3 special episodes of QAF的部分lines~

Episode 1 - The Pilot

DL - We knew the show couldn't be soft because the embodiment of the show is the Brian Kinney character. There's a very, and I choose this word deliberately, there's a very hard sexuality.

HS - Brian's sort of a machine in that area -- sexually.(Brian是性爱机器?呵呵)

GH - Brian is about self image, and self consciousness, and being self-conscious of every move -- to betray this almost manic obsession with how he's going to come across to people by acting like he doesn't give a fuck.(自我主义呀哈哈)

PP - Brian's very sexy because he is...he is 'himself'. He's this sort of self-involved, 'no apologies' kind of semi-screwed up, but incredibly self-possessed, guy.(Brian很性感!是的哈哈)

GH (about Justin) - I think, because of [Brian and Michael's] relationship, it's a sore spot. Everybody that Brian's with is kind of a threat to Michael.

GH (about the birth of Gus) - You don't know, in terms of what's going on for him -- *really* what's going on until he walks into that room and sees that baby.

TG - The idea of fatherhood is a very tender issue for the character of Brian and that's why I think it's so touching when you see Brian with Gus.

HS - As far as Michael's concerned, he's pissed at Brian for this whole thing happening. I mean, he loves the child, he thinks it's a really neat thing, but in his own kind of simple way he envies Lindsay because now they have this biological bond that's always going to be there. Michael won't ever have that even if they do end up making love.

RC - I think one of our favourite moments in the first episode is when Brian's standing on the ledge, reaches his hand down and pulls Mikey up and embraces him on the ledge.

HS - We shot that on a rooftop in Toronto, eight stories above the ground and eight stories below us they had an ambulance pulling away just as the camera craned over us. It wasn't blue-screen, it was a full-on stunt.

GH - Well, we were up there together, but there's a moment when I'm behind him and I think that...I'm glad I was the one driving, so to speak.

TG - Brian is that one individual that really stirs [Melanie] up.

DL - There's a playfulness between Gale and Thea -- RC - And they're scared. Can we give it back? Does this mean we have to grow up now? All those kind of charming questions that people actually do think.

DL - I think there's a certain sexuality that oozes out of Brian that fascinates everyone -- men, gay/straight, women, pets... RC - They all find him attractive. Pets...(laughs).

GH - I think that's one of the great things about the character. That character has been kind of created as an extreme version of a more general state of mind, and does have alot of fun so you get to go on the ride with him.

PP - Brian is 'out there'. Brian is balls-to-the-wall. Literally.

DL (on Brian and Justin's first sex scene) - They were both absolutely magnificent in what they did and it did set a precedent. And it not only set the tone of the scenes we do, but also the integrity of the sexual scenes, about going all the way, being truthful.

RH - I would be jogging in place and stuff before the sex scenes, trying to get myself hyperventilating.

GH - Both of us were commited to making that scene as believable as possible.

GH - To be honest and fair, there were a lot of people that never even took a shot at playing this part.

RH - I had met Gale, we had read together at the last call-back, and I had read with like, a few Brians, and I remember thinking, "I hope he gets it - I liked him best."

GH - Certainly, from my perspective, I feel very fortunate to be working with [Randy] because he's really easy to work with.

DL - Well, there's one thing this cast needs to show. Not their sexuality but their talent, and they all do that. It's how far an actor, gay or straight, is willing to go -- and these actors are so adventerous and bold. I admire them so much for being able to put themselves on the line like this.

TJ - Their courage and their ability to jump into something that's difficult this way is beyond heroic. I don't know how they've been able to do it, but they are good souls, and they are serious about their work.

GH - I don't think [Brian] ever had any intention falling into a relationship at all, especially not with [Justin].

RH - I would say that Brian does not have any air of responsibility to Justin just because the pretenses under which they met were very, you know, "If you want to do this you've got to act like an adult - I'm not going to cater to you."

GH - Don't you think [Brian] would drive something more...you know...sexy than a Jeep?


Episode 11 - The Birthday Party

GH - [Deb] sees him through her mothers' perspective, but she sees him more clearly than anyone else on the show. She's the person that knows what's up with Michael.

RC - Brian is fearless. I think he's a guy who knows how he wants to live. He's got a chip on his shoulder, he's got problems, he's got demands. But he is unapologetic, he is angry sometimes, he's very complex, but I think he's very real.

GH - That scene (the birthday party) was like a traffic jam, you know, because it's very much a rectangle full of bodies and not a lot of room for the camera and the lights to move around in.

