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标题: [其他] 剧终三年,HAL突然站出来说GR坏话? [打印本页]

作者: cici0731    时间: 2010-5-23 19:19     标题: 剧终三年,HAL突然站出来说GR坏话?

贴了一段HAL(M的扮演人)的采访...一直是在说GR的坏话啊 TOT
(采访者加粗一下皆同)Wow. So now that the 'Sex in the City' movie has paved the way for a $100 million opening, when can we expect the 'Queer as Folk' movie?
No way will there ever be a 'Queer as Folk' movie.

Really? Why not?

Because a couple of the cast members I know for sure wouldn’t do it and I’m certain that the executive producers Ron and Dan wouldn’t want to work with them either.

Bad blood?
Uh, yeah.

Gimme the dirt! What happened?
My feeling always was, an an actor - and especially as one of the straight actors on the show, that, to a degree, it was my job to do my lines the way they were written and mind my fucking business because our executive producers and many of our writers were gay and were creating these scripts and lines to tell their stories. What, I’m gonna come in and say, 'well I don’t think my character would do that'?. It’s like, seriously? Fuck off. Let's just say there was a little bit of, um, pushback with some of the other actors on the show.

The gay ones or the straight ones?
Um, one of each, actually. There ended up being a lot of negativity in kind of just trying to get loving storylines done and it was a tall order.

That sucks.
Yeah. I’m still in contact with many of the people from the show like Bobby Gant, who played my character’s boyfriend, and Harris, who played my son. Both of those guys put a lot of themselves into that show and worked really friggin’ hard and I have a really low tolerance, personally, for anybody who would interrupt that process of peple trying to do good work just because of ego and bullshit.

So those two people, and I’m sure the people out there in Queer as Folkland have some idea who I’m talking about, I wouldn’t work with them again in any capacity.

Can we kill them off?

It’d be a little hard although I’m for it. That’s a joke. Relax. But there is a chance and I always push Ron and Dan in this direction and I think it would be very healthy to do something like 'QAF: Miami' or 'QAF: Chicago' where they took a different group of people and brought the show back that way. You could have Ted or one of the other characters go there and lead us through the beginnings.

That would be great.
Well, thank you. I thought so myself.

反正大意就是说不可能有QAF的电影 因为HAL本人和导演监制都不想跟一对演员合作
HAL表示那两个人一弯一直 (显然是说我们的GR了...
为什么合作不愉快呢 原来HAL觉得作为演员就应该照着导演提供的剧本演而不是跟导演讨论"我觉得这不是我的角色干出来的事儿" 以及他觉得这两个演员只想演完亲热戏了事(为什么我觉得有点萌= =+)

"especially as one of the straight actors on the show, that, to a degree, it was my job to do my lines the way they were written and mind my fucking business"
HAL似乎觉得这是他作为直男演员的Obligation= =+
3.他所指出的原因让我觉得很荒谬 因为作为演员揣摩角色到一定程度一定会有自己的意见的. 相反的 我才觉得这是一个好演员必须要有的素质
4.下面的评论提及这篇报道是在GALE出车祸的时间点 这点我们需要指责post这个东西的人 因为这篇采访是在车祸6个星期之前录的
5.如果这篇采访是quote原文的话 HAL的用词非常的不尊重人
6.评论有人mention HAL曾经说过亲男人像亲狗. 具体属实不属实有待查证
7.还有就是大家都知道的rumour.这部戏本来应该有8季 因为演员间不合才没有继续
8.以及关于R当年觉得Justin的性格不会加入粉红军团而跟导演商讨的消息 也不知真假

下面的评论都很有意思 大部分都是恶心HAL的

个人看完这个报道 对HAL真得颇不爽啊.
作者: 段绣    时间: 2010-5-23 20:33

hal人还好 他只是很事实地说这对异性恋的演员来说没什么 倒是对同性恋的演员影响更大
我挺赞同的 在美国 对同性恋和女人并不是如你所想的那么宽容以及开放 如果你出柜了 那么就自然缩小了演戏的道路 甚至连同性恋电影都不一定会去找你 所以说他们到一定年岁了就自然是gay了
还有 他说合作很不爽的 我一直以为是演David的那个人
作者: cici0731    时间: 2010-5-24 01:49

可是他说是两个人 一直一弯 摊手
作者: flowerfield    时间: 2010-5-24 08:57

作者: propofol    时间: 2010-5-24 09:59

作者: 纸刺猬    时间: 2010-5-24 10:18

我对H本人没有任何意见 只是很反感一个大男人在公众场合说这么小家子气的话 很庆幸R G 没有出面澄清,不然我就太失望了:s44

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