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标题: [Gale] Falling For Gale (Gale的电影作品FFG主要资料帖) [打印本页]

作者: cora    时间: 2008-1-23 11:03     标题: Falling For Gale (Gale的电影作品FFG主要资料帖)

East Broadway 是Gale 的一部电影,之前讨论区已经介绍过:

East Broadway的截图和 Trailer

Gale 在 TribecaFilmFestival 上的图片


East Broadway 的官方网站已经建立起来了:有点不稳定...不过网站做得很漂亮,13楼有TT的网站截图^_^)





从右到左:饰演Grace哥哥的Ken、Faye Ann Lee、Gale Harold>_< 、黄太还有someone==


Trailer在线看:East Broadway Trailer
(tips:Youtube在线看第一次loading时可能会有点卡,建议等它自己load 完第一次之后再看,第二次就会非常顺。)

如果你想多了解EB的制作队伍的话,可以看这个在线视频:Red Carpet of East Broadway in Tribeca Film Festival

这个视频是当晚 Red Carpet Entrance 的片段,主要是探讨 Asian Americans  in Acting and Filmmaking,从采访者到被采访者多数都是 Asian American,也就是没有Gale的镜头



sunburst提供的清晰版本下载:提取码 0130126084219922

song:Wonderful Crazy
Artist:Katelyn Tarver

welcome to a new day
dont know whats on the way
but whatever it is, i'll be ready

on your mark get set go
here's the show and the road
but with you its a load i can carry

and each breath im taken
every moment
gunna make it

its a wondeful, crazy
its a beautiful, out of control
kind of scary, amazing
but i dont really mind at all
like im falling, flying, laughing and crying
hangging on and letting go
cause my life's so wonderful, crazy

some days get intense
i break down my defence
but im here and im not giving up

gonna take in the sites
on the ride of my life
living just to survive's not enough

so much love to discover
i dont need any other

its a wondeful, crazy
its a beautiful, out of control
kind of scary, amazing
but i dont really mind at all
like im falling, flying, laughing and crying
hangging on and letting go
cause my life's so wonderful crazy
and im really but emracing
the feeling of the strange and the new
of the love found in you



转自LJ上一个QAF Fan的朋友的信:

Folks, a good friend of mine, Pat Roberts, has had a lot of contact over the last few months with Fay Lee, director/writer/star of Gale's movie `East Broadway' and they've been discussing distribution ideas.

Fay isn`t wanting to go to DVD at this time. She still wants to get the film into theaters for more exposure and one of the questions they`ve been asked on several occasions from film people is "Is there a fan base or interest out there for this movie?" Fay was not truly aware (Pat has since enlightened her!) that Gale has such a huge following.

Fay has asked Pat to get the word out to the fans to do the following so we can get the right people interested in getting this movie distributed in to the theaters. To do this we need to show that there is an interested audience.

Therefore, she is asking everyone she knows to email all of our Gale/QAF friends and ask them to do the following:

Go to then go to SPECIAL FEATURES and click on Contact. Put in your email address to get future updates then email to Say in your email that you would love to see this movie in theaters etc. etc and make sure you put in the email somewhere that you were either referred or emailed or contacted or talked to by or on behalf of Pat Roberts. The reason for putting Pat's name in the email is because Fay has 3 people that will be going through the emails and these people will be alerted to these emails first as true Gale Fans. Fay has Pat's name on her email to alert her when she sends an email to her. That way she gets the email and reads it and answers it quickly. She gets many emails everyday, that is why she has 3 people helping her go through them but Pat's name in the email will alert them to make sure she gets them first.

It would be good for this movie to get out into the theatres and not go straight to DVD, even though for those of us living outside the U.S. this would probably mean a delay to when we actually get to see it. But if it helps promote Gale, then that can only be good for him and all his fans in the long run.

Many thanks. Julia

East Broadway的导演/编剧/女主角 Fay Lee 现在正在考虑East Broadway的发行事宜。她想让EB在电影院上映,而不是直接发行DVD。当电影业人士问到这部戏是否会有观众群时,Fay Lee没有太大把握。她的朋友Pat Roberts 提醒她Gale可是有一大群铁杆Fans的(说的也包括咱们喇:loveliness: )。

所以我们Gale/Qaf Fans可以做的就是强烈表达我们支持Gale和EB发行的声音。如果EB真能够在电影院上映的话,我们能够看到EB的机会也大大增加。

1.登陆 ;
2.进入Special Features,然后点击Contact;
3.填入我们自己的Email 地址,这样可以获得未来更新的消息;
4.发送Email到,在Email中说自己非常想在电影院看到East Broadway上映之类的话。这里要注意的是:我们在Email 中要尽量提及Pat Roberts的名字(可以说EB可能上映的消息是Pat告诉我们之类...),因为Fay Lee 浏览邮件的时候会筛选带有关键字的邮件,其中带有Pat Roberts字眼的邮件会优先浏览及回复。



今年Tribeca 电影节上的照片::loveliness:


收到 East Broadway 制作组的一封信:(之前有在EB网站上留下联系地址的朋友应该都有收到)

Hello there!  I am Cheryl, an Associate Producer of East Broadway.

