是像咸饼干,更像颈部。我猜有点像小茴香子)cumin不知道翻译得对不对!
0 M" R# n* H5 F% EHave you ever seduced a little, itty bitty young 'un like Justin, Gale? (你会迷上像justin那样的年轻小男孩吗?)qafone.cc2 v& C1 T7 L' k" _/ G* ?- p; H
GH: "I don't know if I want to get into that. I've got to save something, you know? As far as I'm concerned that's not a yes or no question. There's so much more to be done, right? So much more life to live I don't want the boundaries to get all hard and fast." (我不知道如果我像搅进这种事情里面。你知道,我要有所保留。目前为止,我觉得这不仅是一个yes 或者 no 的问题。还有许多事将会发生,对吧?生活还很长,我不想这么快给自己一个严格的界限。)qafone.cc$ l7 H% Z1 P3 J8 S' R  x
Well, how about this question; are you a monogamist or sleaze? (这个问题怎么样,你是个一夫一妻制的人呢,还是个风流的人?)Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站% H2 M: D# o7 l6 Y$ X) ~* r
GH: (pause) "You think I'm going to answer that question after not telling any tidbits? I can't give that up, it's too early. I'm not playing my hand that soon, no way. I'm saving it. There's no f**king way. We'll talk again." (在没有告诉任何八卦新闻后,你认为我会回答这个问题吗?我不打算这么快就投降。我不会这么快就放手的,没门。我要留着它。绝对没们。我们以后在讲这个问题。)qafone.cc$ {6 D2 K- F# w+ u4 |
Peter Paige told me of the cast's "no f**king" rule. However, he did admit that extras have been getting busy during backroom scenes. Have you witnessed love and drama on the set? (Peter Paige 曾告诉我演员们没什么f**king规矩,他曾承认临时演员们在拍backroom的时候都很忙,拍的时候你有目睹过作爱的场景吗?)# I" Z* j: q& F0 l
GH: "I've seen it, just be assured that any time there's a hot sexual environment; where there's smoke there's fire."(我见过,保证那里任何时候都是很火辣的性爱环境,吸烟的话会起火的---一点就着。) & C! ]5 l: `3 N% @
本人的中文表达能力有限,不太会翻译,大体意思对,最好还是看英文,感觉比较正确!哪位翻译好的,可以重翻。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站; U3 ?" A6 G* v5 I' X- m4 k5 G! A
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人

Randy Harrison (Justin) 简介+访谈(lecher提供)
0 [3 K9 `9 [) t7 qQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 D' o* x$ \4 a$ I& R- ^) {
全名:Randolph C. Harrison8 A4 J5 U# I1 P2 V, L
0 F3 N4 Y$ n5 S5 I1 M身高:5尺8寸(6英尺是1.83m, 5尺8寸是1.73m)
) \) W2 c4 J6 ~7 }- X# E体重:145磅
% @. U3 Q4 Q8 k8 a+ z) @眼睛颜色:蓝色中带着一点绿; n2 c) n  ?" Q# h, l
- w" s& b+ N9 w出生地点:New Hampshire(英国的一个郡,10岁的时候搬到了佐治亚州的亚特兰大市郊区)同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志6 h7 j. `  K0 i1 m& H4 _# G
艺术生涯:RANDY在位于亚特兰大郊区的离家很近的中学度过了他的少年时代。初中毕业后他进了一所私立的高中,继续他的求学生涯。这个学校有非常优良的艺术表演教育课程。RANDY从7岁就一直进行表演,在这里他接受了良好的教育。2000年3月毕业于辛辛那提大学的音乐学院,并获得了艺术学士学位。在音乐学院里RANDY参加了Hello Again,Shopping and F ucking,Children of Eden等的演出。RANDY还在辛辛那提的剧团和圣。路易丝的剧团表演。在那个时期他参加了1776,Grease,Anything Goes的演出。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 Y0 z4 X" [: w4 c, N
RANDY参加QAF的试镜一次是在纽约,另一次是在加州的洛杉机。他顺利的拿到了这个角色,然后就去了多伦多。在2000年7月开始了这个系列电视剧的拍摄。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站" a3 N' M8 r6 {( h( m9 ~
[ Last edited by lecher on 2004-9-4 at 20:47 ]qafone.cc$ X8 R8 T9 }4 P
以下内容由shaoqinsh提供:同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# e) p' G+ o' l- C
Justin Taylor 和 Randy Harrison(演员)资料qafone.cc7 c; O3 m5 n3 f$ k
Justin Taylor
# [# n1 }1 I  |"I’m Coming Out," sing that, girlfriend, like diva Diana Ross. Justin, the new guy on the gay block. This talented young artist is hopelessly smitten with Brian and thinks Brian loves him.
. Q. s: E$ `+ D9 v3 ?6 S1 D& w+ `qafone.ccA naturally-gifted artist, Justin’s confidence has grown since he began attending art school. As he develops emotionally, Justin now yearns for more commitment from boyfriend Brian Kinney, which will be necessary if they’re relationship is to continue. With a successful comic burgeoning, it’s hard to believe this is the same guy who just three years earlier was the new kid on the block.
; J" i8 l) S' p; `5 w2 }% eQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Justin was the inexperienced but eager seventeen-year-old on Liberty Avenue, Pittsberg’s gay village. He comes across Brian Kinney, a 30-year-old successful ad executive by day, sexual predator by night. Brian shows Justin the ropes to gay life, rather roughly, and eventually, Justin begins teaching the selfish, unapologetic Brian about what it means to be loved. Justin, in Queer As Folk’s first season, battles with his sexuality identity and unsupportive father. Justin’s ambition and determination, perhaps, are his most admirable qualities. He even fights to start a gay/straight alliance at his high school, not giving up when is denied his human right to do so. Even after a severe gay bashing by the arrogant, homophobic Chris Hobbs (Alec McClure), Justin survives and continues his plans with attending art school to become and artist in Season Two. qafone.cc( P1 z  }& |% g& y4 G* x9 I
Justin blooms into an intelligent, courageous, confident character by Queer As Folk’s second season. He gains his mother’s acceptance and respect for his sexual orientation and continues to try and break homophobic barriers in society. For example, he and Michael Novotny (Hal Sparks) decide to create a comic book, Rage, with a gay superhero. Despite the trouble he has with drawing from the gay bashing injury, Justin finds other creative outlets and impresses his art school teacher at the Pittsburgh Institute of Fine Arts with his determination. He demands more respect and equality from Brian in their relationship, and he proves his ability to get what he wants... when he wants. Brian’s sexual nature has certainly rubbed off on Justin, but he still continues to be the loving, respectable Sunshine the gang all know and love.
( f$ b6 ?( ?# P$ y' e) N! ?" SSeason Three is sure to reveal more of Justin’s ability to overcome any obstacle with which he is faced.
. J0 ^1 y( s+ mFavorite Music:Moby, Fatboy Slim. 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志; o7 E* e* R- H  D
Pet Peeves: Hates that his mom goes through his stuff. Hates that his mom asks a lot of questions. Hates that he always has to tell his mom where he is. Hates that he has to go to the shrink with his mom. Hates that Brian keeps ditching him.
; `/ t7 `6 C1 P" [% aQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Randy Harrison(演员)
, j4 p6 K) ?3 L; ?* |profile
6 H3 g# A* u# }Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Full Name: Randolph C. Harrison
/ o3 M; o+ b( z; D' k% {7 t) L同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Height: 5’ 8" (173 cm)
  |8 C/ y$ r# p& B6 E* @Weigh: 135 Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站" h% d" e3 |- p" z# L3 o- l# u
Birthday: 2 November, 1977 / n0 J' I0 n% j* J/ F9 ~! w2 U
Birth city: New Hampshire, USA. 9 _) m+ X7 f# I( Y, ?/ d& U
Star Sign: Scorpio   l# d: e) K# H6 Z3 u7 b
8 M6 Q! ^. d5 {- t0 dRandy Harrison was born on November 2, 1977 in New Hampshire. When Randy was 11 years old he moved to Alpharetta. It’s a northern suburb of Atlanta, a 45-minute trip outside the city. A veteran of the stage, Randy has been acting since the age of seven, after seeing a play with his parents. In Alpharetta, Randy went to middle school near his home. After middle school, Randy attended a private high school, the shy teenager was not out to but a few close friends. The school has an excellent performing arts program. After highschool Randy attended the University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music and graduated with a Bachelor in Fine Arts(BFA) in March of 2000. Audiences at CCM may remember him from his starring roles in "Hello Again," "Shopping and Fucking" and "Children of Eden." Randy has also appeared professionally in various theaters throughout the U.S.A. Some of his favorite performances have been in productions of "Violet" at the Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati, "1776" at the St. Louis Municipal Theatre and "West Side Story" at the Forestburg Playhouse, as well as productions of "A Midsummer Night’s Dream," "The Real Inspector Hound" and "A Cheever Evening." But showtime’s series Queer as Folk, was his television debut. His contract with Queer as Folk ends after season four. Randy had this to say about his post-qaf carrer.
4 D* C9 J2 q7 X7 P"I’m confident in my ability to maintain a career. I don’t know if it will be doing either independent films or plays in New England I sort have this p_w_picpath of myself sort of disappearing for a while and reemerging five to 10 years down the road again. We’ll see."
: B8 A" s2 q" d, ?7 n. zqafone.ccFilms and Stagework...
, L; }" G% F/ b3 I$ `2 VTV + l) M# m/ t; P1 Z1 J& `
Bang, Bang, You’re Dead (2002) & r/ `. @2 S; a& y
Queer as Folk (2000 till present) 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志1 {( x" \6 X3 A( `
TV Guest Appearances
8 o. O$ E) S1 d  j, F1 LLarry King Live April 24, 2002
) d# @: U3 L; E: f7 [6 O! dStage work (not in chronological order) ( a6 d6 k& [& X# x; L* ~
. {! q( n9 h, xqafone.cc"A Cheever Evening" % R( |8 Z1 K3 M3 C1 L: c
"A Letter from Ethel Kennedy" playing "Casey" (2002) qafone.cc% O& q+ o9 ?; V6 s3 P% @6 n+ u
"A Midsummer Night’s Dream" ( V: G* O6 x, {' s4 K4 e
"Anything Goes" 4 L1 n7 z4 J7 I3 Z
"Babes in Arms" 8 i( M2 s: M$ x4 f
"Children of Eden" playing "Abel" 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& B) Q# e: M& O/ s
"Deviant" playing "Marshall" (2002)
" i$ y4 @# [: I2 e同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志"Grease"
3 G/ V3 E2 H2 a" aqafone.cc"Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" playing : p" {* k0 N% |+ z" V
"Benjamin" qafone.cc, v" e! H8 i: x
"Rags" * r2 Y2 F8 A5 K# i5 y) m4 Y
"Shopping and Fucking" playing "Robbie" Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, b6 `# a; L! q, \4 S" ?
"The Real Inmspector Hound" qafone.cc% E0 L6 A# N" y
"Violet" playing "Billy Dean" 8 d" Z, P( F0 }: K. Y* i% t7 N# p
"West Side Story" playing "Action"
1 V7 X/ L' U0 F8 \- wqafone.cc以上资料主要来源于: # P, V) \- k5 m" y
http://www.imdb.com/ 1 D2 ]  \& ?' Z* E" s4 s
1 ?0 s) }( |$ B, K$ m( u6 chttp://www.showcase.ca/queerasfolk/
3 j0 S  L# T/ Z) @8 U7 w* Khttp://www.canihaveyou.com/babylon/ 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) u, W6 t8 r1 g! v8 ~" X$ O/ `
' f& ~( ^$ \* W! v; k$ Q# N3 h9 ]同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志http://www.randy.330.ca/randy.htm
3 y3 I7 x" m& G5 l2 w* j: D( V* Chttp://fan.happily-bleeding.com/randy/
( R! @1 L4 j. p; q+ B+ q1 yQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站http://randys1fan.freehomepage.comQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. h# g' ~3 ]7 k& i2 T
0 h% b/ E. C" O- u& kQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Q & A Randy Harrison answers a few questions同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志; T; n- ^% {# o
6 N; M: w; K2 u3 H' |* I6 iRANDY HARRISON1 `  M/ I8 ]" h8 R& m
Q&A - 7/12/2004同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志0 B- f) j4 x: R$ W# r
1. The first record I ever bought was... The Muppet's Sing Metal Machine Music
- B% M. R) c6 ]; Y  W0 F2. My favorite place to be is... semi-consciousness同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8 R0 a% o8 @( B7 |
3. When I have some free time I like to... shoot squirrels同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& g( r0 p6 A7 E$ ^
4. When I'm feeling sporty I... shower
" U( U- x0 o. @5. When I turned 18 I... burnt an effigy of my former self Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 \) c+ q* X: {3 X
6. Record I've currently been listening to... Electralane: The Power Out7 I2 n: O3 b: G& V3 a: `  ?1 t
7. A movie that has moved me recently was... Winter Light
1 v6 w0 h: ~9 B& `qafone.cc8. My biggest vice is... revealing too much of myself in online questionnaires
! `  t! C4 Z0 K. T2 }+ C同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志9. A song I know all the words to is... the entire album 2 Z8 c: H* T$ m6 |) R
10. The worst question I've ever been asked in an interview was... could you answer these questions as Justin?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志1 a+ f+ x/ }$ I/ L/ e/ }; M
11. The last concert I saw was... Gogol Bordello at Irving Plaza ( A3 g2 o/ f% m  i! E, [0 l. S
12. My favorite quote is... "We knew the world generally sucked and we didn't want to be a part of it. We wanted to do something else, which amounts to not wanting to get up in the morning and have a real job." - Wayne Kramer
2 r# r9 K& R$ J; @3 ^% @同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
+ o/ a5 e; h1 n3 I  i/ P7 LQSAT: Randy Harrison (ringdeng提供)Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站' _/ S# t6 `5 C8 M
; @. K9 b; y9 j% ]1 }2 Wqafone.ccQSAT: Randy Harrisonqafone.cc2 b3 v1 r/ @6 I  ^
Get to know your favorite queer and queer-friendly celebs by reading their responses to our queer aptitude test: the QSAT.Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站+ i$ u; [3 U; |0 V  n1 t7 C
As the resident hot young thing on "Queer as Folk," openly gay Randy Harrison has more than his share of TV-watching admirers. Feeling his way through the confusing world of drugs and sex, struggling with less-than-understanding parents and desperately in love with the older Brian, Justin is a character young gay men everywhere can identify with.
' t& o  {9 w) {  t! F. G5 I3 c同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Randy recently performed off-Broadway in "A Letter from Ethel Kennedy," about a gay man trying to reconcile with, and say goodbye to, his parents. (He played a straight waiter, which proves he really can act!) He also appeared in the Showtime original movie "Bang Bang, You're Dead," playing against type as a (straight) maladjusted high school student seeking revenge against his tormentors.
& r$ k7 Y4 n2 W( I7 e! ]qafone.ccWhen did you first become aware of gay issues?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 g5 w6 i/ f: z- p$ h" `2 T
. [% E; P( h0 y. T同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志If you were to write /direct a same-sex love story, who would you visualize as the leads? 5 o& ^; v9 K) t6 ~; L
Emmanuel Lewis and Harvey Keitel
+ H9 e3 d9 u* Q5 {$ T% d) b7 [8 VWhat's your current favorite CD, book, writer, movie?! m- r# T9 p2 w5 U/ d
Mick Harvey, "Pink Elephants"
& r' m* Y  s5 W. c* e; IDennis Cooper, "Pastoralia" * i& V" }( E9 C9 ~. z3 D, h4 A' X( h
+ C  U7 v* v2 B1 wHow many degrees of separation are there between you and Kevin Bacon?8 ?& {, H: }4 b, B/ N7 S
Zero. I saw him once on the Upper West Side. qafone.cc, O' A7 e! R6 j- J! v4 G. o0 C; t
Fill in the blank: I am the _____ of my generation.
- H5 F9 ~0 r3 Cqafone.ccBLANK  f! k+ ]5 H/ x5 ~
Fill in the blank: I always have ____ in my refrigerator.qafone.cc7 W2 B7 E; H; ?% \& l9 {' C
Tonic water qafone.cc, W/ x: V6 U0 z: T  L( V
Who inspires you the most?
- ~2 T+ Y4 ?( g& z4 N0 NMy parents & Y9 p9 R' q! C! Z
Tell us something nobody knows about you.
4 l- y- [( u/ g( S0 e) c4 dNo way! qafone.cc. A1 @+ Y1 `9 L! Z8 |, q
Describe your ideal mate.! F9 E' q5 P. A
) J9 O+ Q9 @; X! h1 ]  G  r% qWho was your first celebrity crush?
5 {8 @: M. @" O! S, WThe girl who played Oliver in the first play I was ever in ... hmmm. She had a cute bowl cut and looked dark and brooding with that ash smeared on her face.
% X: p( O) C$ z. M# G7 y6 Iqafone.ccSquelch or confirm (or start) a rumor about yourself.
- Y  m, C* e  aqafone.ccOK, that is me in that video, but I was 7 and really drunk and wasn't sure what he was doing. I just wanted to touch the puppy.
( @2 c/ U$ x2 V7 v8 F8 C# QThe last movie I cried at/laughed out loud at was:1 ], d7 m5 U1 i6 s
I cried during "The Crucible" on Broadway. I didn't cry during the movie version though, I think I fell asleep.
3 s( F4 s3 B5 |# q% a$ S同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志What's your biggest guilty pleasure?
9 E  ^. C6 A, v7 PQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Human companionship 4 ~/ a/ e2 f" K: f, y4 N. t
Would you appear nude in a movie?
. F' T) a0 _6 _- ]8 U同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Never. I think that's really trashy. # l' [& m# Q, N$ x# s
Fill in the blank: In high school, I was ____.* y% H0 R9 w0 w7 o7 q' ~
, {$ L& \4 M! w) ]What's your favorite getaway?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志: Q) |* f+ I% c2 v
+ B" L  a+ ]$ y) y) @% ]2 Q. Qqafone.cc下面是fluffy的翻译:
) D! x3 D& ^7 Z# f4 a9 Q' Bqafone.ccWhen did you first become aware of gay issues?
8 K! R0 o' N" k' Sqafone.cc你什么时候开始意识到有关gay的事情
& o6 ^. P! I5 B( d+ h6 T同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Conception (啥意思?)同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志. V  j: W$ A- J. C- h8 E( I
If you were to write /direct a same-sex love story, who would you visualize as the leads? 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  l% D" p6 A0 q1 j2 H
如果要你写/导演一个同性的爱情故事,你会以谁作为主角qafone.cc8 k, y3 y0 K8 R5 f$ P' A, Y$ Z
Emmanuel Lewis and Harvey Keitel' s/ C; x+ a$ X8 M
, A/ v3 _7 i+ t9 d同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志What's your current favorite CD, book, writer, movie?
' Y5 i: l3 n; d0 H/ J) ^5 ?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站你目前最爱的CD, 书,作家以及电影
& |. \  k' ^/ B1 i' _Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Mick Harvey, "Pink Elephants" (Mick Harvey翻唱Serge Gainsbourg的专辑,pink Elephants,里面的歌主要讲的是吸毒后的感觉)
" ?* p' T# b: S8 }" ?7 H! @3 i同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Dennis Cooper, (Dennis Cooper被誉为是「美国最后一个逆德越轨作家」。一九五三年出生于美
& s0 F3 W0 a1 J0 b" Q& l国加州帕沙第纳,是美国最重要的「酷儿核心」(Queercore)作家,作品曾被翻
0 x* o& `* r* X3 D译成十二国文字。他的作品勇敢挑战同志政治正确,书写性虐待∕被虐(SM)、
; ~, ^7 p' h3 @8 Y% y4 i' [# t恋物、跨性、同性谋杀、性暴力。《嬉戏》是丹尼斯.库伯黑暗小说五部曲(; b. p& O. p2 m6 R
Closer, Frisk, Try, Guide, Period)的第二部。其中,Closer一书曾获得
. T; _  j/ y- k. O$ Y& ~* _; a! nFerro-Grumbley Award同志文学奖。因为库伯的黑暗虚无特色,他也被封为Blank
. e* v7 h& D% Q! K- DGeneration的代言人,或者新哥德派作家). p% C- i' G5 L$ R
"Pastoralia" 1 a9 e4 M- M2 H. }5 j% P. ]% w
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obido ... 29-2119202?v=glance
: L5 }7 E( J" D9 z自己看。。。
) H. w+ B3 J  {. ~* S) Z) Tqafone.cc"Baise-Moi" Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ |; T8 i/ K# Q- X
法国电影,中文名不写出来了,google能出来,这张碟很多地方有卖同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 B2 b8 |% C+ ^. k! e, {. l
How many degrees of separation are there between you and Kevin Bacon?
3 \, n# m* S# G& W9 Yqafone.cc你觉得和Kevin Bacon相比,你差他多少级或者你和他的差别在哪里?
5 ]) P6 x3 X) e; ^0 J. {" ?Zero. I saw him once on the Upper West Side. - b3 i0 A. g3 A8 O$ o
零(没差),我有次在纽约上城的西边见过他qafone.cc8 @0 m* X# k, X% m# y' L
Fill in the blank: I am the _____ of my generation.qafone.cc. j2 r& P% P2 T( h) @
填空:我是我这代人里面的_____qafone.cc1 h" P+ U6 S2 |" o  Y
BLANKQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站8 h, u( @) p- m+ s% m  K
" @6 y( E) T. ?& F# u" W' D, M' n1 zFill in the blank: I always have ____ in my refrigerator.同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 b4 x0 l- O5 R$ c6 R* r
我的冰箱里面永远有qafone.cc& ]( ^* s7 l0 h: x3 I5 a! p+ [
Tonic water Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站8 i# s3 H* x  I! Y
汤力水同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# X9 x6 u( {* s* I, A
Who inspires you the most?
/ b6 @" T1 k( F7 t7 Q谁最能启发激励你
% m: s9 A  X" ]4 ^; m' c* {, [% A同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志My parents
3 f! u0 T" t6 W我的父母同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志! R! H! `( q: W* c
Tell us something nobody knows about you.
* G  K, o  F; P: J3 C- FQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站告诉我们一些没有人知道的关于你的事情" x5 T# e! V( j* j6 k
No way! 9 d6 _, l1 y3 I3 z% c, M
没门儿- X' F2 V: I* N# y7 [0 J
Describe your ideal mate.# F* Q- ?7 N; t; l9 |
9 M+ b# s2 i. a1 |) g6 l( fEmbalmed
0 d$ e% |3 G6 O$ ]7 K5 |(尸体防腐剂)
- U" j( `' l, E9 W& x: W9 {Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Who was your first celebrity crush?
, c) O; }3 e9 o( J6 Mqafone.cc谁是你第一个迷上的名人
% V. N3 \2 {0 R* t  {+ H8 k$ O" PThe girl who played Oliver in the first play I was ever in ... hmmm. She had a cute bowl cut and looked dark and brooding with that ash smeared on her face.
1 o1 r9 E" W9 l2 r% ]  f8 c6 }( g同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志我第一次参与的戏剧里面那个演Oliver的女孩,她又个可爱的冬菇头(发型),看起来黑黑的,脸上都是淡淡的斑点
$ l  A. g" ?7 S. ?( ^% Q同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Squelch or confirm (or start) a rumor about yourself.
$ l/ `) j) _0 }( M1 aQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站澄清,证实(或者引起)一些关于你自己的传言qafone.cc* O4 k7 e  E. j* g
OK, that is me in that video, but I was 7 and really drunk and wasn't sure what he was doing. I just wanted to touch the puppy./ F. c# A& ~! `  M9 g. e. B4 E% S. ^  Q
5 z: l1 p5 u1 W0 |) ^9 W(Randy这里是在开玩笑)0 t/ d2 @3 A' V& z6 T- V
The last movie I cried at/laughed out loud at was:
0 y/ l; s! l( N1 a# ~5 OQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站最近一部我在看得过程中哭了或者大笑的电影" y2 q  C% u1 |& }; ]5 j
I cried during "The Crucible" on Broadway. I didn't cry during the movie version though, I think I fell asleep.
, ~, [- F# q1 S% ]4 dqafone.cc我在看百老汇版本的“The Crucible”时候哭了,但是我在看电影版本的时候没有,我想我当时睡着了! r, h5 [! Y7 h2 m' m
The Crucible的介绍:
5 V& Q9 k, s8 @2 U; P( fQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站http://uschools.com:8000/Members ... ought/848128210676/
' C' B: A) T- K! T' f同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志What's your biggest guilty pleasure?! `) N& i2 R4 w4 ]& d  t
& e! @! q5 A2 |6 M, @Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Human companionship
5 n% L9 j9 C( T9 L8 x3 r) [: Zqafone.cc人类的陪伴
  L/ }( n0 _; X! `  f4 K& s3 xWould you appear nude in a movie?
+ T& G. P6 L5 c+ S% D同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志你会在电影中全裸吗?- b- a8 ?" s" E9 K4 z
Never. I think that's really trashy.
/ x/ p- j1 c  n8 R/ @8 W% K% ^Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站不会,我觉得那没有什么意义
, W' ]7 Y( V# Z; iQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Fill in the blank: In high school, I was ____.
/ W7 w+ c! Z; Q8 R$ m在高中做填空题的时候我同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志. s* U& W4 j2 d7 d: y0 D, V
Bored- P3 f5 y; m& s4 \) S) U! \
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志, M$ S* i! p4 K+ A  a; T" U" b, V: K
What's your favorite getaway?
/ q& Q  y2 M+ F8 d9 W: ?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志你最喜欢的逃避方式9 G/ {  D$ I7 _) ?
Xanax同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志- s( b' j" T" @* W9 n2 P/ G
& Q. G9 v9 i8 R( Tqafone.cc
下面是引用fluffy于2005-05-22 22:41发表的5.18 第5季首映上QAF演员的访问内容概括翻译:) L3 j7 A. y8 N( d# o
帮所有热爱他们的fans概括的总结一下他们说了些啥Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站! v. F6 H) e- g2 Z1 d* u