GH - [Brian] sees the opportunity. It's his birthday. Here's a perfect time, here's a perfect place, and for someone who works in advertising, all the pieces are there and it just gets better and better. I can invite this guy, dressed as Captain Astro...it's, you know...it's a full show, this is a production, right? I can do this all the way. I can take him all the way up, to the point where, when I stick it in, you know, there's no way he's going to be able to [brush it off]...okay, that's just Brian. It's gonna be like, I'm out the door.

HS - If you look at the look on Michael's face, it's 'what are you doing?' Do what you want to me, but why are you hurting [Tracy]? This isn't her fault. This is my fault.

RC - What no one knows is [Brian] is doing it for Michael's own good. He's playing the heavy, he's being the bad guy, and he's taking the fall for his friend Michael.

HS - Brian didn't need to 'out' Michael to get his point across. I just think he didn't want to leave any ambiguity at all.

SG - [Deb] and Brian have a very unusual relationship. Some of my very favourite scenes that I do on this show are with Gale Harold. We have a very unusual relationship.

DL - Brian is obviously a very sexual character, but the first thing I think of Brian is that he's a very moral character. I know a lot of people would disagree with me, but the reason I call him moral is because, what's a moral person? A person who lives by their moral code - which Brian does. And like he says in an episode, one of the episodes, he says to Justin...I believe in fucking, not love. He lives by what he believes in.

DL (on what Brian did to Michael) - I think this is a very important significant moment in the course of the show. The audience has also realized what's underneath Brian. There's a nobility there. That he does the right thing, but in his own way.

DL - [Brian's] not one of those characters who is gonna say, "Look what I did, don't I deserve credit? Don't I deserve a pat on the back?" He would rather suffer, as you see him at the end of the episode as the camera pulls away from him.

GH - Brian's a big asshole. Brian is a ... he's a pretty good guy.


Episode 18 - The Baths

GH (on Babylon) - A lot of the people we use, you know, are patrons of that club. It's loud, it's hot, there's a lot of lights, lots of people, it goes on and on.

SG (about Justin) - Brian has met his match.

RH - The fact that he's so...he went after Brian so pridelessly. He's not ashamed, so that enables him to be an honest communicator which is so good for Brian. Every time Brian tries to do his little gaming bullshit, he kinda gets slapped in the face by Justin's blatant sincerity.

GH (on the Baths) - This isn't a disco, this is...this is pure sex, right? And that's why this place exists.

GH (seeing David) - It was a cool moment to play, because it was the first real moment when Brian was sort of like thrown off his game.

GH (on the show in general, I think) - I knew that the concept was great, I knew that the script was good. I knew everything about it was exciting and i didn't want to get involved in something that was going to be like, go half the way there, or go 85% and then...oh, we just can't do this.

RC - The scenes where Brian confronts Dr. David are really important scenes because Dr. David knows that Brian knows what he did, because he was there. He witnessed it. Is Brian going to tell Michael what he saw and destroy their relationship, or is he going to keep it to himself? His one demand, his one moral demand, is don't hurt my friend, don't hurt Michael. If he does that, then I think Brian would tell.

RH - It's ironic, when you look at the way Brian handles Justin and Brian handles Michael. He handles Michael with kid gloves and he handles Justin like a man.

DL (J&B at the bar) - This is another important scene where we see Brian's morality in play. He is saying to Justin, don't do what your father wants, don't go to Dartmouth to be a Business major - I mean, you're an artist. Be true to yourself, be true to your nature.

GH (about Dr. David in the Baths) - It's just sex, right? It's just having your needs met or whatever, but obviously Michael's not - that's not him. That's not the way he's put together psychologically.

GH (about Justin) - He's one of the most grounded characters on the show because he knows what he wants and he's gonna do it, and I think he's in that moment in time where he's making decisions and he's standing up for what he wants.

GH - If you were to take ten people, and find however many people in that group of 10 people have a highly active sex life and then you were to make a show about them and show their whole life, it wouldn't be that much different from this show.

And during the end credits of episode 11:

GH (about Ted) - Ted is doomed (laughs). No, Ted is a.......Ted is, um.......

Cheat sheet:

GH - Gale Harold; RH - Randy Harrison; HS - Hal Sparks; TG - Thea Gill; SG - Sharon Gless; PP - Peter Paige; DL - Dan Lipman; RC - Ron Cowen; TJ - Tony Jonas


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