This is a quick announcement that East Broadway has a new myspace
site.  Please take a look and make your comments for ideas or
questions of any sort.  Please go to:
It is under the subheading "film".

We are very excited about our newly redesigned myspace and will be
putting up new trailers, deleted scenes...etc..
so, please keep
spreading the word.  We are getting closer and closer to getting a
thanks to all of your support.

A wonderful fan from the QAF/Gale network, Shellie, who is now a
wonderful friend of East Broadway's, has volunteered to maintain the
myspace site while the producers concentrate all of their efforts to
getting us a release. Pat Roberts, who brought us Shellie, will also
maintain a monthly newsletter for East Broadway.  We, at EB, are so
grateful to both of them for their unrelenting support.

So, Go to and BECOME OUR FRIEND and tell
as many people as you possibly can.
It will once again be very
important for us to grow that site since it is publicly viewed and
distributors will look at that as a guage.
  We just started our
efforts on myspace so we will absolutely need your help to grow the
friend's network.

Thank you all very very much for writing to us and showing your
interest in East Broadway.  We will have more exciting annoucements
and additions in the nearest future!  And as always, if you have any
questions for Fay or myself, you can write us directly at this e-mail

Ciao for now!

Cheryl S

在Myspace上注册一个帐户,就可以加East Broadway为朋友。要注册了才可以查看更多的东东。例如:



2月1日,EB会走入耶鲁大学。在耶鲁大学电影社(Yale Film Society)和伯克利学院的合作下,East Broadway将会在耶鲁大学试映一场。

The YALE FILM SOCIETY and BERKELEY COLLEGE present a Master's Tea and film screening with actress, director, and writer
FAY ANN LEEScreening and Q&A: 8:30pm Thursday February 1; Ezra Stiles Dining Hall

Master's Tea: 4pm Friday February 2; Berkeley College

East Broadway is Fay Ann Lee's feature directorial debut. The screenplay was a quarterfinalist at the 2003 Nicholl Fellowship, a semi-finalist at The Chesterfield Screenwriting Competition in Los Angeles, and top three at the 2002 Asian American International Film Festival Screenwriting Competition. Lee produced and directed the short version of East Broadway and based on that, was invited to direct in New York's RipFest Short Film Festival in 2003. Lee's acting credits include: Miss Saigon, Joy Luck Club, Into The Woods. Lee is a graduate of The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.


*Master's Tea 即邀请演艺界的艺人到耶鲁大学与学生们分享经历并回答问题。(据说Hal 之前也参加过这个)

事实上自Suddenly Last Summer完满结束之后,Gale暂时消失在fans的视线范围内。em21 不过在连续四个月每周8场的无间断演出之后,Gale也需要好好休息一下吧...不要再像之前那样感冒了而又要带病工作...em21 em20

3月8日更新两张大剧照(这个算不算妇女节礼物em08 ...):


[ 本帖最后由 cora 于 2008-1-28 18:02 编辑 ]
作者: cora    时间: 2008-1-28 18:01

在Falling For Grace的Myspace上面有一个采访片段,里面有Gale的新镜头还有Tribeca电影节上面一晃而过的镜头 em50

提供下载(谢谢小慕帮忙上传:loveliness: )
11.7M       FFG.flv     1181165322724573   

这个文件好像要用FLV Player才能看...比较烦em08  

无聊截图 em46



They say you're so handsome. (这个当然em22 )


截图效果不大好em02 大家还是自己去看吧~ em23

作者: cora    时间: 2008-1-28 18:06


长达一分钟Andrew的片段花痴而亡...:s03  (间或有女主角闪现==)

(永久下载)Andrew.flv  4294271662822457


Didn't you wanna be somebody when you're little?

Speed Racer!

(Cora笑得从椅上上摔下来...Oh, Andrew 你太cute了:s14 Speed Racer是这个:


(噢...Andrew:s14 )


历史上著名一舔...em04 Gale...不,Andrew你直接杀了我让我死得爽快点吧~~~

You should sing a song from Greece.

(如果让我唱我就早就唱求婚歌了:s26  Gale...No, Andrew, will you marry me?)

I'll pretend...


这段晚餐真浪漫啊:s14 ~~~背景音乐也好听...Gale的声音好好听:s18  想Gale啊~~~~~~~
作者: gogo    时间: 2008-12-28 19:08



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只想认真说一句 那女的是真的丑
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