7 a) ]: |" ~: E8 r7 A0 ~6 Y图片加视频看下面的帖子
9 E5 \$ ~+ ?; K7 m7 V5 G: e同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
0 R* b; l; a7 J2 I0 {" r) zhttps://www.qafone.cc/read.php?tid=7807&fpage=1
5 F3 X2 B  U9 P1 Uqafone.cc
$ g2 K$ ]% x% T( L$ c* F4 p- b* q; FQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Peter (Emmett): 主持人问他对于大家要看的QAF是最后一季什么感觉和他希望别人怎么样记住他对于QAF的参与,Peter说参加这个剧的拍摄是一种荣幸,他非常高兴和这些出色的团队合作,对于这是最后一季,他说他们在一个月之前已经拍完了,他已经在心态上调整过来了。对于参演QAF,他认为自己做对了,并且会为此自豪直到生命的最后一天。对于Fans,他衷心的感谢,谢谢fans一直陪伴他们,一起参与这个旅程。如果没有fans他们什么都不是。并且说到有一天在街上被一个16岁的孩子截住,那个孩子告诉他因为他,自己对家里人出柜了,这令Peter非常感动。qafone.cc! y- K. i9 v- C" s- s7 s

$ o9 p2 @& a1 iRon Cowen(监制),他希望通过这部电视剧改变人们的观念,把同志当成平常人而非同志,另外他知道这部电视剧改变了很多人的生活,让很多年轻的同志勇于站起来,维护自己的权利和尊严,他认为没有比这样更有意义。接下来他和Lipman会去写舞台剧同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 S0 W- ?- ~( |8 t
qafone.cc9 T9 g7 j  d/ D$ t  |4 h( f
Randy (全文转载)
, j6 U' ]* h3 |5 ^8 \
8 f9 V, @( x4 B; h" M( n$ F1 e# JQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站主持人:对于来到最后一季的首映有什么感觉% t" z4 G0 D. D; T- T' v
6 C. [. E# {2 ?8 f
Randy: 我在想已经结束了,我不知道,太多感受难以精确感知和区分 (Randy很喜欢“differentiate”这个词,这已经是第三次我在他的访问里面听到他用这个词),我正在和所有的cast说再见,我不知道是否还有机会所有人这样聚在一起,嗯,我很兴奋 (兴奋个啥啊,这孩子就是摇滚听多了)Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 a9 ]. d+ c  T* l" d& h  K" D
4 H0 M; z7 Y  l6 v7 w6 N( Z
主持人:你对fans有什么想说的* J0 ^, D% o" M* n6 d* i, G
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ J( D$ R2 d2 I( F' y1 ^
Randy:享受最后一季,我希望这一季能满足你们,因为你们能得到的就这么多了( i5 T8 v1 P3 e& {* L8 `/ I1 N+ i2 R

6 o% K) ]& H3 D% ~4 aQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站主持人:有什么地方在网上可以让fans了解你更多吗?你有影迷会网站吗qafone.cc8 G9 ^4 j5 ~# w4 [3 {. B+ H

% e+ q* L* {7 v2 }Randy:没有,没有正式的,事实上你在网上找到的绝大部分东西都不是真的
# H" S: K, _, N5 qQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站& Q/ @3 q; s0 M: w4 e: J
主持人:真的吗?1 U+ M4 G) r) }2 b0 q

: V& E+ u. f& A/ F同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Randy: 是啊,你知道,就是很多,嗯,对阿
5 a4 j( g5 K1 x( d7 ?. d1 A5 Z6 t0 X5 k: T. z0 p' Y/ z" K
主持人(逼问),嗯,很多,什么; u# `) c+ f7 v3 _4 S8 k0 ~* e
9 L" y  H% r+ b* O
Randy (招架不住):就是那些人从很多不正确的途径累积到的一些信息(指那些fans的网站)qafone.cc; g7 c# F  L& b7 |+ ?
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志: T; A& t  E* a: C
主持人:作为这个团队的一部分,你学到什么,- L0 l2 @. k$ A+ t, j, A

' [. e- {  y3 o* ^" U8 U8 DQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Randy: 哦,(正准备好好说一下)
. F/ e" s) j/ |( q6 t. {
8 V, A5 t+ ^  j; Y# F9 ^qafone.cc主持人:主要的东西(main theme)
; F. Y$ z" ?' m  p- M& O
# s9 }) R# G; C2 y$ X: BQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Randy: 不行,我没有办法总结出什么(主要的东西),很多的小事情,反而不是什么大事同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) a, T% D7 n4 h3 f0 Q' w
; U7 A: \9 w' U0 M
9 n7 Y5 _% M. }; H5 E4 `9 yQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站- t( Z. c" ~  U- ~0 s4 s3 L
Randy(笑靥如花):坦白说,我没有感觉,我,我不知道这个(称号是不是真的),不过既然你这样说(主持人:come on)这不是你在日常生活中可以感觉到的,或者真的会注意的,(当你每天)和朋友在一起或者去工作Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站+ q* g" r0 Z( L' Z) U* ^

( n% V0 Y6 _: b- r/ L9 B主持人:你(和Brian)是全世界最红的一对gay relationship
- @0 C/ `+ g- g/ I6 T+ C" m  @同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
: F# P* l  {( @Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Randy: 是吗?或者吧  N$ b. ?* @1 G
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站$ m; ^  f# C  s
7 s! ~$ P6 ^; g$ l3 E  F6 C1 s' o, x& G' Y/ U+ G$ D; c
Randy: 我不知道,我不知道
& R- i. J+ j+ @! A% O; V同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
; j" A/ P5 S- h主持人:就是拉,说出(荧幕)情侣里面比你们更可爱的两个人
0 R5 [) N4 R7 g/ a. @/ X& P1 N
, u: y; f. Y5 ]; Z4 d3 u# m, @Randy: 我们不是,我是说,嗯,我是说(开始语无伦次)
$ E7 v+ D2 o: [9 {% E, [. A% sQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
( ^; T7 a; t! U; H1 g& `" g主持人:你就接受(这个说法)吧
- U# P. p# L( ~2 e0 F# X: w" q, i* t8 }% N7 |" h
Randy (笑)
0 R* s/ q3 G- p; D5 g
1 W& T" M! @8 I; L2 w$ Vqafone.cc主持人:谢谢你(给人们)带来的这些改变,我们很期待这最后一季同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志7 S8 \5 x: X4 q9 c& q4 }

# o  q- A# j2 B" O, DRandy: 谢谢,好好享受,this is a good oneQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站4 k/ R! j  V# Q0 a' r: e1 e( T

5 ]# P  |# |- Fqafone.cc
/ O7 R1 `+ I' b8 \7 R! Q. s/ wMichelle (Mel) 她超激动的谢谢fans
' z; W3 Z! X% r, c( M1 C0 dqafone.cc
" o4 A7 e6 p6 E* h1 CSharon: (Deb): 主持人很激动地赞扬了一下Sharon, 弄得Sharon不得不安慰的拍拍他的脸,基本上Sharon就说了他这个角色做得很好其中很重要的原因是因为她自己也有一个非常出色的,爱她的妈妈,她说她对于要和大家分别觉得很难过,还透露出cast私底下会在一起玩牌,Sharon 接下来会在NBC新喜剧叫 Thick and Thin里面扮演一个妈妈的角色
2 W& Y1 k3 r2 h" v# e/ {' z同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站5 W! y% d7 |, D2 a; }; |9 L
Scott (Ted) 他希望fans都记住他在第一季里面说的关于上帝创造人们的那一段话(那段话原文看下面),他认为这段话正正说明了QAF的精神,他希望fans都能从这精神里面受益,另外他非常诚挚的谢谢fans, 一直支持和激励他们完成QAF,他觉得没有fans就没有今天的QAF(他对fans说的话很真诚,喜欢他一把); D( ]' e: Q; l( b2 {0 B

3 d" @2 L  K6 o: v  ZQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Hal(Michael):他谢谢fans一直以来对于QAF的大量关注和支持,fans的关注让QAF一直保持它的真实度。qafone.cc5 M; N( k& C& h' \; _/ q
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站# {, l5 U/ i  r0 H. j$ C( Q
有的J/R fans会对于他在接受访问里面没有表现出太多伤感觉得失落,关于这点我有点自己的看法,聪明敏感如他,我想基本上很早开始应该有心态上的调整,而且他在QAF里面每一分钟的表演都是高质量的,他也说过他是热爱QAF,珍惜过去这5年的经验,他做了他能为Justin做得最好的工作,我想这已经足够了。反而作为fans, 我很开心看到他在心态上已经move on了,也很喜欢他能毫不做作的表现出自己的感受,反正无论如何,只要他开心就好了。
' u; _6 |! H! ]; hQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站.......
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


Hal Spark (Michael) 访谈(medusa_eve提供)
2 \, H* W3 i# vQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 U3 |* I$ ]$ \/ ?7 E
暂时还没有Hal 的简介,因为他的网站www.halsparks.com有丰富的资源(英文网站,可能需要代理)。以下是medusa-eve网友提供的详细访谈。* T$ z3 X7 K8 y

# W1 q2 w" j# V0 P同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志以下内容都是从Hal的官方论坛找的,http://www.halslair.com
3 r2 i, a0 f3 o: u$ ~# C6 nQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站目前共有9个Q&A,我先翻译了第一个。后面的漫漫贴。qafone.cc, e, ~$ W( w' e, w
由于本人工作习惯的问题,所以习惯了概括翻译,并不是逐字逐句的,大家就看个意思哈。6 m& y! G% _$ g: s
以下内容英文原文刊登于2003年12月06日qafone.cc# o) A0 F( U6 F/ \; g) R

, }/ c3 B$ X! W& v1 c3 Q1、他是佛教徒
' a5 e1 X3 p; H( y( C同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  y: s0 Z  T1 c* S+ l
2、他虽然不喝酒不嗑药,但也不反对其他喝酒嗑药的人,因为他觉得这只是一个个人的选择问题Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站- u* _) S/ |# t- |
% m/ C4 H  r- a/ d% |6 q! c4 {
3、有人要他推荐阅读的书,他推荐了拿破仑·希尔的《思考致富》,这本书中国有的.他还推荐了一个女作家Marianne Williamson写的书《回归于爱》,是本畅销书.最后一本,就是大家都知道的《达芬奇密码》,这本书在中国也很畅销 qafone.cc3 d. ]  q, v$ L6 f3 o
  J1 K, y( d4 S3 E" u0 Y4 f
4、在所有QAF演员中,就他和fan最亲近了,那是因为他觉得,他的老板不是导演不是制片人,而是观众,观众是他的老板,甚至他希望是他的朋友, k4 _. j0 t: o

! \/ N$ q: [. m; iqafone.cc5、他说他从fans那里得到了对自己目前所从事的事业的认同感,感觉可以更放心得去做,另外感受到了责任、爱,同时希望观众可以从他那里得到爱
, }# n7 H( F. V5 R" d3 a* E同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志+ f  v  P  S/ S! |
他好像说他有偶遇过一个fans,让他觉得很幸运7 x% A7 ~' R9 f
4 F3 Z1 Q0 T7 C/ W6 @3 Y
6、hal是一个有美国土著血统的人,有人问他是哪一个族的3 B6 L, ]+ q7 J7 O# N# |: ~
: M' y' B. C/ q9 }1 g" OQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ D, P9 m9 V, e; \; X
7、他说,他生命中或事业中最好的时刻还没来到# u, ^3 W, }1 {# S

! J# N1 h3 }: U. ^9 zQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站8、大家还记得有一张照片他穿的T-Shirt上印着猴子吗?有人就问他穿这个图案的衣服,是因为一种信仰呢?还是仅仅因为他是个动物爱好者
$ h* U( q+ N8 A# `* B+ tQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站他说:我就是一个猴子。我们都是。千万不要忘了这一点。再说,我非常非常尊敬灵长类动物。他们有力量、权威感、高贵、有才能qafone.cc' i! ~1 Y( k$ g+ H9 f

, q( n9 T7 m+ S; {9、有人问hal在表演或演唱的时候会不会怯场
2 C# y% o2 w3 P/ w, [: X6 Bhal说不会,如果有所担心也是担心一些技术问题,比如麦克风坏掉,场地噪音很大等等。很多人常常把兴奋误当成紧张害怕,这两者是很微妙的,如果你太在乎,那就为成为恐惧,但事实上,兴奋并不等于恐惧。
  T  d; }1 g. V6 S3 HQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站3 P* \" ]+ f2 ~: }; t+ z
10、hal又要演习又要唱歌,还忙于很多其他工作或兴趣,有人问他如何安排如此繁忙的人生。qafone.cc& @5 \, E* w, F
hal说,合理安排如此多的事情是他的一项巨大的才能,除此之外,让他很吃惊的是,每个人都有很巨大的潜能,但是却少有人去完全发挥。而对于他来说,他正是在充分的“使用”自己,尽最大的可能发挥同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志, }7 _2 D8 ~/ n& E
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志. N. u6 |* M8 r, z3 l1 l
hal:“朋友方面,我很令人惊异,和朋友们几个月不曾见面的情况下,当我回到他们身边,和他们在一起的感觉就好像我从来不曾离开过。找女朋友么……那是另一个故事”2 K* m5 L0 Z9 g( g7 u
# D' ^, n! |- g8 d" ?
0 v2 U* o3 P- P9 X4 c4 V5 MQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal说他可以去为着角色做很多创造,但他选择“不”,原因很简单:qafone.cc5 R: p% G1 D  y# @1 ]" M" W8 A
1)我差不多根本不知道如何去做一个gay,编剧(or作者)知道,这是上帝给予他们人生的礼物,并且他们正把那个圈子的事情告诉世界。而我作为一个异性恋者,凭什么对他们指手画脚,告诉他们该如何去做?我凭什么要剥夺他们的特权?  t$ A; [4 U- C  e9 M% M
2)更多的是,这是一个挑战同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志- n$ t) C' K3 u- Y$ N! h
( \  ~5 \3 ^7 D
! c2 m& C) u) L2 @6 x1 l% H3 O12、michael已经放弃了他想和Brian在一起的梦想了吗?
; G% k( w; ^% r6 {: l' U) U同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志hal:我不知道' D: a8 I# z+ p" [) ^

