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标题: Ron Cowen&Daniel Lipman在 S5ost中的寄语(翻译)推荐所有新人来看 [打印本页]

作者: isabelwalker    时间: 2006-11-23 22:09     标题: Ron Cowen&Daniel Lipman在 S5ost中的寄语(翻译)推荐所有新人来看

(这可是我从原版ost中一个字一个字的敲上来的,只因这文章写的太好~ 而且字里行间中解开了很多我对qaf的疑问,也了解到主创人员过人的气魄和勇气,才华和真挚。他们敢于对自己对社会负责人的态度,让qaf的理念散发着万丈光芒!)
ps :由于本人能力有限,难免会有疏漏不妥之处,还望大家海涵海涵:)

It was five years ago-at the turn of the new Century--when the "thumpa-thumpa" of QUEER AS FOLK began on Liberty Avenue in our fictional Pittsbrugh.(The "thumpa-thumpa"as you all know by this time,is the beat of the gay soul).The 2000 television season was charged with excitement and anticipation.Never had there been an American television series where all the leading characters were gay.And proud.And how.Not onlu didi they kiss. They fucked.(And the berlin Wall was torn down,too,by the way.It was a pretty heady time!)

The word "queer"which,up to that point,had been a curse, an expression of shame, became, instead, a declaration.what we and our Network discovered was that that word--"queer"--sold the show. "Queer as Folk" had arrived,opening portals for gay TV:bolder more sexual characters, gay reality shows,even plans for entirely gay networks!QAF was always intended to be a celebration of gay life. We decided early on never to judge the behavior of our characters.As in any community there's admirable behavior and questionable behavior.But all of it is human. Most importantly,QAF would be a ture reflection of the gay  community.And thanks to the advent of DVDs,it would be also be preserved as a document for future generations.

At the end of our forth season,the United States seemed to be taking a cue from its neighbor,Canada(our gracious host country to QAF) by making headway in advancing the cause of gay rights.As in the province of Ontario, the state of Massachusettes was on the verge of passing gay marriage into law.It seemed other states could surely follow suit.At the end of season,Michael and Ben married in a legal ceremony in Toronto. It all seemed as if this bright new Century was going to be a lot more tolerant that the last.

However,the plot took a twist.

In out fifth and final season,the presidential slection of 2004 proved to be a stunning blow to the gay struggle for recognition and equality.A new period of so-called"conservatism"envelopes us. The president, supported by many members of the House and Senate,wants to amend our Constitution,denying rights to citizens instead of preotecting them.Red States and Blue States (a 21st Century expression to describe the great political and moral divide on our country) are engaged in a new form of Civil War. Bills are proposed and laws are being passed to restrict gay people from the rights that their fellow citizens enjoy.And not just marriage.But adoption and insurance benefits,as well.As of this writing, there's a bill waiting to be passed in Michigan allowing doctors to deny giving health care to gay people without reprisal.

And so ,adhering to our mandate to portray gay life truthfull, QAF must reflect what is happening. Hopefully, in th future, others will add new chapters to the Gay Legacy reflecting brighter,more hopeful times. But whatever happens,there's never to be a doubt that the gay community will rise to the challenge as it always has.As Michael tells us in the final moments of the series:"The thumpa-thumpa continues. It always will. No matter what happens. No matter who's president.As our Lady of Disco, The Divine Miss Gloria Gaynor has always sung to us:"'We Will Survive.'" And so we will.
                                                                                                                         Ron Cowen & Daniel Lipman
那是5年前,当QUEER AS FOLK的“thumpa-thumpa”在我们虚构的pittsbrugh自由大道上响起的时候,新的千年开始了。(现在你知道“桑巴-桑巴”,是同性恋的灵魂节拍)2000年的电视季被认为是兴奋的和预料之中的。从没有任何一个美国电视剧集的所有主要角色都是gay,而且为此骄傲。不止是接吻,他们fucked(顺便说一下柏林墙也倒塌了。那是一个很有革命精神的时代!)

“同性恋“这个词,是一个诅咒,一个耻辱的象征,到了上面所说的时候它变成了一个宣告,我们和我们的公司发现这个词宣告——剧集大热。“queer as folk”来了,打开了同性恋电视的大门:更勇敢,更性感的角色,同性恋真人秀,甚至有人打算专门开一个同性恋的频道!qaf总是试图为同性恋生活喝彩。在最初我们就决定永远不会评判我们角色们的行为。在任何一中人群中都会有值得我们赞赏的行为和另人质疑的行为,但是这些所有都是人类所共有的。最重要的,qaf是同性恋群体的真实的写照和反思。同时感谢人类发明了dvd,qaf也会成为被妥善保管,成为可供后代应用的资料。




所以,为了坚持我们真实地描写同性恋生活的想法,qaf必须反映正在现实生活中发生的一切。我们希望,在未来,有人能为同性恋的维护法律权益添加新的篇章, 传达更响亮的声音,带来更有希望的未来。但是无论发生了什么,毫无疑问的,同性恋群体会面对长久以来的挑战,就想michel在最后一集中告诉我们的那样:“桑巴-桑巴的音乐在继续,它的节拍会永远跳动下去。不管发生了什么,不管谁是总统。就像我们的disco女神, Gloria Gaynor 一只对我们唱着的:我们会活下去。”
                                                                                                                         Ron Cowen & Daniel Lipman

[ 本帖最后由 isabelwalker 于 2007-1-23 18:24 编辑 ]
作者: 9yue十9    时间: 2006-11-23 22:23

先帮isabelwalker 同学捏捏肩,真辛苦!
作者: aprilsea    时间: 2006-11-24 02:37

我最喜欢的是S5 soundtrack里面他们对Ep.513 Proud得注释:The series comes full circle with the anthem from Episode 101 custom mixed for QAF. Babylon rises from the ashes and is re-born -- and our "boys" become "men".

Our "boys" become "men"!!!
作者: aprilsea    时间: 2006-11-24 02:44

原帖由 isabelwalker 于 2006-11-23 22:09 发表
As of this writing, there's a bill waiting to be passed in Michigan allowing doctors to deny giving health care to ga ypeople without reprisal.

这个法案通过了吗?我实在不能理解为什么他们会如此的痛恨同性恋,连死刑犯在美国都有被医治的权利,他们居然想要剥夺同性恋这种最基本的权利。 This is a mad world。em09 em02
作者: callas    时间: 2006-11-24 08:50

作者: isabelwalker    时间: 2006-11-24 10:01     标题: 回复 #4 aprilsea 的帖子


thank you all for  reading this ,wish you “Thumpa-Thumpa"!
作者: 夕冉0831    时间: 2006-11-24 11:43




作者: wanghuan    时间: 2006-11-28 13:58

作者: lesley0913    时间: 2006-12-1 19:01

作者: isabelwalker    时间: 2007-1-23 18:27

作者: yangxiaojuan    时间: 2007-1-26 16:46


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