



很喜欢,昨天晚上看的。 真的是一部简单 细腻 曼妙的电影。


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真的超喜歡這套戲 CIAO 的這個用字, 一個字就可代表了整個故事的始與終; 一段關係的開始與分離; 兩段情感的懈詬與告別...




昨晚,CIAO导演和我邮件的时候问了我在中国有帮电影融资(捐赠,无偿的)的网站平台吗?就是集合大家的一点点,给电影融资。以下是导演 yen tan 给我的邮件。希望懂的人帮助我!
Yen Tan

>thank you hong. can you give me a feedback on this? i know that "ciao" has a
>substantial fan base in china, and US filmmakers have been doing a lot of
>crowd-sourcing in order to raise money for their films (you get many people
>to donate little money, so you end up with a big sum at the end). here are
>two popular websites for that purpose:
>maybe you can give me some insight, but i've been seriously thinking about
>raising financing for the new film the same way too, and i would like to
>send the word out to the chinese fans too. i just don't know if there's a
>stigma there for people to "donate" this way


看过了 很喜欢 心中有一丝淡淡的忧伤










本帖最后由 henry1019 于 2012-1-29 12:36 编辑

【Ciao】美国WCT时报对Alessandro Calza专访
美国WCT时报对Alessandro Calza专访【翻译】。
interview :: Alessandro Calza by Windy City Times
In the highly acclaimed gay-themed movie Ciao (which just recently came out on DVD after premiering in 2008), hunky Italian Alessandro Calza plays, well, hunky Italian Andrea, who comes to the United States to meet up with Jeff, the best friend of a man who Andrea had been dating online—and who is now dead. (Did you get all that?) Calza called Windy City Times from Italy and talked about the movie, his home country and a bit more—and said some surprising things.
在近日呼声甚高的同志电影《ciao》中(2008年刚出了DVD),健壮的意大利人Alessandro Calza扮演一个,呃,健壮的意大利人Andrea。他来到美国见Jeff——这个人是Andrea网上恋爱对象的挚友,但是他的网恋对象却已经死了。(你们听懂了嘛?)Claza在意大利给大风城时报打了电话,讲了讲关于电影的事情,他的城市,还有些其他的惊喜的事情。
WCT: (Windy City Times) I saw Ciao, and I discovered it’s a very quiet movie.

AC: (Alessandro Calza) You have to take the director, Yen Tan, into account. He’s been an U.S. citizen for about 12 years but he’s still Asian. He was born in Malaysia and speaks Chinese, and his background is in Asian cinema. And being indie, you can be pretty much true to what you want to do; you can have your kicks. If you see people like Ang Lee, they work with studios so even if they have their own style, they still need to conform to be commercial. But that’s why the movie is very quiet and the pace is pretty slow, which is probably unusual for an American gay movie.
AC(我们的壮帅:P):你必须考虑到我们的导演YenTan。他虽然已经在美国生活了12年但他仍旧是亚洲人。他出生于马来西亚,说中文,而且他学的也是亚洲影视。所以当要做独立电影的时候,基本上你想干吗就可以干吗,你可以有自己的偏好。你再看看像Ang Lee这些人,他们在工作室工作,所以就算他们有自己的风格,也必须为商业利益妥协。所以说,这部片子节奏非常缓慢——作为美国同志电影来说不太常见。
WCT: Plus I was thinking since you’re European—and there is supposedly a more laid-back approach regarding the body—that there would be nudity in the film, and there isn’t. The movie is very ... tender.

AC: Let’s put it this way: I think there are some similarities between Italian and Chinese culture because we’re traditional; we live very close to where we were born; we rarely move; we’re very connected to family; and community; we’re traditional in terms of food; and we’re reserved about sexuality. So I think that some of those ideas were channeled through the Italian character. If you look closely, Andrea (as a character) is not very Italian at all; maybe there is that “Guido” stereotype, but there is a tenderness. But I, as a persona, am completely different from Andrea; I’m totally energetic and very animated.
WCT: You also seem to be very comfortable with your body, judging by the photos you sent me and what’s on your Facebook profile.