8 s% Z$ i5 R; \$ T& ?2 v13、如果M和B做爱,会使他们失去现有的友谊还是会开始另一个美妙的故事?
7 N. `3 G* k" Qhal:我认为那会让所有事情变得混乱……暂时地
/ y! x$ f& H9 ?( R, A- lQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
/ b1 I- V, i) `: |Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站14、maichael是不是令Brian更成熟了?
) |$ ^# p" I* A# X同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志hal:这个问题你问错人了。(笑)qafone.cc: L: _: N4 w7 D/ }% ^6 K/ a2 x
qafone.cc  m, ]2 T# _8 G3 _
15、你认为他们到最后应该在一起吗?/ X. F( c) c" B7 H) v/ w
hal:他们一直都在一起啊,只是并没有用其他人所想的那种方式在一起。qafone.cc7 \  C+ L9 r6 ?. Q

8 M4 p, ?9 S. l4 v- [; _6 N16、有人问hal是如何表演第三季里那场他准备用针头扎自己的戏。他如何去表现那个情绪,如何酝酿出眼泪来的
4 a: P. {2 h  `9 O1 H# ?# z% jhal说那一晚几乎可以说是他将自己杀死了15次。那是自残。在michael的意识里,那是不得不去做的。michael知道那是一个绝境,他将要去做会杀死自己。要表演他,可以很容易去想象他那种想要变强、借助一点力量但同时自己又那么害怕且感到无助的心情。那样去想就让hal泪流不断了。关键心情就是“不得不”。
/ \& z; Y0 [, U9 A4 u
4 y, s) G) ]& T  Z5 q4 |17、hal计划在2004年春天或初夏的时候,为“拯救音乐”基金搞一个迷你巡回演出(纽约、波士顿、巴尔的摩、匹兹堡,等等),所得收益全部捐献给当地学校的音乐教育项目。$ E( l! h2 A* y: z
9 b  R) m! n$ Y- {
18、关于出专辑,他说:“二月……?”(笑)——不明白hal到底是什么意思,当然可以肯定的是,这个2月是指2004年2月.4 h3 o# O7 j$ w$ }0 F2 A
$ y' o# i) m. J6 H) h& ~( x

- c4 _$ A) h" \  |( |Hal Spark 的问答——中文翻译 02同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志1 ~  `# O) c: D. D& R$ F
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志; ^7 U# J) ^/ a2 f) m) s- Y* F
, y0 w. @# F7 R$ F) l3 u( \7 hQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站以下内容英文原文刊登于2003年12月06日
+ X2 P" _# X, C2 v
) _+ m7 y- n, c/ [, X1、QAF结束后你最怀念的一件东西(事情)是什么?qafone.cc, J& a, e5 {( P
$ O+ z) f* H, R& a, X. Z& pqafone.cc
; ~7 I5 k1 y) A5 }, T同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志2、在拍摄QAF时的最有趣的经历. K0 e* A: {! Q
$ B7 h  j8 n  s( x同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志. q: ?8 q; ^# N' {3 S: X! l
3、什么事情是你很想去完成但却一直没有机会去做的?& c. H: H$ r- d( {8 ^" f
1 H' Q( @2 c: I5 K" ~
. N) c& i6 d; n" H, H4 w  b8 oQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站4、在接下来的24小时内,若没什么大碍的话,你将要做什么?
+ g+ X/ Y/ B0 K' i# N1 _+ @7 lQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal:我要练习一些疯狂的中国功夫诀窍。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( O6 P) E' [8 }: L
9 \" F  F3 o) ^/ \* P! [4 [# I
% z5 K$ {; S) d: T8 BQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal:Oh Yeah. (这个大家都看得懂,翻译了反而没有兴奋的语气了)
5 x9 a( x' x8 X# ^# I" t
& i& u- D2 a0 T7 X) WQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6、如果是,是为了哪场音乐会?
* }2 {" ~- Z8 \4 s. B  n5 {7 BQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal: Kiss. "The Asylum"巡演。虽然我只得到了一个很蹩脚的位置,:0P 但我还是感觉很棒。 (翻译到这个的时候,我兴奋死了,hal真有眼光啊,哈哈,Kiss是我超级喜欢的乐队啊,哦呵呵呵。ps. “:0P”这个表情不是我加的,是hal自己打的,真可爱。)
, F0 G0 m" q; |8 n# N' }
. {: u0 \( `; H7、什么迷信是你非常依赖的?qafone.cc0 t6 E- K8 ]5 N, f
hal:这要看我对迷信的定义了。有些人说风水、基督教、伏都教或者印度教是迷信。我认为真实要远远超出人们所信仰的。我的迷信就是总是把马桶盖关上以防房子里的能量随着下水道溜走... (这个表情也是hal自己打的)Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站; [( @4 e' ^- R7 L- B5 t, }
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志0 a  K2 ]- M& U# X' u" g
% r4 V+ w( `# Y% C  a: Ahal:能够装在旅行箱里...这样旅行要便宜多了。事实上,我在很多方面仍然还是一个小孩。有那么多的人失去了好奇心以及他们对事物的惊奇感了啊。我很努力地维持着自我。( V+ T" z/ I" J; I
3 f% h- t) l, Y9 l0 [1 }: L) p
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志7 V) k5 [" _5 x
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志1 d# W- Q& G# S1 y
[原创]Hal Sparks的问答——中文翻译03: S& }  l" W7 X0 p" r
qafone.cc9 O/ h  g+ z) O! X& T7 n* E9 J
$ z8 M/ O& O' s0 @0 P: x& x" n我不会全部翻译,只挑有信息价值的翻译。5 f2 v" y' [' x6 K6 E+ j3 ]) l

9 v1 a8 X- g  X9 z6 @$ f* O" D& x1、关于风水,你使用那种传统帽子或黑帽吗?( [1 o7 N8 ^. e" r- V
hal:我用黑帽。我发觉它很方便于现代生活。其实我只是在决定我的新房子的方位和设计装修时才会用它。(句子最后他写了Hen Fu! 我不明白是什么意思,应该是拼音,可我拼不出来)
% O& N! H/ r; F$ kQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
) f1 h' z: ?& Z  y8 |+ M7 o( i2、你是在几岁,怎么开始习武的?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* `8 n% q& M& M! E4 ?8 s# o
hal:我在肯塔基州开始学习Kempo空手道。8岁。进高中后,我在芝加哥学跆拳道。这两样都极大的锻炼了我的肉体,但却无法满足我的精神需要(哲学感悟方面)。当我在洛杉矶开始学习中国功夫后,我才真正开始成长为一个武术家。做任何事情的精神是,不要害怕做一个初学者。每一项艺术都能给我们一些启示。但首先是你必须是以谦卑的初学者姿态去面对它,以学到所有这项艺术所能交给你的。(ps. Kempo是日文,指“功法”,指涉的就是以身体观建构的一套实践方法)(pps.第一句原文是studying Kempo karate in Kentucky,hal声明不是要开kkk,也就是三k党的玩笑)同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 S; F* R: \9 }0 ]
qafone.cc% m6 h6 d8 a% a& E; \# U7 u3 g0 ]! t$ C
3、哲学体系是如何指导你的武术运作的?以及它如何影响你的生活?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( i. Q0 L  I: Q5 q; n1 g1 i# P
hal:就像学习一门外语一样,武术的运作和策略锻炼改造了你的大脑运作。使你解决问题或接受挑战时变得更具创造性。讽刺的是,大多数人相信武术就是教你去打架,去迎面反击、正面冲突。这与武术的本质正相反。只要问问任何一个上过合气道、中国功夫、或Hapkido(朝鲜武术,一种司仪艺术)学习班的人,就会知道战斗的胜利在于将对手的力量返还回去,而不只是以力克力。这一点会深深地影响你如何处理在其他工作中、人际关系上、周围环境和紧急事件中产生的困难。(ps. Hapkido是朝鲜武术,一种司仪艺术)同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志" _' [! A% Q6 s% m0 ~( L
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站! d- I; l+ c! ~* ?; Q" Q7 o0 B; j- Y
- O( p& }5 G" @1 l- [6 wQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal:认知自我。成为我所能成为的最好的人。其他目标都在这个原则下。
5 T' ?5 h  f2 A8 p: _) R同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志qafone.cc: N. C6 D' \/ K* p" }7 `6 V
/ I2 [/ f! v6 s: X$ Q# n! z* F7 hhal:不,但是我的食肉量只有美国人平均食肉量的5%。我从来不吃牛肉。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站" ^) f& s- C! J
2 m" J0 ^% ^7 u( ^+ u
6、你最喜欢你身上哪一个部分?为什么?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志5 s  d3 ]" F9 A. a- ^* J" Z/ W
hal:我的舌头。它给我带来麻烦也为我解决麻烦。其实真正的问题应该是:你最喜欢我身上的哪一个部分。(笑)qafone.cc! J0 u/ X  v. t. K" W9 Z9 j. e4 X
qafone.cc) A: d9 y! R1 ]( R
7、你最近在听些什么?qafone.cc7 n" [8 H* d* r' x3 }
hal:(ps. 艺人和专辑名字我就不翻译了)
( @2 |8 Q  A+ w! j  Eqafone.ccW.A.S.P. - the last command 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志5 @4 g2 Q" p* G" y0 X
Black Label Society - The Blessed Hellride 9 u: S2 u9 m8 U6 ?, B4 d
E'nuff Z'Nuff - Strength
9 }7 k! d+ N6 |The Darkness - Permission to Land 3 C# \; m3 }5 b6 @. X1 ]$ @
Michael Moore - 他为“愚蠢的白人”的出版所作的演讲,我是付钱给KPFK才得到的,这段演讲很有趣且激动人心。
# n1 y" S$ B3 g3 J& {6 R4 X7 R- ?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志, [2 \! k) B# x8 K  @! Q" c
3 V- k2 x3 f1 `" d, ^qafone.cchal:这取决于不同的艺人。我可以给你举一个例子。你们中的一些人也许直到我是一个多么狂热的King's X粉丝。他们的一首歌“I'll never be the same”使我能够不再羞怯沉默,尤其是在如何与女孩子接触方面。要不是这首歌,我都不知道如何获得这两个于我的人生如此重要的组成部分。现在我有钱了,所有我想做的就是买礼物给他们等。我知道我永远不能够给与他们一个礼物,能够相当于当初他们所给与我的,但我还是尽量努力着。他们给予了我无限馈赠……我能做的至少是记住他们的生日。另外当然有一些艺人是性情古怪的,我曾经看到过他们扔掉那些礼物。那让我唾弃。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ Q. P6 B3 I, W! K' r

# D9 T' {6 m! ]& N; A9、你会怎么处理你得到的礼物?qafone.cc0 n* E- d  n) C* ^: W/ Y2 D6 I
0 q) C) T! `- j, E  w- VQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
8 b/ j: R( i0 b, PQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站10、你怎么接触媒体、新闻?
5 T8 ?* k: |" O% u! wQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal:我是用一种名叫电视机的装置。qafone.cc& [+ @' h; d1 Q4 G

/ `# Y' i- W# l. s- w4 K" XQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站11、你有过什么与媒体有关的不愉快的经历吗?- i# c5 Z1 e$ M* d! L
hal:嗯,有的。我参加了一个希望在同性恋群体以及在这个世界上的所有其他人中,真正产生一些争议、做出一些改变的演出,而且这个演出希望能够在这两个群体建立起一座沟通与爱的桥梁。然而,我们却被误解,被称为憎恨同性恋者。这是为什么呀!qafone.cc( w* F0 h. o; x  R+ ?0 i! `
7 @; J7 a* y1 j  d* F
12、你最喜欢的一个词Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 c1 Z* H1 [* g; a
hal:noQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站" b  M) J1 Q' ?- T3 A  [
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  C% @0 p, Q# x+ o, c. K, Z
' S9 m  ~) _$ x) d. Y6 t. ghal:maybe
" @/ K  N5 b7 J1 K3 \
& N7 D# E/ G* n  ^qafone.cc14、除了表演,你还想从事什么?
% Q2 ], Z; L7 v2 e+ Xqafone.cchal:作家、音乐家、歌手、戏剧演员……哦,稍等,我已经都做了这些了……(那么)老师?
% R& p! T3 Z1 e, _( Pqafone.cc% T& F1 B! c3 S  x5 @
; }! i: |) j" s' M" O  t+ mhal:炸弹搜寻犬
8 ~% l$ u. v: zqafone.cc
. |2 W* @  V  ?16、你最喜欢用的诅咒词Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 Q  k+ e) w( z6 w7 h
hal: C*nt——我并不用它,但它确实是为一个还具有效果的词。 (ps. 谁来告诉我C*nt到底是什么意思呢?)
0 A) Z& ]$ r, M! ^* s
8 ?1 y* W/ g$ ^* D9 i% U  ?6 ?' [# ]同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志17、你最喜欢什么声音?- x& B9 m1 A1 ^: I7 @' s* a
. g- ^# t$ m/ R; n& v  ^, J/ M
$ j: N* Y& z4 f4 d* m& k9 ?18、你最讨厌什么声音?4 a2 b# H+ q2 P5 Y1 ~
hal:悲伤qafone.cc0 \9 ], I( O$ z
0 u8 O/ K' T4 w" I4 F" o- N* m
19、什么能够令你振奋鼓舞?! l& s. V# n1 N4 S0 a
hal:名单太巨大了,可能会使服务器超负荷的,不过……生活、爱情、真相、小说、美好的事物、真理、恶作剧和嬉戏…哦…还有女孩…$ @" w# e1 Q7 c0 F, F
qafone.cc5 {1 _2 R6 }( k* k3 L- T7 m* ?
20、什么令你沮丧,不愉快?7 s7 d% g3 {6 q* A- I  h/ f
hal:无名怒火和抱怨Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站$ E+ s7 d9 c, D
  i. O1 P1 {8 ?# T4 g, X4 i
5 ~2 I" o- R  @# N# @* B同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志hal:qafone.cc3 M* X% @; T* [* L2 c6 l+ `3 A
这有点难,那就让我们假设我已经被接纳入天国(笑)qafone.cc4 }; Z( ~$ L5 X6 ^0 X$ A2 x4 M6 Z
“再回去一次吧”同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  ?3 q1 \& a" l% N, l
或者“家伙!你太可爱了!奥,见鬼!Hal Sparks!嘿!”同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# `4 H5 Q0 {. k7 a
5 I2 q& u; p0 O. D, ^同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志; v; e7 U0 J, W1 _; g6 E
+ ~% E' h+ b( l$ @2 }( O! m) o同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志hal:我很高兴得告诉你,这是一个很难回答的问题。第一季里的生日;第二季里的Ben的浴室;第三季里的扎针的戏,这些只是那些令观众印象深刻的场景中的一小部分。他们确实令人印象深刻,而且第四季里还有很多感人的场景。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ c9 }' q# L7 F' ~

' F  J5 M& ]5 w+ K3 I3 u" oqafone.cc23、什么是最难去表演的?, i) }$ n8 N) x+ j# \1 {8 P
' a1 G: {) p- E! t8 z6 @) K
* \: p; e5 i& d& Q24、你个人的喜好呢?
& J* s, d" [5 B- J- Zhal:还没有
% B. i/ I6 e" `+ q' v& n
1 b- t6 V, q% S25、QAF 309中,Debbie在计划一场政治集会时,问Michael,“你站在哪一边?你的朋友?你的家人?你的社交圈?还是他?”只要是看过的观众,都可以确定没有听到Michael回答。是否可以假设这是一个反问句?或者我们会从其他方面得到Michael的回答?你认为Michael会如何回答?3 \" K$ D& N3 t+ }% z& K9 n
% q" b7 Q6 S( {% k7 q* H, S# a+ o; _+ E+ e
/ J9 }! F6 e5 m$ Y, W5 @3 _. Mhal觉得Debbie的方式介于爱和残忍之间,其实那没有任何帮助,但很重要的是,她揭示了两人必须去面对的困难和挑战。也许这也是反映了作者和他的双亲之间的关系。( G  L8 ^* a1 G0 d
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志0 _  d, Z5 Z4 g7 S
! A! B1 d2 v# b% mQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
' \  S, [8 F$ B) yqafone.cc28、除了Hal's Lair,你还会去其它论坛看别人对角色和演员的正负面评价吗?7 w5 |: m' y. D9 C
Hal说他会到处去看看别人的话、别人觉得他应该是怎样怎样的,那很有趣,但他不会去看其他演员的评论,那样会很奇怪,好像间谍似的,他也不会去看人们对于角色的观点。他觉得最好还是由自己做决定要如何塑造角色,而不是见风转舵,把大家的意见或抱怨什么的拼拼凑凑。  f/ C% y  p4 o4 r" f

, U2 ]8 h- L( ~0 a29、在QAF中和那样一群优秀的演员合作,感觉如何?
( q0 _/ K( Z* b9 i* m% [$ A8 Y% T+ NQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal:那是极具挑战性的。在你的周围聚集了天才,使得挑战的门槛更高了。每个人都有自己独特鲜明的个性和方法。我一直在学习中。
8 ]( i0 Q, O0 s. f同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
6 G! K" G' W' b- A, MQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站30、在第一季你和Tracy的一段谈话中提到了年轻时去看Kiss演唱会的事情,后来又在第二季的Gus生日会上,对Debbie说精致面粉和蔗糖是对身体最不好的食材,.唔……这些听起来很耳熟啊!我的问题就是,你是否将自己的特性融合到了角色中,还是说这纯粹是一种巧合?
) J5 {8 s# x9 z1 u7 g  |. P& ]Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal:我觉得最初编剧总是会试图把我们身上的某些部分融合到角色上去,那样可以使我们更快的适应角色。后来我告诉他们我宁愿让Michael仅仅是变得更像他自己(而非我)。所以不久之后,他更多地去跳舞泡吧,以次反驳他是一个忠实的Kiss迷。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 ?7 P6 C2 x" {, w' J$ p5 s- L

# h, D; ^5 O) l# [9 r  }* g31、当Brian说“I know your secret identity”时,意思是否是“I know you want me”?能说说你对当时发生的事情的想法吗?
$ G* a9 s% |, v5 W" t9 p" B同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志hal:我认为他是在说"I know you want me."当然我想他当时很惊讶于Michael的反应。2 r) m, _, N/ H# X

: ?; N# Y  [+ v8 }3 E. v7 _0 w. B8 H% IQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站32、你有什么新的计划了吗?
! G9 O1 {% _) k# t3 g3 N2 ~qafone.cchal: The Hal Sparks Band (Hal的乐队方面)——一本书,标题暂定为《明智的蠢驴》;新的一季——我爱90年代6 g- K' D7 U4 L$ V* \: }

% P3 ~. k* d* \! gqafone.cc后面问了为什么第四季延期播出,原因无非是Showtime的种种考虑。我们也没必要了解了。2 n1 K' P  y, b7 k

" y3 [* g) R# u! N7 E% B' XQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
; G; }; M7 m& w% G1 N9 I  Z4 V0 q2 j' x
[原创]Hal Sparks的问答——中文翻译04同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 U0 E, M9 O( m$ r

