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标题: Ahout christian love [打印本页]

作者: brianzhoujiajun    时间: 2009-3-24 17:27     标题: Ahout christian love

本帖最后由 brianzhoujiajun 于 2009-3-24 17:29 编辑

About Christian love
The reflection of Prayers of Bobby

I watched Prayers of Bobby for a long, trying to wrote something about it, but I failed to organize my through, because there were still too many unsolved problems dancing in my heart, like limited knowledge of Bible, unfamiliar with the Christian families, so it did take me a few weeks to research the background information.

However, today, I am not going to write this article base on my research, but according to my inside feeling.

When I am writing, there is a flow of memory of about that movie, just like review it again, the argument between Bobby and his mother, the fall of Bobby, the television's speech, nearly all the pictures are scared deep inside my mind.

It is hard to blow the memory, I still remember the face that Bobby told his mother he was homosexual, that twisted and angry face, honestly, at that moment, I just can pray for Bobby, and blame his why he want to come out when he was so young. And I was shamed to his mother, why you can understand your son and forgive or even tolerant his decision. As the Bible says, try to love the one you do not love. So I truly want to advise the parents whatever your children choose to live, homo or straight, try to understand their decisions.

Actually a long time age I read about a article about why everyone has a Brokeback Mountain inside. It said, because the understanding between men or women is more higher than the connection of different genders, furthermore, being gay is genetical, means the gay children is not taught be gay, but evolved. So when the time Bobby's mother said she can cure him, yet he needed to believe in the cure-all God, a sense of ridiculous rose in my mind. It is uncurable and hopeless, thus just accept the fact and move on.

Unfortunately, Bobby chose kill himself to release his anger, the time he jumped out of the bridge, my tears were dripping and cannot be stopped until the end of the movie. I kept asking why his family cannot accept and understand him and pressed him to die eventually. Now I understand that generation gap is hard to bridge, even if in nowadays. So if we do not want the same incident happen again, try to forgive and understand. As Bobby's mother's speech, when you want to get into the church, there is a little boy who is watching.

Admittedly Bobby used his death to weak the sleeping people, some people may think that is not fair to Bobby, bot at least he released himself. Nonetheless his death can be the warn to the world that more attention should be focused on the youth, not only education, but also mental teaching. To be honest, good academic intelligence do not represent healthy mind, so is time think about our next generation's mental health.

That is all I can express, may have some mistakes but hope you can understand, remember forgiven and understanding are the keys to the harmonious.
作者: ricky12348    时间: 2009-3-25 22:55

作者: brianzhoujiajun    时间: 2009-3-27 11:29

Yeah, just a personal view. I am afraid no one want to read it.
Thank you, hope you enjoy
作者: ricky12348    时间: 2009-3-27 12:12

Yeah, just a personal view. I am afraid no one want to read it.
Thank you, hope you enjoy
brianzhoujiajun 发表于 2009-3-27 11:29

作者: 小P    时间: 2009-3-28 09:30

谁说没人看 哀家就读完了~{:3_201:}

楼主开始说要谈feeling 但接下来的行文走的是research的路子 {:3_213:}
作者: brianzhoujiajun    时间: 2009-3-28 13:10

本帖最后由 brianzhoujiajun 于 2009-3-28 13:27 编辑

That because I cannot get rid of the shadow of the research, too many young guys like Bobby suffer the same situation, I do not think being homo is some kind of diseases. No one can cure it. So just be yourself.
Thanks for reading !
作者: 粉红土豆    时间: 2009-5-28 14:52

love is just love ,no matter race 、colour、gender

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