AC: The thing about Europeans being comfortable with their bodies and being more “laid-back” about sexuality is true and not true. America is very complicated because there’s a very strong difference, depending on where they live; but in Europe, it’s a bit more homogeneous. In the U.S. you can have extremes, like a person who might be from a small town in Texas and a person who grew up in a lesbian family in San Francisco; here, we don’t have [those extremes].
Religion here is not taken so seriously; you’ll never find people with religious issues here whereas it’s a big deal in the United States.

But there is another aspect that’s interesting. America is a country of pioneers; everyone pretty much came from the outside and conquered the land. But there is a mindset that Americans had to go through a process of growth. So the average gay guy in the United States—even if he has a religious background—knows that there are certain things he may go through in the city: circuit parties, three-ways, then having a boyfriend, husband, blah, blah, blah.
但是另外一方面来说也很有意思。美国是个先锋者的国度,几乎所有人都来自外界然后征服了这片土地。但是有人觉得美国人还需要经历一个成长的过程。所以美国的一般的同志——哪怕他们信仰宗教——都知道他们必须经历一些特定的事情:gay吧聚会啦,3 P啦,然后一个男朋友啦,老公啦,巴拉巴拉巴拉……
You can find someone who’s 40 and married who discovers he’s gay and then breaks up with his wife; here, that’s very rare. Americans are more ready to challenge themselves. Here, people don’t move much and they don’t change jobs. The way that you are, you remain. Most guys in the U.S. go through a process.

Going back to your question about my pictures, I’m actually not comfortable with my body at all. That’s why I do a lot of photography; for me, it’s training. Up until I was 20, I was ashamed to take off my clothes. [Calza will be 40 this year.] Even now, I’m still pretty critical about my body. I wish I could see myself through the eyes of other people, because they usually give me compliments. But people usually see themselves through their own hang-ups; I’m not taking off my T-shirts in clubs or anything like that.
I’m reading this book suggested by a friend; it’s called The Velvet Rage: Overcoming the Pain of Growing Up Gay in a Straight Man’s World. It’s an amazing book; it’s see***ike it’s written for any gay man. It focuses on the problems that gay kids deal with in traditional families. One of the issues is being comfortable with your body; it’s [connected] with being accepted by your family.
WCT: What was it like growing up gay in Italy? Pardon me for assuming you are if you’re not.

AC: No, I’m completely gay; I don’t know anyone who’s gayer than me. [Laughs] Plus I have a lot of history, since I’m 39. My story comes from very, very far. I realized what I was attracted to even before I knew what sexuality was; I was 5 or 6, collecting pictures or being attracted to books because of their content. It was a painful process when people make you realize that you’re different—but it’s worse when you were never part of anything. I never lied and said I had a girlfriend—ever. That froze me out on some level.
It’s especially difficult in Italy, because [people] are always bringing up sexuality. They’re always bringing up girlfriends and there’s this pressure to feel more masculine and macho. It’s a very sick environment—but Iraq is worse.
在意大利生活特别难,因为人们总是在谈论xing。大家总是会讨论到女朋友,而且有种很强的压力要你变得更男xing化,更男人。这是种病态的环境,但是伊拉克还要更惨点。(哈哈,你真能安慰自己J 译注)
WCT: Yes, some places are worse.

AC: I always said that if I get bored with everything, I’m going to open a gay bar in Iraq; it’s the most extreme and brave thing you can do.

WCT: It’s either brave or crazy. Are you becoming a U.S. citizen?

AC: I don’t know. I currently work as a graphic designer, but what I want to do is live part of the year in the United States because I’m really freaking out here. The economy is a little bit better than in the United States but things are still pretty difficult. Right now I’m in the process of acquiring new clients in the States so I could get a place in New York and then go back and forth.


  • Markus


太多感情了  招架不住


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