: x) C1 \; p9 [# F6 [9 I一下英文原文刊登于2003年12月6日0 g& ]% I# T$ F- X
7 a' S( a9 H. N4 I
( G4 Q* y# J8 O7 O2 ~同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志hal:当然能但我不会说,因为以下两点:1)他们的隐私 2)我的隐私
7 u% r# G7 v6 F# F
% C& Y5 W: o) G1 ^/ a9 M2、你名字的中间那部分是怎么来的? (p.s.Hal的全名是Hal Harry Magee Sparks)
2 T/ S: L) }7 ^  f; fhal:对此我完全没有概念
8 B& M1 V/ P8 z. H. C! F' w" o1 p" A) N  C8 s
# i7 [9 @9 R! q) @( ~) shal:没有。我并不讨厌它,但是当有表演需要的时候,要能够一直遮盖它们是一件很麻烦的事情。我本来想在后脑勺的头发下面刺一个,当然,如果我要剃光头发演一个角色的话……那会使我看上去像那种14世纪的愚蠢犯人,他们以绝食抗议并且在后脑勺刺“如果你能看到这个……就放我出去!”
4 v* }1 a& r/ zQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站qafone.cc5 c( W4 |' ]$ v" u% h
4、你有宠物吗?, n9 M2 f; V2 g+ M- C6 T0 M0 \: ^! Z, b
hal:没有,我差点就会有一个SONY AIBO。知道吗?就是那种机器狗。但当我和Tom Selleck以及Gene Simmons租了“Runaway”后就决定不要SONY AIBO了。
9 l! W& t# Z- W+ d$ Pqafone.cc( @% O4 \4 F! P5 M  }
! f( U$ {. o1 x  gQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal:我和我爸爸一起住,虽然他常常要因公出差。
9 W+ ^. j5 S/ g( a& s0 Y2 A6 tqafone.cc0 q; S, g" s8 P
6、你在学校是什么样子的?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志: c; f, I$ X3 l$ K% G( @
hal:那么假设我在读书吧,我想这个问题最重要的应该是问我在放学后4点到10点之间是什么样子的。2 ~/ G3 n3 R7 `, _! y$ O
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站+ k; T7 W# H: v; V' \) _
7、是好学生吗?还是差生?qafone.cc5 x0 W  [5 B3 a" ]
( u7 V5 d0 y( a. D9 Gqafone.cc
: B1 Y3 g, I) n0 j; b. D同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8、武术似乎已经成为了你的一种生活方式,而不仅是为了锻炼身体。为什么这样呢?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站" G4 n3 O  G! c' ]. S
hal:但愿我能说那只是一种标准化合理化的方法论,但当我全心投入后就不得不承认,我是从那里获得重生了:0)..... 我是认真的:0)
0 j3 H: k8 p+ ^" Z2 q4 C3 W同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8 X- y# D$ H, g3 r3 l
9、你最喜欢什么颜色?9 a* @2 Q" ^; w
3 D2 _: K/ p' h+ wQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站  n4 \3 b: |1 g% {, {( }3 M( S
10、你的t-shirt中,最喜欢哪一件?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站3 @8 O- [& x$ H  d# x
( J+ c; E4 z# ^9 {qafone.ccqafone.cc4 S* D- ^7 Y8 e9 g8 K6 v
4 W$ j! g, s7 A$ Ehal:有点像落水狗的气味。哦!恶心!
$ s" }- q! o1 q% W# YQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站(p.s.Vegemite是一种酱料,十分地道的澳大利亚食品)
# C5 g( a1 z4 ]' R同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志+ R. Q, I6 Z  P0 P, |  y
12、对你影响最大的一本书是什么?qafone.cc/ e# ^+ J. T, C! A) B9 N+ \
hal:《思考致富》,《唤醒心中的巨人》,《快餐民族》和《老子》! |- t, ]  k) n6 W

$ ?; E! p7 D) Z7 s$ @Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站13、我在一篇文章里看到你说你不相信蓝色眼睛的人(或者只是女人?)。为什么?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站7 Z  l- d" l* |& y% p! Z( w3 Y) r- [
% t6 r& O  X8 }1 u- X
6 J0 j' o) F7 \$ K! G8 v7 k1 l' w14、你专门学过唱歌或写歌,还是这只是你的天分?
, s( w2 E8 S5 ^( h/ ?4 G) }qafone.cchal:我上过3堂很糟糕的吉他课,一点用处也没有。我在高中的戏剧班时上过声乐课(不是歌唱课——我没被唱诗班入取)。就这些。我个人认为每个人都有与生俱来的歌唱能力。只是在成长过程中,父母和老师总是不断地对我们说“闭嘴”和“安静”,使我们不再能打开嗓子了。我只很率性地去挑战这种情况,唱歌其实不难的。一开始我也迷茫过,但时间和纵情使我不断变好。
, g5 |( {; l5 D# M; wQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
+ I# `8 z! r# J  z; w5 u15、你怎么开始学习作网页的(ok,这只是一个电脑菜鸟的问题...大笑)?你第一次做这个的时候是为了什么?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  h. F7 h0 q% F7 \9 P: o
hal:我只是在有了电脑后必须去知道如何使用而已。我开始是为了做一个关于Marianne Williamson的网页。我一听说可以就买了我的URL并且决定用Hal Sparks.com作为我的在线简历。这样我就不用随身携带我的照片和简历了,也可以在任何地方编辑我的名片和发送电邮。2 E6 W0 W9 x# w/ W6 b) Z* Z% F
(p.s.Marianne Williamson是一个畅销书女作家,hal向大家推荐过她的一本书《回归与爱》)5 p  Z. b) D; F1 y% Y

/ Q3 t- `. }9 g6 m! U8 w16、你最喜欢什么?喜剧?演戏?音乐?或者是什么我们还不知道的。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 d8 w! I1 P, @1 f
hal:苹果和猫,宝贝!苹果和猫。(p.s.这时候hal估计在贼笑)& r+ I$ W% q' _2 F  `5 ^- V

( l/ b9 G4 a# |( cqafone.cc17、你是否有过肯塔基州口音?
. _/ k% H, N) A* ?0 Y' ?4 Rqafone.cchal:是的!9 Q, a3 W5 O7 |& @( v( |
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站2 t! \& Y4 y/ r, b1 t
* L; U; b' E+ h9 \$ `1 n: I" E0 `hal:在成长过程中,我一直在不断塑造我的嗓音和个性,所以口音并不是很难改变的。我会改掉这个口音是因为模仿我在芝加哥和上学时遇到的人。& \, |  s  C& D# P% n5 u; W3 W3 c$ R

$ ?8 k; d' p3 n6 u19、你是何时、如何知道佛教的?
, J  h/ J: l8 `. E1 ~9 mqafone.cchal:在我知道他之前,我已经信佛了。( {( W. [$ `7 X& C- l; W

, a3 |9 B5 O; m7 P2 BQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站20、你循道已经多久了?. W+ ~) s) S* Q  G9 w
5 X6 t8 A& ~3 t+ H9 s同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
" _2 x) ^5 g3 Vqafone.cc21、在演戏档期之间,你做过什么日常工作吗?如果有,是什么?
  u3 c# [" o- ]# Qhal:我做过的唯一一个非娱乐圈的工作就是做Marianne的网站,以及做一些电脑的技术维护和数据测试工作。可是我没有干很久,因为做演员收入好多了,比饿死好。
: w7 E, p: z6 m) N6 ]3 r
" Y; W7 t4 v7 z22、武术以外你还喜欢别的体育项目吗?观看或自己玩。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志0 v  V+ s8 M3 e/ a" u
* d* d. ]. i" Q7 `Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志2 C! T; F, _0 f4 L' l
23、如果你遇到了瓶中精灵,他(她)给你三个愿望,你会许什么?8 J/ F- }+ j& t1 O2 G& R
hal:我会告诉他把愿望给其他人吧。我真地相信,万事要靠自己的艰苦工作得来。我不希望生活被利益动机驱使……当然,如果她很辣的话,我会问她……你知道……让这个世界更加和平美好……:0)7 {+ l0 o# m% E+ I% y9 k; w" n: q
6 a. K/ E* n* S5 \
4 n) a, c( t  M2 j- F; Dhal:看两本叫做《Feng Shui Tips for a Better Life》或者《Feng Shui for Dummies》的书吧。他们很不错!还有,最快捷的方法是……移动你房子里的27件东西……画、家具什么的,赶快!27件!
0 |" j3 b, o' @) r) f( x) \+ P. B
* B. L1 [: b; N( i. _25、你有什么偶像或精神支柱吗?如果有,是谁或者是什么?为什么?
  x: G+ i' l7 E4 K  s6 F/ G同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志hal:我没有什么特定的偶像,因为没有一个人能够对你人生的方方面面都做出榜样。我看某一些人的演唱,有选择的学习他们的特色;Zakk Wylde的练习时刻表和他对于技巧的运用让我很吃惊;我喜欢Michael Palin的喜剧精神;我努力充实我的写作,希望能够像Jennifer Saunders那样维持高品质;我从Prince写的上千首歌中找到我的写歌灵感;我的喜剧风格结合了Steve Martin和George Carlin;我采用Tony Robbin的“激发个人潜能”和“迈向成功”的理论体系;Marilu Henner和Andrew Weil则驱使我吃健康食物并关心身体……我还可以继续说下去。我很幸运的是我还从来没有崇拜过某个人的缺陷。. w( H- P7 X/ U! e3 ]
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# T% r; w2 `1 X7 g8 ^( l3 c
26、我们都知道你喜欢Kiss(乐队)和一些早期金属乐队,但是有什么比较新的乐队是你喜欢的吗?& u: r, h$ c3 A7 t2 \
hal:我喜欢Incubus, Hoobastank, Black Label Society, 一些Manson的歌, 一些Korn的歌, Linkin Park (第一张专辑), Foo Fighters... 3 {  i  a) o( {0 X3 O; ?& |2 U
' u5 q% D* P4 Q# ]
' e8 a0 J4 L4 V0 H; W27、哪首歌是你听了无数遍都听不厌的?
0 F: V; ~3 K0 t+ ~* XQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal: King's X的Summerland。
; D* k) v# k  Y; ]qafone.cc
; @7 N1 o" {7 ?5 c: I' |28、如果你的房子着火了,而你只能抢救3件东西,你会救哪3件?
! J; S' ~. F1 f6 p  N$ Bhal: Me, Myself and I……任何可以替代的……好吧,好吧……我的Bull's eye Les Paul,我的G5,和我的硬盘驱动备份。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站" g, i) K7 f: E" i0 ~% o' F  E' ^
(p.s.Bull's eye是靶心的意思,但到底这个Bull's eye Les Paul是什么,我就不知道了,还有G5我猜大概就是苹果机的那个处理器吧)- ~9 ^; t2 h5 e1 _
qafone.cc# \) d% S$ j& g; Q2 z/ J/ t. a1 p
29、如果你能够回到历史中去,你会选择哪个年代?为什么?3 q  e# W* R- e, _& e
hal:文艺复兴时期。因为在那里,没有人会问我我更喜欢什么,演戏、音乐、喜剧还是武术。: ~( {4 {9 E6 C' V
(p.s.看来hal已经被这个问题问到吐血了). |/ c; w. h  H7 v9 R+ L& G& `  E# i6 u
- a6 x! G, ]1 Z% r& A
) `7 x- Z% J) FQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal:我曾经在朋友的派对上玩吉他时,被一位名叫Kim的女孩吸引住了,那时就好像我们早就相知的样子。后来我们交往了5年……现在我们不在一起了,但我仍然爱她,如同我第一次见到她时那么地爱她。所以……是的……我相信。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站) I* Z4 y, s7 n7 ^3 F
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志% s8 }2 u  d! Q; K4 M  y2 D" W
/ ^, c- [5 Z3 W$ d同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志hal:讨厌的是,我都是。
% T7 M3 E4 k: y* f5 ?5 ^) E4 L$ c/ `! U. \! t8 {% q8 w( F* \  {
32、在Viper Room的演出很有趣吗?
. E* F3 [" j+ oQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站hal:说有趣是保守的了。那是我毕生目标的一个里程碑,并且翻开了我人生的新篇章。/ x, N2 x) b$ t5 y

2 S0 C/ x0 C* h1 b9 |33、很显然众多女性迷恋着你。你还在期待什么?你对此有什么想法?老实回答!
1 R* z# }9 k$ A) p* }- Phal:考虑到我目前单身……我一直期待着错误的事情……也许是我太吹毛求疵了。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站! F+ r% A+ C- F' K8 Z

8 W8 D. n7 v" V% X( \5 ?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志34、我爱那首你在The Wayne Brady Show上唱的歌,在我看来,是对某种超乎想象的爱情的美丽描述,萦绕脑际。那首歌的名字是?
4 d2 Y' ~7 x; U& x1 ^7 ghal: Satellites.(人造卫星)
. J6 h, N* z$ H( c5 f( E$ C
7 J5 M, m  a. [2 ]' F, t* qqafone.cc35、那时你自己写的还是和乐队一起写的?1 Q) @  y- s7 F! R; U% E
hal:我拍摄"Bleacher Bums" 时,在拖车房里用我带去的acoustic写出来的。qafone.cc/ d* I7 P7 K3 E6 F
(p.s. acoustic是一种非电子乐器,在这里我们就理解为非电吉他吧,hal应该是弹吉他的)同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# F' k) o, T" A2 i, [

2 Y8 @8 ]! `7 v3 h' w4 N同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志36、这是根据你自己的经历写的,还是你所希望得到的?
0 }! X& U# a: p6 Lhal:这首歌表达的是面对某个很特别的人时,一种很忐忑的心情。在这首歌中“Satellites(人造卫星)”是指孩子。我正在寻找一位可以和我共有孩子的女人,当然我完全不知道她是否愿意遇见到我。$ [% ^5 n3 e3 Z+ }7 k
"Wading in a sea of friends and my words remain unsaid Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站) a4 V) D6 C# P; k
and brighter days, 9 steps away, if I can stay out of my head" (p.s.《Satellites》的歌词)
% b3 X- F5 P2 c8 x- I  L5 }qafone.cc同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) o: ~7 y& o6 E  n+ h" W0 Q
0 x9 T( p0 z. hhal:镜头拍摄我的时候,我正和一个在吃三明治的角色助理读那场在医院屋顶上的戏。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, a& B  j: J0 \" C$ F
7 f: N1 q) g& j* G
38、如果你是超人,你希望你的超能力是什么?/ n4 ?7 u, Y$ k6 ~
hal:隐身。(眨眼..)/ w9 `, n% V* ]# a- `0 n7 O

8 Q5 l! I* O2 R" ]/ nqafone.cc同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志. L1 V% W, ?1 ?" b$ \$ q; O8 I  X) F4 d
39、那你觉得你穿紧身衣会好看吗?qafone.cc# g7 m, J4 X5 ~8 B8 w
2 i  c, I5 Q) C' `$ |$ y0 x
7 N3 P6 z) j7 v/ HQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站40、当你读第一个剧情的剧本时,你是马上就进入角色了,还是说只不过跟着后来的剧情走而已?同样的,你是本来就非常了解你的那个角色,还是说你只是不得不试着去了解他?# q, c" `- p/ _$ ?: w/ s
hal:我立刻就知道了Michael应该是怎样的一个人,我可以在脑子里想象他的样子,以及……对于他我的感觉并不良好。; r: P* K+ i$ X" H, c

8 d9 w( t: R- n$ I41、Debbie收留了Justin后,Michael和她的关系是否起了变化?
! }: i/ Q& s" q8 t' P  z同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志hal:是的,尽管如此,她依然常常打击我。
% M; r9 R/ }$ r/ w9 g% A) qQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
4 |' B( t- C1 c42、你觉得是哪里不同了呢?qafone.cc3 \/ X  ^7 N$ |1 P! u
hal:就好像Justin得到了胡萝卜,而Michael得到的是棍棒。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志" o8 p8 L; I% u7 M' u2 n6 H
(p.s.这里我解释一下,这句话就用了政治用语,意思就是说,Debbie对Justin是温柔慈爱的,而对自己的儿子Micheal反而是严厉的。我们经常把美国对待其他国家的那种软硬兼施的态度戏称为胡萝卜和大棒政策,其所要得到的最终目的是相同的)同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) a7 P. ]7 {) c* T+ Q
( D7 Y6 R- c, r4 \+ s  `. M
( _. h: v9 a8 {: xhal:我还从未和这样的人打过交道。
. b+ a* u8 ~: u0 b0 U5 Kqafone.cc44、你打算来米歇根州吗?原因是?
7 X7 \  Q6 C) b# ~7 jhal:是的,Marianne Williamson正在Today教堂里做讲座,我打算在这一季结束之前去看她。
. s- N6 ^2 y* |. Z9 Y* D3 f  k(p.s.第四次看见Marianne Williamson这个名字了,hal还真是喜欢她啊,有机会我也把她的书找来看看)
1 Z( l2 G/ z' q3 k7 ~0 I" cqafone.ccmoose:他還說他在故宮中都不會迷路,有一種似乎到過那裡的感覺。
8 X4 q- g" U* }+ Z6 t. C  [       看他講述這一段經驗時,整個臉都亮起來了。
* x! b. Q* T; k# ~同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志pioneer:HAL喜欢《达芬奇的密码》啊!还是挺好看的书。
2 K* t0 M4 p% u8 I( \* J. cqafone.cc              这书的背景有点怪啊……达芬奇是个GAY啊,怎么会崇拜女性哪?6 B7 T9 a9 p, r1 J$ e3 N% `
/ l/ _( D7 T6 Xqafone.cc
下面是引用pioneer于2005-01-03 01:46发表的hal演的电影:
- m* q. {0 {7 L8 R/ x   hal以前的一部电影,难得是比较主要的角色,qafone.cc& @; E: L8 ^* R+ J& u* z/ E
http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/new ... 047/20040507020317/
5 J$ `* g1 r4 q. ?上有的介绍.Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站! O6 D' \3 i8 V) E. d" x, ]
不好买到啊....戴着眼镜很可爱的..........8 r( Z; P7 o) _" d3 G
还有最新的http://www.lightningbugthemovie.com/lb_trailer.htmlQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站+ w, H- a) G6 _! q7 {9 S/ y0 w

; D8 X" p1 o$ w( n% j, X9 O
下面是引用mikeyqaf于2005-06-12 16:52发表的HAL的片a brilliant movie! <Lightning Bug >萤火虫DVD开始发售:qafone.cc- q! n. y2 @* M' \
[http://www.amazon.com/exec/obido ... ?v=glance&s=dvd
8 I9 V/ n1 W- f0 k. } Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站  ?' s5 F; r' {) g# E+ f
Hal Sparks(soon to be ex-Michael,"Queer as Folk")plays the local town deputy and is quite good....and very funnyQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 T: k' E4 [6 z' M5 A
目前好象还没有下载,不太清楚.希望可以早点看到.喜剧的恐怖片.同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志3 F( ^# a4 h8 Z. m
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志2 z9 D8 d2 H# ^8 I% D$ u
- s5 L+ D, V* `  g我本来是打算找Talk Soup的消息的,不过由于我知识的缺陷(不了解脱口秀之类的东西、不了解Hal)和技能的拙劣(英语水平太低、搜索能力差、懒)我找到的内容并不多,不过我在IMDB上发现Hal在Lightning Bug中插了一角,所以我开始搜索了Lightning Bug的相关消息。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志5 v( b$ {" c9 K; L, t2 p
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363768/- C7 {' Y% Z, }; z5 O/ S
以上是IMDB的介绍,可以看出Hal演出的角色应该不是路人甲乙丙。qafone.cc8 P; a2 R1 o3 c8 t, P' H; R
- p! G2 Z% E6 c; c& ]& ]这是的官方网站# O) n% q- {4 K- Z
1 ]# R5 W7 L" X$ S  _5 }同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志这是cast5 O( w  @0 W, F' D, W
http://www.lightningbugthemovie.com/lb_hal_sparks.html9 ^0 w& u0 H2 V6 a) I
' E& Z) U: k6 w1 G* L同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
0 ?! b! D% k6 k, p+ z6 a7 B) f( \; J0 `
5 l" e. E2 I. l  ^( g( m同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志从trailer上看,Hal演得应该是个警察。trailer可以在官方网站上下载,时间不长,不过Hal的镜头也就一两个。qafone.cc) F' _) ?/ v% k
4 [$ }6 c6 r" _* Y这是电影的中文资料Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站! L7 G( {; |2 L! o. }
下面是两个关于Hal主持Tolk Soup的一点资料。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 d& }1 S; ?" @: k( A3 E1 u2 {  I
/ K  C! m# ]( j' a# {/ u; m% }# D4 uhttp://tv.zap2it.com/tveditorial/tve_main/1,1002,274%7C59218%7C1%7C,00.htmlQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站( v! X# R" r$ ]
我看了一些别的评论,感觉上由于Hal之前的主持John Henson太成功了,Hale在Talk Soup的主持路上走得比较辛苦,我想关于Hal与Talk Soup的故事,很多人都知道的比我多,我特别的希望QQ Hal社群的朋友能来介绍一下,你们经常在一起谈Hal吧?所以我相信你们一定知道的更多。
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


