我觉得演mikey的演员很尽力啊,Hal的眼睛很明亮,而且mikey很善良,为了恋人可以付出很多这点我很感动,我个人表示很喜欢。演TED的演员真的是实力派,可是有时候剧本就是这样安排的,安排TED的命运沉沉浮浮,遭遇那么多的挫折那么多的事,特别是吸毒伤害艾美特那一段我感觉我挺讨厌他的,但是这还是由于演员出色的表现所造成的啦~QAF中的每一个我都很喜欢,但BJ还是我的大爱.作者: nadal 时间: 2011-2-10 13:37
I think the actor as Ted had done a good job in QAF but I don't understand why Ted would became a drug addict. I think his character should be quite careful and mature (he already was an adult.....35 in the show?) though he also was little nervous.
Thur, I don't like it but he still acted it good.作者: shiheying1 时间: 2011-3-2 11:04