Peter Paige (Emmett) 简介(echolee11提供)
/ Q+ E& C: u0 z; oQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
% k" _' @* C! B& XQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/ser ... d-26363/moduleid-385 h& I' h' |7 o

  |' l" H/ M5 v: m同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志真没想到真正的paige这么man,而且还这么多才多艺~~演技真好
) ^- l" ~1 h3 o. E同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
7 v3 c/ w3 R- z8 r4 GBirthday: April 10, 1968
) c' ]+ x/ L1 }% I: ~Birth Place: West Hartford, Connecticut, USA
- M$ ^# M* {7 A6 Y1 ?0 K; n! I0 `& zqafone.ccBirth Name: Peter Paige
2 A# v0 q) a+ n# j& N# v) p同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
& A) Q  q4 [) T+ A' b3 ^Biography: qafone.cc* @0 [" y2 W) i, }# D0 W
Peter Paige is an accomplished actor, director, and playwright who has worked on countless theatrical productions in New York and at regional theaters around the country, not to mention numerous television and film projects. Paige lived in seven different states before graduating from high school. Started acting at age six and continued to pursue acting, writing, and directing throughout his middle and high school career. Paige attended Boston University's prestigious School of Theatre Arts on full scholarship, spending twelve to fifteen hours a day in the university's classical theatre conservatory. After graduating summa cum laude from BU, Paige moved to New York. He toured the country performing Moliere's "Tartuffe" (in two languages!), and began leaving New York to perform at theatres around the country. Paige eventually relocated to Portland, Oregon, where he worked for two years on the city's Equity stages and was was discovered by his current manager, who immediately saw the potential and brought Paige to Los Angeles. Paige's first audition in LA landed him a hilarious guest spot on "Suddenly Susan," as Neil Pomeratz, the nervous undertaker. He has also appeared on "Caroline in the City," "MTV'S Undressed," "Time of Your Life," "Movie Stars," and "Will and Grace," among others. Hobbies/interests/likes include politics, sushi, watching tennis, and contemporary art.
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


Scott Lowell (Ted) 简介(tonizh提供)
& T, B8 Q7 h3 D$ C3 k, P同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
' u* x- P  O9 ]$ Q7 a* G8 nQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站以下英文简介来自他的主页 http://www.scottlowell.com/
! G9 ]3 V4 n2 \2 u- }/ ?* }我暂时没时间翻译,请大家先读。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志' n3 S/ Y. f7 V) H" ^! v, B- Y' m
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站  X0 i" }( C: u  a* S9 m
BIOGRAPHYqafone.cc- p  x' f1 D7 N+ K, w

1 l! S6 ~/ Q7 M( W- A! _
/ M* e9 }3 Y# KScott Lowell is best known for his role as Ted in Showtime抯 popular and critically acclaimed Queer As Folk. The groundbreaking and provocative series which examines the lives of a group of gay and lesbian friends, will bow its fifth and final season in May 2005.
3 L1 a5 _  ?: V* H9 a/ E7 sQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 Y- b9 K* M: Q* }) Y: J
Scott was born in Denver, Colorado and raised in Connecticut. He majored in theater at Connecticut College and also studied acting at the National Theatre Institute. He shortly moved to Chicago where over the course of a decade, he immersed himself in the local theater, including performances at the famed Steppenwolf and The Goodman. He also landed his first TV role in Chicago on Early Edition.qafone.cc- |8 M& n, f0 s2 e  i
, i+ \, e! p( e  X3 @
Scott is no stranger to the small screen however. His television credits include appearances on Frasier, Caroline in the City, and a number of successful commercial campaigns for such companies as Nike, Lexus, Budget Rent-A-Car, and Payday candy bars.Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 d; P1 q$ j$ V8 T; {. w) G1 ]
* Z; m$ v) s  p4 f3 W+ b9 s; g
On the feature front, Scott has most recently co-starred in On the Edge for Showtime. He also appeared in such feature films as The Debtors, Damned If You Do, Ladies from LA, Love Bites (Sundance 1999) and Opus 27 in which he played a young Ludwig von Beethoven.
+ z5 C2 x/ u* }1 [0 _  Oqafone.cc同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志" A% D* }5 O& j9 i6 h9 D
Scott抯 stage credits include productions of Present Laughter, Assassins, Twelfth Night, Laughter on the 23rd Floor and the world premiere production of Steve Martin抯 Picasso at the Lapin Agile.
$ `' L. D( `9 M9 B9 qqafone.cc' Y, R! q% K$ D/ k
In his spare time, Scott enjoys tennis, cycling, and cooking and also plays the french horn. He is an avid reader and writer and recently penned a full-length play about John Wilkes Booth. He is also wildly fascinated with Elvis Costello and the NBA. Scott currently resides in Los Angeles.( P+ a" @5 [$ @4 g' z* d

& g# @: W; ~! }2 e" i/ y9 yqafone.cc今天下载了一段第一季结束后Scott Lowell(Ted)在加拿大一个电台的访谈节目。他非常风趣,谈了很多自己的事。看了我才知道他是从小被收养的,养父母的亲生女儿,也就是Scott的姐姐,是Lesbian,所以他说这样的家庭气氛让他很容易融入QAF的演出。后来他找到了自己的亲生父母,但是他没细谈。
! U; q4 d: e9 k4 g; fqafone.cc他还出演过几个电视广告,大多是比较幽默的。
  r$ z: {" G4 G; D$ yQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
下面是引用fluffy于2005-05-22 22:42发表的:
4 c# S( E! t1 g0 K4 N) x( E% I( VQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站关于Ted说的那段话 (114)Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站& B7 _" v8 |  q1 f

* I  R2 i' }3 c! U, C, L4 rBecause he made you in his image同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# O: N" U6 Z- _+ i* c  c( T
. C) `- U1 T$ A8 wSince God is love and God won’t make a mistake
$ j6 n3 ]7 W: N1 r: e! [Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站既然上帝是爱而且上帝是不会犯错的
, m0 S( v- K3 {Then you must be exactly the way he wants you to be, the way he intend you to be And that goes to every person, every plant, every mountain, every grain of sand, every song, every tear and every faggot同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# W* ]; p6 n- K1 {( Y0 C. N
9 ?' l6 ^/ \. Y  MWe are all his and he loves us all9 }! B8 E3 w! _- T7 s/ n
; V/ `4 z0 x1 x同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志.......
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


Chris Potter (David) 简介(qafchina提供)
1 _2 r; F: w, Y- W/ b姓名:Chris Potter
3 d# x8 z2 P% x) m# t; b' T8 P6 ]qafone.cc出生*: 1960年8月23*
! ^; w9 W# ^. c, @# t) {) D出生地: 加拿大,安大略,多伦多Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站  g( p8 ^. i1 |% @) s
出生名: Christopher Jay Potter
9 |2 q3 }* ^1 [- L& `) AQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
/ V  w" H. q2 V1 a- |+ e$ cqafone.cc简介
5 G- b+ {. e' k% u+ H7 x+ h, q# H2 X8 C同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. J7 I* [' g( B& L+ Q' k2 A0 i$ G
加拿大出生的演员Chris Potter,在未被Martha Henry挖掘前曾在保险公司工作,被发现后出演了加拿大的大片《Suffering Fools》。在那以后,他花了三年的时间成为了加拿大电视连续剧《Material World》的主演之一,后来又出现在华纳兄弟的电影《Kung Fu: The Legend Continues》里面。Chris Potter又数次参与了全明星组织的名人慈善曲棍球活动。他也出了一张个人专辑《Tourmaline》。目前他已结婚并确实四个孩子的父亲。
2 {2 }" I4 p3 l2 ^& z% _' p4 J% f; b# ~9 N
4 W, f5 X# D# h0 p0 Q, D同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志$ T9 H3 K3 {: d, l: k' x7 k0 i
主演Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站5 Y* t+ V. P$ y
  M, ?% w- G3 o
Wild Card (2003) - Dan Lennox$ @, h& T' B+ a8 L, V5 y$ w) e2 L
Kung Fu: The Legend Continues (1993) - Detective Peter Caine
8 e  y1 j1 S  K5 j0 o同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Silk Stalkings (1991) - Sergeant Tom Ryan (1996-1999)( i7 p. c, y" j( c

& A: Z& Y$ r5 _$ U客串
. C) K+ w; H1 fqafone.ccqafone.cc: z; U* O, {3 R1 |0 |
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit - Mr. Rice - Head (2004)$ Q/ n  Z5 `6 {, g+ _: |' A  G
Andromeda - Able LaDrone - The Right Horse (2003)
5 I6 Q/ r6 h* T1 \+ K4 [( j. Eqafone.ccTouched by an Angel - Michael - Angels Anonymous (2001)Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, N; k! x) K, f5 c4 R1 ?
Will & Grace - Michael - Hey La, Hey La, My Ex-Boyfriend's Back (2000)" K1 f0 y1 c6 T, ?
The Outer Limits - Captain Turner/T'nar - Stranded (1999)Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 s8 l8 ?) m4 j3 h
Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years - Frank - Providence (1995)4 v1 c- a3 e* c% g5 M
Counterstrike - Billy - The Three Tramps (1992)
1 ?  x2 n) L* _$ s$ ]Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站The Hidden Room - Dan - Let Death Do Us Part (1991)Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站& t" ?4 q: F: M* ]4 j& f$ l0 R
War of the Worlds - Farmer - The Walls of Jericho (1988)* z: q7 ^; W. h; {( d4 d9 |& y
Katts and Dog - Griff Lewis - Fatal Obsession (0)qafone.cc% r/ u$ T. ^1 s+ u) Z, O
Police File - Hemionqafone.cc' p. f5 {1 V+ I4 j( X7 y+ U( M
Spider-Man - Gambit [Season 2 Addition]& D% w$ ?3 ?+ i4 v/ r" R* \
Street Legal - Grant Simon - The Confession Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, F4 R. H$ @- c- b0 ^% Z8 V
Top Cops - Henry Bunch - Rocky Bridges * k$ ~/ h/ V3 b
Top Cops - Mike Eubanks - Mike Eubanks and Robert Kurowski
% `  F9 \6 E  ]qafone.ccTop Cops - William Freeman - William Freeman
: o& ?7 e5 g. h; r5 h" vTop Cops - Gary Galletta - Snidersich 2 ~3 z/ c% b) f, Z1 l4 |( Q
Top Cops - Dave Driscoll - Dave Driscoll and Robert Cea . ]* M1 F4 u; b; K% _
Top Cops - Wally Crabtree - Betty Jane Hendricks and Wally Crabtree % W4 A  f. S; K) u
qafone.cc8 Q' a1 k  y7 C0 Q& j
联合主演7 y# f  G7 R1 o# E

  O) M  H$ G+ i. W# t( A! PQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Astronauts - Sam Ryan
3 G6 I! e# {  J- O) j/ lMaterial World - Tim
3 d$ o  S/ R/ J+ f/ Q2 Q6 A6 [qafone.ccQueer as Folk - Dr. David Cameron
$ z3 i1 `: {6 H( w; I/ [  P同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志X-Men - Gambit/ Remy LeBeau (1992-1996)
6 r) y1 `4 m( E. x' _, ]8 E" Z; ~
# L0 p; j! e# }" a, ~电影/电视剧等. Z3 I: ?# X4 ]3 @- |

9 m0 Z% e4 }! n' O2 p/ c5 n8 kqafone.ccThe Pacifier (2005) - Captain Bill Fawcett
1 S) G! }" e8 aOpen House (2003) - David Morrow
" L3 `' s9 G3 A: C& d7 U1 IRush Of Fear (2003) - Sam Bryant
' c) u! a+ y+ T" iqafone.ccSpymate (2003) - Mike Muggins& o  s" v- `3 y8 Q9 X9 `+ R  ]4 Z
A Wrinkle in Time (2003) - Dr. Jack Murray
% `6 z8 S) g# r$ s5 A同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Final Jeopardy (2001) - Jed SeigelQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站! F$ q% |1 {: W9 a! d. P) V
Rocket's Red Glare (2000) - Tom Young. D9 E4 ?3 h; ?+ C* ]: h6 {
The Shrink is In (2000) - Jonathon
+ G  n# G, r  b' L  zThe Waiting Game (1998) - Adrian Seville同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志/ T/ P# ?, z% u8 U
Arachnid - Valentine
! k# w' u5 B8 x* Z" RQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站$ i- a- y! W! l
QAFChina翻译整理Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站; c: p2 ]! |* i$ g; d& |

: H- i% m5 R3 G, O4 j! bQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, k3 d) f/ Z' {  K# v
以下是网友wangers提供的中文资料:; L# C* b8 S- k$ I% j  s. j! J

7 y7 U! `) M( f: W$ XChris Potter(David) 简介, }2 Q+ i6 Y+ y  I- t, E6 a

! j# U* r- L8 ~qafone.ccChris Potter简介  P5 }/ i0 S) z( w
  O! X# q6 E* u* O/ l: M
; w, H5 B! a4 K+ s9 ?( U同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Christopher Jay Potter 6 n+ o& I* S* b& r7 H
) c) m* ~1 P# U! [+ f
绰号 Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站. G1 Z( }  ~* b% f0 p
+ J. E' Q  k$ o6 s; B/ [4 t" mQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站CJ / R; m1 S9 o# G! `2 [' r7 i
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站' Y+ O& D2 B" V7 x: m8 D# ~
- E6 V- j7 j$ E% A& }Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6英尺2英寸 (1.88 米)
% O7 R  r7 c/ N& j, ~" xqafone.cc0 ]) C/ ~1 b. ?) B
主要经历4 }) f$ G2 s- k! F

9 c0 N, J, |+ X% i" ~Potter出生在加拿大的多伦多。早在学生时代,他就发现了自己对戏剧的热爱,但当时并未考虑将其作为职业来从事。最终,他成为了一名股票经纪人,在欧洲、加拿大工作,并在业余剧团的戏剧作品里扮演角色,继续其对戏剧的热爱。他在业余剧团的演出,引起了加拿大最著名的女演员之一 - Martha Henry的注意,并邀请Potter在加拿大版的Biloxi Blues里担任角色。Potter在该剧中的表演引起了剧烈的反响,并在一个月之内,赢得了在加拿大广播公司的电视系列剧Material World(1990)担任主角的机会,并从此开始了其职业演员的生涯。qafone.cc1 b5 @. @3 J, x: H8 k) w1 U% s

& ]" I2 _9 l: \2 nqafone.ccPotter因在两部电视系列长剧中担任主角,并以两个不同的角色同时出现在电视荧屏上,而为人所知。他在1993年上映的Kung Fu: The Legend Continues,中扮演David Carradine的儿子,父子二人携手与犯罪分子战斗。该剧共上映了四季。与此同时,Potter还在USA Network的系列剧Silk Stalkings担任主角,扮演一名善于打斗的警官。此外,他还在该剧中担任分集导演。该剧共上映了三年。
# [1 _4 }& L0 y& E9 Y/ Cqafone.cc  d# h1 y+ D, Q% I
Potter其他的一些作品还包括哥伦比亚广播公司的Open House(电影)、 Rush of Fear(电影),美国广播公司的The Big House(2001) (电视) 和Astronauts(2002) (电影), Andromeda — USA Network 的电视电影,The Waiting Game(1998) (电视)。此外,他还为福克斯公司的动画片X-Men (1992) 中的Gambit担任配音,并在Will & Grace担任客串嘉宾。
8 G, k5 I* `0 A& }3 uqafone.cc, D1 P, A; }1 q# t
作为一名前卫的演员,Potter还在由Showtime公司制作的,引起广泛争议的热播电视连续剧Queer as Folk(2000)第一季中扮演David Cameron医生一角。他的近期作品还包括米拉麦克斯公司的电影Spymate(2004),以及美国广播公司的迷你系列剧A Wrinkle in Time(2003)等。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志0 u0 n  x: L! v& k
" i6 x- P6 S" B$ O
2001年,因其在独立电影Rocket's Red Glare中的出色表演,Potter在纽约国际独立电影及电视节上,获得最佳男主角奖。
0 ]/ s: `7 _: Q1 B" W% g% k同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志3 T8 x( G& T. @6 n' N5 J% o
音乐一直是Potter生命中的一个重要部分。最开始,他是作为音乐人及歌手开始他的娱乐生涯的。他经常为朋友及家人创作并表演自己的作品。并发行了同名CD:Chris Potter(MAG Records唱片公司)。qafone.cc0 C- w. }2 p( i4 O: k0 V
' x" {- B% F; L, E8 Q8 z
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


tonizh:qafone.cc/ T, n+ w3 e! q

, m! O) E0 t% x8 fqafone.cc我把论坛中有关其他演员的零星资料贴做了以下索引,供大家查找:6 O& g9 ], x- q/ J
6 g5 i- f! X9 T* \1 ^2 k8 W同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* T7 b- D( M7 T
Fabrizio Filippo (小提琴手Ethan Gold) https://www.qafone.cc/read.php?tid=30061 a, }5 {5 Y! `0 E. {
( T+ j0 P! x& v, O
Matt Battaglia (球星Drew Boyd)https://www.qafone.cc/read.php?tid=2412&toread=1&fpage=7
+ Q1 k4 V' d: b3 v3 T同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志/ u! U: @7 N- h6 j
Thea Gill (Lindsay) https://www.qafone.cc/read.php?tid=2822
- l% b3 G; e/ B& v' \4 m% [. n* e- x! n
Harris Allan (Hunter) : http://www.harrishideaway.com/ (谢谢brijus提醒。)qafone.cc& M; C3 A5 s% z, ^8 c- i: D
Harris Allan新公开的个人email: harrisfriendmail@gmail.com
& K) n  A* `, E. l, ^: k( b) x: m: m3 ^/ e! _: }

+ a$ \. @8 j# j- B" |qafone.ccBen(  mikeyqaf提供
( C3 p' C1 {7 f' lAbout Robert:0 U5 c/ N# y8 h+ M
Birth Name: Robert GonzalezQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 }# }4 A& [6 C  W/ e0 f) X! ^
Birthday: July 13, 1968
7 y* T  J, }/ a. Z+ I' d  lqafone.ccBirth Place: Tampa, Florida 3 Z) H* n" ]1 d6 g" v* h1 S9 ?

9 g: C! E2 }- t. D; A. eIMDb Mini Biography:
% V0 z' y0 {. V- PRobert Gant continues to emerge as one of Hollywood's most sought-after actors. Gant began acting in television commercials at the age of ten in his home state of Florida. At the age of eleven, he performed a soft-shoe routine with Bob Hope as part of Hope's USO tour. Following high school, Gant headed to the University of Pennsylvania and then on to Georgetown Law School. While studying law, he never gave up on his true passion, acting, and performed in numerous theatrical productions. Interestingly, it was his career as an attorney that brought him to Los Angeles when he accepted a position with the world's largest law firm. In a twist of fate, four months after his relocation, the Los Angeles office was closed. Taking that as an omen, he made the decision to focus all of his time on his acting and has been working ever since. Robert currently plays Professor Ben Bruckner on the hit television series "Queer As Folk." Robert currently resides in Los Angeles.$ d; g! }) t$ B; l4 q) A3 Y
, c/ E3 W' ?* g  m3 H" l! t
TV Tome Biography:qafone.cc0 Q% l7 U0 S$ K& ^$ ~- b. D
In just a few years, actor Robert Gant has gone from real-life Ivy Leaguer and barrister-in-training to portraying the Good Humor Man, a sexy handyman, the all-around nice guy, an offbeat high school vice principal...and most recently, a professor of literature and gay studies.
1 y$ {* l' V) d* p8 G+ U) R
4 a1 o+ U. t, s. \/ y; ~; HA native of Tampa, Gant began acting and performing at a young age. He appeared in a national TV commercial for Cheerios cereal in the fifth grade and did a soft-shoe routine at age 11 with legendary comedian Bob Hope as part of a USO show. In high school, Robert ("Bobby") was involved in a variety of extracurricular activities. He sang in a barbershop quartet, appeared in the school's theatrical productions (including "Grease"), and played football.同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志2 t6 x7 _& G& U% I2 p

% }" J* C' }/ R( I2 {Gant remained active in theatrical and musical endeavors in college but had his eyes set on becoming an attorney. He studied pre-law at the University of Pennsylvania, earning his undergrad degree in 1990. He received his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC, in 1993 and took a job in Los Angeles with a law firm.同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# T' m/ t2 h/ M  H

: r! G" j- \- Y  U* \When the LA branch of the firm closed in 1994, Gant remained in California to pursue an acting career. At first, he landed small roles and guest appearances on several television programs, including "My So-Called Life," "Step by Step," "Melrose Place," "Friends," and "Ellen." In 1996, Robert was selected from a pool of more than 500 applicants to reprise the role of the Good Humor Man; he donned a white suit and black bow tie, drove a Good Humor ice cream truck, and sang and danced in a series of commercials for the Good Humor-Breyers Ice Cream Company. He also appeared in commercials for Coors Light beer, Saturn cars, and Hanes underwear (with Michael Jordan).
# o' s% r3 ?+ L% G9 b9 O0 p
- _0 i8 b4 j+ O" {5 LRobert later had recurring guest star roles on "Caroline in the City," as Caroline's (Lea Thompson's) boyfriend Trevor, and on "Popular," as Vice Principal (and then Principal) Calvin Krupps of Kennedy (as in "Jackie O") High School. In Spring 2002, he joined the cast of "Queer as Folk" as Ben Bruckner, a professor of literature and gay studies who develops a romantic relationship with one of the show's main characters, Michael (played by Hal Sparks). Gant's film credits include "Cityscrapes: Los Angeles," "Jane Street," "The Contract," "Teaching Mrs. Tingle*," "Fits and Starts" (scheduled for a 2002 release), and the TV movie, "Bitter Vengeance."
% o6 Y1 ^' w; [. ?4 a- k同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
4 G4 Q0 M, ]6 a$ r. {# SSources: The Tampa Tribune, Sequel: Georgetown University Theatre-Interested Alumni, IMDb, Bloomberg Business News, Penn Alumni pages, Variety *Although Robert's scenes in "Teaching Mrs. Tingle" were cut from the film, he is listed as "Professor" in the rolling cast credits at the end of the movie." {* n# l, w' N9 W
+ X+ \/ A8 Q4 \. c& V5 q" X
下面是引用tonizh于2005-02-25 10:29发表的Robert Grant(Ben)新短片-在线观看:8 m2 M$ p5 O1 G& ]
  Robert Grant (Ben)的黑白喜剧短片 Billy's Dad is a Fudge-Packer.
$ d! q. X! \) D4 Z. s( L只找到一个片断,很清楚。(需要内嵌Quicktime Player.)
  f6 o9 r6 Q+ S& t同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志http://www.gay.com/content/movie ... inment/movies/posmaQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ Q- v1 |; p% b/ H" c

( f* a3 R, }& J/ }$ [/ e) w: E剧情:Billy为了完成家庭作业,开始观察周围的世界。长大后会是什么样?他会和爸爸一样成为一个笨蛋(fudge-packer)吗?当我们需要接受其他人的时候,事实会是我们想得那样吗?5 M1 _* W2 b2 i+ _

/ Z' R" a  B; M5 h2 J/ ~8 |) Cfudge就是棕色的蛋糕一类甜点,很像大便,fudge-packer就是粪桶的意思。Robert Grant就是扮演这个粪桶爸爸。
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


Harris Allan(Hunter) 的FANS网地址
5 N/ D2 z( [3 p* X6 y同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
下面是引用tonizh于2005-02-25 10:23发表的:
* K! ^" N5 A5 ~8 b# }+ O同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  帮你搜到了。用google搜的时候用双引号把Harris Allan引起来,这样就会组合搜索,姓名不会分开。然后加上queer as folk或者他的乐队名square9等。例如: "harris allan" queer as folk,搜索就行了,几秒钟搞定。
# R! S8 V6 m2 O8 U( F( @! {同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
6 ?" Y9 u9 K. h他的论坛,东西很全  http://www.harrishideaway.com/qafone.cc' q& j4 Q2 }/ L0 X9 q* [
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


本帖最后由 叶上开 于 2009-5-20 22:29 编辑
. M* `5 v0 P% L5 o
- n0 \$ ]- h; A) B2 N" ?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Blake(brijus提供)5 o. L' x. t& e! e
qafone.cc9 v1 S! z+ |& h5 z2 ^
Dean Armstrong
9 h- |% [. Y; G; T$ ~9 GBorn in 1974, Dean Armstrong is one of many Canadians involved in Queer As Folk USA (set in Pittsburgh, filmed in Toronto).
0 X3 S1 i+ R0 I, s# Y# Dqafone.ccGraduated from Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario) in 1997; Dean majored in Drama. He has also starred in the American Broadway production of RENT. + P* i9 B0 R  H8 l
Though his character of Blake was only seen in Season 1, many fans have been asking for him to return.
! u6 ~  l  }4 U0 \qafone.ccBiography for
* n2 {5 g8 x& h7 A) ]qafone.ccDean Armstrong$ O2 b1 G; A+ s) p

( D. H. d9 S2 Q& `& LMini biography & {/ o, `) ^4 l7 `. s
Dean Armstrong's professional acting career began almost seven years ago. A native of Toronto, Canada, Dean has been featured in many stage productions, TV shows, and commercials in both Canada and the U.S., most notably in the Broadway production of Jonathan Larson's Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning musical, 'Rent', and in the critically-acclaimed recurring role of "Blake" on Showtime's "Queer as Folk" (2000). Dean is currently celebrating his fifth year as School Director of the Players Workshops Theatre School in Toronto. He has collaborated with actors, directors, producers, casting directors and students of all ages in various educational forums and theatre settings in both Canada and the U.S., including Young People's Theatre, the Drama Workshop, the Bishop Strachan Summer Arts Workshop, and the Scarborough Music Camp, as well as numerous theatre, public, and private schools province-wide. Dean is a graduate of Queen's University at Kingston and holds an Honors Degree in Dramatic Art and a Degree in Higher Education. 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志7 e9 E& C- o' {) P# \/ Y" X$ H

# x0 L$ b2 `& [他还有自己的站哦:( F: ^6 d" G% y( n
/ q$ [7 X) Q0 l8 X2 w2 ]qafone.cc7 h  e; |0 `/ M
以下资料由会员sancky520提供:3 I. F" f- s  g5 _

2 z; K( y$ l- U2 ?, |! z$ M" K0 C- f( M
姓名:Dean Armstrong2 B2 c5 ^$ ^: `# O! i& s
) ?* o# T* F' U! G9 }# S, m1 S出生地:加拿大, r9 G( k# b& i; @' w2 B% ~! b/ g
: I4 u2 Q" x' e( D+ _- b4 Hqafone.cc
3 p+ W1 T" V$ q  J! d代表作:
& A& K( \2 a& F% M  dRepo! The Genetic Opera 遗传歌剧院 (2008) .... Male Victim
4 V: i4 D" U6 p1 L1 qTriple Sensation (2007) TV mini-series .... Host/Self ) p, p, V' }/ ?9 w* }# {
Til Death Do Us Par 爱你到死t.... Jason (1 episode, 2007)+ h6 w+ L- ]3 u: s/ r6 a7 F/ D, X
Car Keys Murder (2007) TV episode .... Jason
) M3 d! }' e% ^" I; [, N72 Hours: True Crime.... Campbell / ... (2 episodes, 2004-2006)
0 L0 H8 H8 m* ?# L' a( W2 W0 nFrenzy (2006) TV episode .... Jordan Reardon
& f8 G) V8 w: U3 V4 NThrill Krill (2004) TV episode .... Campbell5 Z! N9 \! E7 @# s% _
Recipe for a Perfect Christmas (2005) (TV) .... Reynard
4 A. r( C1 d5 o: F  RQueer as Folk .... Blake Wyzecki (14 episodes, 2000-2005)
. i) T& Y9 ?" ~5 V. E" v/ S    - Episode #5.13 (2005) TV episode .... Blake Wyzecki
0 o  F- e+ w( G    - Episode #4.7 (2004) TV episode .... Blake Wyzecki同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志- p' `# e8 F+ A: R6 H  I3 z% x
    - Episode #4.6 (2004) TV episode .... Blake Wyzeckiqafone.cc4 |7 r( u5 _: U) h9 E0 V
    - Episode #4.3 (2004) TV episode .... Blake Wyzecki
9 M. U' t( v5 d9 u) r7 b    - Episode #4.2 (2004) TV episode .... Blake WyzeckiQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站/ i" g1 Z7 `% z% k* q
      (9 more)qafone.cc* c- N2 |% F. [7 c+ x& X" R) w
The Newsroom .... Bob Walker (1 episode, 2005)Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站5 }! y! j$ M! Y, k8 u. ?6 G
Latent Homosexual Tendencies (2005) TV episode .... Bob Walker
0 I. j$ k: J5 ^# NDoc .... Scotty Redfield (1 episode, 2003)
: q& B8 {4 Q# J) TThe Checkered Flag (2003) TV episode .... Scotty Redfield0 `! D2 l; [7 d' u# m$ p- V6 t: {
Earth: Final Conflict .... Hotel Volunteer (1 episode, 1999)
+ S$ A; n8 a/ ~) ]) Q同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Crackdown (1999) TV episode .... Hotel Volunteer
/ ], k; n! d" D( x4 }Twice in a Lifetime.... Bruce Bennett (1 episode, 1999)
/ C( S# K1 s6 k! G! i7 v Ashes to Ashes (1999) TV episode .... Bruce Bennett
) r- ?7 B. @; q- S, ]9 j7 j/ o. pQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站3 H; u" |# H2 f, Y6 v% {
Miscellaneous Crew:
" }  |% n7 \5 W6 ]8 _Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站The Life and Hard Times of Guy Terrifico (2005) (acting coach: Matt Murphy)
  ~) [5 X7 o' v* z... aka La vie trépidante de Guy Terrifico (Canada: French title) 5 O3 ]% l- m9 E; b# R

) G" z( E# O5 x0 P" @4 hSelf:; i+ v8 M/ H1 C, M
"Triple Sensation: Inspiration & Performance" (2009) TV series .... Himself - Host
( x2 w2 u7 K. o' w5 R
9 c9 V+ h/ `3 U  F9 W7 i资料来源:http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0035676/3 N! @0 k3 |3 s5 v; a

2 Q9 M4 [. ~- o6 z$ Rqafone.ccqafone.cc) z$ ?  A$ t( K5 @0 x! n
qafone.cc; H7 M9 A( e" y
Drew扮演者的资料qafone.cc: I! c! b( v5 R& H1 `8 G: O
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( q( b+ R" ~$ ^

+ o: `/ v% x* V7 E( U以下资料由diudiuboy提供:
0 P; A- E& A7 l3 X* m同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志! i5 a, k0 b- K0 c! L! a
8 Y: X' d2 Z  e/ o7 I- l
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站( K9 x8 o* `4 k5 X5 u' h

! X# X: p" X7 Y' ^8 P2 g  WQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站帅吗?这就是Matt Battaglia,
- A4 y' u& Y/ }4 v  {1965年9月25日出生于美国弗罗里达州,再过两个月就要40岁了。像吗?No, absolutely not.
/ @1 {9 W, H/ b0 s) t) x' S7 iQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
/ U6 D* Y) N1 U% y$ l7 ]同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志在之前第4季中他的表演部分就很是让我倾心。关键是人太帅,身材太好。一个劲儿地觉得晃眼,外加流口水。。。。汗。。。这次在第5季再次出场更是因为剧情的美好转机而使得大家,尤其是喜欢Em的大家欣喜和激动。3 R1 ]8 z9 E& z" C7 W

7 D9 i- S, m) M( @& F( q! Q5 _0 G看过Friends的朋友也许会记得,应该是在第2或者第3季。有一集是讲菲比(Phoebe)劈腿,同时找了两个男朋友。这两个男朋友就是帅哥Matt和Robert Gant(Ben的扮演者)两人一起客串的。看当年的Ben的肌肉已经够发达,不过体形还是没有现在好。Matt扮演的那个帅哥是个救火队员。(天,让人流鼻血的职业,尤其是这种帅哥做救火队员。。。一会儿点把火烧房子去。。。)当时的演技还是一般的,不过那天回顾Friends看到他还是兴奋不已。Robert也比那个时候帅好多好多。* C/ m, A0 U8 b% c' h) K
, ~1 P0 x$ M& q) _# h* V# |+ I
3 \6 ?$ y, E# }. o1 v6 W
* X0 r& s, A, I# i6 ~0 B关于Matt帅哥更多的东西希望大家能找到的话一起放上来分享。以下只是找到的一点点。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# e) @2 g$ Z* B0 I3 ^+ O
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, V4 g. l: P) L: D
: B% X" T' i9 Z# }# TQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0061307/: x. U# \- g5 E# A* a% A8 a

& m$ T# |& L- A: w  J3 q. l4 Y8 ?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志>>官方网站:/ [* d# ~) D2 J4 w$ \
4 c7 I7 n: b& U7 Qqafone.cc
" L# L$ u; t/ ?4 t8 BQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站>>电影《西班牙女佣》EMULE下载页面(Matt是主演之一):2 e4 J( I" h, `- \3 {
- [* X7 a6 C3 ?8 Y+ D8 S
, `, u- l5 |/ T, _Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站>>电影《不死潜龙》EMULE下载页面(Matt是主演之一):
& q) F) T- J  ]+ h  X  Q1 X! ghttp://bbs.leobbs.com/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=99&topic=468&replynum=last#bottom同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* T( _6 z) Q, ?+ c8 I+ X
qafone.cc+ w, v7 D2 w5 O% Y- ^
: Z2 R" \: J" mqafone.cc6 s2 ^; k: g1 w: g: p
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 s& S! n3 R; ^6 z$ l, A
# k3 J5 j- l; N
  s* Q, t( _5 o% I8 y同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志4 R* x) b, x% x7 I$ ^
) k8 U0 W& K3 j; B+ R$ l! l. Eqafone.cchttp://www.imdb.com/name/nm0061307/
# O: z! E. ?% }/ s. f, R9 v, o
' q- P4 ?5 G7 y他的官方網站︰. ?/ q  X5 G8 Q  ^1 s7 J/ C0 Y
' q' Q# X8 D$ KQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站qafone.cc/ R+ O, v! J0 I: B4 _: g1 }
8 Q' T" D6 l% e
qafone.cc: ?9 ?( L) Z  z; m: J

: @' P3 @$ K) u以下内容由tonizh提供Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站5 T" ?" i$ C  R! H- ?) S4 _

* Z1 _9 B: v/ M1 }& nBrett Keller导演扮演者的资料
9 L5 @! E+ t: j/ }! B" w同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
8 d) ^; s4 B, }那个演员的名字是:Mike Shara  - y! I; Z& Q( W8 d8 e1 L
剧中人物--那个导演的名字是Brett Keller。Justin叫他Brett.( H$ \2 t  {# ~( d" ~

8 W! B# o0 j. U7 Kqafone.ccQAF所有参演演员按每集分类:(点击集数查看对应角色)0 e+ [8 ^, [- n
6 A- z; W( e; e) T3 a2 H3 gQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
6 n! R6 D1 D# M4 o6 s: z* }QAF所有参演演员的名单按firstname分类:
2 F2 R4 v; ^" M. K( J2 _Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/ser ... 3177/Queer_as_Folk/
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


# K6 J2 V$ v2 V0 a; \Hal Sparks (Michael) 的留言:
! J7 L6 ^" O* s+ \% J+ Z$ l
5 h2 z' A& Z4 g7 {- X  From Hal's Lair ( http://www.halslair.com/index.php )5 f) G, P5 K. P+ A2 O

* D2 _6 C8 w9 ~5 y+ o/ JQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Hi All,5 b! ?% @0 ]4 Q; F) l4 P! R

5 U) e2 u9 k# W0 l6 w" ?The QAF season is winding to a close and there are officially 8 work days left in the episode, the season... the show. These last days are both challenging from a production standpoint and emotionally as well. Each day it seems we are saying goodbye to a set or a location or an actor we have worked with for a long time. The final read-thru was a sweet experience and I'm sure you will all enjoy the last episode very much.
$ m  a% }. Z" P& j# B  CQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站4 d+ L! L2 u5 ~
When all is said and done and the show has wrapped and aired I'm sure I'll have more to say about the show and the experience, but I wanted to say (while I'm in this ridiculously melancholy mood ).. Thank you to all the fans of the show. Your love for the show and your appreciation of the work we've done is really what has made this such a special experience on a personal level.
) i9 {% j9 m0 z
6 ^2 z+ V$ ^( V7 A8 w  y- q% {We'll talk again soon.
$ V0 _. Q/ \0 y* J% Yqafone.ccQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站5 m: O2 G0 w/ V0 \8 A1 ~! w
Big Love,
. n8 @- F) u& d( L7 e
7 M( i7 M" M- V$ d( i# h) m6 dHal$ @! V/ a3 F5 h6 `% O  l1 U) F

0 c, E; e/ H+ i% MQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站( moose不負責任翻譯 )Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站2 R' ?3 @% e% j/ w
! F$ }8 R- i3 w2 m
Hi All
8 w* P1 ?* I( k- C: e; A2 `6 }  y同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 \# i5 r- L+ E0 z
QAF拍攝季節將接近尾聲,只剩下8天,這一集、這一季……還有整齣節目都將結束。這些最後的日子,對我在拍攝效率及情感上都是不小的挑戰。每一天,我們都好像在對熟悉的攝影棚、拍攝地及共事很久的演員們說再見。最後一次的讀劇本是一次甜美的體驗,而我也確定你們都將會非常享受最後一集。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8 x8 f! T* p! }) V1 o! t3 f- P
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站( `7 f, @$ @( e
當一切都結束,劇集開始在電視上播放時,我一定會談更多關於這個節目的事情和我的經驗。但現在我想說(雖然荒謬地心情如此憂鬱 ),謝謝你們,謝謝這個節目的所有影迷。你們對這個節目的愛,以及對我們努力成果的欣賞,是我能有如此特別經驗的最大原因。* Q8 D) h# Q5 C! l5 @5 K, _% O- W
5 z" U. y; d. o+ W) w4 a
We'll talk again soon.
# g* p* s, a3 f; D1 A9 \Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站8 Z1 I9 K* R5 x2 ?6 M
Big Love, & @7 X! y$ a8 F. S9 o+ ?) b
qafone.cc7 g0 h9 C$ Y% O
  E+ I% y4 G2 D9 U
  k  d0 c" L& V) _9 ~qafone.cc* a: r1 ^9 a. n6 c( s
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志- o& H* u) V9 N9 w* v
唉,我也感傷起來了....qafone.cc& m, K3 ^. N% U2 h
這個小人頭()是Hal自己貼的呢,微笑地擦眼淚,跟我的心情一樣。4 y+ Q8 ]) \; S% p& i' a, R

3 b* A6 ?0 j6 _# ^
: Q& H/ E6 S3 O3 {( ]6 y* c& p
1 c5 _7 N: v" I# S同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志]brijus提供的Peter Paige (Emmett) 的留言:3 ]! [/ ^9 K! ^2 g1 h, I1 K! ^; [
我 (tonizh)来给大家简单翻译一下
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 p/ q+ b( b: H% l) I/ N8 F# j

' ]0 g, |0 _, ^来源:http://www.peterpaige.net/connection.htmqafone.cc3 O) b' I% y8 }1 W3 b7 I
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志( _( E$ E1 g& y2 m1 |
March 11, 2005同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& o; l5 C8 T2 V* E6 r, ^. |, q
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# I3 S$ ~: g3 R
hello, all -
( ~5 n2 a4 n$ T" O, _6 b! H* k! R4 X" R" H- S( J
we've entered the final week of shooting for QAF - something that once seemed so far away.8 ]. T. m& w/ Z3 h1 D( }
' J0 J% `/ T" `0 K2 [7 d& T
i need to take a moment to thank everyone -
. j) ~, E1 k2 ?9 A- q
. D/ n+ o! F- I9 \5 M) A+ _. Hmy fellow cast, who have taught me more than they'll ever know,
& R/ \4 }5 L/ d- u: B2 c9 V5 Xthe executive producers, who saw fit to let me be a part of this truly ground-breaking series,Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站4 A, C1 S' Q- M0 T% }
the writers, who helped create these flawed, original, sexualized gay characters,
% W. h8 N) m+ h7 u6 ?( H  qthe extraordianary crew, who are really at the heart of the experience for me,
/ z9 n4 g7 }* m同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志the background players, who show up day after day with little reward, but without whom we couldn't create the show,
# |5 p9 y. v7 F: K1 J* k: z7 V3 b9 ]qafone.cceveryone at showtime, who enabled us to put this unique show on the air,
+ i# @) j8 r: }3 K( E, f9 w  [! [and of course the fans, who have reflected back the joy and power of telling these stories.
, X; l7 y& g* `$ o" N; ?  S
5 z% R5 q& d* p9 \0 E3 o' O同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志this experience has changed me in more ways than i can describe. suffice it to say, i came to this show a boy, but i leave a man. QAF has enabled me to navigate the world differently, as a person who belongs here, not a scared, apologetic soul searching for his place. it may sound overstated, but i will never forget the gifts i have been given because i was a part of this series.qafone.cc% T7 f' G6 M2 l# Z' z
( T, b" ^) `9 D. S0 ~
but still, life must go on. we're almost finished with SAY UNCLE - the post-production, that is. we're composing the score and mixing the sound and finalizing the special effects (you didn't think we'd have special effects, did you?). the film is coming together beautifully, and i can't wait to get it out into the world.- [* G9 f  t* R/ z
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站% V2 V. C6 R% P5 ?) V
i've also started writing the next film i'd like to direct - i'm collaborating with canadian actor/playwright damien atkins - and am out there pitching a couple of ideas for tv series. so we'll see what comes to fruition first.# v) p' R% n2 ?3 f: w

) U: N* {, t8 S1 v! U' l7 ^$ ~Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站thank you all for your support over the years, but don't stop coming around just because QAF is ending its run. there's so much more to come, i promise...% L0 U4 e, b: o1 L# ?/ `* {

. s0 h, D4 H) s/ R8 Y- R9 `7 qqafone.cctake care of yourselves,
7 J0 y; h4 M; W3 F7 H2 \5 {, Tqafone.cc0 F! n4 q3 l& T# O7 M
xoxoQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站0 O! k: O4 N7 H5 o, U9 N9 s! b4 ?4 K
peter同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& s2 H' ~! s; V9 \, F

. O  H# y/ [3 K9 r同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
" _: b* F) n2 x( YQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站我们一进入最后一周的拍摄,以前还不觉得时间这么快就过去了。* R$ Q: q& V$ }; A4 u, |1 Z

0 u" d1 u; K' ~! \7 dqafone.cc感谢大家。
6 |8 d" p. Y  P0 R: u. d
, t- X: B7 @3 D# I* Y+ q3 z$ Gqafone.cc我的演员同事们都是我的学习榜样,给予我很大启发。感谢制作人让我参演这个破天荒的电视剧。感谢编剧创造了这些活生生原汁原味的同性恋人物。感谢拍摄组和配角演员们。感谢Showtime电视台播出这套电视剧。当然还要感谢fans回馈的欢乐和力量。5 @5 y7 K; [3 w7 ^# {( g! X/ g# @0 }

  c/ l8 |0 i& ?( N* B/ Jqafone.cc这些经历给我的人生带来极大变化,难以形容。QAF改变了我看世界的眼光,我不再是一个受惊吓又怀有歉意的寻找家园的人。也许我说得有点过头吧,但是我永远不会忘记这套电视剧对赋予我的东西。
: S; D. g. c5 Y3 r* f同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志* M: e. l4 v6 f' Y
生活在继续。我们在进行Say Uncle的后期制作,配乐,做声效(你不知道我们用了特技吧?)影片看起来棒极了,我都等不及了。- w  e& ]4 ]3 Q! w/ U* v4 N

( }1 |# Y2 s7 t. N" |" |我已经开始编剧下一部我自己要导演的影片。和加拿大演员兼编剧Damien Atkins合作。还在考虑拍电视连续剧。
5 z& G8 A5 n' \3 m
. N  Z( x: X  E7 ^5 i" `7 R) A% G感谢你们多年的支持。我不会因为QAF结束就消失了,我保证以后我会经常出现……
8 Y! I2 T- L5 |# Q" {# Q7 }* G同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
( L0 ~$ a+ V1 v, [6 p同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志保重,
5 Y2 g" k. X) T1 `. j
8 Y8 D% e2 Z( R' G+ r) c0 ^" E1 Skiss kissQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站) L! ^2 i/ d! y
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


下面是引用tonizh于2004-12-23 12:32发表的QAF在一个社会调查中的位置:Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站+ `7 @( S$ q* u+ E
这个网页上有个某大学某机构对于影视作品对GL社区表达精确度的调查。1 w  [8 h$ O$ t
http://www.glcensus.org/downloads/Zogby-GLCensusPartnersPoll.htmqafone.cc1 ~3 R' I( f2 p6 n' Q2 l7 `1 q
大概2000个被访问者都是queer, 他们的答案是:Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站- O* w" P, i9 v! X5 B! C$ v% V
Brian Kinney是所有同志题材电视剧里最不真实最不准确的人物。答案几乎一边倒。9 P) m  ?. n9 ]3 B1 Q
但是,QAF是最受欢迎的电视剧,其次是Will&Grace.qafone.cc; |+ L) C( u; m5 n) G
Emmett Honeycut是所有同志电视剧里配角中最真实,表达最准确的人物
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人




以下内容由tonizh提供- M# c+ V3 c) s& N% K

1 k5 ?: `0 u6 qqafone.ccGale Harold 的影片《Wake》(2003)
( ~, Q) F. ^" r3 Z; p2 e! F8 x' V最近发现Gale的电影Wake有发行DVD, 阵容挺强的片子。Kyle这个角色是专门为Gale写的。主页有图: http://www.m4our.com/wake/
: L6 r" {# D+ p% v) b同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志影片简介:
3 ?0 Z0 |% ^4 i. |9 Y1 q2 yQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站大概是讲四个兄弟在老房子里重聚的故事,有比较超验的情节。据说Gale的表演十分出色。1 n( z0 _8 N- Z6 Z2 S2 k+ I% u
Alone in his family’s decaying, long-deserted homestead, Sebastian (Martin Landau), confronts the blank page, a writer struggling to tell a tale. “...Each room, every hallway harbors the same shadows as when my brothers and I were young. And in each and every shadow, the same unchanging deceptions...” Is what we are experiencing what really happened? Does it exist only in Sebastian’s memory, or is it a fiction?qafone.cc+ r$ V% Q5 E" w

8 F# o0 J* l* P$ _& yIn the film, “WAKE”, the fateful reunion of four brothers quickly dissolves into a night of drinking, deceit, perversions, and death. They don’t realize until it is too late that the party they are having is, in fact, a wake.
8 {1 d+ \9 H+ u2 b# V+ gQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
( g- m- e& R' `# ~. G) w; cThe writing and directorial debut of Henry LeRoy Finch, “WAKE” is a performance vehicle in the literary spirit of the great American playwrights; O’Neill, Albee, and Shepard. Shot entirely on location in and around Bath, Maine in a house that was originally built in 1745, the film has a visual authenticity that is palpable. “WAKE” presents powerful performances captured with innovative technology.
9 T: e! g6 B1 e( v) |) ?/ X" c; T6 R6 B( L1 J6 {9 [' X
The gifted cast includes: Gale Harold (”Queer as Folk”) as Kyle, Blake Gibbons (“Hollywood Homicide”) as Raymond, Dihlon McManne (“Prospect”) as Sebastian, John Winthrop Philbrick (“Stephen King’s The Langoliers”) as Jack, Rainer Judd (“Reunion”) as Dusty, newcomer Dusty Paik as April, and Oscar-winner Martin Landau (“Crimes and Misdemeanors”), (“Ed Wood”) as Older Sebastian.& l  q. r3 i5 m$ A$ w
* T) O9 g* P3 ]3 D0 ~: P) h3 I
Nic Harcourt, musical director of National Public Radio station KCRW and host of the internationally acclaimed show “Morning Becomes Eclectic” has brought his invaluable expertise and talent to bear on the project as music supervisor. Chris Anderson has composed the score with Henry LeRoy Finch. Three-time Grammy-nominated sound engineer/record producer Joe DiGiorgi has mixed the film. Included in the film’s varied and moving score are original songs written and performed by up and coming American folksinger/songwriter Ramsay Midwood.# Z7 Y4 I) B& l- I  I
qafone.cc" s# s8 Z7 I$ X0 f  l* w
“Wake” is written and directed by Henry LeRoy Finch and produced by Susan Landau Finch. Executive producers are Michael C. Donaldson and Margaret Rockwell. Patrick Kelly is the director of photography, Gus Carpenter edited the film, Eric Matheson is the production designer and Szuszana Megyesi served as costume designer. Matthew Clark’s multiple roles as ”artist in residence“ include art director, stills photographer/videographer, titles and graphic designer.Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站1 `1 f9 j& Z6 U3 @3 C
- I& {- n0 ]; y( u" p
wildwell films is committed to commercially viable, maverick projects with “A” level cast and scripts of exceptional literary quality. Through the cultivation of cutting edge concepts, Wildwell Films is dedicated to producing movies with a fiercely independent flair.& F1 H" v4 i9 d( S0 F+ u, D

4 U) [1 Y2 a& _2 _9 ^) ~6 g4 KGale Harold和Michelle Clunie主演的电影The Unseen(2005)
# {! Y7 O0 y$ P: }+ {, O& I- G同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志2 L3 F$ J; {9 i: |; C: @
$ H; R% c) h4 `! I  X$ e$ X0 e$ a# Q同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站& W+ b! a' H5 \1 g* F4 [8 b
"The Unseen" and "Love & Suicide"* j) }$ H/ Q7 _
& X) b0 z0 P, ?$ i! V9 M% P2 Y
For filmmakers, inspiration can come in unlikely ways. In the case of writer/director Lisa France (known for her debut film, "Anne B. Real," which was nominated for two Independent Spirit Awards), it happened through a chance meeting with Hollywood stylist Phillip Bloch. "He had this movie idea," France recalls. "So we talked about a couple of plots and I got along great with him and the film came along through that."
5 D. p# d+ W! `: E3 L0 d
; Y( I5 o8 T9 e) p8 Aqafone.ccThe two came together on an idea loosely based on the racially charged 1965 film "A Patch of Blue" in which Sidney Poitier befriends a blind white girl played by Shelley Winters. Intrigued in telling a story about "someone who's blind and knows about racism but has never seen it," says France, "The Unseen" follows Roy (Steve Harris from TV's "The Practice") and Harold (Gale Harold from TV's "Queer as Folk"), two interracial friends who reconnect after having not spoken for years (Bloch, who's also on board as producer, plays Roy's blind younger brother). Set in Atlanta, Georgia, France knew from the beginning she wanted to place the story in the south. "I think the location is a character as racism is not only born but at least in the south still alive, so doing it in Georgia was important."
7 N7 L2 y2 R5 U# F9 XQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站! E0 F# V: z/ }4 q% c0 A
Shot in 20 days last June, DP Jim Hunter shot the film on HD and it was cut by editor Noel Dowd. Composer Dean Parker is currently finishing the score. The film also stars Catherine Dent (TV's "The Shield") and Judah Friedlander ("American Splendor"). France plans to submit the film to Sundance.
6 u7 s& M/ w2 y8 T) V: g, xqafone.cc+ A" U* C9 Z  E9 W5 l
But that's not all she's submitting. The winter before shooting began on "The Unseen," France, with a crew of six, went to Cuba to shoot "Love & Suicide." How did an American crew shoot a feature in Cuba? Easy, she submitted "Anne B. Real" into the Havana International Film Festival. "We went down there for the festival, totally legal," France recalls. "We walked in with a camera, we couldn't have a boom out because that would be obvious. We shot in hotels and in bars and in the streets. We just couldn't shoot any government officials. We literally had to hide the camera."0 V# J  S% n% x3 v( k
3 n0 q+ G2 i3 T  x- L! y/ ^) Q
The film follows a man's (Kamar De Los Reyes) journey to Cuba to commit suicide. Using a Panasonic 24p camera, France and company, thought by the festival to be the cast and crew of "Anne B. Real," ran around Havana for ten days shooting the film. "The day the festival was over we were gone," she says.
0 l/ c& O1 S6 i同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) m2 T1 b( L6 M
Demian Lichtenstein, who shares producing credit with Luis Moro on both films, shot "Love & Suicide." Duane Wandles executive produced both films.% ?2 q( n$ t) M0 l/ ~0 `
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志0 u4 O, v2 H1 W# x, m% T
[ For more information, please visit: http://www.theunseen2005.com. ]
/ V% a1 b9 U  s& d4 t( nQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
9 {# Y% H7 f1 r, J" {, ZGale 新片《Life on the Ledge》预告片+官方主页' x/ X4 Y. Y- t/ m* F
  Gale在其中扮演一个土匪一类的坏人 Chaz。# ^' Z0 p  G. ~4 O* v
qafone.cc" b. U" Z; p- f3 l8 ?# X- D% d3 V5 n
0 X; M! b7 t. U$ v7 h; f
0 \# P* g0 X( z* h4 I; g7 c图片:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0415119/photogallery1 b7 {+ k, K9 a: m, @. B
/ h: P+ V6 N, H; c& t
官方网页刚建好:http://www.lifeontheledgethemovie.com/同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志9 _+ U2 a! n3 Z4 L8 A

5 l5 N) B4 D" ], m/ S7 p9 M/ lQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站故事梗概:Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站' W* y) {# y, o5 p1 X4 M5 `! h7 @

% P" Q& H" h( A& a, G2 SLife on the Ledge (2004)
7 p  ]  m* C& r. k5 d% xQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站0 Z, V* ~3 V% R/ G+ }+ O
Brian Leib (Lewis Helfer), a thirty-two year old, ritualistic neurotic recluse who lives with his paranoid parents (Tovah Feldshuh, Mark Blum), only leaves his house to see his psychiatrist. His days are kept as simple as the loaf of bread he makes every morning; the first slice his breakfast, the last slice his dessert--this gives him a "sense of closure for the day." On the verge of jumping he finds a tumor on his neck. Through this new found bad news he gets the strength to talk to Claire (Melissa Sagemiller), another patient of his psychiatrist's. Claire, a beautiful stripper with a badly stained childhood lets her male guard down and lets Brian in. In order to protect Claire, Brian gets involved with a motley crew of gangsters (Gale Harold, David Thornton, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Smokey), faces his fears and gains the will to live... but is it too late?
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


: D( L& I7 R) ^9 ^: F( R# [" m1 s同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志  [/ b' Q& ?/ Y
Randy 新舞台剧 Equus1 Y  E+ \+ n9 ?: p- o. U: e: |( x

# Q$ D' K4 r) q( y$ s" }Theater News  May 25, 2005
9 X& A. w4 h- `Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
- O' a  e. @! |1 p& V7 K5 `同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Hold Your Horses! Randy Harrison Cast in Berskhire Theater Festival's EquusQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 |" n- V" ^" n5 u  o# k& {! k
; N( T/ U* f7 V* Q/ B7 U
Queer As Folk star Randy Harrison will play Alan Strang in the Berkshire Theater Festival's upcoming production of Peter Shaffer's Equus, which will run July 12-23. His co-stars will be Victor Slezak as Dr. Martin Dysart and Roberta Maxwell -- who played Jill Mason in the original Broadway production -- as Hester Salamon. Scott Schwartz (Bat Boy) will direct.
7 W2 Z0 J" e! P- vQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Equus concerns Alan Strang, a young man who inexplicably blinds six horses one night. In the mental hospital to which he is later confined, he meets Dr. Dysart, who tries to unravel the mystery behind this violent act. The original Broadway production of Equus won the 1975 Tony Award for Best Play.
2 B1 \! v* ]% V* {: C# }/ t$ l% X- m' ~3 u6 w
Harrison, who plays Justin Taylor on the Showtime series Queer As Folk, was seen on Broadway last summer as Boq in Wicked. In 2002, he appeared in the MCC production of A Letter from Ethel Kennedy with Jay Goede and Anita Gillette. Slezak's Broadway credits include Any Given Day, Garden District, and The Graduate; earlier this year, he starred as Carl Jung in the Primary Stages revival of Sabina. Maxwell's Broadway credits range from the original 1968 production of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie to the 1996 Roundabout Theatre Company revival of Summer and Smoke; more recently, she has appeared Off-Broadway in The Persians for the National Actors Theater, The Carpetbagger's Children at Lincoln Center, and Richard III at the Public Theater. Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站5 o' W4 F: S& Z) {" @! E

( }* s  i- C5 k3 W0 ^$ vhttp://www.theatermania.com/content/news.cfm/story/6083# D# {) |8 {% r( y
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志: _' y+ w6 M6 r6 W  G5 _" E
5 l9 l) d5 W4 \. S7 }$ B
' L1 a# N) X5 M! a. j/ uQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
6 ]$ B  ^* Z" a0 ?8 rQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站Perter Shaffer的著名戏剧Equus《马》/《恋马狂》是一部震撼人心的经典佳作,曾在1975年获得托尼最佳剧本奖,Randy饰演的第二男主角Alan Strang,是一个异端青年,他戳瞎6匹马的眼睛后被送进了精神病院,心理医生Martin Dysart为Alan分析治疗,经过种种挫折,最终发现病因并治愈这名青年。全剧抽丝剥茧如侦探小说般,自医生与病人首次会面,逐步回溯以往,展现病人的个性、家庭及悲剧发生的主因。
7 b9 y5 w% X5 q# z* d0 ]9 V
( p, |& c2 V; a% Q, t2 q0 [( f8 bAlan极度爱马,甚至将马当成神祗崇拜, 他夜半裸体骑马在郊外狂奔,既是他独创的敬神仪式,也是一种性欲的发泄,他之所以刺瞎马眼,是因为他不愿让他的“神”/“爱人”眼看他与女友在马厩里做爱(众马环视之下),无法完成男性“庄严”之任务。
6 y- t+ }  E( H! ?同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志) w1 l* t8 \6 ~  e" e: L& O0 I. C! ~
Equus不仅探讨一些人与社会的问题,最突出的就是性--巴岱伊的色情哲学(眼睛),还可被视为对尼采和杜斯妥也夫斯基的解读(父与子、马和神编织交错的网络)。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站1 G. Q( u2 J1 q1 F/ D# C& l& N/ h& ~

7 W2 j: j3 @  I  Z" n7 |' o' j----------------------------------------------------Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站2 e- J4 Q% h+ S: \
很大胆的一部戏,演员赤身裸体上阵,但这种尺度对于Randy来说,应该还算驾轻就熟。. {7 E2 m" j" A4 H& U
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站2 X& _% r0 h1 k5 p' ?. s4 W& w3 O4 {
重点是,只要他能做着开心的事,我就开心〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜55555555〜〜〜〜〜〜〜5 q' L7 D( g' e. g

9 c: @  k  u/ u- J
( T5 a( _3 A8 T. I3 G以下内容又emmacute提供:
* S2 s. o  z# [+ K$ z
; u3 K4 F8 {7 z/ q* s  A$ `Randy即将演出的舞台剧-EQUUS8 e( u- q3 w, D$ q: s2 t* y

5 b# C/ C; y- L0 A5 lqafone.ccEquus 9 p' G; V) O. d, l  a
作者 Peter Shaffer
  M6 [2 ?; z9 |' y6 L: ]    Peter Shaffer 于1926年出生在利物浦,他的双胞胎兄弟Anthony Shaffer也是一个戏剧作家。他在St. Paul's schhool,London and Trinity College, Cambridge接受教育。1944-47年间,他是一个煤矿工人,之后1951-54年,他在纽约生活并且是纽约市公众图书馆馆员。同时, 他为Truth杂志写文学评论,也为Time 和Tide写音乐评论。他著名的戏剧有 Five Finger Exercise, Royal and White Liars, Battle of the Shrivings,The Private Ear和The Public Eye.' G; n8 X5 q, Q, B( G! P+ H
, D, \( \6 S" q" k! W$ Yqafone.ccOn weekend over two years ago, I was driving with a friend through bleak countryside. We passed a stable. Suddendly he was reminded by it of an alarming crime which he had heard about recently at a dinner party in London. He knew only one horrible detail, and his complete mention of it could barely have lasted a minute-but it was enough to arouse in me an intense fascination.
9 p2 J5 W1 u% r6 U+ wqafone.ccThe act had been committed several years before by a highly disturbed young man. It had deeply shocked a local bench of mafistrates. It lacked, finally, any coherent explanation.* V% M" `1 ~* C6 L9 u& g2 k
A few months later my friend died. I could not verify what he had said, or ask him to expland it. He had given me no name, no place, and no time. I don't think he knew them. All I possed was his report of a dreadful event, and the feeling it engendered in me. I knew very strongly that i wanted to interpret it in some entirely personal way. I had to create a mental world in which the deed could be made comprehensible.qafone.cc& U6 T3 W' E' }- ~/ Y. g
Every person and incident in Equus is of my own invention, save the crime itself: and even that I modified to accord with what i feel to be acceptable theatrical proportion. I am grateful now that i have never received confirmed details of the real story, since my concern has been more and more with a different kind of exploration.
) O. B0 w( u( s: e$ ^8 t* g: B$ ?Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站I have been lucky, in doing final work on the play, to have enjoyed the advice and expert comment of a distinguished child psychiatrist.Through him I have tried to keep things real in a more naturalistic sense. I have also come to perceive that psychiatrists are an immensely varied breed, professing immensly varied methods and techniques. Martin Dysart is simply one doctor in one hospital. I must take reponsibility for him, as i do for his patient.
+ G+ b2 D0 w. y2 X/ B0 b1 J5 }( Y4 v( J7 X+ P
刚刚把他的这个戏剧读完了, 不长短短67页, 却是非常有意思的说qafone.cc5 C$ R" l9 ]* r, x$ \- ?
剧中不但是体现了一个压抑少年心理扭曲的过程 也体现了当时社会的黑暗面
, ~5 B; x% n4 A, V' H+ r9 {) Z* l17岁少年Alan Strang(Randy演的角色)生活在一个普通的英国家庭
5 k/ a( f, e" P6 U8 t' [0 F6 K9 n同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志父母和睦,表面上并没有什么
2 Z2 z) V+ t! |# X; G但是过于严谨的父亲 竟然不允许家里有电视机
% a' P& a6 I* l0 Dqafone.cc痴迷与上帝信仰的母亲 不停得对ALAN讲他不明白的圣经,
# G0 N3 G" ~! \3 D+ eqafone.cc也不觉得自己的儿子不去上学有什么不妥
" l2 K& Q! z  p. P2 s% Q% P% N这样的家庭造就了一个连自己名字也不会写,没有朋友的Alan Strang
  z' y/ ~3 i  ]/ k8 v$ V4 V! yQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
! D7 h1 [! B, b# E, R* c* c1 @  z没有朋友确深受母亲的影响 有了自己的信仰--Equus
$ _- ^2 ?( S2 p4 ?+ P2 x他把马儿当成了他的神 爱人 唯一懂他的人
% V3 Q1 Y5 f$ o7 p8 I' N他对于现实世界没有任何真实的感觉 他就象是个幽灵般的生存着& M  Q  p$ ?! U) v) E
每三个星期 他都会赤裸的骑着马在黑暗中真正的活同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& l$ @; i8 A8 {' p0 r6 A9 c. U
多么可悲可怜的人qafone.cc/ i& ^4 {/ w2 w5 A5 }
+ j+ n, Y( j# t9 ^6 t9 @2 D. bQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站他的极端信仰到了极点
5 i& U1 @1 _9 g4 }. l% l. O9 o他戳瞎了6匹马的眼睛
* h5 @' J. z! Q  N/ G' ^/ l5 ^. n2 g9 \只因为他害怕他的神看见他与另一个女子的欢爱后
! A" T6 t. Y) O& G9 `Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站不再要他
4 @0 L  M& d0 P4 y, g7 a/ m* k, a; O, Q! N8 o
他的心理医生Martin Dysart小心翼翼的接近他
' e. g% x& q2 d他从Alan的身上看到一个囚困的自己qafone.cc$ M- w. }" X$ G+ S
他妒忌ALAN 的勇气--勇气去享用至少三个星期一次的活着的感觉
6 `+ Q2 ?4 z% ]: G. _7 y1 V而自己却是无聊的活着0 d* L* f$ {8 J7 z7 X) C! Q- F
他也同时理解ALAN; d$ y4 z" d+ [( S& R
理解他的信仰 明白ALAN希望自己把他从无尽的恶梦中拯救出来
) X8 C4 ?' T' u6 b- n6 A& w9 sQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
4 }$ @6 h' E8 l0 Z3 ]这是一个充满了矛盾和黑暗的戏剧 很期待RANDY的演出
) m/ _. P0 C9 f' }同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志剧中的医生提出了一个问题 偶觉得也是这个剧想要问我们这个社会的问题
  G1 ~$ L6 ^2 ~$ E3 O/ ]3 S'Normal? What is Normal?': T: ]8 t, w1 n
是啊 什么是正常呢 不同就是不正常吗同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志! k1 R  f/ j, w) z; T
有一句话我很喜欢 Heterosexual is not normal, it is just common.
2 o. h2 J0 u. n* C8 H' Pqafone.cc异性恋不是正常, 它只是普遍吧了。3 z5 W3 L( ^# V# S
人是很复杂的动物 有思想
6 }- T: b% h" _每个人都有自己的评判准则 qafone.cc0 U! a& y: c* N3 n6 S' V
所以在你评断某人某事时 也想想你是否也不在别人的准则里呢
9 _3 i' \3 W* ]0 m& K, Lqafone.cc0 z; ^" w' x" B- }: K* k
以下内容由cookiesumin提供 . b8 x3 Z- u! H2 Y
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志2 l( J# V- o8 a5 m8 \
$ C' }  m$ l5 G+ k5 q: c9 {, @Is there a traditional or classic role that you would like to play in the future?
8 t9 f; Q6 A) P2 @' J! N$ g1 l% J3 {- V, ?5 T
Randy Harrison: There are tons of great roles I’d love to play. Romeo in “Romeo and Juliet,” Prince Arthur in “King John,” Alan Strang in “Equus.” There are so many phenomenal roles out there, and so much great writing.
! S2 w8 M6 ~6 f, ]2 _qafone.ccQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站9 r" _! I$ l4 r# m# t
以下内容由pippi提供 qafone.cc$ _1 @8 i8 V. o2 l) ]! G  |

; D+ F) |4 B- P- _1 C同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志昨天是Equus的首演,Berkshire已经在网上贴出照片了。几乎每一张都有Randy。他的头发长了,非常好看。Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站% E- P  m% e# ?
http://www.berkshiretheatre.org/gallery/album052 b  ~4 O+ B2 F" O7 M' A3 W
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站( F1 J* y% v; j/ |% q
这是我最喜欢的一张:+ ?: d' R" R- O1 D0 M9 N
# T5 U# H. x# W" C8 L4 t
) @" ]5 h; K( @1 J- `9 x: b* ]6 R
以下内容由qqqq2046提供 # a$ e' M+ C8 y" j

1 N* A+ d" z+ Fqafone.cc一些关于Randy在Equus中的新闻% Y% N% \5 ]8 F1 o6 D

3 \0 f* \" s6 e- ^2005 Jeff Citations Hail Parade, Equus, This Happy Breed, Upper Room, Streetcar and More
4 ~, C/ o/ C* _" p: k7 b! n6 [6 Q" VQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站By Kenneth Jones同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志2 R* p7 `/ S6 D: P2 d# B8 b
14 Jun 2005
! T( d0 B: e. A: `2 b  Lqafone.cchttp://www.playbill.com/news/article/93523.html
% O# |& s# i; f3 ]9 ?qafone.cc
- q! m7 E3 p, y% XRandy Harrison and Victor Slezak Head Cast of Berkshire Fest Equus, July 12-23
: S/ b9 \( y. B同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志By Robert SimonsonQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站+ R4 X. C2 h$ X$ s( L7 h- v7 A
12 Jul 2005
+ j, j( R& D# \6 \2 t% lQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站http://www.playbill.com/news/article/93965.html2 e8 V0 J4 l" J9 u" E' x7 |  r

2 ]  p1 U7 s2 `6 g同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站6 T. H; S/ f) a' u9 o9 p
5 F6 e, L7 `( I; D$ f: h  k- Phttp://www.playbill.com/events/event_detail/6208.html9 @9 v: _/ E0 j
+ u3 D# w3 T- h
Hold Your Horses! Randy Harrison Cast in Berskhire Theater Festival's Equus
0 x' x/ U' W% \# T( o, N7 [By: Brian Scott Lipton同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志5 S7 V7 @" m/ u. O
Brian&Justin 我永恒的爱人


feiqiqi provides:
$ m  \+ m5 L, d& T, }& v3 `8 RQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
1 m' I9 g* A2 U4 j3 b, }[介绍] S5新人物 -  罗西欧唐纳(新餐厅服务员)
4 g# p0 f7 G& |8 F2 R) D3 ?5 UQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站" d. `: S" g, v$ e6 c
Rosie O'Donnell   罗西 欧唐纳
! o! r& Q$ W; E4 \0 y
* }1 |/ Q$ k/ R+ c9 I2 F同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志美国脱口秀节目主持人、喜剧演员、制作人qafone.cc6 R4 z7 A' u: z% c8 c! J, }- O: E3 ?
4 l+ k" a, R3 S9 F0 o0 v

2 h0 p* |* n, r) W3 X) e* T同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
% l" ^0 E; J9 IQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站提起脱口秀,许多人脑袋里想到的第一个名字,多半是“脱口秀女王”奥普拉温佛瑞。奥普拉确实是这个世界上最有名的脱口秀主持人,但是这并不表示他的其他同行们就因此而显得不值一提。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志% f5 m/ n9 _4 B, S8 ?
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志+ ~1 e% w8 O& C3 Q: U, H( M
事实上,要成为一个站得住脚跟的脱口秀主持人,你就必须得有独特的个性魅力和鲜明的主持定位,比如曾经主持《罗西 欧唐纳的节目》的主持人罗西欧唐纳——能用自己的名字作为节目的招牌,当然是个不简单的家伙。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志6 m+ i' V! b2 G$ U
/ Y$ v5 ~3 ~% I. N! b1 w1 T
. C4 X) Y' H: \- B: g" u7 x: [同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
) F0 Z1 u& w5 b# `( r, o- m6 g同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志他开始在一些电影里充当那个站在大明星身后并负责逗弄观众发笑的人,像是《西雅图夜未眠》等等。在电影圈里打拼了多年后,她才终于凭借自己的演出资历在百老汇名剧《火爆浪子》里谋得一个二号女主角的位置,终于圆了自己一个梦。
# H- g) {+ }7 a% S( Y9 Z; V/ }: M同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志qafone.cc& P# a" c0 l/ r% c
90年代初期,罗西终于找到了属于自己的舞台:脱口秀。qafone.cc! @) ]7 R! U" p, V% L$ T
: R3 v5 q  [" J/ D
4 o* k$ m- p' YQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站- x% r# a) Z8 R
! @1 Q8 N3 Y/ r5 S& Y- dQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站$ w' u% H" W' \2 L
1997年,当美国各大电视台因为播放百老汇的“托尼奖”发奖仪式收视率底而都不愿意实况转播时,罗西发起了“拯救百老汇”的行动;他毛遂自荐做起了那一年的“托尼奖”主持人,并花了一星期的时间在他自己的节目里宣传百老汇的剧目,使那一年“托尼奖”收视率达到了10年来最高点。为此,那一年她被美国《时代》杂志评为了“25位在美国最有影响力的人”之一。同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& K) @+ v0 ?  ?2 ?6 M/ l0 q
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志% S$ E. ?0 ~9 f' X
  n% [( Q! q3 ^0 ?2 \2 [/ x# ?qafone.cc
% m; ]1 ~; A5 |0 U* u0 A3 C她在一个聚会上拒绝和歌星麦克尔杰克逊说话,因为她相信麦克尔在受控“对男童性骚扰”的案子里不清白。" j% V5 U0 H6 U; f' h. r
同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志6 c' I. I) z& B
& f, \3 G% @1 e+ J同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志
9 U. |, \. }( n( I在性倾向这个问题上,罗西的表现同样十分符合他一贯以来的个性。
* a2 y4 b0 p2 |. z+ u同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志- D$ \8 q3 t# L' M5 d; U
她从未刻意隐瞒过自己的同性恋倾向,在ABC电视新闻节目中接受采访并回答关于同性恋生活感受时,她回答说:“最为一个同性恋者,在生活上要比异性恋艰难许多。作为母亲,如果我有能力为孩子们选择性取向,我宁愿自己的孩子长大都是异性恋,这样他们的生活会容易一些。但是,反过来说, 如果世上有一种药,吃了就能从同性恋变成异性恋,我也决不会去尝试。因为我就是我,同性恋是我无法否认的一部分。
8 K# H$ u5 z6 ?- Z" CQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
- H/ q( @: N8 ?) q) ~! v: \/ e4 g同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志---摘自《都市丽人》2004年12月% P4 Z6 w; s  d! w2 [+ `
Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站0 A  E5 h$ _8 j, R  c
呼~~完工~~~) }# t+ \/ h# f$ {- R8 U) w
( n6 M0 v- }8 b$ ^- e4 {# K2 sQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站我就是喜欢她的坦率。。。。。
* X9 n5 O( U6 P' z5 G6 `0 ~, W1 Kqafone.cc“因为我就是我,同性恋是我无法否认的一部分。”——说得好1 J7 x, Z; ]+ C. z! ]


Randy Harrison (Justin)、Peter Paige (Emmett)、Robert Gonzalez(Ben)
3 ?+ Y/ W- i8 I3 C& H! Aqafone.cc以及Jack Weatherall (Vic Grassi)
- {2 a3 q+ S1 O+ \, ~# c在现实生活中是gay
好好学习 天天向上


Drew扮演者Matt Battaglia主演的新片
: ^0 _; M0 e# ?& u8 r( _. t( k: fQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站& i- S: r( i1 |2 e# n3 H6 o
中文名称:战争之势3 H6 V  L5 g2 E' a
英文名称:Tides of War
# Z) p$ l4 j2 ?8 q9 o, Q, AQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站别名:USS Poseidon Phantom Below,海底魅影
" z! }' _- S4 h% l# L6 Y% q
7 _& J6 ^0 r- Z" [5 ~( b发行时间:2005年
5 J7 d, C! p4 Z8 N9 I# a7 x同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志Queer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站, T7 K( d, e  S/ H) I: ~
电影导演:Brian Trenchard-Smith
2 h2 {. S  L# g9 R, y( aQueer As Folk中文站 | 同志亦凡人中文站 | QAF中文站
: S* Q! f9 |2 M+ p$ C2 y4 x电影演员:主  演 Todd Babcock .... Agent Winters 7 V/ i  J" p: N' [
       Matt Battaglia .... Chief of the Boat Dizzy Malone + a, g8 W3 R+ c$ a
      Steve Boatright .... Weapons Officer
2 j/ X% N, I6 G0 L同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志      Gene DeFrancis .... Petty Officer Savage / T' j. n- Z: x
       Mark Deklin .... Captain Galasso 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志" N/ M/ g/ q6 I0 B6 r& N+ Q2 U4 q
       Catherine Dent .... Lieutenant Claire Trifoli qafone.cc, _. x1 s) x% n+ r- ?5 d" D( i' A6 @
      Mike Doyle .... Lieutenant Commander Tom Palatonio
& G( P" d* ?6 S, T* Y2 C8 ^qafone.cc      Eileen Grubba .... Rebecca Malone
6 O0 f" o+ \; V# x; |( J      Eitan Kramer .... Petty Officer Buckley 同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志& O( @' _( X4 z3 p
      Eric Lee .... Sonar Supervisor Battaglia qafone.cc+ @  N8 a+ z" {# @& x1 i
       Adrian Paul .... Cmdr Frank Habley
2 k3 G9 M; T6 r* L, w" J; ^同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志      Eyal Podell .... Petty Officer Murray qafone.cc, m8 |" F! I7 `8 d
      Mark Sanderson .... Lieutenant Roperto
7 W( S/ a/ T6 x* k) n+ c      Mathew St. Patrick .... Lieutenant Commander Steven Barker 1 J3 l4 t6 a6 f: z, h! x2 {: A
      Kent McCord .... Vice Admiral Sommerville ! y# x5 z, H8 K) }' P

/ t7 n7 t! C* ?, s' P9 |/ s地区:美国7 `1 ]+ Y( m1 C0 {1 u# t  a
  E/ x# }4 K0 |3 ?5 s同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# N5 p7 p+ G' g/ k0 Q8 G. D8 a, o
9 j% z, h7 @: p
简  介 
% \+ h+ b4 N3 ?& ~$ i7 H: ~: u0 ^6 y


Gale Harold的最新剧集(2006年8月)
  _3 t- O- k; E: W) \& G9 ?, Hqafone.cc[url=https://www.qafone.cc/viewthread ... page%3D1&page=1]https://www.qafone.cc/viewthread ... page%3D1&page=1[/url]4 h; }& B, S0 e% m0 w
) m! T0 U# O& ]' O
Peter Paige的最新电影 qafone.cc5 U+ s4 _$ d8 d' u1 k/ {
◆原  名:Say Uncle 6 }7 E1 j. M+ s' X7 e( J# ]2 O+ q) C
◆译  名:全职叔叔/服输qafone.cc& u$ F- {7 ^0 d0 N" c
◆导  演:Peter Paige ; I+ [% e+ O; U
◆演  员:梅勒尼·莱恩斯基 Melanie Lynskey .... Susan qafone.cc2 e* l6 G0 p+ q$ {) H. M4 x
      Kathy Najimy .... Maggie
7 a! a3 R: g1 x6 A9 D      罗伯特·布兰奇 Robert Blanche .... Phil qafone.cc: B0 k2 Y  `; `
      加布里艾尔·尤尼恩 Gabrielle Union .... E同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志7 H" D/ A! Y; `- ]7 `
◆类  型:喜剧/剧情
8 t4 m& U# H% w3 U# S同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志◆片  长:90分钟* h3 B; }7 K% F5 S1 F  s
◆上  映:2005年
$ _$ k1 z( T' G% u2 o) r  M- q4 Jqafone.cc◆国  家:美国
0 Q' [2 a( v! N9 A◆语  言:英语qafone.cc2 i$ |0 A$ F; j, K/ Y5 }
◆链  接:同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志; q8 S* ~. K2 S% ?
3 c8 M, e3 l+ S! Z3 Y* c◆评  分:6.2 (65 votes)# l; O. {" K/ l& Z0 ?1 O/ y) r/ E
◆简  介:同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志# Z* h! z& ~* V# }
8 [. h" y" X9 C. e! N同志,queer as folk,同志亦凡人,gay,同志电影,欧美同志8 V- D# q0 B  g: h5 s
[ 本帖最后由 繁华地狱 于 2006-10-9 20:08 编辑 ]


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